| # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" for whole file |
| # IDEA core action texts and descriptions go here. |
| # The key patterns are "action." + id + ".text" and "action." + id + ".description" |
| |
| action.CaptureMemorySnapShot.text=Capture Memory Snapshot |
| action.CaptureMemorySnapShot.description=Capture memory snapshot |
| action.CaptureCPUUsageData.text=Start CPU Usage Profiling |
| action.CaptureCPUUsageData.description=Capture CPU usage data |
| action.CaptureAllocations.text=Capture Allocations |
| action.CaptureAllocations.description=Capture memory allocations data |
| action.ContextHelp.text=Conte_xt Help |
| action.ContextHelp.description=Show context help |
| action.RunConfiguration.text=Select Run/Debug Configuration |
| action.SwitchCoverage.text=Show Code Co_verage Data |
| action.GenerateCoverageReport.text=_Generate Coverage Report |
| action.RunConfiguration.description=Select Run/Debug Configuration |
| action.ShowIntentionActions.text=Show Intention Actions |
| action.ToggleReadOnlyAttribute.text=Toggle Read-Only Attribute |
| action.ToggleReadOnlyAttribute.description=Toggle read-only attribute of current file |
| action.TogglePopupHints.text=Toggle Popup Hints for Current File |
| action.RunGc.text=Run Garbage Collector |
| action.ShowPopupMenu.text=Show Context Menu |
| action.CloseWindow.text=Close Active Window |
| action.Vcs.ShowMessageHistory.text=Commit Message History |
| action.Vcs.ShowMessageHistory.description=Show commit message history |
| action.Vcs.CheckCommitMessageSpelling.text=Check commit message spelling |
| action.Vcs.CheckCommitMessageSpelling.description=Toggle checking commit message spelling errors |
| action.Vcs.ShowHistoryForBlock.text=Show History _for Selection |
| action.Vcs.ShowHistoryForBlock.description=Show history for editor selection |
| action.Vcs.ShowTabbedFileHistory.text=Show _History |
| action.Vcs.ShowTabbedFileHistory.description=Show history of file |
| action.AddToFavoritesPopup.text=Add to Favorites |
| action.AddToFavoritesPopup.description=Add selected node to favorites |
| group.AddToFavorites.text=Add to F_avorites |
| group.AddAllToFavorites.text=Add A_ll To Favorites |
| action.AddNewFavoritesList.text=Add New Favorites List |
| action.AddNewFavoritesList.description=Add New Favorites List |
| action.EditFavorites.text=Edit |
| action.EditFavorites.description=Edit |
| action.RemoveFromFavorites.text=Remove From Favorites |
| action.RemoveFromFavorites.description=Remove selected node from favorites |
| action.RenameFavoritesList.text=Rename Favorites List |
| action.RenameFavoritesList.description=Rename the favorites list the selected node belongs to |
| action.RemoveFavoritesList.text=Delete Favorites List |
| action.RemoveFavoritesList.description=Delete all favorites the selected node belongs to |
| action.RemoveAllFavoritesListsButThis.text=Delete All Favorites List But This |
| action.RemoveAllFavoritesListsButThis.description=Delete all favorites except these |
| group.SendToFavoritesGroup.text=_Send to Favorites |
| action.ActivateNavBar.text=Activate Navigation _Bar |
| action.ActivateNavBar.description=Activate navigation bar |
| action.CreateRunConfiguration.text=Create Run Configuration |
| action.CreateRunConfiguration.description=Create run configuration from context |
| group.RunContextPopupGroup.text=Run Configurations |
| group.EditorActions.text=Editor Actions |
| action.EditorChooseLookupItem.text=Choose Lookup Item |
| action.EditorChooseLookupItemReplace.text=Choose Lookup Item Replace |
| action.EditorChooseLookupItemCompleteStatement.text=Choose Lookup Item and Invoke Complete Statement |
| action.NextTemplateVariable.text=Next Template Variable or Finish In-Place Refactoring |
