| // Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #include <string> |
| |
| #include <base/bind.h> |
| #include <gtest/gtest.h> |
| |
| #include "update_engine/fake_clock.h" |
| #include "update_engine/test_utils.h" |
| #include "update_engine/update_manager/evaluation_context.h" |
| #include "update_engine/update_manager/fake_variable.h" |
| #include "update_engine/update_manager/generic_variables.h" |
| #include "update_engine/update_manager/mock_variable.h" |
| #include "update_engine/update_manager/umtest_utils.h" |
| |
| using base::Bind; |
| using base::Time; |
| using base::TimeDelta; |
| using chromeos_update_engine::FakeClock; |
| using chromeos_update_engine::RunGMainLoopMaxIterations; |
| using chromeos_update_engine::RunGMainLoopUntil; |
| using std::string; |
| using testing::Return; |
| using testing::StrictMock; |
| using testing::_; |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| void DoNothing() {} |
| |
| // Sets the value of the passed pointer to true. |
| void SetTrue(bool* value) { |
| *value = true; |
| } |
| |
| bool GetBoolean(bool* value) { |
| return *value; |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| namespace chromeos_update_manager { |
| |
| class UmEvaluationContextTest : public ::testing::Test { |
| protected: |
| virtual void SetUp() { |
| // Set the clock to a fixed values. |
| fake_clock_.SetMonotonicTime(Time::FromInternalValue(12345678L)); |
| // Mar 2, 2006 1:23:45 UTC is 1141262625 since the Unix Epoch. |
| fake_clock_.SetWallclockTime(Time::FromTimeT(1141262625)); |
| eval_ctx_ = new EvaluationContext(&fake_clock_); |
| } |
| |
| virtual void TearDown() { |
| eval_ctx_ = NULL; |
| // Check that the evaluation context removed all the observers. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(fake_int_var_.observer_list_.empty()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(fake_async_var_.observer_list_.empty()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(fake_const_var_.observer_list_.empty()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(fake_poll_var_.observer_list_.empty()); |
| } |
| |
| // TODO(deymo): Update the default timeout to the one passed on construction. |
| // See crbug.com/363790 |
| base::TimeDelta default_timeout_ = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(5); |
| |
| FakeClock fake_clock_; |
| scoped_refptr<EvaluationContext> eval_ctx_; |
| |
| // FakeVariables used for testing the EvaluationContext. These are required |
| // here to prevent them from going away *before* the EvaluationContext under |
| // test does, which keeps a reference to them. |
| FakeVariable<bool> fail_var_ = {"fail_var", kVariableModePoll}; |
| FakeVariable<int> fake_int_var_ = {"fake_int", kVariableModePoll}; |
| FakeVariable<string> fake_async_var_ = {"fake_async", kVariableModeAsync}; |
| FakeVariable<string> fake_const_var_ = {"fake_const", kVariableModeConst}; |
| FakeVariable<string> fake_poll_var_ = {"fake_poll", |
| TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1)}; |
| StrictMock<MockVariable<string>> mock_var_async_{"mock_var_async", |
| kVariableModeAsync}; |
| StrictMock<MockVariable<string>> mock_var_poll_{"mock_var_poll", |
| kVariableModePoll}; |
| }; |
| |
| TEST_F(UmEvaluationContextTest, GetValueFails) { |
| // FakeVariable is initialized as returning NULL. |
| UMTEST_EXPECT_NULL(eval_ctx_->GetValue(&fake_int_var_)); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(UmEvaluationContextTest, GetValueFailsWithInvalidVar) { |
| UMTEST_EXPECT_NULL(eval_ctx_->GetValue( |
| reinterpret_cast<Variable<int>*>(NULL))); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(UmEvaluationContextTest, GetValueReturns) { |
| const int* p_fake_int; |
| |
| fake_int_var_.reset(new int(42)); |
| p_fake_int = eval_ctx_->GetValue(&fake_int_var_); |
| UMTEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_fake_int); |
| EXPECT_EQ(42, *p_fake_int); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(UmEvaluationContextTest, GetValueCached) { |
| const int* p_fake_int; |
| |
| fake_int_var_.reset(new int(42)); |
| p_fake_int = eval_ctx_->GetValue(&fake_int_var_); |
| |
| // Check that if the variable changes, the EvaluationContext keeps returning |
| // the cached value. |
| fake_int_var_.reset(new int(5)); |
| |
| p_fake_int = eval_ctx_->GetValue(&fake_int_var_); |
| UMTEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_fake_int); |
| EXPECT_EQ(42, *p_fake_int); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(UmEvaluationContextTest, GetValueCachesNull) { |
| const int* p_fake_int = eval_ctx_->GetValue(&fake_int_var_); |
| UMTEST_EXPECT_NULL(p_fake_int); |
| |
| fake_int_var_.reset(new int(42)); |
| // A second attempt to read the variable should not work because this |
| // EvaluationContext already got a NULL value. |
| p_fake_int = eval_ctx_->GetValue(&fake_int_var_); |
