blob: 374d2818bf8704b1eee3b4b944726da8325d9e43 [file] [log] [blame]
import linecache
import os.path
import re
import traceback # @Reimport
from django_debug import find_django_render_frame
from django_debug import is_django_render_call, is_django_suspended, suspend_django, is_django_resolve_call, is_django_context_get_call
from django_frame import DjangoTemplateFrame
from django_frame import is_django_exception_break_context
from django_frame import just_raised, get_template_file_name, get_template_line
import pydev_log
from pydevd_breakpoints import get_exception_breakpoint, get_exception_name
from pydevd_comm import CMD_ADD_DJANGO_EXCEPTION_BREAK, \
from pydevd_constants import * # @UnusedWildImport
from pydevd_file_utils import GetFilenameAndBase
from pydevd_signature import sendSignatureCallTrace
import pydevd_vars
import pydevd_dont_trace
basename = os.path.basename
IGNORE_EXCEPTION_TAG = re.compile('[^#]*#.*@IgnoreException')
# PyDBFrame
class PyDBFrame:
'''This makes the tracing for a given frame, so, the trace_dispatch
is used initially when we enter into a new context ('call') and then
is reused for the entire context.
#Note: class (and not instance) attributes.
#Same thing in the main debugger but only considering the file contents, while the one in the main debugger
#considers the user input (so, the actual result must be a join of both).
filename_to_lines_where_exceptions_are_ignored = {}
filename_to_stat_info = {}
def __init__(self, args):
#args = mainDebugger, filename, base, info, t, frame
#yeap, much faster than putting in self and then getting it from self later on
self._args = args[:-1]
def setSuspend(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._args[0].setSuspend(*args, **kwargs)
def doWaitSuspend(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._args[0].doWaitSuspend(*args, **kwargs)
def _is_django_render_call(self, frame):
return self._cached_is_django_render_call
# Calculate lazily: note that a PyDBFrame always deals with the same
# frame over and over, so, we can cache this.
# -- although we can't cache things which change over time (such as
# the breakpoints for the file).
ret = self._cached_is_django_render_call = is_django_render_call(frame)
return ret
def trace_exception(self, frame, event, arg):
if event == 'exception':
flag, frame = self.should_stop_on_exception(frame, event, arg)
if flag:
self.handle_exception(frame, event, arg)
return self.trace_dispatch
return self.trace_exception
def should_stop_on_exception(self, frame, event, arg):
mainDebugger, _filename, info, thread = self._args
flag = False
if info.pydev_state != STATE_SUSPEND: #and breakpoint is not None:
exception, value, trace = arg
if trace is not None: #on jython trace is None on the first event
exception_breakpoint = get_exception_breakpoint(
exception, mainDebugger.break_on_caught_exceptions)
if exception_breakpoint is not None:
if not exception_breakpoint.notify_on_first_raise_only or just_raised(trace):
# print frame.f_code.co_name
add_exception_to_frame(frame, (exception, value, trace))
thread.additionalInfo.message = exception_breakpoint.qname
flag = True
flag = False
if mainDebugger.django_exception_break and get_exception_name(exception) in [
'VariableDoesNotExist', 'TemplateDoesNotExist', 'TemplateSyntaxError'] \
and just_raised(trace) and is_django_exception_break_context(frame):
render_frame = find_django_render_frame(frame)
if render_frame:
suspend_frame = suspend_django(
self, mainDebugger, thread, render_frame, CMD_ADD_DJANGO_EXCEPTION_BREAK)
if suspend_frame:
add_exception_to_frame(suspend_frame, (exception, value, trace))
flag = True
thread.additionalInfo.message = 'VariableDoesNotExist'
suspend_frame.f_back = frame
frame = suspend_frame
except :
flag = False
return flag, frame
def handle_exception(self, frame, event, arg):
# print 'handle_exception', frame.f_lineno, frame.f_code.co_name
# We have 3 things in arg: exception type, description, traceback object
trace_obj = arg[2]
mainDebugger = self._args[0]
if not hasattr(trace_obj, 'tb_next'):
return #Not always there on Jython...
initial_trace_obj = trace_obj
if trace_obj.tb_next is None and trace_obj.tb_frame is frame:
#I.e.: tb_next should be only None in the context it was thrown (trace_obj.tb_frame is frame is just a double check).
if mainDebugger.break_on_exceptions_thrown_in_same_context:
#Option: Don't break if an exception is caught in the same function from which it is thrown
#Get the trace_obj from where the exception was raised...