| action.PreviousTemplateVariable.text=Previous Template Variable |
| action.NextParameter.text=Next Parameter |
| action.PrevParameter.text=Prev Parameter |
| action.EditorPageUp.text=Page Up |
| action.EditorPageDown.text=Page Down |
| action.EditorPageUpWithSelection.text=Page Up with Selection |
| action.EditorPageDownWithSelection.text=Page Down with Selection |
| action.EditorCopy.text=Copy |
| action.EditorCut.text=Cut |
| action.EditorPaste.text=Paste |
| action.EditorPasteSimple.text=Paste S_imple |
| action.EditorPasteSimple.description=Paste without formatting, autoimport, literal escaping etc. |
| action.EditorPasteFromX11.text=Paste from X clipboard |
| action.EditorDelete.text=Delete |
| action.EditorBackSpace.text=Backspace |
| action.EditorHungryBackSpace.text=Hungry Backspace |
| action.EditorHungryBackSpace.description=Acts as the Backspace except that removes all whitespace symbols before the caret (if any) |
| action.EditorMoveToPageTop.text=Move Caret to Page Top |
| action.EditorMoveToPageBottom.text=Move Caret to Page Bottom |
| action.EditorMoveToPageTopWithSelection.text=Move Caret to Page Top with Selection |
| action.EditorMoveToPageBottomWithSelection.text=Move Caret to Page Bottom with Selection |
| action.EditorEnter.text=Enter |
| action.EditorEscape.text=Escape |
| action.EditorUp.text=Up |
| action.EditorDown.text=Down |
| action.EditorLeft.text=Left |
| action.EditorRight.text=Right |
| action.EditorUpWithSelection.text=Up with Selection |
| action.EditorDownWithSelection.text=Down with Selection |
| action.EditorLeftWithSelection.text=Left with Selection |
| action.EditorRightWithSelection.text=Right with Selection |
| action.EditorIndentSelection.text=Indent Selection |
| action.EditorUnindentSelection.text=Unindent Selection |
| action.EditorIndentLineOrSelection.text=Indent Line or Selection |
| action.EditorTab.text=Tab |
| action.EditorResetFontSize.text=Reset Font Size |
| action.EmacsStyleIndent.text=Emacs Tab |
| action.EditorScrollUp.text=Scroll Up |
| action.EditorScrollDown.text=Scroll Down |
| action.EditorScrollUpAndMove.text=Scroll Up and Move if Necessary |
| action.EditorScrollDownAndMove.text=Scroll Down and Move if Necessary |
| action.EditorScrollLeft.text=Scroll Left |
| action.EditorScrollRight.text=Scroll Right |
| action.EditorScrollTop.text=Scroll to Top |
| action.EditorScrollBottom.text=Scroll to Bottom |
| action.EditorMoveUpAndScroll.text=Move Up and Scroll |
| action.EditorMoveDownAndScroll.text=Move Down and Scroll |
| action.EditorMoveUpAndScrollWithSelection.text=Move Up and Scroll with Selection |
| action.EditorMoveDownAndScrollWithSelection.text=Move Down and Scroll with Selection |
| action.EditorCloneCaretBelow.text=Clone Caret Below |
| action.EditorCloneCaretAbove.text=Clone Caret Above |
| action.SelectNextOccurence.text=Select Next Occurence |
| action.UnselectLastOccurence.text=Unselect Last Occurence |
| action.EditorToggleStickySelection.text=Toggle Sticky Selection |
| action.EditorSwapSelectionBoundaries.text=Swap selection boundaries |
| action.EditorLineStart.text=Move Caret to Line Start |
| action.EditorLineEnd.text=Move Caret to Line End |
| action.EditorCutLineBackward.text=Cut Line Backward |
| action.EditorCutLineEnd.text=Cut up to Line End |
| action.EditorTextStart.text=Move Caret to Text Start |
| action.EditorTextEnd.text=Move Caret to Text End |
| action.EditorLineStartWithSelection.text=Move Caret to Line Start with Selection |
| action.EditorLineEndWithSelection.text=Move Caret to Line End with Selection |
| action.EditorTextStartWithSelection.text=Move Caret to Text Start with Selection |
| action.EditorTextEndWithSelection.text=Move Caret to Text End with Selection |
| action.EditorNextWord.text=Move Caret to Next Word |