| UMTEST_EXPECT_NULL(p_fake_int); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(UmEvaluationContextTest, GetValueMixedTypes) { |
| const int* p_fake_int; |
| const string* p_fake_string; |
| |
| fake_int_var_.reset(new int(42)); |
| fake_poll_var_.reset(new string("Hello world!")); |
| // Check that the EvaluationContext can handle multiple Variable types. This |
| // is mostly a compile-time check due to the template nature of this method. |
| p_fake_int = eval_ctx_->GetValue(&fake_int_var_); |
| p_fake_string = eval_ctx_->GetValue(&fake_poll_var_); |
| |
| UMTEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_fake_int); |
| EXPECT_EQ(42, *p_fake_int); |
| |
| UMTEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_fake_string); |
| EXPECT_EQ("Hello world!", *p_fake_string); |
| } |
| |
| // Test that we don't schedule an event if there's no variable to wait for. |
| TEST_F(UmEvaluationContextTest, RunOnValueChangeOrTimeoutWithoutVariablesTest) { |
| fake_const_var_.reset(new string("Hello world!")); |
| EXPECT_EQ(*eval_ctx_->GetValue(&fake_const_var_), "Hello world!"); |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(eval_ctx_->RunOnValueChangeOrTimeout(Bind(&DoNothing))); |
| } |
| |
| // Test that we don't schedule an event if there's no variable to wait for. |
| TEST_F(UmEvaluationContextTest, RunOnValueChangeOrTimeoutWithVariablesTest) { |
| fake_async_var_.reset(new string("Async value")); |
| eval_ctx_->GetValue(&fake_async_var_); |
| |
| bool value = false; |
| EXPECT_TRUE(eval_ctx_->RunOnValueChangeOrTimeout(Bind(&SetTrue, &value))); |
| // Check that the scheduled callback isn't run until we signal a ValueChaged. |
| RunGMainLoopMaxIterations(100); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(value); |
| |
| fake_async_var_.NotifyValueChanged(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(value); |
| // Ensure that the scheduled callback isn't run until we are back on the main |
| // loop. |
| RunGMainLoopMaxIterations(100); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(value); |
| } |
| |
| // Test that we don't re-schedule the events if we are attending one. |
| TEST_F(UmEvaluationContextTest, RunOnValueChangeOrTimeoutCalledTwiceTest) { |
| fake_async_var_.reset(new string("Async value")); |
| eval_ctx_->GetValue(&fake_async_var_); |
| |
| bool value = false; |
| EXPECT_TRUE(eval_ctx_->RunOnValueChangeOrTimeout(Bind(&SetTrue, &value))); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(eval_ctx_->RunOnValueChangeOrTimeout(Bind(&SetTrue, &value))); |
| |
| // The scheduled event should still work. |
| fake_async_var_.NotifyValueChanged(); |
| RunGMainLoopMaxIterations(100); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(value); |
| } |
| |
| // Test that we clear the events when destroying the EvaluationContext. |
| TEST_F(UmEvaluationContextTest, RemoveObserversAndTimeoutTest) { |
| fake_async_var_.reset(new string("Async value")); |
| eval_ctx_->GetValue(&fake_async_var_); |
| |
| bool value = false; |
| EXPECT_TRUE(eval_ctx_->RunOnValueChangeOrTimeout(Bind(&SetTrue, &value))); |
| eval_ctx_ = NULL; |
| |
| // This should not trigger the callback since the EvaluationContext waiting |
| // for it is gone, and it should have remove all its observers. |
| fake_async_var_.NotifyValueChanged(); |
| RunGMainLoopMaxIterations(100); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(value); |
| } |
| |
| // Test that we don't schedule an event if there's no variable to wait for. |
| TEST_F(UmEvaluationContextTest, RunOnValueChangeOrTimeoutRunsFromTimeoutTest) { |
| fake_poll_var_.reset(new string("Polled value")); |
| eval_ctx_->GetValue(&fake_poll_var_); |
| |
| bool value = false; |
| EXPECT_TRUE(eval_ctx_->RunOnValueChangeOrTimeout(Bind(&SetTrue, &value))); |
| // Check that the scheduled callback isn't run until the timeout occurs. |
| RunGMainLoopMaxIterations(10); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(value); |
| RunGMainLoopUntil(10000, Bind(&GetBoolean, &value)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(value); |
| } |
| |
| // Test that we can delete the EvaluationContext while having pending events. |
| TEST_F(UmEvaluationContextTest, ObjectDeletedWithPendingEventsTest) { |
| fake_async_var_.reset(new string("Async value")); |
| fake_poll_var_.reset(new string("Polled value")); |
| eval_ctx_->GetValue(&fake_async_var_); |
| eval_ctx_->GetValue(&fake_poll_var_); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(eval_ctx_->RunOnValueChangeOrTimeout(Bind(&DoNothing))); |
| // TearDown() checks for leaked observers on this async_variable, which means |
| // that our object is still alive after removing its reference. |
| } |
| |
| // Test that timed events fired after removal of the EvaluationContext don't |
| // crash. |
| TEST_F(UmEvaluationContextTest, TimeoutEventAfterDeleteTest) { |
| FakeVariable<string> fake_short_poll_var = {"fake_short_poll", TimeDelta()}; |
