blob: 26b3d0c7b209f60ff2b146a8b2c8a863222ca30a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <base/rand_util.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include "update_engine/file_descriptor.h"
#include "update_engine/gpio_handler_unittest.h"
// A set of mock file descriptors used for unit-testing. All classes here
// inherit the FileDescriptor interface.
namespace chromeos_update_engine {
// An abstract classs implementing a common mock infrastructure for GPIO
// reading/writing. This includes all the inherited interface methods, and basic
// logic to manage the opening, reading, writing and closing of GPIO files. It
// is up to concrete implementations to manage their internal state machine and
// update the values to be read by clients. In most cases, this amounts to
// adding internal state and overloading the UpdateState() method to change to
// various GPIO "registers" accordingly.
class GpioMockFileDescriptor : public FileDescriptor {
// Interface methods.
virtual bool Open(const char* path, int flags, mode_t mode);
virtual bool Open(const char* path, int flags);
virtual ssize_t Read(void* buf, size_t count);
virtual ssize_t Write(const void* buf, size_t count);
virtual bool Close();
virtual void Reset();
virtual bool IsSettingErrno();
virtual bool IsOpen() {
return (gpio_id_ < kMockGpioIdMax && gpio_subdev_ < kMockGpioSubdevMax);
// Returns true iff all file resources were freed; otherwise, will fail the
// current test.
virtual bool ExpectAllResourcesDeallocated();
// Returns true iff all GPIOs have been restored to their default state;
// otherwise, will fail the current test.
virtual bool ExpectAllGpiosRestoredToDefault();
// Returns true iff the number of open attempts equals the argument;
// otherwise, will fail the current test.
virtual bool ExpectNumOpenAttempted(unsigned count);
// A pair of write value and time at which it was written.
struct MockGpioWriteEvent {
MockGpioVal val;
base::Time time;
// Sets the last written value and timestamp of GPIO |gpio_id|.
inline MockGpioVal SetGpioLastWrite(MockGpioId gpio_id, MockGpioVal val,
base::Time time) {
gpio_last_writes_[gpio_id].time = time;
return (gpio_last_writes_[gpio_id].val = val);
inline MockGpioVal SetGpioLastWrite(MockGpioId gpio_id, MockGpioVal val) {
return SetGpioLastWrite(gpio_id, val, base::Time::Now());
// The current direction of each GPIO device. These are generally handled by
// Write(), but can be modified by concrete implementations of this class to
// simulate race conditions on GPIO devices.
MockGpioDir gpio_dirs_[kMockGpioIdMax];
// The current values to be read by the DUT. These can be modified by concrete
// implementations of this class, to reflect current GPIO values.
MockGpioVal gpio_read_vals_[kMockGpioIdMax];
// The last values and time they were written by the DUT to each GPIO device.
// These are generally handled by Write(), but can be modified by concrete
// implementations of this class to simulate race conditions on GPIO devices.
MockGpioWriteEvent gpio_last_writes_[kMockGpioIdMax];
// Override strings for GPIO value / direction readings. Initialized to null
// pointers by default, which means the default values will not be overridden.
const char* override_read_gpio_val_strings_[kMockGpioValMax];
const char* override_read_gpio_dir_strings_[kMockGpioDirMax];
// GPIO subdevice identifiers.
enum MockGpioSubdev {
kMockGpioSubdevMax // marker, do not remove!
// Device name prefixes of the different GPIOs.
static const char* gpio_devname_prefixes_[kMockGpioIdMax];
// Strings to be written as GPIO values, corresponding to the abstract GPIO
// value.
static const char* gpio_val_strings_[kMockGpioValMax];
// Strings to be written as GPIO directions, corresponding to the abstract
// GPIO direction.
static const char* gpio_dir_strings_[kMockGpioDirMax];
// Compare a string |buf| of length |count| that is written to a GPIO device
// with an array of strings |strs| of length |num_strs|. Returns the index of
// the string entry that is the same as the written string, or |num_strs| if
// none was found. Requires that the the last character in |buf| is a newline.
size_t DecodeGpioString(const char* buf, size_t count, const char** strs,
size_t num_strs) const;
// Decode a written GPIO value.
inline MockGpioVal DecodeGpioVal(const char* buf, size_t count) const {
return static_cast<MockGpioVal>(
DecodeGpioString(buf, count, gpio_val_strings_, kMockGpioValMax));
// Decodes a written GPIO direction.
inline MockGpioDir DecodeGpioDir(const char* buf, size_t count) const {
return static_cast<MockGpioDir>(
DecodeGpioString(buf, count, gpio_dir_strings_, kMockGpioDirMax));
// Simulate the Servo state transition, based on the last recorded state, the
// time it was recorded, and the current GPIO values. This is a pure virtual
// function that must be implemented by concrete subclasses.
virtual void UpdateState() = 0;
// The identifier of the currently accessed GPIO device.
