blob: 00baa70ae5fe09b0856364c088aee8c440625849 [file] [log] [blame]
# epydoc -- Plaintext output generation
# Copyright (C) 2005 Edward Loper
# Author: Edward Loper <[email protected]>
# URL: <>
# $Id: 1473 2007-02-13 19:46:05Z edloper $
Plaintext output generation.
__docformat__ = 'epytext en'
from epydoc.apidoc import *
import re
class PlaintextWriter:
def write(self, api_doc, **options):
result = []
out = result.append
self._cols = options.get('cols', 75)
if isinstance(api_doc, ModuleDoc):
self.write_module(out, api_doc)
elif isinstance(api_doc, ClassDoc):
self.write_class(out, api_doc)
elif isinstance(api_doc, RoutineDoc):
self.write_function(out, api_doc)
assert 0, ('%s not handled yet' % api_doc.__class__)
except Exception, e:
print '\n\n'
print ''.join(result)
return ''.join(result)
def write_module(self, out, mod_doc):
#for n,v in mod_doc.variables.items():
# print n, `v.value`, `v.value.value`
# The cannonical name of the module.
out(self.section('Module Name'))
out(' %s\n\n' % mod_doc.canonical_name)
# The module's description.
if mod_doc.descr not in (None, '', UNKNOWN):
out(mod_doc.descr.to_plaintext(None, indent=4))
#out('metadata: %s\n\n' % mod_doc.metadata) # [xx] testing
self.write_list(out, 'Classes', mod_doc, value_type='class')
self.write_list(out, 'Functions', mod_doc, value_type='function')
self.write_list(out, 'Variables', mod_doc, value_type='other')
# hmm.. do this as just a flat list??
#self.write_list(out, 'Imports', mod_doc, imported=True, verbose=False)
def baselist(self, class_doc):
if class_doc.bases is UNKNOWN:
return '(unknown bases)'
if len(class_doc.bases) == 0: return ''
s = '('
class_parent = class_doc.canonical_name.container()
for i, base in enumerate(class_doc.bases):
if base.canonical_name is None:
if base.parse_repr is not UNKNOWN:
s += base.parse_repr
s += '??'
elif base.canonical_name.container() == class_parent:
s += str(base.canonical_name[-1])
s += str(base.canonical_name)
if i < len(class_doc.bases)-1: out(', ')
return s+')'
def write_class(self, out, class_doc, name=None, prefix='', verbose=True):
baselist = self.baselist(class_doc)
# If we're at the top level, then list the cannonical name of
# the class; otherwise, our parent will have already printed
# the name of the variable containing the class.
if prefix == '':
out(self.section('Class Name'))
out(' %s%s\n\n' % (class_doc.canonical_name, baselist))
out(prefix + 'class %s' % self.bold(str(name)) + baselist+'\n')
if not verbose: return
# Indent the body
if prefix != '':
prefix += ' | '
# The class's description.
if class_doc.descr not in (None, '', UNKNOWN):
if prefix == '':
out(self.section('Description', prefix))
out(self._descr(class_doc.descr, ' '))
out(self._descr(class_doc.descr, prefix))
# List of nested classes in this class.
self.write_list(out, 'Methods', class_doc,
value_type='instancemethod', prefix=prefix,
self.write_list(out, 'Class Methods', class_doc,
value_type='classmethod', prefix=prefix)
self.write_list(out, 'Static Methods', class_doc,
value_type='staticmethod', prefix=prefix)
self.write_list(out, 'Nested Classes', class_doc,
value_type='class', prefix=prefix)
self.write_list(out, 'Instance Variables', class_doc,
value_type='instancevariable', prefix=prefix)
self.write_list(out, 'Class Variables', class_doc,
value_type='classvariable', prefix=prefix)
self.write_list(out, 'Inherited Methods', class_doc,
value_type='method', prefix=prefix,
inherited=True, verbose=False)
self.write_list(out, 'Inherited Instance Variables', class_doc,
value_type='instancevariable', prefix=prefix,
inherited=True, verbose=False)
self.write_list(out, 'Inherited Class Variables', class_doc,
value_type='classvariable', prefix=prefix,
inherited=True, verbose=False)
self.write_list(out, 'Inherited Nested Classes', class_doc,
value_type='class', prefix=prefix,
inherited=True, verbose=False)
def write_variable(self, out, var_doc, name=None, prefix='', verbose=True):
if name is None: name =
if (var_doc.value not in (UNKNOWN, None) and
var_doc.is_alias is True and
var_doc.value.canonical_name not in (None, UNKNOWN)):
out(' = %s' % var_doc.value.canonical_name)
elif var_doc.value not in (UNKNOWN, None):
val_repr = var_doc.value.summary_pyval_repr(
out(' = %s' % val_repr.to_plaintext(None))
if not verbose: return
prefix += ' ' # indent the body.
