| action.delete.column=Delete column |
| action.delete.columns=Delete columns |
| action.delete.row=Delete row |
| action.delete.rows=Delete rows |
| action.insert.column.after.this=Insert column after this |
| action.insert.row.after.this=Insert row after this |
| action.insert.column.before.this=Insert column before this |
| action.insert.row.before.this=Insert row before this |
| action.split.column=Split column |
| action.split.row=Split row |
| error.class.does.not.exist=Class "{0}" does not exist |
| error.multiple.toplevel.components=Form cannot be compiled because it contains more than one component at the top level |
| error.panel.not.laid.out=Form cannot be compiled until this panel is layed out in a grid |
| error.no.field.in.class=Field "{0}" does not exist in class "{1}" |
| error.cant.bind.to.static=Cannot bind to static field "{0}" |
| error.bind.incompatible.types=Incompatible types. Found "{0}", required "{1}" |
| error.binding.already.exists=Binding to field "{0}" already exists |
| error.class.not.found.N=Class not found: {0} |
| error.class.not.found=Class not found |
| error.required.class.not.found.N=Required class not found: {0} |
| error.required.class.not.found=Required class not found |
| chk.copy.form.runtime=&Automatically copy form runtime classes to the output directory |
| label.generate.gui.into=Generate GUI into: |
| radio.generate.into.java=Java &source code |
| radio.generate.into.class=Binary &class files |
| progress.converting=Converting: {0} |
| title.add.component=Add Component |
| message.enter.group.name=Enter a new group name: |
| title.add.group=Add Group |
| title.converting.project=Converting project... |
| tab.general=General |
| tab.palette=Palette |
| title.edit.component=Edit Component |
| edit.enter.group.name=Enter a group name: |
| title.edit.group=Edit Group |
| error.group.name.unique=Group name should be unique |
| error.component.should.be.unique=A component with the same class as the edited component already exists in the palette. |
| title.gui.designer=GUI Designer |
| error.cannot.remove.default.palette=You cannot remove a default palette component. |
| error.cannot.remove.default.group=You cannot remove the group that contains default palette component(s). |
| error.form.file.is.invalid=Form file is invalid |
| error.form.file.is.invalid.message=Form file is invalid: {0} |
| error.class.cannot.be.instantiated=Class "{0}" cannot be instantiated |
| tab.untitled=Untitled |
| error.cannot.load.class=Cannot load class {0} |
| action.create.dialog=Create Dialog Class |
| action.description.create.dialog=Create new class implementing javax.swing.JDialog |
| title.new.dialog=New Dialog |
| command.create.class=Create class |
| error.cannot.create.dialog=Cannot Create Dialog |
| progress.creating.class=Creating class {0}.{1} |
| comment.call.onCancel.cross= // call onCancel() when cross is clicked |
| comment.call.onCancel.escape= // call onCancel() on ESCAPE |
| comment.onok= // add your code here |
| comment.oncancel= // add your code here if necessary |
| edit.dialog.class.name=Enter a new dialog class name: |
| checkbox.generate.cancel=Generate 'Cancel' handler |
| checkbox.generate.ok=Generate 'OK' handler |
| checkbox.generate.main=Generate main() method that creates and shows dialog |
| info.form.not.bound=Nothing to do. Form should be bound to a class. |
| title.data.binding.wizard=Data Binding Wizard |
| error.bound.to.not.found.class=Form is bound to class {0} that is not found. |
| info.no.bound.components=Nothing to do. Form should contain at least one bound component. |
| action.alter.data.binding=Alter Data Binding |
| action.bind.to.another.bean=Bind to Another Bean |
| info.data.binding.regenerate=Data binding to {0} found. If you continue, generated methods will be re-generated. |
| title.data.binding=Data Binding |
| title.form.preview=Form Preview |
| error.cannot.preview.form=Cannot preview form ''{0}''\nReason: {1} |
