| // |
| // Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| // |
| |
| #include "update_engine/payload_consumer/filesystem_verifier_action.h" |
| |
| #include <algorithm> |
| #include <cstring> |
| #include <memory> |
| #include <string> |
| #include <utility> |
| |
| #include <base/bind.h> |
| #include <base/posix/eintr_wrapper.h> |
| #include <brillo/message_loops/fake_message_loop.h> |
| #include <brillo/message_loops/message_loop_utils.h> |
| #include <brillo/secure_blob.h> |
| #include <fec/ecc.h> |
| #include <gtest/gtest.h> |
| #include <libsnapshot/snapshot_writer.h> |
| #include <sys/stat.h> |
| |
| #include "gmock/gmock-spec-builders.h" |
| #include "update_engine/common/dynamic_partition_control_stub.h" |
| #include "update_engine/common/hash_calculator.h" |
| #include "update_engine/common/mock_dynamic_partition_control.h" |
| #include "update_engine/common/test_utils.h" |
| #include "update_engine/common/utils.h" |
| #include "update_engine/payload_consumer/install_plan.h" |
| #include "update_engine/payload_consumer/verity_writer_android.h" |
| |
| using brillo::MessageLoop; |
| using std::string; |
| using testing::_; |
| using testing::AtLeast; |
| using testing::DoAll; |
| using testing::NiceMock; |
| using testing::Return; |
| using testing::SetArgPointee; |
| |
| namespace chromeos_update_engine { |
| |
| class FilesystemVerifierActionTest : public ::testing::Test { |
| public: |
| static constexpr size_t BLOCK_SIZE = 4096; |
| // We use SHA256 for testing, so hash size is 256bits / 8 |
| static constexpr size_t HASH_SIZE = 256 / 8; |
| static constexpr size_t PARTITION_SIZE = BLOCK_SIZE * 1024; |
| static constexpr size_t HASH_TREE_START_OFFSET = 800 * BLOCK_SIZE; |
| size_t hash_tree_size = 0; |
| size_t fec_start_offset = 0; |
| size_t fec_data_size = 0; |
| static constexpr size_t FEC_ROOTS = 2; |
| size_t fec_rounds = 0; |
| size_t fec_size = 0; |
| |
| protected: |
| void SetUp() override { |
| hash_tree_size = HashTreeBuilder::CalculateSize( |
| fec_start_offset = HASH_TREE_START_OFFSET + hash_tree_size; |
| fec_data_size = fec_start_offset; |
| static constexpr size_t FEC_ROOTS = 2; |
| fec_rounds = |
| utils::DivRoundUp(fec_data_size / BLOCK_SIZE, FEC_RSM - FEC_ROOTS); |
| fec_size = fec_rounds * FEC_ROOTS * BLOCK_SIZE; |
| |
| fec_data_.resize(fec_size); |
| hash_tree_data_.resize(hash_tree_size); |
| // Globally readable writable, as we want to write data |
| ASSERT_EQ(0, fchmod(source_part_.fd(), 0666)) |
| << " Failed to set " << source_part_.path() << " as writable " |
| << strerror(errno); |
| ASSERT_EQ(0, fchmod(target_part_.fd(), 0666)) |
| << " Failed to set " << target_part_.path() << " as writable " |
| << strerror(errno); |
| brillo::Blob part_data(PARTITION_SIZE); |
| test_utils::FillWithData(&part_data); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(utils::WriteFile( |
| source_part_.path().c_str(), part_data.data(), part_data.size())); |
| // FillWithData() will fill with different data next call. We want |
| // source/target partitions to contain different data for testing. |
| test_utils::FillWithData(&part_data); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(utils::WriteFile( |
| target_part_.path().c_str(), part_data.data(), part_data.size())); |
| loop_.SetAsCurrent(); |
| } |
| |
| void TearDown() override { |
| EXPECT_EQ(0, brillo::MessageLoopRunMaxIterations(&loop_, 1)); |
| } |
| |
| void DoTestVABC(bool clear_target_hash, bool enable_verity); |
| |
| // Returns true iff test has completed successfully. |
| bool DoTest(bool terminate_early, bool hash_fail); |
| |
| void BuildActions(const InstallPlan& install_plan); |
| void BuildActions(const InstallPlan& install_plan, |
