blob: 4d8ebf1c8f7c68e681ae6548fc06ac4fb3657893 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "stack.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <functional>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
namespace gapir {
class MemoryManager;
// Implementation of a (fix sized) stack based virtual machine to interpret the instructions in the
// given opcode stream.
// The list of supported opcodes and their detailed definition is described in the
// Interpreter_doc.txt documentation file
class Interpreter {
// Function ids for implementation specific functions and special debugging functions. These
// functions shouldn't be called by the opcode stream
enum FunctionIds : uint16_t {
// Custom function Ids
// Debug function Ids
// Instruction codes for the different instructions. The codes have to be consistent with the
// codes on the server side.
enum class InstructionCode : uint8_t {
CALL = 0,
PUSH_I = 1,
LOAD_C = 2,
LOAD_V = 3,
LOAD = 4,
POP = 5,
STORE_V = 6,
STORE = 7,
POST = 9,
COPY = 10,
CLONE = 11,
STRCPY = 12,
EXTEND = 13,
LABEL = 14,
// General signature for functions callable by the interpreter with a function call instruction.
// The first argument is a pointer to the stack of the Virtual Machine and the second argument
// is true if the caller expect the return value of the function to be pushed to the stack. The
// function should return true if the function call was successful, false otherwise
typedef std::function<bool(Stack*, bool)> Function;
// Creates a new interpreter with the specified memory manager (for resolving memory addresses)
// and with the specified maximum stack size
Interpreter(const MemoryManager* memoryManager, uint32_t stackDepth);
// Register a new function for the specific opcode
void registerFunction(uint16_t opcode, Function function);
// Runs the interpreter on the instruction list specified by the pointer and by its size.
bool run(const std::pair<const uint32_t*, uint32_t>& instructions);
enum : uint32_t {
TYPE_MASK = 0x03f00000U,
FUNCTION_ID_MASK = 0x0000ffffU,
PUSH_RETURN_MASK = 0x01000000U,
DATA_MASK20 = 0x000fffffU,
DATA_MASK26 = 0x03ffffffU,
// Get type information out from an opcode. The type is always stored in the 7th to 13th MSB
// (both inclusive) of the opcode
BaseType extractType(uint32_t opcode) const;
// Get 20 bit data out from an opcode located in the 20 LSB of the opcode.
uint32_t extract20bitData(uint32_t opcode) const;
// Get 26 bit data out from an opcode located in the 26 LSB of the opcode.
uint32_t extract26bitData(uint32_t opcode) const;
// Implementation of the opcodes supported by the interpreter. Each function returns true if the
// operation was successful, false otherwise
bool call(uint32_t opcode);
bool pushI(uint32_t opcode);
bool loadC(uint32_t opcode);
bool loadV(uint32_t opcode);
bool load(uint32_t opcode);
bool pop(uint32_t opcode);
bool storeV(uint32_t opcode);
bool store();
bool resource(uint32_t);
bool post();
bool copy(uint32_t opcode);
bool clone(uint32_t opcode);
bool strcpy(uint32_t opcode);
bool extend(uint32_t opcode);
bool label(uint32_t opcode);
// Returns true, if address..address+size(type) is "constant" memory.
bool isConstantAddressForType(const void *address, BaseType type) const;
// Returns true, if address..address+size(type) is "volatile" memory.
bool isVolatileAddressForType(const void *address, BaseType type) const;
// Returns false, if address is known not safe to read from.
bool isReadAddress(const void * address) const;
// Returns false, if address is known not safe to write to.
bool isWriteAddress(void* address) const;
// Interpret one specific opcode. Returns true if it was successful false otherwise
bool interpret(uint32_t opcode);
// Memory manager which managing the memory used during the interpretation
const MemoryManager* mMemoryManager;
// The stack of the Virtual Machine
Stack mStack;
// Map of the supported function ids to the actual function implementations
std::unordered_map<uint16_t, Function> mFunctions;
// The last reached label value.
uint32_t mLabel;
inline bool Interpreter::isConstantAddressForType(const void *address, BaseType type) const {
// Treat all pointer types as sizeof(void*)
size_t size = isPointerType(type) ? sizeof(void*) : baseTypeSize(type);
return mMemoryManager->isConstantAddressWithSize(address, size);
inline bool Interpreter::isVolatileAddressForType(const void *address, BaseType type) const {
size_t size = isPointerType(type) ? sizeof(void*) : baseTypeSize(type);
return mMemoryManager->isVolatileAddressWithSize(address, baseTypeSize(type));
inline bool Interpreter::isReadAddress(const void * address) const {
return address != nullptr && !mMemoryManager->isNotObservedAbsoluteAddress(address);
inline bool Interpreter::isWriteAddress(void* address) const {
return address != nullptr &&
!mMemoryManager->isNotObservedAbsoluteAddress(address) &&
} // namespace gapir