blob: 62b4b9d3545ac572c1177c08a915e099300ffc8d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <base/macros.h>
namespace chromeos_update_manager {
// BoxedValue is a class to hold pointers of a given type that deletes them when
// the instance goes out of scope, as std::unique_ptr<T> does. The main
// difference with it is that the type T is not part of the class, i.e., this
// isn't a parametric class. The class has a parametric constructor that accepts
// a const T* which will define the type of the object passed on delete.
// It is safe to use this class in linked containers such as std::list and
// std::map but the object can't be copied. This means that you need to
// construct the BoxedValue in place using a container method like emplace()
// or move it with std::move().
// list<BoxedValue> lst;
// lst.emplace_back(new const int(42));
// lst.emplace_back(new const string("Hello world!"));
// map<int, BoxedValue> m;
// m.emplace(123, std::move(BoxedValue(new const string("Hola mundo!"))));
// auto it = m.find(42);
// if (it != m.end())
// cout << "m[42] points to " << it->second.value() << endl;
// cout << "m[33] points to " << m[33].value() << endl;
// Since copy and assign are not allowed, you can't create a copy of the
// BoxedValue which means that you can only use a reference to it.
class BoxedValue {
// Creates an empty BoxedValue. Since the pointer can't be assigned from other
// BoxedValues or pointers, this is only useful in places where a default
// constructor is required, such as std::map::operator[].
BoxedValue() : value_(nullptr), deleter_(nullptr), printer_(nullptr) {}
// Creates a BoxedValue for the passed pointer |value|. The BoxedValue keeps
// the ownership of this pointer and can't be released.
template <typename T>
explicit BoxedValue(const T* value)
: value_(static_cast<const void*>(value)),
printer_(ValuePrinter<T>) {}
// The move constructor takes ownership of the pointer since the semantics of
// it allows to render the passed BoxedValue undefined. You need to use the
// move constructor explicitly preventing it from accidental references,
// like in:
// BoxedValue new_box(std::move(other_box));
BoxedValue(BoxedValue&& other) noexcept
: value_(other.value_),
printer_(other.printer_) {
other.value_ = nullptr;
other.deleter_ = nullptr;
other.printer_ = nullptr;
// Deletes the |value| passed on construction using the delete for the passed
// type.
~BoxedValue() {
if (deleter_)
const void* value() const { return value_; }
std::string ToString() const {
if (!printer_)
return "(no printer)";
if (!value_)
return "(no value)";
return printer_(value_);
// Static method to call the destructor of the right type.
template <typename T>
static void ValueDeleter(const void* value) {
delete reinterpret_cast<const T*>(value);
// Static method to print a type. See for common
// instantiations.
template <typename T>
static std::string ValuePrinter(const void* value);
// A pointer to the cached value.
const void* value_;
// A function that calls delete for the right type of value_.
void (*deleter_)(const void*);
// A function that converts value_ to a string.
std::string (*printer_)(const void*);
} // namespace chromeos_update_manager