| DynamicPartitionControlInterface* dynamic_control); |
| |
| InstallPlan::Partition* AddFakePartition(InstallPlan* install_plan, |
| std::string name = "fake_part") { |
| InstallPlan::Partition& part = install_plan->partitions.emplace_back(); |
| part.name = name; |
| part.target_path = target_part_.path(); |
| part.readonly_target_path = part.target_path; |
| part.target_size = PARTITION_SIZE; |
| part.block_size = BLOCK_SIZE; |
| part.source_path = source_part_.path(); |
| part.source_size = PARTITION_SIZE; |
| HashCalculator::RawHashOfFile(source_part_.path(), &part.source_hash)); |
| HashCalculator::RawHashOfFile(target_part_.path(), &part.target_hash)); |
| return ∂ |
| } |
| static void ZeroRange(FileDescriptorPtr fd, |
| size_t start_block, |
| size_t num_blocks) { |
| std::vector<unsigned char> buffer(BLOCK_SIZE); |
| ASSERT_EQ((ssize_t)(start_block * BLOCK_SIZE), |
| fd->Seek(start_block * BLOCK_SIZE, SEEK_SET)); |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++) { |
| ASSERT_TRUE(utils::WriteAll(fd, buffer.data(), buffer.size())); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void SetHashWithVerity(InstallPlan::Partition* partition) { |
| partition->hash_tree_algorithm = "sha256"; |
| partition->hash_tree_size = hash_tree_size; |
| partition->hash_tree_offset = HASH_TREE_START_OFFSET; |
| partition->hash_tree_data_offset = 0; |
| partition->hash_tree_data_size = HASH_TREE_START_OFFSET; |
| partition->fec_size = fec_size; |
| partition->fec_offset = fec_start_offset; |
| partition->fec_data_offset = 0; |
| partition->fec_data_size = fec_data_size; |
| partition->fec_roots = FEC_ROOTS; |
| VerityWriterAndroid verity_writer; |
| ASSERT_TRUE(verity_writer.Init(*partition)); |
| LOG(INFO) << "Opening " << partition->readonly_target_path; |
| auto fd = std::make_shared<EintrSafeFileDescriptor>(); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(fd->Open(partition->readonly_target_path.c_str(), O_RDWR)) |
| << "Failed to open " << partition->target_path.c_str() << " " |
| << strerror(errno); |
| std::vector<unsigned char> buffer(BLOCK_SIZE); |
| // Only need to read up to hash tree |
| auto bytes_to_read = HASH_TREE_START_OFFSET; |
| auto offset = 0; |
| while (bytes_to_read > 0) { |
| const auto bytes_read = fd->Read( |
| buffer.data(), std::min<size_t>(buffer.size(), bytes_to_read)); |
| ASSERT_GT(bytes_read, 0) |
| << "offset: " << offset << " bytes to read: " << bytes_to_read |
| << " error: " << strerror(errno); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(verity_writer.Update(offset, buffer.data(), bytes_read)); |
| bytes_to_read -= bytes_read; |
| offset += bytes_read; |
| } |
| ASSERT_TRUE(verity_writer.Finalize(fd.get(), fd.get())); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(fd->IsOpen()); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(HashCalculator::RawHashOfFile(target_part_.path(), |
| &partition->target_hash)); |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(fd->Read(hash_tree_data_.data(), hash_tree_data_.size()), |
| static_cast<ssize_t>(hash_tree_data_.size())) |
| << "Failed to read hashtree " << strerror(errno); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(fd->Seek(fec_start_offset, SEEK_SET)); |
| ASSERT_EQ(fd->Read(fec_data_.data(), fec_data_.size()), |
| static_cast<ssize_t>(fec_data_.size())) |
| << "Failed to read FEC " << strerror(errno); |
| // Fs verification action is expected to write them, so clear verity data to |
| // ensure that they are re-created correctly. |
| ZeroRange( |
| fd, HASH_TREE_START_OFFSET / BLOCK_SIZE, hash_tree_size / BLOCK_SIZE); |
| ZeroRange(fd, fec_start_offset / BLOCK_SIZE, fec_size / BLOCK_SIZE); |
| } |
| |
| brillo::FakeMessageLoop loop_{nullptr}; |