| action.EditorNextWordInDifferentHumpsMode.text=Move Caret to Next Word in Different "CamelHumps" Mode |
| action.EditorPreviousWord.text=Move Caret to Previous Word |
| action.EditorPreviousWordInDifferentHumpsMode.text=Move Caret to Previous Word in Different "CamelHumps" Mode |
| action.EditorNextWordWithSelection.text=Move Caret to Next Word with Selection |
| action.EditorNextWordInDifferentHumpsModeWithSelection.text=Move Caret to Next Word with Selection in Different "CamelHumps" Mode |
| action.EditorPreviousWordWithSelection.text=Move Caret to Previous Word with Selection |
| action.EditorPreviousWordInDifferentHumpsModeWithSelection.text=Move Caret to Previous Word with Selection in Different "CamelHumps" Mode |
| action.EditorCodeBlockStart.text=Move Caret to Code Block Start |
| action.EditorCodeBlockEnd.text=Move Caret to Code Block End |
| action.EditorCodeBlockStartWithSelection.text=Move Caret to Code Block Start with Selection |
| action.EditorCodeBlockEndWithSelection.text=Move Caret to Code Block End with Selection |
| action.EditorMatchBrace.text=Move Caret to Matched Brace |
| action.EditorDeleteToWordStart.text=Delete to Word Start |
| action.EditorDeleteToWordStartInDifferentHumpsMode.text=Delete to Word Start in Different "CamelHumps" Mode |
| action.EditorDeleteToWordEnd.text=Delete to Word End |
| action.EditorDeleteToWordEndInDifferentHumpsMode.text=Delete to Word End in Different "CamelHumps" Mode |
| action.EditorDeleteLine.text=Delete Line |
| action.EditorKillToWordStart.text=Kill to Word Start |
| action.EditorKillToWordEnd.text=Kill to Word End |
| action.EditorKillRegion.text=Kill Selected Region |
| action.EditorKillRingSave.text=Save to Kill Ring |
| action.EditorDuplicate.text=Duplicate Line or Block |
| action.EditorDuplicateLines.text=Duplicate Lines |
| action.EditorSelectWord.text=Select Word at Caret |
| action.EditorUnSelectWord.text=Unselect Word at Caret |
| action.EditorToggleInsertState.text=Toggle Insert/Overwrite |
| action.EditorToggleColumnMode.text=Column Selection _Mode |
| action.EditorToggleColumnMode.description=Toggle column selection mode in current editor |
| action.EditorToggleShowWhitespaces.text=Sh_ow Whitespaces |
| action.EditorToggleShowWhitespaces.description=Toggle display whitespaces in current editor |
| action.EditorToggleShowIndentLines.text=Sh_ow Indent Guides |
| action.EditorToggleShowIndentLines.description=Toggle display indent guides in current editor |
| action.EditorToggleShowLineNumbers.text=Show L_ine Numbers |
| action.EditorToggleShowLineNumbers.description=Toggle display line numbers in current editor |
| action.EditorToggleUseSoftWraps.text=Use Soft Wraps |
| action.EditorToggleUseSoftWraps.description=Toggle using soft wraps in current editor |
| action.EditorConsoleScrollToTheEnd.text=Scroll to the end |
| action.EditorIncreaseFontSize.text=Increase Font Size |
| action.EditorDecreaseFontSize.text=Decrease Font Size |
| action.ViewImportPopups.text=Show Import Popups |
| action.ViewImportPopups.description=Toggle display import popups in current file |
| action.EditorScrollToCenter.text=Scroll to Center |
| action.EditorToggleCase.text=Toggle Case |
| action.EditorJoinLines.text=Join Lines |
| action.EditorSelectLine.text=Select Line at Caret |
| action.EditorSplitLine.text=Split Line |
| action.EditorStartNewLine.text=Start New Line |
| action.EditorStartNewLineBefore.text=Start New Line Before Current |
| action.EditorCompleteStatement.text=Complete Current Statement |
| action.ExpandAll.text=Expand All |
| action.CollapseAll.text=Collapse All |
| action.ExportToTextFile.text=Export to Text File |
| action.ExpandTreeNode.text=Expand Tree Node |
| action.CollapseTreeNode.text=Collapse Tree Node |
| action.FullyExpandTreeNode.text=Fully Expand Tree Node |
| group.GenerateGroup.text=_Generate |