| error.cannot.read.form=Cannot read form file ''{0}''.\nReason: {1} |
| error.cannot.preview.empty.form=Cannot preview an empty form ''{0}'' |
| progress.preview.started={0} preview started |
| tab.getter=Getter |
| tab.setter=Setter |
| component.vertical.spacer=Vertical Spacer |
| component.horizontal.spacer=Horizontal Spacer |
| component.form=Form |
| component.no.binding=no binding |
| component.gui.designer.form.to.bytecode.compiler=GUI Designer form to bytecode compiler |
| component.gui.designer.form.to.source.compiler=GUI Designer form to source compiler |
| progress.compiling.ui.forms=Compiling UI forms... |
| error.cannot.process.form.file=Cannot process form file. Reason: {0} |
| error.cannot.copy.gui.designer.form.runtime=Cannot copy GUI designer form runtime classes to the output directory of module {0}.\nReason: {1} |
| error.class.to.bind.does.not.exist=Class to bind does not exist: {0} |
| error.duplicate.bind=The form is bound to the class {0}.\nAnother form {1} is also bound to this class. |
| editbox.icon=&Icon: |
| editbox.class=&Class: |
| checkbox.want.grow.horz=&Want grow |
| checkbox.can.grow.horz=Can &grow |
| checkbox.can.shrink.horz=Can &shrink |
| checkbox.want.grow.vert=W&ant grow |
| checkbox.can.grow.vert=Can g&row |
| checkbox.can.shrink.vert=Can s&hrink |
| action.delete.selected.components=Delete Selected Component(s) |
| error.item.already.added=GUI Designer palette: item for this class already is added: {0} |
| property.horizontal=Horizontal |
| property.vertical=Vertical |
| property.always=Always |
| property.as.needed=As needed |
| property.never=Never |
| property.wrap=Wrap |
| property.scroll=Scroll |
| property.top=Top |
| property.left=Left |
| property.bottom=Bottom |
| property.right=Right |
| property.center=Center |
| property.trailing=Trailing |
| property.leading=Leading |
| property.horizontal.wrap=Horizontal Wrap |
| property.vertical.wrap=Vertical Wrap |
| property.selection.single=Single |
| property.selection.single.interval=Single Interval |
| property.selection.multiple.interval=Multiple Interval |
| property.resize.off=Off |
| property.resize.next.column=Next Column |
| property.resize.subsequent.columns=Subsequent Columns |
| property.resize.last.column=Last Column |
| property.resize.all.columns=All Columns |
| property.focuslost.commit=Commit |
| property.focuslost.commit.or.revert=Commit or Revert |
| property.focuslost.persist=Persist |
| property.focuslost.revert=Revert |
| button.edit.group=&Edit Group |
| button.edit.component=E&dit Component |
| button.remove.component=Remove Componen&t |
| button.add.component=Add &Component... |
| button.remove.group=Remove Grou&p |
| button.add.group...=Add &Group... |
| action.pointer=Pointer |
| title.choose.component.class=Choose Component Class |
| chk.show.expert.properties=&Show expert properties |
| column.property=Property |
| column.value=Value |
| title.invalid.input=Invalid Input |
| property.none=None |
| property.both=Both |
| error.value.should.not.be.less=Value should not be less than {0} |
| error.not.an.integer=Entered value is not an integer number |
| title.chooser.value=Choose Property Key |
| column.key=Key |
| editbox.bundle.name=Bundle &name: |
| editbox.value=Value: |
| editbox.key=&Key: |
| editbox.value.2=&Value: |
| title.edit.text=Edit Text |
| radio.resource.bundle=Resource &bundle |
| radio.string=&String |
| title.choose.properties.file=Choose Properties File |
| error.specify.bundle.name=Please specify name of the resource bundle |
| error.bundle.does.not.exist=Bundle "{0}" does not exist |
| message.rename.field=Do you want to rename field "{0}" to "{1}" as well? |
| title.rename=Rename |
| title.choose.class.to.bind=Choose Class To Bind |
| property.west=West |
| property.east=East |
| property.north=North |
| property.south=South |
| property.north.west=North-West |
| property.north.east=North-East |
