| gradle.name=Gradle |
| |
| gradle.settings.text.use.default_wrapper.configured=Use default gradle wrapper (recommended) |
| gradle.settings.text.use.default_wrapper.not_configured=Use default gradle wrapper (not configured for the current project) |
| gradle.settings.text.use.customizable_wrapper=Use customizable gradle wrapper |
| gradle.settings.text.wrapper.customization.compatibility=Gradle wrapper customization in script, works with Gradle 1.7 or later |
| gradle.settings.text.use.local.distribution=Use local gradle distribution |
| gradle.settings.text.use.bundled.distribution=Use bundled gradle distribution: ({0}) |
| |
| gradle.settings.text.home.path=Gradle home: |
| gradle.settings.text.service.dir.path=Service directory path: |
| gradle.settings.text.vm.options=Gradle VM options: |
| gradle.settings.text.offline_work=Offline work |
| gradle.settings.title.service.dir.path=Select gradle service directory to use |
| gradle.generic.text.error.jar.not.found=Gradle jars location is unknown |
| |
| gradle.home.setting.type.explicit.incorrect=Gradle location is incorrect.\nLocation:{0} |
| gradle.home.setting.type.explicit.empty=Gradle location is not specified |
| |
| gradle.toolwindow.text.no.linked.project=\nThere is no linked Gradle project\nYou can {@action Gradle.LinkToProject} one. |
| gradle.action.open.script.text=Open linked Gradle project |
| gradle.action.open.script.description=Allows to open project file of the linked Gradle project at the editor |
| gradle.notifications.use.distribution.with.sources=You can configure Gradle wrapper to use distribution with sources. \ |
| It will provide IDE with Gradle API/DSL documentation. |
| gradle.notifications.hide.tip=Hide the tip |
| gradle.notifications.apply.suggestion=Ok, apply suggestion! |
| gradle.notifications.unlinked.project.found.title=Unlinked Gradle project? |
| gradle.notifications.unlinked.project.found.msg=<a href="{0}">Import Gradle project</a>, this will also enable Gradle Tool Window. |
| gradle.notifications.do.not.show=Don't want to see the message for the project again: <a href="do.not.show">press here</a>. |
| |
| gradle.codeInsight.action.apply_plugin.text=Add gradle plugin |
| gradle.codeInsight.action.apply_plugin.description=Add selected gradle plugin to the project |
| gradle.codeInsight.action.apply_plugin.popup.title=Choose plugin |
| |
| gradle.codeInsight.action.add_maven_dependency.text=Add maven artifact dependency |
| gradle.codeInsight.action.add_maven_dependency.description=Add selected maven artifact dependency to the project |
| |
| gradle.test.runner.ui.tests.tree.presentation.labels.waiting.tests=Waiting for tests... |
| gradle.test.runner.ui.tests.tree.presentation.labels.no.tests.were.found=Test events were not received |
| gradle.test.runner.ui.tests.actions.open.gradle.report.text=Open Gradle test report |
| gradle.test.runner.ui.tests.actions.open.gradle.report.desc=Open Gradle reports produced by the Test task |