blob: e4bf2207c254dbcc917a5a6bf3d9fc84e986bcc5 [file] [log] [blame]
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/tips.css">
<p>The <span class="control">Edit | Copy Reference</span>
action can be used to insert a reference to a field/method/class/file into the current position in the editor.</p>
<p>For example, go to the <span class="code_emphasis">java.util.Collections</span> JDK class, place the cursor within the <span class="code_emphasis">EMPTY-MAP</span> field
and press <span class="shortcut">&shortcut:CopyReference;</span>:</p>
<p class="image"><img src="images/reference_copied.png"></p>
<p>Then return to your Java source and press <span class="shortcut">&shortcut:$Paste;</span>:</p>
<p class="image"><img src="images/reference_pasted.png"></p>
<p>You can also copy references in the <span class="control">GotoClass/GotoSymbol/GotoFile</span> dialogs.
Just press <span class="shortcut">&shortcut:$Copy;</span> on any element in the lookup list.</p>