| property.south.west=South-West |
| property.south.east=South-East |
| class.in.package={0} in {1} |
| property.can.shrink=Can Shrink |
| property.can.grow=Can Grow |
| property.want.grow=Want Grow |
| property.fixed=Fixed |
| action.change.field.type=Change field ''{0}'' type from ''{1}'' to ''{2}'' |
| error.cannot.change.field.type=Cannot change field ''{0}'' type.\nReason: {1} |
| action.create.class=Create Class ''{0}'' |
| error.cannot.create.class.not.in.source.root=Cannot create class because form file does not belong\nto any source root |
| error.cannot.create.package=Cannot create package ''{0}''.\nReason: {1} |
| error.cannot.create.class=Cannot create class ''{0}''.\nReason: {1} |
| action.create.field=Create Field ''{0}'' |
| error.cannot.create.field=Cannot create field ''{0}'' |
| error.cannot.create.field.no.class=Cannot create field ''{0}'' because\nclass ''{1}'' does not exist. |
| command.create.field=Create Field |
| error.cannot.create.field.reason=Cannot create field ''{0}''.\nReason: {1} |
| tooltip.press.accelerator=Click or press {0} |
| property.not.defined=<not defined> |
| editbox.class.2=C&lass: |
| radio.bind.to.existing.bean=Bind to existing &bean |
| editbox.package=&Package: |
| radio.create.new.bean=Cre&ate new bean |
| column.form.field=Form Field |
| column.bean.property=Bean Property |
| group.horizontal.size.policy=Horizontal Size Policy |
| group.vertical.size.policy=Vertical Size Policy |
| group.methods.to.generate=Methods to Generate |
| title.choose.bean.class=Choose Bean Class |
| title.choose.package=Choose Package |
| error.cannot.read=Cannot read {0} |
| label.select.single.component.to.edit.its.properties=Select single component\nto edit its properties |
| error.please.specify.class.name.of.the.bean.to.be.created=Please specify class name of the bean to be created |
| error.X.is.not.a.valid.class.name=\"{0}\" is not a valid class name |
| error.package.with.name.X.does.not.exist=Package with name \"{0}\" does not exist |
| error.cannot.create.class.X.because.it.already.exists=Cannot create class \"{0}\" because it already exists |
| error.please.specify.fully.qualified.name.of.bean.class=Please specify fully qualified name of bean class |
| error.class.with.name.X.does.not.exist=Class with name \"{0}\" does not exist |
| error.X.is.not.a.valid.property.name=\"{0}\" is not a valid property name |
| error.form.file.is.not.in.source.root=Form file is not in source root |
| error.package.does.not.exist=Package does not exist: {0} |
| error.cannot.find.package=Cannot find package: {0} |
| error.form.is.not.bound.to.a.class=Form is not bound to a class |
| error.bound.class.does.not.exist=Bound class {0} does not exist |
| error.field.not.found.in.class=Field {0} not found in class {1} |
| error.invalid.binding.field.type=Invalid binding field type: field {0}, class {1} |
| uidesigner.string.no.i18n=Value does not need &internationalization |
| bind.to.bean.ismodified.checkbox=isModified() |
| bind.to.bean.setdata.checkbox=setData() |
| bind.to.bean.getdata.checkbox=getData() |
| error.one.toplevel.component.required=There should be only one component at the top level |
| error.nonempty.xy.panels.found=There are non empty panels with XY layout. Please lay them out in a grid. |
| error.class.to.bind.not.found=Class to bind not found: {0} |
| command.change.row.column.span=Change row/column span |
| tooltip.increase.row.span=Increase Row Span |
| tooltip.increase.column.span=Increase Column Span |
| tooltip.decrease.row.span=Decrease Row Span |
| tooltip.decrease.column.span=Decrease Column Span |
| checkbox.create.binding.automatically=Create &binding automatically |
| component.none=<none> |
| component.not.found=<not found> |
| color.chooser.title=Select Color for {0} |
| color.chooser.swing.palette=Swing Palette |
| color.chooser.system.palette=System Palette |
| color.chooser.awt.palette=AWT Palette |