| ActionProcessor processor_; |
| DynamicPartitionControlStub dynamic_control_stub_; |
| std::vector<unsigned char> fec_data_; |
| std::vector<unsigned char> hash_tree_data_; |
| static ScopedTempFile source_part_; |
| static ScopedTempFile target_part_; |
| InstallPlan install_plan_; |
| }; |
| |
| ScopedTempFile FilesystemVerifierActionTest::source_part_{ |
| "source_part.XXXXXX", true, PARTITION_SIZE}; |
| ScopedTempFile FilesystemVerifierActionTest::target_part_{ |
| "target_part.XXXXXX", true, PARTITION_SIZE}; |
| |
| static void EnableVABC(MockDynamicPartitionControl* dynamic_control, |
| const std::string& part_name) { |
| ON_CALL(*dynamic_control, GetDynamicPartitionsFeatureFlag()) |
| .WillByDefault(Return(FeatureFlag(FeatureFlag::Value::LAUNCH))); |
| ON_CALL(*dynamic_control, UpdateUsesSnapshotCompression()) |
| .WillByDefault(Return(true)); |
| ON_CALL(*dynamic_control, IsDynamicPartition(part_name, _)) |
| .WillByDefault(Return(true)); |
| } |
| |
| class FilesystemVerifierActionTestDelegate : public ActionProcessorDelegate { |
| public: |
| FilesystemVerifierActionTestDelegate() |
| : ran_(false), code_(ErrorCode::kError) {} |
| |
| void ProcessingDone(const ActionProcessor* processor, ErrorCode code) { |
| MessageLoop::current()->BreakLoop(); |
| } |
| void ProcessingStopped(const ActionProcessor* processor) { |
| MessageLoop::current()->BreakLoop(); |
| } |
| void ActionCompleted(ActionProcessor* processor, |
| AbstractAction* action, |
| ErrorCode code) { |
| if (action->Type() == FilesystemVerifierAction::StaticType()) { |
| ran_ = true; |
| code_ = code; |
| static_cast<FilesystemVerifierAction*>(action)->partition_fd_); |
| } else if (action->Type() == |
| ObjectCollectorAction<InstallPlan>::StaticType()) { |
| auto collector_action = |
| static_cast<ObjectCollectorAction<InstallPlan>*>(action); |
| install_plan_.reset(new InstallPlan(collector_action->object())); |
| } |
| } |
| bool ran() const { return ran_; } |
| ErrorCode code() const { return code_; } |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<InstallPlan> install_plan_; |
| |
| private: |
| bool ran_; |
| ErrorCode code_; |
| }; |
| |
| bool FilesystemVerifierActionTest::DoTest(bool terminate_early, |
| bool hash_fail) { |
| ScopedTempFile a_loop_file("a_loop_file.XXXXXX"); |
| |
| // Make random data for a. |
| const size_t kLoopFileSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024 + 512; |
| brillo::Blob a_loop_data(kLoopFileSize); |
| test_utils::FillWithData(&a_loop_data); |
| |
| // Write data to disk |
| if (!(test_utils::WriteFileVector(a_loop_file.path(), a_loop_data))) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| // Attach loop devices to the files |
| string a_dev; |
| test_utils::ScopedLoopbackDeviceBinder a_dev_releaser( |
| a_loop_file.path(), false, &a_dev); |
| if (!(a_dev_releaser.is_bound())) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| LOG(INFO) << "verifying: " << a_loop_file.path() << " (" << a_dev << ")"; |
| |
| bool success = true; |
| |
| // Set up the action objects |
| install_plan_.source_slot = 0; |
| install_plan_.target_slot = 1; |
| InstallPlan::Partition part; |
| part.name = "part"; |
| part.target_size = kLoopFileSize - (hash_fail ? 1 : 0); |
| part.target_path = a_dev; |
| if (!HashCalculator::RawHashOfData(a_loop_data, &part.target_hash)) { |
| success = false; |
| } |
| part.source_size = kLoopFileSize; |
| part.source_path = a_dev; |
| if (!HashCalculator::RawHashOfData(a_loop_data, &part.source_hash)) { |
| success = false; |
| } |
| install_plan_.partitions = {part}; |
| |
| BuildActions(install_plan_); |
| |
| FilesystemVerifierActionTestDelegate delegate; |