while trace_obj.tb_next is not None:
trace_obj = trace_obj.tb_next
if mainDebugger.ignore_exceptions_thrown_in_lines_with_ignore_exception:
for check_trace_obj in (initial_trace_obj, trace_obj):
filename = GetFilenameAndBase(check_trace_obj.tb_frame)[0]
filename_to_lines_where_exceptions_are_ignored = self.filename_to_lines_where_exceptions_are_ignored
lines_ignored = filename_to_lines_where_exceptions_are_ignored.get(filename)
if lines_ignored is None:
lines_ignored = filename_to_lines_where_exceptions_are_ignored[filename] = {}
curr_stat = os.stat(filename)
curr_stat = (curr_stat.st_size, curr_stat.st_mtime)
curr_stat = None
last_stat = self.filename_to_stat_info.get(filename)
if last_stat != curr_stat:
self.filename_to_stat_info[filename] = curr_stat
#Jython 2.1
from_user_input = mainDebugger.filename_to_lines_where_exceptions_are_ignored.get(filename)
if from_user_input:
merged = {}
#Override what we have with the related entries that the user entered
merged = lines_ignored
exc_lineno = check_trace_obj.tb_lineno
# print ('lines ignored', lines_ignored)
# print ('user input', from_user_input)
# print ('merged', merged, 'curr', exc_lineno)
if not DictContains(merged, exc_lineno): #Note: check on merged but update lines_ignored.
line = linecache.getline(filename, exc_lineno, check_trace_obj.tb_frame.f_globals)
#Jython 2.1
line = linecache.getline(filename, exc_lineno)
if IGNORE_EXCEPTION_TAG.match(line) is not None:
lines_ignored[exc_lineno] = 1
#Put in the cache saying not to ignore
lines_ignored[exc_lineno] = 0
#Ok, dict has it already cached, so, let's check it...
if merged.get(exc_lineno, 0):
thread = self._args[3]
frame_id_to_frame = {}
frame_id_to_frame[id(frame)] = frame
f = trace_obj.tb_frame
while f is not None:
frame_id_to_frame[id(f)] = f
f = f.f_back
f = None
thread_id = GetThreadId(thread)
pydevd_vars.addAdditionalFrameById(thread_id, frame_id_to_frame)
mainDebugger.sendCaughtExceptionStack(thread, arg, id(frame))
self.setSuspend(thread, CMD_STEP_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION)
self.doWaitSuspend(thread, frame, event, arg)
#Clear some local variables...
trace_obj = None
initial_trace_obj = None
check_trace_obj = None
f = None
frame_id_to_frame = None
mainDebugger = None
thread = None
def trace_dispatch(self, frame, event, arg):
main_debugger, filename, info, thread = self._args
info.is_tracing = True
if main_debugger._finishDebuggingSession:
return None
if getattr(thread, 'pydev_do_not_trace', None):
return None
if event == 'call' and main_debugger.signature_factory:
sendSignatureCallTrace(main_debugger, frame, filename)
is_exception_event = event == 'exception'
has_exception_breakpoints = main_debugger.break_on_caught_exceptions or main_debugger.django_exception_break
if is_exception_event:
if has_exception_breakpoints:
flag, frame = self.should_stop_on_exception(frame, event, arg)
if flag:
self.handle_exception(frame, event, arg)
return self.trace_dispatch
elif event not in ('line', 'call', 'return'):
#I believe this can only happen in jython on some frontiers on jython and java code, which we don't want to trace.
return None
stop_frame = info.pydev_step_stop
step_cmd = info.pydev_step_cmd
if is_exception_event:
breakpoints_for_file = None
# If we are in single step mode and something causes us to exit the current frame, we need to make sure we break
# eventually. Force the step mode to step into and the step stop frame to None.
# I.e.: F6 in the end of a function should stop in the next possible position (instead of forcing the user
# to make a step in or step over at that location).
# Note: this is especially troublesome when we're skipping code with the
# @DontTrace comment.
if stop_frame is frame and event in ('return', 'exception') and step_cmd in (CMD_STEP_RETURN, CMD_STEP_OVER):
info.pydev_step_cmd = CMD_STEP_INTO
info.pydev_step_stop = None
breakpoints_for_file = main_debugger.breakpoints.get(filename)
can_skip = False
if info.pydev_state == STATE_RUN:
#we can skip if:
#- we have no stop marked
#- we should make a step return/step over and we're not in the current frame
can_skip = (step_cmd is None and stop_frame is None)\
or (step_cmd in (CMD_STEP_RETURN, CMD_STEP_OVER) and stop_frame is not frame)
check_stop_on_django_render_call = main_debugger.django_breakpoints and self._is_django_render_call(frame)
if check_stop_on_django_render_call:
can_skip = False
# Let's check to see if we are in a function that has a breakpoint. If we don't have a breakpoint,
# we will return nothing for the next trace
#also, after we hit a breakpoint and go to some other debugging state, we have to force the set trace anyway,
#so, that's why the additional checks are there.
