blob: e06759ac355102a46d85c2f02e481fdaba880510 [file] [log] [blame]
Reports non-<b>Serializable</b>
fields in <b>Serializable</b> classes. Such fields will result
in runtime exceptions if the object is serialized. Fields declared
<b>transient</b> or <b>static</b>
are not reported, nor are fields of classes which have defined a <b>writeObject</b>
method. For purposes of this inspection, fields with
<b>java.util.Collection</b> or
<b>java.util.Map</b> types are assumed to be
<b>Serializable</b>, unless the types
they are declared to contain are non-<b>Serializable</b>.
<!-- tooltip end -->
Use the first list below to specify what specific classes and inheritors should be excluded
from being checked by this inspection. This is meant for those classes which, although they inherit
Serializable from a superclass, are not intended for serialization. Such classes would lead this
inspection to report unnecessarily.
Use the second list below to specify special annotations. Fields annotated with one of
these annotations will be ignored by this inspection.