| font.chooser.title=Select Font for {0} |
| font.chooser.font.tab=Font Chooser |
| font.chooser.swing.tab=Swing Fonts |
| font.chooser.font=&Font |
| font.chooser.style=&Style |
| font.chooser.size=Si&ze |
| font.chooser.preview.text=Preview Text |
| font.chooser.regular=Regular |
| font.chooser.bold=Bold |
| font.chooser.italic=Italic |
| font.chooser.bold.italic=Bold Italic |
| title.choose.icon.file=Choose Icon File |
| remove.property.quickfix=Remove Property |
| form.inspections.group=UI Form Problems |
| inspection.duplicate.mnemonics=Duplicate Mnemonics |
| inspection.duplicate.mnemonics.message=Duplicate mnemonic: {0}, {1} |
| inspection.missing.mnemonics=Missing Mnemonics |
| inspection.missing.mnemonics.message=Missing mnemonic: {0} |
| edit.text.searching.references=Searching for Property References |
| edit.text.multiple.usages=The property {0} has {1} usages. Are you sure you want to change its value? |
| edit.text.multiple.usages.title=Change Property Value |
| inspections.missing.mnemonic.quickfix=Assign mnemonic |
| inspection.missing.mnemonics.quickfix.prompt=Select text with mnemonic: |
| inspection.missing.mnemonics.quickfix.title=Assign Mnemonic |
| inspection.duplicate.mnemonics.quickfix=Assign unique mnemonic |
| inspection.no.label.for=No label for component |
| inspection.no.label.for.error=No label specified for component |
| inspection.no.label.for.quickfix=Assign label ''{0}'' |
| inspection.no.button.group=Radio button not in a group |
| inspection.no.button.group.error=Radio button not in a group |
| inspection.no.button.group.quickfix.create=Group adjacent buttons |
| key.chooser.new.property=&New Property... |
| key.chooser.new.property.title=Create Property |
| key.chooser.new.property.name=Key &name: |
| key.chooser.new.property.value=Key &value: |
| choose.locale.description=Choose locale for displaying localized string properties |
| choose.locale.default=<default> |
| add.component.form=Form: |
| add.component.class=Class: |
| add.component.cannot.load.form=Cannot load form file {0} |
| add.component.form.not.bound=Forms added to palette must be bound to a class |
| add.component.root.not.bound=Forms added to palette must have a binding for the top-level component |
| add.component.choose.form=Choose Form File |
| add.component.choose.icon=Choose Icon File |
| inspection.no.scroll.pane=Scrollable component not in JScrollPane |
| inspection.no.scroll.pane.quickfix=Surround with JScrollPane |
| surround.with.popup.title=Surround With |
| toolwindow.ui.designer=UI Designer |
| error.cannot.delete.unused.field=Cannot delete unused field: {0} |
| command.delete.unused.field=Delete Unused Field |
| error.for.component=Component {0}: {1} |
| button.group.name.prompt=Enter the name for the group: |
| button.group.name.title=Create Button Group |
| button.group.none=<None> |
| button.group.new=New... |
| delete.row.nonempty=The selected {1,choice,1#row contains|2#{1} rows contain} {0} components. Would you like to delete the components and the {1,choice,1#row|2#rows}? |
| delete.column.nonempty=The selected {1,choice,1#column contains|2#{1} columns contain} {0} components. Would you like to delete the components and the {1,choice,1#column|2#columns}? |
| delete.row.title=Delete Row |
| delete.column.title=Delete Column |
| checkbox.auto.create.binding=Create binding automatically |
| checkbox.can.attach.label=Can have attached label |
| command.create.dialog=Create Dialog |
| command.create.form=Create Form |
| error.cannot.create.form=Cannot Create Form |
| action.gui.form.text=GUI Form |
| action.gui.form.description=Create an empty GUI form |
| title.new.gui.form=New GUI Form |
| checkbox.create.bound.class=Create &bound class |
| new.form.class.name.label=&Class name: |
| new.form.form.name.label=&Form name: |
| paste.choose.destination.prompt=Select paste destination. Click or press Enter to paste, press Esc to cancel |
| navigate.to.listener.title=Navigate to Listener |
