blob: 7eb02c03f99d97f405a5339f54864ceb27df49e0 [file] [log] [blame]
Reports any implementations of the <b>Object.finalize()</b> method
which do not call <b>super.finalize()</b>. Failing to call <b>super.finalize()</b> may result in objects failing to properly
free any resources held or do other cleanup activities.
<!-- tooltip end -->
Use the checkboxes below to ignore direct subclasses of <b>java.lang.Object</b>
or to ignore <b>finalize()</b> implementations with an empty
method body or a body containing only if statements which have a condition which
evaluates to false at compile time. For performance reasons it can be beneficial to
override a non-trivial <b>finalize()</b> with an empty
implementation in a subclass. An empty final <b>finalize()</b>
implementation can also be used to prevent subclasses from overriding.