| |
| 13 implicit numeric conversion ! |
| 17 method may be static |
| 15 unnecessary fully qualified name |
| 11 Accessing a non-public field of another object |
| 11 Class references subclass |
| 8 Non-synchronized method overrides synchronized method |
| 8 Overly coupled class |
| 7 Overly coupled method |
| 6 Collection declared by class not interface |
| 6 Field accessed by synchronized and unsynchronized |
| 6 raw use of parameterized class |
| 5 use of obsolete collection type |
| 5 Infinite recursion |
| 4 casting to incompatible interface |
| 4 concatenation with empty string |
| 4 constant string buffer may be string |
| 3 non-constant string should be stringBuffer |
| 3 method overrides private method of superclass |
| 4 static method accessed via subclass |
| 4 use of java.lang.reflect |
| 3 overly strong type cast |
| 3 Method parameter of concrete class |
| 3 Local Variable of concrete class |
| 3 Malformed Regular Expression |
| 3 Abstract which has no concrete subclass |
| 3 mismatched query and update of collection |
| |
| Performance TODOs: |
| |
| Replace instanceof chains with PsiElementVisitors |
| -Negated conditional |
| -Negated If Else |
| -Overly Complex Arithmetic |
| -Overly Complex Boolean |
| -ControlFlowUtils |
| -ExpectedTypeUtils |
| -InitializationUtils |
| -RecursionUtils |
| -UnnecessaryContinue |
| remove import inspections |
| |