if var_doc.descr not in (None, '', UNKNOWN):
out(self._descr(var_doc.descr, prefix))
def write_property(self, out, prop_doc, name=None, prefix='',
if name is None: name = prop_doc.canonical_name
if not verbose: return
prefix += ' ' # indent the body.
if prop_doc.descr not in (None, '', UNKNOWN):
out(self._descr(prop_doc.descr, prefix))
def write_function(self, out, func_doc, name=None, prefix='',
if name is None: name = func_doc.canonical_name
self.write_signature(out, func_doc, name, prefix)
if not verbose: return
prefix += ' ' # indent the body.
if func_doc.descr not in (None, '', UNKNOWN):
out(self._descr(func_doc.descr, prefix))
if func_doc.return_descr not in (None, '', UNKNOWN):
out(self.section('Returns:', prefix))
out(self._descr(func_doc.return_descr, prefix+' '))
if func_doc.return_type not in (None, '', UNKNOWN):
out(self.section('Return Type:', prefix))
out(self._descr(func_doc.return_type, prefix+' '))
def write_signature(self, out, func_doc, name, prefix):
args = [self.fmt_arg(argname, default) for (argname, default)
in zip(func_doc.posargs, func_doc.posarg_defaults)]
if func_doc.vararg: args.append('*'+func_doc.vararg)
if func_doc.kwarg: args.append('**'+func_doc.kwarg)
x = left = len(prefix) + len(name) + 1
for i, arg in enumerate(args):
if x > left and x+len(arg) > 75:
out('\n'+prefix + ' '*len(name) + ' ')
x = left
x += len(arg)
if i < len(args)-1:
out(', ')
x += 2
# [xx] tuple args!
def fmt_arg(self, name, default):
if default is None:
return '%s' % name
default_repr = default.summary_pyval_repr()
return '%s=%s' % (name, default_repr.to_plaintext(None))
def write_list(self, out, heading, doc, value_type=None, imported=False,
inherited=False, prefix='', noindent=False,
# Get a list of the VarDocs we should describe.
if isinstance(doc, ClassDoc):
var_docs = doc.select_variables(value_type=value_type,
var_docs = doc.select_variables(value_type=value_type,
if not var_docs: return
if not noindent:
out(self.section(heading, prefix))
prefix += ' '
for i, var_doc in enumerate(var_docs):
val_doc, name = var_doc.value,
if verbose:
# hmm:
if not verbose:
if isinstance(doc, ClassDoc):
name = var_doc.canonical_name
elif val_doc not in (None, UNKNOWN):
name = val_doc.canonical_name
if isinstance(val_doc, RoutineDoc):
self.write_function(out, val_doc, name, prefix, verbose)
elif isinstance(val_doc, PropertyDoc):
self.write_property(out, val_doc, name, prefix, verbose)
elif isinstance(val_doc, ClassDoc):
self.write_class(out, val_doc, name, prefix, verbose)
self.write_variable(out, var_doc, name, prefix, verbose)
def _descr(self, descr, prefix):
s = descr.to_plaintext(None, indent=len(prefix)).rstrip()
s = '\n'.join([(prefix+l[len(prefix):]) for l in s.split('\n')])
return s+'\n'#+prefix+'\n'
# def drawline(self, s, x):
# s = re.sub(r'(?m)^(.{%s}) ' % x, r'\1|', s)
# return re.sub(r'(?m)^( {,%s})$(?=\n)' % x, x*' '+'|', s)
# Helpers
def bold(self, text):
"""Write a string in bold by overstriking."""
return ''.join([ch+'\b'+ch for ch in text])
def title(self, text, indent):
return ' '*indent + self.bold(text.capitalize()) + '\n\n'
def section(self, text, indent=''):
if indent == '':
return indent + self.bold(text.upper()) + '\n'
return indent + self.bold(text.capitalize()) + '\n'