| processor_.set_delegate(&delegate); |
| |
| loop_.PostTask(base::Bind(&ActionProcessor::StartProcessing, |
| base::Unretained(&processor_))); |
| if (terminate_early) { |
| loop_.PostTask(base::Bind(&ActionProcessor::StopProcessing, |
| base::Unretained(&processor_))); |
| } |
| loop_.Run(); |
| |
| if (!terminate_early) { |
| bool is_delegate_ran = delegate.ran(); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(is_delegate_ran); |
| success = success && is_delegate_ran; |
| } else { |
| EXPECT_EQ(ErrorCode::kError, delegate.code()); |
| return (ErrorCode::kError == delegate.code()); |
| } |
| if (hash_fail) { |
| ErrorCode expected_exit_code = ErrorCode::kNewRootfsVerificationError; |
| EXPECT_EQ(expected_exit_code, delegate.code()); |
| return (expected_exit_code == delegate.code()); |
| } |
| EXPECT_EQ(ErrorCode::kSuccess, delegate.code()); |
| |
| // Make sure everything in the out_image is there |
| brillo::Blob a_out; |
| if (!utils::ReadFile(a_dev, &a_out)) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| const bool is_a_file_reading_eq = |
| test_utils::ExpectVectorsEq(a_loop_data, a_out); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(is_a_file_reading_eq); |
| success = success && is_a_file_reading_eq; |
| |
| bool is_install_plan_eq = (*delegate.install_plan_ == install_plan_); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(is_install_plan_eq); |
| success = success && is_install_plan_eq; |
| return success; |
| } |
| |
| void FilesystemVerifierActionTest::BuildActions( |
| const InstallPlan& install_plan, |
| DynamicPartitionControlInterface* dynamic_control) { |
| auto feeder_action = std::make_unique<ObjectFeederAction<InstallPlan>>(); |
| auto verifier_action = |
| std::make_unique<FilesystemVerifierAction>(dynamic_control); |
| auto collector_action = |
| std::make_unique<ObjectCollectorAction<InstallPlan>>(); |
| |
| feeder_action->set_obj(install_plan); |
| |
| BondActions(feeder_action.get(), verifier_action.get()); |
| BondActions(verifier_action.get(), collector_action.get()); |
| |
| processor_.EnqueueAction(std::move(feeder_action)); |
| processor_.EnqueueAction(std::move(verifier_action)); |
| processor_.EnqueueAction(std::move(collector_action)); |
| } |
| |
| void FilesystemVerifierActionTest::BuildActions( |
| const InstallPlan& install_plan) { |
| BuildActions(install_plan, &dynamic_control_stub_); |
| } |
| |
| class FilesystemVerifierActionTest2Delegate : public ActionProcessorDelegate { |
| public: |
| void ActionCompleted(ActionProcessor* processor, |
| AbstractAction* action, |
| ErrorCode code) { |
| if (action->Type() == FilesystemVerifierAction::StaticType()) { |
| ran_ = true; |
| code_ = code; |
| } |
| } |
| bool ran_; |
| ErrorCode code_; |
| }; |
| |
| TEST_F(FilesystemVerifierActionTest, MissingInputObjectTest) { |
| auto copier_action = |
| std::make_unique<FilesystemVerifierAction>(&dynamic_control_stub_); |
| auto collector_action = |
| std::make_unique<ObjectCollectorAction<InstallPlan>>(); |
| |
| BondActions(copier_action.get(), collector_action.get()); |
| |
| processor_.EnqueueAction(std::move(copier_action)); |
| processor_.EnqueueAction(std::move(collector_action)); |
| |
| FilesystemVerifierActionTest2Delegate delegate; |
| processor_.set_delegate(&delegate); |
| |
| processor_.StartProcessing(); |
| ASSERT_FALSE(processor_.IsRunning()); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(delegate.ran_); |
| EXPECT_EQ(ErrorCode::kError, delegate.code_); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(FilesystemVerifierActionTest, NonExistentDriveTest) { |
| InstallPlan::Partition part; |
| part.name = "nope"; |
| part.source_path = "/no/such/file"; |
| part.target_path = "/no/such/file"; |