| fake_short_poll_var.reset(new string("Polled value")); |
| eval_ctx_->GetValue(&fake_short_poll_var); |
| bool value = false; |
| EXPECT_TRUE(eval_ctx_->RunOnValueChangeOrTimeout(Bind(&SetTrue, &value))); |
| // Remove the last reference to the EvaluationContext and run the loop for |
| // 1 second to give time to the main loop to trigger the timeout Event (of 0 |
| // seconds). Our callback should not be called because the EvaluationContext |
| // was removed before the timeout event is attended. |
| eval_ctx_ = NULL; |
| RunGMainLoopUntil(1000, Bind(&GetBoolean, &value)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(value); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(UmEvaluationContextTest, DefaultTimeout) { |
| // Test that the RemainingTime() uses the default timeout on setup. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_var_async_, GetValue(default_timeout_, _)) |
| .WillOnce(Return(nullptr)); |
| UMTEST_EXPECT_NULL(eval_ctx_->GetValue(&mock_var_async_)); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(UmEvaluationContextTest, TimeoutUpdatesWithMonotonicTime) { |
| fake_clock_.SetMonotonicTime( |
| fake_clock_.GetMonotonicTime() + TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1)); |
| |
| TimeDelta timeout = default_timeout_ - TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_var_async_, GetValue(timeout, _)) |
| .WillOnce(Return(nullptr)); |
| UMTEST_EXPECT_NULL(eval_ctx_->GetValue(&mock_var_async_)); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(UmEvaluationContextTest, ResetEvaluationResetsTimes) { |
| base::Time cur_time = fake_clock_.GetWallclockTime(); |
| // Advance the time on the clock but don't call ResetEvaluation yet. |
| fake_clock_.SetWallclockTime(cur_time + TimeDelta::FromSeconds(4)); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(eval_ctx_->IsTimeGreaterThan(cur_time - |
| TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1))); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(eval_ctx_->IsTimeGreaterThan(cur_time)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(eval_ctx_->IsTimeGreaterThan(cur_time + |
| TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1))); |
| // Call ResetEvaluation now, which should use the new evaluation time. |
| eval_ctx_->ResetEvaluation(); |
| |
| cur_time = fake_clock_.GetWallclockTime(); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(eval_ctx_->IsTimeGreaterThan(cur_time - |
| TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1))); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(eval_ctx_->IsTimeGreaterThan(cur_time)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(eval_ctx_->IsTimeGreaterThan(cur_time + |
| TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1))); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(UmEvaluationContextTest, IsTimeGreaterThanSignalsTriggerReevaluation) { |
| EXPECT_FALSE(eval_ctx_->IsTimeGreaterThan( |
| fake_clock_.GetWallclockTime() + TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1))); |
| |
| // The "false" from IsTimeGreaterThan means that's not that timestamp yet, so |
| // this should schedule a callback for when that happens. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(eval_ctx_->RunOnValueChangeOrTimeout(Bind(&DoNothing))); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(UmEvaluationContextTest, IsTimeGreaterThanDoesntRecordPastTimestamps) { |
| // IsTimeGreaterThan() should ignore timestamps on the past for reevaluation. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(eval_ctx_->IsTimeGreaterThan( |
| fake_clock_.GetWallclockTime() - TimeDelta::FromSeconds(20))); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(eval_ctx_->IsTimeGreaterThan( |
| fake_clock_.GetWallclockTime() - TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1))); |
| |
| // Callback should not be scheduled. |
| EXPECT_FALSE(eval_ctx_->RunOnValueChangeOrTimeout(Bind(&DoNothing))); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(UmEvaluationContextTest, DumpContext) { |
| // |fail_var_| yield "(no value)" since it is unset. |
| eval_ctx_->GetValue(&fail_var_); |
| |
| // Check that this is included. |
| fake_int_var_.reset(new int(42)); |
| eval_ctx_->GetValue(&fake_int_var_); |
| |
| // Check that double-quotes are escaped properly. |
| fake_poll_var_.reset(new string("Hello \"world\"!")); |
| eval_ctx_->GetValue(&fake_poll_var_); |
| |
| // Note that the variables are printed in alphabetical order. Also |
| // see UmEvaluationContextText::SetUp() where the value used for |
| // |evaluation_start| is set. |
| EXPECT_EQ("{\n" |
| " \"evaluation_start\": \"3/2/2006 1:23:45 GMT\",\n" |
| " \"variables\": {\n" |
| " \"fail_var\": \"(no value)\",\n" |
| " \"fake_int\": \"42\",\n" |
| " \"fake_poll\": \"Hello \\\"world\\\"!\"\n" |
| " }\n" |
| "}\n", |
| eval_ctx_->DumpContext()); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace chromeos_update_manager |