| action.GenerateTestMethod.text=Test Method |
| action.GenerateSetUpMethod.text=SetUp Method |
| action.GenerateTearDownMethod.text=TearDown Method |
| action.GenerateDataMethod.text=Parameters Method |
| action.GenerateConstructor.text=Constructor |
| action.GenerateCreateUI.text=createUI(...) |
| action.GenerateGetter.text=Getter |
| action.GenerateSetter.text=Setter |
| action.GenerateGetterAndSetter.text=Getter and Setter |
| action.GenerateEquals.text=equals() and hashCode() |
| action.OverrideMethods.text=_Override Methods... |
| action.OverrideMethods.description=Override base class methods in the current class |
| action.ImplementMethods.text=_Implement Methods... |
| action.ImplementMethods.description=Implement base interface/class methods in the current class |
| action.DelegateMethods.text=_Delegate Methods... |
| action.DelegateMethods.description=Generate delegate method to a field/getter |
| action.GenerateSuperMethodCall.text=Super Method Call |
| action.NextDiff.text=Move to the next difference |
| action.NextDiff.description=Move to the Next Difference |
| action.PreviousDiff.text=Move to the Previous Difference |
| action.PreviousDiff.description=Move to the previous difference |
| action.Refresh.text=R_efresh |
| action.CheckinProject.text=Check _In Project |
| action.CheckinFiles.text=Check _In |
| action.UpdateFiles.text=_Update |
| action.CheckStatusForFiles.text=Chec_k Status |
| action.Annotate.text=A_nnotate |
| action.Annotate.description=Show information about last modification date and author for each line |
| action.Compare.SameVersion.text=Compare with the Same Repositor_y Version |
| action.Compare.LastVersion.text=Compare with Latest Repository _Version |
| action.Compare.Selected.text=_Compare with... |
| group.NewGroup.text=_New |
| group.WeighingNewGroup.text=_New |
| action.NewClass.text=Java Class |
| action.NewFile.text=File |
| action.NewDir.text=Directory/Package |
| action.NewFromTemplate.text=From Template |
| action.CompareTwoFiles.text=Compare Two _Files |
| action.CompareTwoFiles.description=Compare two selected files |
| action.CompareFileWithEditor.text=Co_mpare File with Editor |
| action.CompareFileWithEditor.description=Compare selected file with editor |
| action.ShowQuickDocAtPinnedWindowFromTooltip.text=Full documentation in a pinned window |
| action.ShowQuickDocAtPinnedWindowFromTooltip.description=Show full documentation in a pinned window |
| |
| group.LocalHistory.text=Local _History |
| action.LocalHistory.ShowHistory.text=Show _History |
| action.LocalHistory.ShowSelectionHistory.text=Show History for Selection |
| action.LocalHistory.PutLabel.text=Put _Label... |
| |
| group.VcsGroups.text=VC_S |
| group.VcsGlobalGroup.text=VCS Group |
| action.Vcs.FileView.text=Show Fi_le View |
| action.Vcs.FileView.description=Show version control related information for all local files |
| action.Vcs.ChangesView.text=Show Cha_nges View |
| action.Vcs.ChangesView.description=Show window for managing changes and changelists |
| action.Vcs.UpdateProject.text=_Update Project |
| action.Vcs.ProjectStatus.text=C_heck Project Status |
| group.VcsGroup.text=Version Control |
| group.VcsFileGroupPopup.text=Version Control Group |
| group.FileMenu.text=_File |
| group.ProjectImport.text=Import _Projects |
| action.NewProject.text=_New Project... |
| action.NewProject.description=Create a new project from scratch |
| action.NewModule.text=New _Module... |
| action.NewModule.description=Create new module from scratch and add it to the project |
| action.ImportProject.description=Create project structure for directory with existing sources or convert existing project model |
| action.ImportModule.description=Import module from directory with existing sources or from existing project model |