if not breakpoints_for_file:
if can_skip:
if has_exception_breakpoints:
return self.trace_exception
return None
#checks the breakpoint to see if there is a context match in some function
curr_func_name = frame.f_code.co_name
#global context is set with an empty name
if curr_func_name in ('?', '<module>'):
curr_func_name = ''
for breakpoint in DictIterValues(breakpoints_for_file): #jython does not support itervalues()
#will match either global or some function
if breakpoint.func_name in ('None', curr_func_name):
else: # if we had some break, it won't get here (so, that's a context that we want to skip)
if can_skip:
if has_exception_breakpoints:
return self.trace_exception
return None
#We may have hit a breakpoint or we are already in step mode. Either way, let's check what we should do in this frame
#print 'NOT skipped', frame.f_lineno, frame.f_code.co_name, event
line = frame.f_lineno
flag = False
if event == 'call' and info.pydev_state != STATE_SUSPEND and check_stop_on_django_render_call:
flag, frame = self.should_stop_on_django_breakpoint(frame, event, arg)
#return is not taken into account for breakpoint hit because we'd have a double-hit in this case
#(one for the line and the other for the return).
if not flag and event != 'return' and info.pydev_state != STATE_SUSPEND and breakpoints_for_file is not None\
and DictContains(breakpoints_for_file, line):
#ok, hit breakpoint, now, we have to discover if it is a conditional breakpoint
# lets do the conditional stuff here
breakpoint = breakpoints_for_file[line]
stop = True
if step_cmd == CMD_STEP_OVER and stop_frame is frame and event in ('line', 'return'):
stop = False #we don't stop on breakpoint if we have to stop by step-over (it will be processed later)
condition = breakpoint.condition
if condition is not None:
val = eval(condition, frame.f_globals, frame.f_locals)
if not val:
return self.trace_dispatch
if type(condition) != type(''):
if hasattr(condition, 'encode'):
condition = condition.encode('utf-8')
msg = 'Error while evaluating expression: %s\n' % (condition,)
if not main_debugger.suspend_on_breakpoint_exception:
return self.trace_dispatch
stop = True
additional_info = None
additional_info = thread.additionalInfo
except AttributeError:
pass #that's ok, no info currently set
if additional_info is not None:
# add exception_type and stacktrace into thread additional info
etype, value, tb = sys.exc_info()
error = ''.join(traceback.format_exception_only(etype, value))
stack = traceback.extract_stack(f=tb.tb_frame.f_back)
# On self.setSuspend(thread, CMD_SET_BREAK) this info will be
# sent to the client.
additional_info.conditional_breakpoint_exception = \
('Condition:\n' + condition + '\n\nError:\n' + error, stack)
etype, value, tb = None, None, None
if breakpoint.expression is not None:
val = eval(breakpoint.expression, frame.f_globals, frame.f_locals)
val = sys.exc_info()[1]
if val is not None:
thread.additionalInfo.message = val
if stop:
self.setSuspend(thread, CMD_SET_BREAK)
# if thread has a suspend flag, we suspend with a busy wait
if info.pydev_state == STATE_SUSPEND:
self.doWaitSuspend(thread, frame, event, arg)
return self.trace_dispatch
#step handling. We stop when we hit the right frame
django_stop = False
should_skip = False
if pydevd_dont_trace.should_trace_hook is not None:
if not hasattr(self, 'should_skip'):
# I.e.: cache the result on self.should_skip (no need to evaluate the same frame multiple times).
# Note that on a code reload, we won't re-evaluate this because in practice, the frame.f_code
# Which will be handled by this frame is read-only, so, we can cache it safely.
should_skip = self.should_skip = not pydevd_dont_trace.should_trace_hook(frame, filename)
should_skip = self.should_skip
if should_skip:
stop = False
elif step_cmd == CMD_STEP_INTO:
stop = event in ('line', 'return')
if is_django_suspended(thread):
#django_stop = event == 'call' and is_django_render_call(frame)
stop = stop and is_django_resolve_call(frame.f_back) and not is_django_context_get_call(frame)
if stop:
info.pydev_django_resolve_frame = 1 #we remember that we've go into python code from django rendering frame
elif step_cmd == CMD_STEP_OVER:
if is_django_suspended(thread):
django_stop = event == 'call' and self._is_django_render_call(frame)
stop = False
if event == 'return' and info.pydev_django_resolve_frame is not None and is_django_resolve_call(frame.f_back):
#we return to Django suspend mode and should not stop before django rendering frame
stop_frame = info.pydev_step_stop = info.pydev_django_resolve_frame
info.pydev_django_resolve_frame = None
thread.additionalInfo.suspend_type = DJANGO_SUSPEND
stop = stop_frame is frame and event in ('line', 'return')
elif step_cmd == CMD_SMART_STEP_INTO:
stop = False
if info.pydev_smart_step_stop is frame:
info.pydev_func_name = None
info.pydev_smart_step_stop = None
if event == 'line' or event == 'exception':
curr_func_name = frame.f_code.co_name
#global context is set with an empty name
if curr_func_name in ('?', '<module>') or curr_func_name is None:
curr_func_name = ''
if curr_func_name == info.pydev_func_name:
stop = True
elif step_cmd == CMD_STEP_RETURN:
stop = event == 'return' and stop_frame is frame
elif step_cmd == CMD_RUN_TO_LINE or step_cmd == CMD_SET_NEXT_STATEMENT:
stop = False
if event == 'line' or event == 'exception':
#Yes, we can only act on line events (weird hum?)
