blob: d00c4ec379c50c5f075afbe51acc468ebf7ed33c [file] [log] [blame]
Reports <b>Serializable</b> non-static
inner classes which do not provide a <b>serialVersionUID</b> field.
Without a <b>serialVersionUID</b> field, any change to a class will make previously serialized versions unreadable.
It is strongly recommended that <b>Serializable</b> non-static inner classes have
a <b>serialVersionUID</b> field, otherwise the default serialization algorithm
may result in serialized versions being incompatible between compilers, due to differences in synthetic
accessor methods.
<!-- tooltip end -->
Use the table below to specify what specific classes and inheritors should be excluded
from being checked by this inspection. This is meant for those classes which, although they inherit
Serializable from a superclass, are not intended for serialization. Such classes would lead this
inspection to report unnecessarily.