| install_plan_.partitions = {part}; |
| |
| BuildActions(install_plan_); |
| |
| FilesystemVerifierActionTest2Delegate delegate; |
| processor_.set_delegate(&delegate); |
| |
| processor_.StartProcessing(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(processor_.IsRunning()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(delegate.ran_); |
| EXPECT_EQ(ErrorCode::kFilesystemVerifierError, delegate.code_); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(FilesystemVerifierActionTest, RunAsRootVerifyHashTest) { |
| ASSERT_EQ(0U, getuid()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(DoTest(false, false)); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(FilesystemVerifierActionTest, RunAsRootVerifyHashFailTest) { |
| ASSERT_EQ(0U, getuid()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(DoTest(false, true)); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(FilesystemVerifierActionTest, RunAsRootTerminateEarlyTest) { |
| ASSERT_EQ(0U, getuid()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(DoTest(true, false)); |
| // TerminateEarlyTest may leak some null callbacks from the Stream class. |
| while (loop_.RunOnce(false)) { |
| } |
| } |
| |
| #ifdef __ANDROID__ |
| TEST_F(FilesystemVerifierActionTest, RunAsRootWriteVerityTest) { |
| ScopedTempFile part_file("part_file.XXXXXX"); |
| constexpr size_t filesystem_size = 200 * 4096; |
| constexpr size_t part_size = 256 * 4096; |
| brillo::Blob part_data(filesystem_size, 0x1); |
| part_data.resize(part_size); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(test_utils::WriteFileVector(part_file.path(), part_data)); |
| string target_path; |
| test_utils::ScopedLoopbackDeviceBinder target_device( |
| part_file.path(), true, &target_path); |
| |
| InstallPlan::Partition part; |
| part.name = "part"; |
| part.target_path = target_path; |
| part.target_size = part_size; |
| part.block_size = 4096; |
| part.hash_tree_algorithm = "sha1"; |
| part.hash_tree_data_offset = 0; |
| part.hash_tree_data_size = filesystem_size; |
| part.hash_tree_offset = filesystem_size; |
| part.hash_tree_size = 3 * 4096; |
| part.fec_data_offset = 0; |
| part.fec_data_size = filesystem_size + part.hash_tree_size; |
| part.fec_offset = part.fec_data_size; |
| part.fec_size = 2 * 4096; |
| part.fec_roots = 2; |
| // for i in {1..$((200 * 4096))}; do echo -n -e '\x1' >> part; done |
| // avbtool add_hashtree_footer --image part --partition_size $((256 * 4096)) |
| // --partition_name part --do_not_append_vbmeta_image |
| // --output_vbmeta_image vbmeta |
| // truncate -s $((256 * 4096)) part |
| // sha256sum part | xxd -r -p | hexdump -v -e '/1 "0x%02x, "' |
| part.target_hash = {0x28, 0xd4, 0x96, 0x75, 0x4c, 0xf5, 0x8a, 0x3e, |
| 0x31, 0x85, 0x08, 0x92, 0x85, 0x62, 0xf0, 0x37, |
| 0xbc, 0x8d, 0x7e, 0xa4, 0xcb, 0x24, 0x18, 0x7b, |
| 0xf3, 0xeb, 0xb5, 0x8d, 0x6f, 0xc8, 0xd8, 0x1a}; |
| // avbtool info_image --image vbmeta | grep Salt | cut -d':' -f 2 | |
| // xxd -r -p | hexdump -v -e '/1 "0x%02x, "' |
| part.hash_tree_salt = {0x9e, 0xcb, 0xf8, 0xd5, 0x0b, 0xb4, 0x43, |
| 0x0a, 0x7a, 0x10, 0xad, 0x96, 0xd7, 0x15, |
| 0x70, 0xba, 0xed, 0x27, 0xe2, 0xae}; |
| install_plan_.partitions = {part}; |
| |
| BuildActions(install_plan_); |
| |
| FilesystemVerifierActionTestDelegate delegate; |
| processor_.set_delegate(&delegate); |
| |
| loop_.PostTask( |
| base::Bind( |
| [](ActionProcessor* processor) { processor->StartProcessing(); }, |
| base::Unretained(&processor_))); |
| loop_.Run(); |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(processor_.IsRunning()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(delegate.ran()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(ErrorCode::kSuccess, delegate.code()); |
