blob: 45c0274c7fb247b6a8250b1275e7036ca629bb21 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "update_engine/common/error.h"
namespace chromeos_update_engine {
// See ServiceDelegateAndroidInterface.CleanupSuccessfulUpdate
// Wraps a IUpdateEngineCallback binder object used specifically for
// CleanupSuccessfulUpdate.
class CleanupSuccessfulUpdateCallbackInterface {
virtual ~CleanupSuccessfulUpdateCallbackInterface() {}
virtual void OnCleanupProgressUpdate(double progress) = 0;
virtual void OnCleanupComplete(int32_t error_code) = 0;
// Call RegisterForDeathNotifications on the internal binder object.
virtual void RegisterForDeathNotifications(
const std::function<void()>& unbind) = 0;
// This class defines the interface exposed by the Android version of the
// daemon service. This interface only includes the method calls that such
// daemon exposes. For asynchronous events initiated by a class implementing
// this interface see the ServiceObserverInterface class.
class ServiceDelegateAndroidInterface {
virtual ~ServiceDelegateAndroidInterface() = default;
// Start an update attempt to download an apply the provided |payload_url| if
// no other update is running. The extra |key_value_pair_headers| will be
// included when fetching the payload. Returns whether the update was started
// successfully, which means that no other update was running and the passed
// parameters were correct, but not necessarily that the update finished
// correctly.
virtual bool ApplyPayload(
const std::string& payload_url,
int64_t payload_offset,
int64_t payload_size,
const std::vector<std::string>& key_value_pair_headers,
Error* error) = 0;
virtual bool ApplyPayload(
int fd,
int64_t payload_offset,
int64_t payload_size,
const std::vector<std::string>& key_value_pair_headers,
Error* error) = 0;
// Suspend an ongoing update. Returns true if there was an update ongoing and
// it was suspended. In case of failure, it returns false and sets |error|
// accordingly.
virtual bool SuspendUpdate(Error* error) = 0;
// Resumes an update suspended with SuspendUpdate(). The update can't be
// suspended after it finished and this method will fail in that case.
// Returns whether the resume operation was successful, which only implies
// that there was a suspended update. In case of error, returns false and sets
// |error| accordingly.
virtual bool ResumeUpdate(Error* error) = 0;
// Cancel the ongoing update. The update could be running or suspended, but it
// can't be canceled after it was done. In case of error, returns false and
// sets |error| accordingly.
virtual bool CancelUpdate(Error* error) = 0;
// Reset the already applied update back to an idle state. This method can
// only be called when no update attempt is going on, and it will reset the
// status back to idle, deleting the currently applied update if any. In case
// of error, returns false and sets |error| accordingly.
virtual bool ResetStatus(Error* error) = 0;
// Verifies whether a payload (delegated by the payload metadata) can be
// applied to the current device. Returns whether the payload is applicable.
// In case of error, returns false and sets |error| accordingly.
virtual bool VerifyPayloadApplicable(const std::string& metadata_filename,
Error* error) = 0;
// Sets the A/B slot switch for the next boot after applying an ota update.
// If applyPayload hasn't switched the slot by itself, the client can call
// this API to switch the slot and apply the update on next boot. Returns
// true on success.
virtual bool setShouldSwitchSlotOnReboot(const std::string& metadata_filename,
Error* error) = 0;
// Resets the boot slot to the source/current slot, without cancelling the
// update progress. This can be called after the update is installed, and to
// prevent the device from accidentally taking the update when it reboots.
virtual bool resetShouldSwitchSlotOnReboot(Error* error) = 0;
// Allocates space for a payload.
// Returns 0 if space is successfully preallocated.
// Return non-zero if not enough space is not available; returned value is
// the total space required (in bytes) to be free on the device for this
// update to be applied, and |error| is unset.
// In case of error, returns 0, and sets |error| accordingly.
// This function may block for several minutes in the worst case.
virtual uint64_t AllocateSpaceForPayload(
const std::string& metadata_filename,
const std::vector<std::string>& key_value_pair_headers,
Error* error) = 0;
// Wait for merge to complete, then clean up merge after an update has been
// successful.
// This function returns immediately. Progress updates are provided in
// |callback|.
virtual void CleanupSuccessfulUpdate(
std::unique_ptr<CleanupSuccessfulUpdateCallbackInterface> callback,
Error* error) = 0;
ServiceDelegateAndroidInterface() = default;
} // namespace chromeos_update_engine