| navigate.to.listener.empty=no listeners found |
| palette.special.group=Palette |
| palette.non.palette.component=Non-Palette Component... |
| palette.non.palette.component.tooltip=Add a component not present in palette |
| palette.non.palette.component.title=Add Non-Palette Component |
| default.layout.manager=&Default layout manager: |
| snapshot.no.public.constructor=The class {0} does not have a public constructor.\r\nHow should instances of this class be handled? |
| snapshot.title=Create Form Snapshot |
| swing.inspector.title=Swing Inspector |
| error.card.already.exists=A card named ''{0}'' already exists in this container |
| create.component.title=Choose Component to Insert |
| error.no.custom.create.method=Form contains components with Custom Create option but no createUIComponents() method |
| error.custom.create.no.binding=Only components bound to fields can have custom creation code |
| quickfix.generate.custom.create=Generate createUIComponents() method |
| error.custom.create.binding.required=The component requires custom creation code and must thus have a non-empty binding |
| custom.create.field.name.prompt=A component with custom creation code needs to be bound to a field. Please enter the field name: |
| custom.create.title=Custom Create |
| client.property.name=&Property name: |
| client.property.type= |
| client.property.add.title=Add Client Property |
| client.properties.class.not.found=Class {0} not found |
| client.properties.class.not.component=Not a component class: {0} |
| client.properties.already.defined=Property {0} is already defined |
| client.properties.title=Configure Client Properties |
| client.properties.class.prompt=Enter the full-qualified name of the class to configure client properties for: |
| client.properties.name=Name |
| client.properties.class=Class |
| client.properties.configure=(configure...) |
| client.properties.add.class.tooltip=Add component class |
| client.properties.remove.class.tooltip=Remove component class |
| client.properties.add.property.tooltip=Add client property |
| client.properties.remove.property.tooltip=Remove client property |
| client.properties.type.header=Property Type |
| label=Label |
| morph.component.title=Choose Component to Morph Into |
| morph.component.command=Morph Component |
| inspection.bound.field.title=Assignment to UI-bound field |
| inspection.bound.field.message=Assignment to UI-bound field will overwrite field generated by UI Designer |
| snapshot.form.name.field=&Form Name: |
| create.snapshot.button=Create Snapshot |
| error.form.already.exists=File {0}.form already exists |
| snapshot.components.label=Root of the component tree to include in the snapshot: |
| snapshot.create.error=Failed to create snapshot: {0} |
| snapshot.save.error=Failed to create form from snapshot: {0} |
| snapshot.connection.error=Failed to establish form snapshot connection to running application |
| snapshot.prepare.notice=Please prepare the running application for taking a form snapshot |
| snapshot.run.error=Failed to prepare run profile: {0} |
| snapshot.run.prompt=The application from which snapshots will be taken is not currently running. Would you like to run it? |
| snapshot.no.configuration.error=No Application run configurations defined. Please define a run configuration to use for taking snapshots |
| snapshot.confirm.configuration.prompt=Taking form snapshots is not currently enabled. Enable taking form snapshots in configuration ''{0}''? |
| snapshot.no.compatible.configuration.error=Taking form snapshots requires JRE 5.0 or higher, while all existing Application configurations use an earlier JRE version. Please define a new Application run configuration using JRE 5.0 for taking form snapshots. |
| snapshot.choose.configuration.prompt=Taking form snapshots is not currently enabled. Please choose the run configuration to use for taking form snapshots: |