#Note: This code is duplicated at
#Acting on exception events after debugger breaks with exception
curr_func_name = frame.f_code.co_name
#global context is set with an empty name
if curr_func_name in ('?', '<module>'):
curr_func_name = ''
if curr_func_name == info.pydev_func_name:
line = info.pydev_next_line
if frame.f_lineno == line:
stop = True
if frame.f_trace is None:
frame.f_trace = self.trace_dispatch
frame.f_lineno = line
frame.f_trace = None
stop = True
stop = False
if django_stop:
frame = suspend_django(self, main_debugger, thread, frame)
if frame:
self.doWaitSuspend(thread, frame, event, arg)
elif stop:
#event is always == line or return at this point
if event == 'line':
self.setSuspend(thread, step_cmd)
self.doWaitSuspend(thread, frame, event, arg)
else: #return event
back = frame.f_back
if back is not None:
#When we get to the pydevd run function, the debugging has actually finished for the main thread
#(note that it can still go on for other threads, but for this one, we just make it finish)
#So, just setting it to None should be OK
base = basename(back.f_code.co_filename)
if base == '' and back.f_code.co_name == 'run':
back = None
elif base == '':
# We dont want to trace the return event of pydevd_traceproperty (custom property for debugging)
#if we're in a return, we want it to appear to the user in the previous frame!
return None
if back is not None:
#if we're in a return, we want it to appear to the user in the previous frame!
self.setSuspend(thread, step_cmd)
self.doWaitSuspend(thread, back, event, arg)
#in jython we may not have a back frame
info.pydev_step_stop = None
info.pydev_step_cmd = None
info.pydev_state = STATE_RUN
info.pydev_step_cmd = None
#if we are quitting, let's stop the tracing
retVal = None
if not main_debugger.quitting:
retVal = self.trace_dispatch
return retVal
info.is_tracing = False
#end trace_dispatch
import psyco
trace_dispatch = psyco.proxy(trace_dispatch)
except ImportError:
if hasattr(sys, 'exc_clear'): #jython does not have it
sys.exc_clear() #don't keep the traceback
pass #ok, psyco not available
def should_stop_on_django_breakpoint(self, frame, event, arg):
mainDebugger = self._args[0]
thread = self._args[3]
flag = False
template_frame_file = get_template_file_name(frame)
#pydev_log.debug("Django is rendering a template: %s\n" % template_frame_file)
django_breakpoints_for_file = mainDebugger.django_breakpoints.get(template_frame_file)
if django_breakpoints_for_file:
#pydev_log.debug("Breakpoints for that file: %s\n" % django_breakpoints_for_file)
template_frame_line = get_template_line(frame, template_frame_file)
#pydev_log.debug("Tracing template line: %d\n" % template_frame_line)
if DictContains(django_breakpoints_for_file, template_frame_line):
django_breakpoint = django_breakpoints_for_file[template_frame_line]
if django_breakpoint.is_triggered(template_frame_file, template_frame_line):
#pydev_log.debug("Breakpoint is triggered.\n")
flag = True
new_frame = DjangoTemplateFrame(
if django_breakpoint.condition is not None:
val = eval(django_breakpoint.condition, new_frame.f_globals, new_frame.f_locals)
if not val:
flag = False
pydev_log.debug("Condition '%s' is evaluated to %s. Not suspending.\n" % (django_breakpoint.condition, val))
'Error while evaluating condition \'%s\': %s\n' % (django_breakpoint.condition, sys.exc_info()[1]))
if django_breakpoint.expression is not None:
val = eval(django_breakpoint.expression, new_frame.f_globals, new_frame.f_locals)
val = sys.exc_info()[1]
if val is not None:
thread.additionalInfo.message = val
if flag:
frame = suspend_django(self, mainDebugger, thread, frame)
return flag, frame
def add_exception_to_frame(frame, exception_info):
frame.f_locals['__exception__'] = exception_info