| action.OpenProject.text=Open Project... |
| action.OpenProject.description=Open an existing project |
| action.OpenFile.text=_Open... |
| action.OpenFile.description=Open a project or a file in editor |
| group.reopen.win.text=_Reopen Project |
| group.reopen.mac.text=Open _Recent |
| group.$LRU.description=List of recently opened projects |
| action.CloseProject.text=Close Pro_ject |
| action.CloseProject.description=Close current project |
| action.ShowProjectStructureSettings.text=Project Structure... |
| action.ShowProjectStructureSettings.description=Configure project structure |
| action.TemplateProjectProperties.text=Def_ault Settings... |
| action.TemplateProjectProperties.description=Configure default settings for all new projects |
| action.TemplateProjectStructure.text=Default Project Structure... |
| action.TemplateProjectStructure.description=Configure default structure for all new projects |
| action.SaveAll.text=_Save All |
| action.SaveAll.description=Save all files and settings |
| action.ExportSettings.text=_Export Settings... |
| action.ExportSettings.description=Export global settings |
| action.ImportSettings.text=Import Settings... |
| action.ImportSettings.description=Import global settings |
| action.ImportFromJBuilder.text=Import _From JBuilder... |
| action.ImportFromJBuilder.description=Load Modules From JBuilder Project |
| action.ImportFromEclipse.text=Import From Eclipse... |
| action.ImportFromEclipse.description=Create project from Eclipse projects |
| action.ExportToEclipse.text=Export To Eclipse... |
| action.ExportToEclipse.description=Create Eclipse projects for each module |
| action.Synchronize.text=S_ynchronize |
| action.Synchronize.description=Detect all externally changed files and reload them from disk |
| action.ReloadFromDisk.text=Reload from Dis_k |
| action.ReloadFromDisk.description=Reload current file from disk and lose all changes |
| group.Vcs.Checkout.text=Check_out from Version Control |
| action.ExportToHTML.text=Export to _HTML... |
| action.ExportToHTML.description=Save file content in HTML format with syntax coloring |
| action.Print.text=_Print... |
| action.Print.description=Print file |
| action.Exit.text=E_xit |
| action.Exit.description=Quit IDE |
| group.EditMenu.text=_Edit |
| group.FindMenuGroup.text=_Find |
| action.undo.text=_Undo {0} |
| action.undo.description=Undo {0} |
| action.undo.description.empty=last operation |
| action.redo.text=_Redo {0} |
| action.redo.description=Redo {0} |
| action.redo.description.empty=last undone operation |
| action.$Cut.text=Cu_t |
| action.$Cut.description=Cut to clipboard |
| action.$Copy.text=_Copy |
| action.$Copy.description=Copy to clipboard |
| action.$SearchWeb.text=_Search with Google |
| action.$SearchWeb.description=Search selection with Google |
| action.CopyPaths.text=C_opy Paths |
| action.CopyPaths.description=Copy paths corresponding to selected files or directories to clipboard |
| action.CopyReference.text=Cop_y Reference |
| action.CopyReference.description=Copy reference to selected class, method or function |
| action.$Paste.text=_Paste |
| action.$Paste.description=Paste from clipboard |
| action.PasteMultiple.text=Past_e from History... |
| action.PasteMultiple.description=Paste from recent clipboards |
| action.$SelectAll.text=Select _All |
| action.$SelectAll.description=Select all |
| action.NewElement.text=_New... |
| action.NewElement.description=Create new class, interface, file or directory |
| action.NewElementSamePlace.text=_New... |
| action.NewElementSamePlace.description=Create new class, interface, file or directory |
| action.$Delete.text=_Delete |
| action.$Delete.description=Delete selected item |
| action.ToggleBookmark.text=Toggle _Bookmark |