| snapshot.connection.broken=Form snapshot connection broken |
| snapshot.unknown.layout.prefix=Unknown layout manager classes found.\n |
| snapshot.unknown.layout.prompt=Components using these layout managers will be not included in the snapshot. Continue? |
| property.default=Default |
| property.above.top=Above Top |
| property.below.top=Below Top |
| property.above.bottom=Above Bottom |
| property.below.bottom=Below Bottom |
| border.title.editor.title=Border Title |
| border.color.editor.title=Border Color |
| property.javadoc.title=Documentation for {0} property |
| create.listener.title=Create Listener |
| create.listener.class.not.found=Could not find listener class |
| create.listener.command=Create Listener |
| list.editor.prompt=&Items in the model (one line per item): |
| list.editor.title=List Model for {0} |
| add.module.dependency.prompt=The class {0} is defined in the module {1}. Would you like to add a dependency from module {2} to that module? |
| add.module.dependency.title=Add Module Dependency |
| add.library.dependency.prompt=The class {0} is defined in the library {1}. Would you like to add a dependency from module {2} to that library? |
| add.library.dependency.title=Add Library Dependency |
| i18n.quickfix.property=I18nize property ''{0}'' |
| i18n.quickfix.border.title=I18nize border title |
| i18n.quickfix.tab.title=I18nize {0} |
| inspection.one.button.group=Button group with one button |
| inspection.one.button.group.error=Button group with one button |
| inspection.no.button.group.quickfix.add=Add to group ''{0}'' |
| property.fill=Fill |
| action.group.columns=Group Columns |
| action.group.rows=Group Rows |
| action.ungroup.columns=Ungroup Columns |
| action.ungroup.rows=Ungroup Rows |
| title.default.alignment=Default Alignment |
| alignment.left=&Left |
| alignment.center=&Center |
| alignment.right=&Right |
| alignment.fill=&Fill |
| title.size=Size |
| size.default=&Default |
| size.preferred=&Preferred |
| size.minimum=&Minimum |
| size.constant=Constan&t |
| size.minimum.limit=M&inimum |
| size.maximum.limit=M&aximum |
| size.grow=&Grow: |
| alignment.top=&Top |
| alignment.bottom=&Bottom |
| title.row.properties=Row {0} Properties |
| title.column.properties=Column {0} Properties |
| title.multiple.rows.selected=Multiple rows selected |
| title.multiple.columns.selected=Multiple columns selected |
| title.no.rows.selected=No rows selected |
| title.no.columns.selected=No columns selected |
| unit.pixels=pixels |
| unit.dialog.units=dialog units |
| unit.points=points |
| unit.inches=inches |
| unit.centimeters=centimeters |
| unit.millimeters=millimeters |
| font.default=<default> |
| action.suppress.for.component=Suppress for component |
| action.suppress.for.all.components=Suppress for all components |
| action.suppress.named.for.component=Suppress ''{0}'' for component |
| action.suppress.named.for.all.components=Suppress ''{0}'' for all components |
| insert.feedback.before.col={0} (row {1}, before col {2}) |
| insert.feedback.after.col={0} (row {1}, after col {2}) |
| insert.feedback.before.row={0} (col {1}, before row {2}) |
| insert.feedback.after.row={0} (col {1}, after row {2}) |
| insert.feedback.top=top |
| insert.feedback.bottom=bottom |
| insert.feedback.left=left |
| insert.feedback.right=right |
| resize.feedback={0}: {1} R x {2} C |
| command.update.property=changing property value |
| command.create.property=creating property value |
| title.height=Height |
| title.width=Width |
| tooltip.resize.row=Row {0}: {1} |
| tooltip.resize.column=Column {0}: {1} |
| edit.text.change.all=Change All |
| edit.text.make.unique=Make Unique |
| edit.text.unique.key.prompt=Enter the name for the new property key: |
| delete.component.prompt=Remove component {0} from palette? |
| delete.component.title=Delete Component |
| insert.feedback.fill=fill |
| insert.feedback.add.tab=Add tab: {0} ({1}) |
| generate.main.title=Generate main() |
