blob: 7ccac5c4b6914aa5ac8f9123786cfa817d782e3a [file] [log] [blame]
; see
; this is comment line
; each line represent a patching rule
; - => path
; this is exclude rule. It excludes all paths that starts with given prefix
; xx => path
; this is the rule to enforce check of java classes of version xx, where xx could
; be one of the following: 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7
; check static => path
; this is the rule to check static class usages in classes under given path
; - check static => path
; exclude following paths from the check
; allow static class NAME
; allow use of given class (by starts-with) from static context
; see example below
; all paths are relative to scan folder
; exclude rules are checked first
; longest rule wins
; have fun
1.6 =>
1.3 => lib/idea_rt.jar
1.7 => lib/fxHelpBrowser.jar
1.7 => lib/optimizedFileManager.jar
1.5 => plugins/Groovy/lib/groovy_rt.jar
1.5 => lib/annotations.jar