| action.ToggleBookmark.description=Toggle bookmark at the current location |
| action.ShowBookmarks.text=_Show Bookmarks |
| action.ShowBookmarks.description=Show list of all bookmarks |
| action.Find.text=_Find... |
| action.Find.description=Find a string in active editor |
| action.FindModal.text=_Find... |
| action.FindModal.description=Find a string in active editor, shows modal dialog |
| action.Replace.text=_Replace... |
| action.Replace.description=Replace a string in active editor with another string |
| action.FindNext.text=Find _Next |
| action.FindNext.description=Repeat the last Find/Replace operation |
| action.FindPrevious.text=Find Pre_vious |
| action.FindPrevious.description=Repeat the last Find/Replace operation in reverse direction |
| action.FindWordAtCaret.text=Find _Word at Caret |
| action.FindWordAtCaret.description=Find next occurrence of the word at caret |
| action.IncrementalSearch.text=Incrementa_l Search |
| action.IncrementalSearch.description=Start incremental search (searches string as you type), IntelliJ IDEA 6.0 implementation. |
| action.FindUsages.text=Find _Usages |
| action.FindUsages.description=Find usages of the symbol at caret |
| action.ShowUsages.text=_Show Usages |
| action.ShowUsages.description=Show usages of the symbol at caret |
| action.ShowSettingsAndFindUsages.text=Find Usages Settings... |
| action.ShowSettingsAndFindUsages.description=Choose scope and edit options for the Find Usages action |
| action.FindUsagesInFile.text=F_ind Usages in File |
| action.FindUsagesInFile.description=Find usages of the symbol at caret in active editor |
| action.HighlightUsagesInFile.text=_Highlight Usages in File |
| action.HighlightUsagesInFile.description=Highlight usages of the symbol at caret in active editor |
| action.HighlightUsagesInFile.not.ready=This usage search requires indices and cannot be performed until they are built |
| action.FindJoinpointsByPointcutAction.text=Find _Join Point Identified by Pointcut |
| action.FindJoinpointsByPointcutAction.description=Find join point identified by pointcut |
| action.FindInPath.text=Find in _Path... |
| action.FindInPath.description=Find a string in multiple files |
| action.ReplaceInPath.text=Repl_ace in Path... |
| action.ReplaceInPath.description=Replace a string in multiple files with another string |
| group.ViewMenu.text=_View |
| action.ViewToolBar.text=_Toolbar |
| action.ViewToolBar.description=Show/hide the main toolbar |
| action.ViewStatusBar.text=_Status Bar |
| action.ViewStatusBar.description=Show/hide the status bar |
| action.ViewToolButtons.text=_Tool Buttons |
| action.ViewToolButtons.description=Show/hide tool window buttons |
| action.ViewNavigationBar.text=Na_vigation Bar |
| action.ViewNavigationBar.description=Show/hide the navigation bar |
| action.FileStructurePopup.text=F_ile Structure |
| action.FileStructurePopup.description=Popup structure of the current file for quick navigation |
| action.ShowFilePath.text=File _Path |
| action.ShowFilePath.description=Popup path of the current file for opening in external file manager |
| action.SelectIn.text=Se_lect In... |
| action.SelectIn.description=Select the current class or method in any view |
| action.FixDocComment.text=Fix doc comment |
| action.FixDocComment.description=Generate or fix doc comment for the current context |
| action.QuickJavaDoc.text=Quick _Documentation |
| action.QuickJavaDoc.description=Show a popup window with documentation for the symbol at caret |
| action.QuickImplementations.text=Quic_k Definition |
| action.QuickImplementations.description=Show a popup window with the symbol (and its implementations) content |
| action.ShowSiblings.text=Show Siblings |
| action.ShowSiblings.description=Show a popup window with the symbol siblings content |