| } |
| #endif // __ANDROID__ |
| |
| TEST_F(FilesystemVerifierActionTest, RunAsRootSkipWriteVerityTest) { |
| ScopedTempFile part_file("part_file.XXXXXX"); |
| constexpr size_t filesystem_size = 200 * 4096; |
| constexpr size_t part_size = 256 * 4096; |
| brillo::Blob part_data(part_size); |
| test_utils::FillWithData(&part_data); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(test_utils::WriteFileVector(part_file.path(), part_data)); |
| string target_path; |
| test_utils::ScopedLoopbackDeviceBinder target_device( |
| part_file.path(), true, &target_path); |
| |
| install_plan_.write_verity = false; |
| InstallPlan::Partition part; |
| part.name = "part"; |
| part.target_path = target_path; |
| part.target_size = part_size; |
| part.block_size = 4096; |
| part.hash_tree_data_offset = 0; |
| part.hash_tree_data_size = filesystem_size; |
| part.hash_tree_offset = filesystem_size; |
| part.hash_tree_size = 3 * 4096; |
| part.fec_data_offset = 0; |
| part.fec_data_size = filesystem_size + part.hash_tree_size; |
| part.fec_offset = part.fec_data_size; |
| part.fec_size = 2 * 4096; |
| EXPECT_TRUE(HashCalculator::RawHashOfData(part_data, &part.target_hash)); |
| install_plan_.partitions = {part}; |
| |
| BuildActions(install_plan_); |
| |
| FilesystemVerifierActionTestDelegate delegate; |
| processor_.set_delegate(&delegate); |
| |
| loop_.PostTask( |
| base::Bind( |
| [](ActionProcessor* processor) { processor->StartProcessing(); }, |
| base::Unretained(&processor_))); |
| loop_.Run(); |
| |
| ASSERT_FALSE(processor_.IsRunning()); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(delegate.ran()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(ErrorCode::kSuccess, delegate.code()); |
| } |
| |
| void FilesystemVerifierActionTest::DoTestVABC(bool clear_target_hash, |
| bool enable_verity) { |
| auto part_ptr = AddFakePartition(&install_plan_); |
| if (::testing::Test::HasFailure()) { |
| return; |
| } |
| ASSERT_NE(part_ptr, nullptr); |
| InstallPlan::Partition& part = *part_ptr; |
| part.target_path = "Shouldn't attempt to open this path"; |
| if (enable_verity) { |
| install_plan_.write_verity = true; |
| ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(SetHashWithVerity(&part)); |
| } |
| NiceMock<MockDynamicPartitionControl> dynamic_control; |
| if (clear_target_hash) { |
| part.target_hash.clear(); |
| } else { |
| EXPECT_CALL(dynamic_control, FinishUpdate(0)).WillOnce(Return(true)); |
| } |
| |
| EnableVABC(&dynamic_control, part.name); |
| auto open_cow = [part]() { |
| auto cow_fd = std::make_unique<EintrSafeFileDescriptor>(); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(cow_fd->Open(part.readonly_target_path.c_str(), O_RDWR)) |
| << "Failed to open part " << part.readonly_target_path |
| << strerror(errno); |
| return cow_fd; |
| }; |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(dynamic_control, UpdateUsesSnapshotCompression()) |
| .Times(AtLeast(1)); |
| auto cow_fd = open_cow(); |
| if (HasFailure()) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (enable_verity) { |
| ON_CALL(dynamic_control, OpenCowFd(part.name, {part.source_path}, _)) |
| .WillByDefault(open_cow); |
| EXPECT_CALL(dynamic_control, OpenCowFd(part.name, {part.source_path}, _)) |
| .Times(AtLeast(1)); |
| |
| // fs verification isn't supposed to write to |readonly_target_path|. All |
| // writes should go through fd returned by |OpenCowFd|. Therefore we set |
| // target part as read-only to make sure. |
| ASSERT_EQ(0, chmod(part.readonly_target_path.c_str(), 0444)) |
| << " Failed to set " << part.readonly_target_path << " as read-only " |
| << strerror(errno); |
| } else { |