| generate.main.no.default.constructor=The class does not have a default constructor |
| generate.main.empty.form=The form bound to the class is empty |
| generate.main.no.root.binding=The form bound to the class does not have a valid binding for the root component |
| uidesigner.generated.code.folding.placeholder.text=UI Designer generated code |
| node.button.groups=Button Groups |
| node.suppressed.inspections=Suppressed Inspections |
| button.group.name.label=Name: |
| button.group.bound.checkbox=Bind to field |
| error.binding.not.unique=binding is not unique |
| new.form.base.layout.manager.label=Base &layout manager: |
| combobox.group=Gr&oup: |
| checkbox.is.container=Is &container |
| command.set.property.value=Set Property Value |
| command.flatten=Flatten |
| command.drop.components=Drop Components |
| command.insert.component=Insert Component |
| command.delete.selection=Delete Selection |
| command.cut=Cut |
| command.delete.row=Delete Row |
| command.delete.column=Delete Column |
| command.edit.string.property=Edit String Property |
| command.duplicate=duplicate |
| group.buttons.title=Group Buttons |
| group.buttons.name.prompt=Enter the name for the button group: |
| inspection.no.label.for.command=assign label to component |
| error.recursive.form.nesting=Form cannot be loaded because of recursive form nesting |
| error.instantiating.nested.form=Error instantiating nested form {0}: {1} |
| progress.creating.snapshot=Creating snapshot... |
| progress.validating.layout.managers=Validating layout managers... |
| ui.is.bound.header=UI is bound in<br> |
| snapshooter.invalid.container=Selected component is not a valid top-level container for a form |
| error.getting.value=Error getting value: {0} |
| error.setting.value=Error setting value: {0} |
| error.no.message=No message |
| move.class.and.form.prompt=Move class {0} and its bound form |
| move.classes.and.forms.prompt=Move specified classes and their bound forms |
| inspection.invalid.property.in.form.quickfix.error.bundle.not.specified=Bundle not specified |
| inspection.invalid.property.in.form.quickfix.error.property.key.not.specified=Property key not specified |
| inspection.invalid.property.in.form.quickfix.error.bundle.not.found=Bundle ''{0}'' not found |
| inspection.invalid.property.in.form.quickfix.error.key.not.found=Key ''{0}'' not found in bundle ''{1}'' for locale ''{2}'' |
| inspection.i18n.message.in.form=Hard coded string literal in form: ''{0}'' |
| command.paste=Paste |
| add.component.error.qualified.name.required=Please enter a qualified class name |
| add.component.error.component.required=Please select a class derived from JComponent |
| form.usage.type={0} in GUI form |
| unsupported.component.class.version=Unsupported component class version |
| field.is.overwritten.by.generated.code=Field ''{0}'' is overwritten by generated code |
| bound.field.type.mismatch=Types of GUI component (''{0}'') and bound field (''{1}'') do not match |
| action.GuiDesigner.PreviewForm.text=Preview |
| action.GuiDesigner.PreviewForm.description=Preview form |
| action.GuiDesigner.DataBindingWizard.text=Data Binding Wizard... |
| action.GuiDesigner.ChooseLocale.text=Choose UI Designer Form Locale |
| action.GuiDesigner.LayOutHorizontally.text=Lay Out Horizontally |
| action.GuiDesigner.LayOutVertically.text=Lay Out Vertically |
| action.GuiDesigner.LayOutInGrid.text=Lay Out In a Grid |
| action.GuiDesigner.BreakLayout.text=Break Layout |
| action.GuiDesigner.ExpandSelection.text=Expand Selection |
| action.GuiDesigner.ExpandSelection.description=Expand selection structurally |
| action.GuiDesigner.ShrinkSelection.text=Shrink Selection |
| action.GuiDesigner.ShrinkSelection.description=Shrink selection structurally |
| action.GuiDesigner.IncreaseIndent.text=Increase Indent |
| action.GuiDesigner.IncreaseIndent.description=Increase indent of selected component |
| action.GuiDesigner.DecreaseIndent.text=Decrease Indent |