| action.ParameterInfo.text=_Parameter Info |
| action.ParameterInfo.description=Show parameters of the method call at caret |
| action.EditorContextInfo.text=_Context Info |
| action.EditorContextInfo.description=Show the current method or class declaration when it is not visible |
| action.ShowErrorDescription.text=E_rror Description |
| action.ShowErrorDescription.description=Show description of error or warning at caret |
| action.ProjectViewChangeView.text=Change View... |
| action.ProjectViewChangeView.description=Choose Project, Sourcepath or Classpath tree in the Project View window |
| action.EditSource.text=_Jump to Source |
| action.EditSource.description=Open editor for the selected item and give focus to it |
| action.EditSourceInNewWindow.text=Open source in new window |
| action.EditSourceInNewWindow.description=Open editor for the selected item in new window and give focus to it |
| action.ViewSource.text=Sho_w Source |
| action.ViewSource.description=Open editor for the selected item |
| action.ExternalJavaDoc.text=E_xternal Documentation |
| action.ExternalJavaDoc.description=Open browser with documentation for the selected item |
| action.RecentFiles.text=Rece_nt Files |
| action.RecentFiles.description=Show list of recently viewed files |
| action.RecentChangedFiles.text=Recently Changed Files |
| action.RecentChangedFiles.description=Show list of recently changed files |
| action.QuickChangeScheme.text=_Quick Switch Scheme... |
| action.QuickChangeScheme.description=Change current code style scheme, color\\&fonts scheme, keymap or Look\\&Feel |
| action.TypeHierarchy.text=Type _Hierarchy |
| action.TypeHierarchy.description=Browse hierarchy for the selected class |
| action.MethodHierarchy.text=_Method Hierarchy |
| action.MethodHierarchy.description=Browse method hierarchy for the selected method |
| action.CallHierarchy.text=Call Hierarch_y |
| action.CallHierarchy.description=Browse call hierarchy for the selected method |
| group.FoldingGroup.text=Folding |
| action.ExpandRegion.text=E_xpand |
| action.ExpandRegion.description=Expand folding region at caret |
| action.CollapseRegion.text=_Collapse |
| action.CollapseRegion.description=Collapse folding region at caret |
| action.ExpandAllRegions.text=_Expand All |
| action.ExpandAllRegions.description=Expand all folding regions |
| action.CollapseAllRegions.text=Collapse _All |
| action.CollapseAllRegions.description=Collapse all folding regions |
| action.ExpandDocComments.text=Expand _doc comments |
| action.ExpandDocComments.description=Expand all documentation comments |
| action.CollapseDocComments.text=Collapse d_oc comments |
| action.CollapseDocComments.description=Collapse all documentation comments |
| action.CollapseSelection.text=Fold _Selection / Remove region |
| action.CollapseSelection.description=Fold selected block |
| action.CollapseBlock.text=Fold Code _Block |
| action.CollapseBlock.description=Fold current code block |
| action.RecentChanges.text=R_ecent Changes |
| group.GoToMenu.text=_Navigate |
| action.SearchEverywhere.text=Search Everywhere |
| action.SearchEverywhere.description=Searches for classes, files, tool windows, action and preferences |
| action.GotoClass.text=_Class... |
| action.GotoClass.description=Quickly navigate to a class by name |
| action.GotoFile.text=_File... |
| action.GotoFile.description=Quickly navigate to a file by name |
| action.GotoSymbol.text=_Symbol... |
| action.GotoSymbol.description=Quickly navigate to any symbol by name |
| action.GotoAction.text=F_ind Action... |
| action.GotoAction.description=Quickly navigate to action by name |
| action.GotoLine.text=_Line... |
| action.GotoLine.description=Navigate to a line in editor by its number |
| action.GotoDeclaration.text=_Declaration |