| // Since we are not writing verity, we should not attempt to OpenCowFd() |
| // reads should go through regular file descriptors on mapped partitions. |
| EXPECT_CALL(dynamic_control, OpenCowFd(part.name, {part.source_path}, _)) |
| .Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(dynamic_control, MapAllPartitions()).Times(AtLeast(1)); |
| } |
| EXPECT_CALL(dynamic_control, ListDynamicPartitionsForSlot(_, _, _)) |
| .WillRepeatedly( |
| DoAll(SetArgPointee<2, std::vector<std::string>>({part.name}), |
| Return(true))); |
| |
| BuildActions(install_plan_, &dynamic_control); |
| |
| FilesystemVerifierActionTestDelegate delegate; |
| processor_.set_delegate(&delegate); |
| |
| loop_.PostTask(FROM_HERE, |
| base::Bind(&ActionProcessor::StartProcessing, |
| base::Unretained(&processor_))); |
| loop_.Run(); |
| |
| ASSERT_FALSE(processor_.IsRunning()); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(delegate.ran()); |
| if (enable_verity) { |
| std::vector<unsigned char> actual_fec(fec_size); |
| ssize_t bytes_read = 0; |
| ASSERT_TRUE(utils::PReadAll(cow_fd.get(), |
| actual_fec.data(), |
| actual_fec.size(), |
| fec_start_offset, |
| &bytes_read)); |
| ASSERT_EQ(actual_fec, fec_data_); |
| std::vector<unsigned char> actual_hash_tree(hash_tree_size); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(utils::PReadAll(cow_fd.get(), |
| actual_hash_tree.data(), |
| actual_hash_tree.size(), |
| &bytes_read)); |
| ASSERT_EQ(actual_hash_tree, hash_tree_data_); |
| } |
| if (clear_target_hash) { |
| ASSERT_EQ(ErrorCode::kNewRootfsVerificationError, delegate.code()); |
| } else { |
| ASSERT_EQ(ErrorCode::kSuccess, delegate.code()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(FilesystemVerifierActionTest, VABC_NoVerity_Success) { |
| DoTestVABC(false, false); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(FilesystemVerifierActionTest, VABC_NoVerity_Target_Mismatch) { |
| DoTestVABC(true, false); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(FilesystemVerifierActionTest, VABC_Verity_Success) { |
| DoTestVABC(false, true); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(FilesystemVerifierActionTest, VABC_Verity_ReadAfterWrite) { |
| ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(DoTestVABC(false, true)); |
| // Run FS verification again, w/o writing verity. We have seen a bug where |
| // attempting to run fs again will cause previously written verity data to be |
| // dropped, so cover this scenario. |
| ASSERT_GE(install_plan_.partitions.size(), 1UL); |
| auto& part = install_plan_.partitions[0]; |
| install_plan_.write_verity = false; |
| part.readonly_target_path = target_part_.path(); |
| NiceMock<MockDynamicPartitionControl> dynamic_control; |
| EnableVABC(&dynamic_control, part.name); |
| ON_CALL(dynamic_control, FinishUpdate(_)).WillByDefault(Return(true)); |
| |
| // b/186196758 is only visible if we repeatedely run FS verification w/o |
| // writing verity |
| for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { |
| BuildActions(install_plan_, &dynamic_control); |
| |
| FilesystemVerifierActionTestDelegate delegate; |
| processor_.set_delegate(&delegate); |
| loop_.PostTask( |
| base::Bind( |
| [](ActionProcessor* processor) { processor->StartProcessing(); }, |
| base::Unretained(&processor_))); |
| loop_.Run(); |
| ASSERT_FALSE(processor_.IsRunning()); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(delegate.ran()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(ErrorCode::kSuccess, delegate.code()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(FilesystemVerifierActionTest, VABC_Verity_Target_Mismatch) { |
| DoTestVABC(true, true); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace chromeos_update_engine |