blob: bb0c50438125a26828338b997963a16f73322ce9 [file] [log] [blame]
def overrides(method):
Initially meant to be used as
class B:
def m1(self):
but as we want to be compatible with Jython 2.1 where decorators have an uglier syntax (needing an assign
after the method), it should now be used without being a decorator as below (in which case we don't even check
for anything, just that the parent name was actually properly loaded).
class B:
def m1(self):
# def wrapper(func):
# if func.__name__ != method.__name__:
# msg = "Wrong @override: %r expected, but overwriting %r."
# msg = msg % (func.__name__, method.__name__)
# raise AssertionError(msg)
# if func.__doc__ is None:
# func.__doc__ = method.__doc__
# return func
# return wrapper
def implements(method):
# def wrapper(func):
# if func.__name__ != method.__name__:
# msg = "Wrong @implements: %r expected, but implementing %r."
# msg = msg % (func.__name__, method.__name__)
# raise AssertionError(msg)
# if func.__doc__ is None:
# func.__doc__ = method.__doc__
# return func
# return wrapper