MockGpioId gpio_id_;
// The identifier of the currently accessed GPIO sub-device.
MockGpioSubdev gpio_subdev_;
// Counter for the number of files that were opened with this interface.
unsigned num_open_attempted_;
// A mock file descriptor that implements the GPIO test signaling protocol. In
// doing so, it simulates the asynchronous behavior of a properly implemented
// Servo test controller.
class TestModeGpioMockFileDescriptor : public GpioMockFileDescriptor {
TestModeGpioMockFileDescriptor(base::TimeDelta servo_poll_interval);
virtual ~TestModeGpioMockFileDescriptor() {};
// The state of the Servo-side GPIO signaling protocol. These do not include
// sub-state changes on the DUT side, which can be approximated by tracking
// read operations but otherwise cannot be observed by an ordinary Servo.
enum ServoState {
kServoStateMax // marker, do not remove!
// Simulate the Servo state transition, based on the last recorded state, the
// time it was recorded, and the current GPIO values.
virtual void UpdateState();
// The last recorded state in the GPIO protocol.
ServoState last_state_;
// Return a uniformly distributed random time delta within the Servo poll
// interval.
inline base::TimeDelta RandomServoPollFuzz() {
return base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(
base::RandInt(0, servo_poll_interval_.InMicroseconds()));
// The Servo poll interval.
base::TimeDelta servo_poll_interval_;
// The current Servo poll fuzz, used for deciding when signals are (simulated
// to be) sensed within the poll interval. Must be between zero and
// servo_poll_interval_.
base::TimeDelta curr_servo_poll_fuzz_;
// A mock file descriptor that implements GPIO feedback when not conneced to a
// Servo, on boards that include a pull-up resistor wiring for GPIOs. This is
// the typical mode of operations for Chromebooks out in the field, and we need
// to make sure that the client is not made to believe that it is in test mode.
class NormalModeGpioMockFileDescriptor : public GpioMockFileDescriptor {
// This is a no-op, as there's no Servo connected.
virtual void UpdateState() {};
// A mock file descriptor that implements GPIOs that are not pulled-up by
// default, and whose idle reading might be zero. We've seen this problem on
// Lumpy/Stumpy and need to make sure that the protocol doesn't allow these
// boards to go into test mode without actually being told so by a Servo.
class NonPulledUpNormalModeGpioMockFileDescriptor
: public GpioMockFileDescriptor {
// Set the default value of dut_flaga to "down".
virtual void UpdateState() {
gpio_read_vals_[kMockGpioIdDutflaga] = kMockGpioValDown;
// A mock file descriptor that implements a bogus GPIO feedback. This includes
// flipping GPIO directions, invalid value readings, and I/O errors on various
// file operations. All of these instances must be ruled out by the protocol,
// resulting in normal mode operation.
class ErrorNormalModeGpioMockFileDescriptor :
public TestModeGpioMockFileDescriptor {
enum GpioError {
ErrorNormalModeGpioMockFileDescriptor(base::TimeDelta servo_poll_interval,
GpioError error);
virtual ~ErrorNormalModeGpioMockFileDescriptor() {};
// Wrapper methods for the respectively inherited ones, which can fail the
// call as part of a test.
virtual bool Open(const char* path, int flags, mode_t mode);
virtual ssize_t Read(void* buf, size_t count);
virtual ssize_t Write(const void* buf, size_t count);
virtual bool Close();
// Wrapper which restores all state we might have tampered with.
virtual bool ExpectAllGpiosRestoredToDefault();
// Wraps the ordinary test mode servo simulation with an error injecting
// behavior, which corresponds to the requested type of error.
virtual void UpdateState();
// The GPIO error to be injected into the protocol.
GpioError error_;
// A flag denoting whether the direction of dut_flaga was already maliciously
// flipped.
bool is_dutflaga_dir_flipped_;
} // namespace chromeos_update_engine