| "android.googlesource.com/platform/tools/gpu/atom" |
| "android.googlesource.com/platform/tools/gpu/binary" |
| "android.googlesource.com/platform/tools/gpu/database" |
| "android.googlesource.com/platform/tools/gpu/gfxapi" |
| "android.googlesource.com/platform/tools/gpu/log" |
| "android.googlesource.com/platform/tools/gpu/replay/builder" |
| // Custom must conform to the replay.Replayer interface. |
| var _ = Replayer(Custom(nil)) |
| // Custom is an atom issuing custom replay operations to the replay builder b upon Replay(). |
| type Custom func(i atom.ID, s *gfxapi.State, d database.Database, l log.Logger, b *builder.Builder) error |
| func (c Custom) Replay(i atom.ID, s *gfxapi.State, d database.Database, l log.Logger, b *builder.Builder) error { |
| func (Custom) API() gfxapi.ID { return gfxapi.ID{} } |
| func (Custom) Flags() atom.Flags { return 0 } |
| func (Custom) Observations() *atom.Observations { return &atom.Observations{} } |
| func (Custom) Mutate(s *gfxapi.State, d database.Database, l log.Logger) error { return nil } |
| func (Custom) Class() binary.Class { return nil } |