| action.GuiDesigner.DecreaseIndent.description=Decrease indent of selected component |
| action.GuiDesigner.GroupButtons.text=Group Buttons |
| action.GuiDesigner.GroupButtons.description=Add selected buttons to a ButtonGroup |
| action.GuiDesigner.UngroupButtons.text=Ungroup Buttons |
| action.GuiDesigner.UngroupButtons.description=Remove selected buttons from a ButtonGroup |
| action.GuiDesigner.QuickJavadoc.text=_Quick JavaDoc |
| action.GuiDesigner.QuickJavadoc.description=Show a popup window with JavaDoc for selected property |
| action.GuiDesigner.Pack.text=Pack |
| action.GuiDesigner.Pack.description=Shrink container to minimum size |
| action.GuiDesigner.ShowGrid.text=Show Grid |
| action.GuiDesigner.ShowGrid.description=Toggles visibility of the container layout grid |
| action.GuiDesigner.ShowComponentTags.text=Show Component Tags |
| action.GuiDesigner.ShowComponentTags.description=Toggles visibility of tags on large components with no text |
| action.GuiDesigner.ResetValue.text=Restore Default Value |
| action.GuiDesigner.ResetValue.description=Restore the default value of the selected property |
| action.GuiDesigner.AddGroup.text=Add Group |
| action.GuiDesigner.AddGroup.description=Add Group |
| action.GuiDesigner.EditGroup.text=Edit Group |
| action.GuiDesigner.EditGroup.description=Edit Group |
| action.GuiDesigner.DeleteGroup.text=Delete Group |
| action.GuiDesigner.DeleteGroup.description=Delete Group |
| action.GuiDesigner.AddComponent.text=Add Component to Palette... |
| action.GuiDesigner.AddComponent.description=Add Component |
| action.GuiDesigner.EditComponent.text=Edit Component |
| action.GuiDesigner.EditComponent.description=Edit Component |
| action.GuiDesigner.DeleteComponent.text=Delete Component |
| action.GuiDesigner.DeleteComponent.description=Delete Component |
| action.GuiDesigner.Duplicate.text=Duplicate |
| action.GuiDesigner.Duplicate.description=Duplicate Components |
| action.GuiDesigner.SurroundPopup.text=Surround With... |
| action.GuiDesigner.SurroundPopup.description=Surround the selected controls with a container |
| action.GuiDesigner.AddTab.text=Add Tab |
| action.GuiDesigner.AddTab.description=Add a new tab to the selected tabbed pane |
| action.GuiDesigner.GoToListener.text=Go to Listener |
| action.GuiDesigner.GoToListener.description=Navigate to a listener class attached to the component |
| action.GuiDesigner.CreateListener.text=Create Listener |
| action.GuiDesigner.CreateListener.description=Generate a listener class and attach it to the component |
| action.GuiDesigner.CreateComponent.text=Create Component |
| action.GuiDesigner.CreateComponent.description=Choose a component class and add the component to the form |
| action.GuiDesigner.Flatten.text=Flatten |
| action.GuiDesigner.Flatten.description=Delete selected container and move its contents to its parent container |
| action.GuiDesigner.Morph.text=Morph Component... |
| action.GuiDesigner.Morph.description=Convert the component to a different class while preserving properties |
| action.NewFormSnapshot.text=Form Snapshot |
| action.NewFormSnapshot.description=Create a GUI form based on the UI of a running Java application |
| action.GuiDesigner.GenerateMain.text=Form main() |
| action.GuiDesigner.GenerateMain.description=Generate a main() method to show the UI form |
| action.GuiDesigner.ReloadCustomComponents.text=Reload Custom Components |
| action.GuiDesigner.ReloadCustomComponents.description=Reload modified custom component classes and recreate forms |
| action.NewDialog.text=Dialog |
| action.NewForm.text=GUI Form |
| default.field.accessibility=Default accessibility &for UI-bound fields\: |
| plugin.com.intellij.uiDesigner.description=Provides visual editing support for Swing UI forms |
| group.GuiDesigner.MainToolbarActions.text=UI Designer Toolbar Actions |
| group.GuiDesigner.NewActions.text=New GUI Designer Actions |