| action.GotoDeclaration.description=Navigate to the declaration of the symbol at caret |
| action.GotoImplementation.text=I_mplementation(s) |
| action.GotoImplementation.description=Navigate to the implementation(s) of the selected class or method |
| action.GotoTypeDeclaration.text=_Type Declaration |
| action.GotoTypeDeclaration.description=Navigate to the declaration of the symbol's type at caret |
| action.GotoSuperMethod.text=S_uper Method |
| action.GotoSuperMethod.description=Navigate to the declaration of the method that current method overrides or implements |
| action.GotoTest.text=T_est |
| action.GotoTest.description=Navigate to the test of the selected class |
| action.GotoTestSubject.text=T_est Subject |
| action.GotoTestSubject.description=Navigate to the subject of the selected test |
| action.GotoAspect.text=_Aspect |
| action.GotoAspect.description=Navigate to the declaration of the advice, error or warning declaration that affects a join point at caret |
| action.GotoNextError.text=_Next Highlighted Error |
| action.GotoNextError.description=Navigate to the next highlighted error in the active editor |
| action.GotoPreviousError.text=_Previous Highlighted Error |
| action.GotoPreviousError.description=Navigate to the previous highlighted error in the active editor |
| action.GotoRelated.text=_Related File... |
| action.GotoRelated.description=Navigate to one of the related or linked files |
| action.MethodDown.text=N_ext Method |
| action.MethodDown.description=Navigate to the next method in the active editor |
| action.MethodUp.text=Prev_ious Method |
| action.MethodUp.description=Navigate to the previous method in the active editor |
| action.GotoNextBookmark.text=Ne_xt Bookmark |
| action.GotoNextBookmark.description=Navigate to the next bookmark in the active editor |
| action.GotoPreviousBookmark.text=P_revious Bookmark |
| action.GotoPreviousBookmark.description=Navigate to the previous bookmark in the active editor |
| action.Back.text=_Back |
| action.Back.description=Undo last navigation operation |
| action.Forward.text=For_ward |
| action.Forward.description=Redo last undone navigation operation |
| action.JumpToLastChange.text=Last Edit L_ocation |
| action.JumpToLastChange.description=Move through the most recent change points |
| action.PreviousOccurence.text=Previ_ous Occurrence |
| action.PreviousOccurence.description=Navigate to the previous occurrence |
| action.NextOccurence.text=Ne_xt Occurrence |
| action.NextOccurence.description=Navigate to the next occurrence |
| action.VcsShowNextChangeMarker.text=Next C_hange |
| action.VcsShowNextChangeMarker.description=Go to next change |
| action.VcsShowPrevChangeMarker.text=Previous Ch_ange |
| action.VcsShowPrevChangeMarker.description=Go to previous change |
| group.CodeMenu.text=_Code |
| action.SurroundWith.text=_Surround With... |
| action.SurroundWith.description=Surround selected code fragment with if, while, try/catch or other construct |
| action.Generate.text=Generate... |
| action.Generate.description=Generate constructor, getter or setter method, etc. |
| action.Unwrap.text=Un_wrap/Remove... |
| action.Unwrap.description=Safely unwraps or removes the selected scope |
| group.CodeCompletionGroup.text=_Completion |
| group.EditorToggleActions.text=Active Editor |
| action.CodeCompletion.text=_Basic |
| action.CodeCompletion.description=Complete code |
| action.HippieCompletion.text=Cyclic _Expand Word |
| action.HippieCompletion.description=Cyclic Expand word |
| action.HippieBackwardCompletion.text=Cyclic _Expand Word (Backward) |
| action.HippieBackwardCompletion.description=Cyclic Expand word (Backward) |
| action.SmartTypeCompletion.text=_SmartType |
| action.SmartTypeCompletion.description=Complete code basing on expected type |
| action.ClassNameCompletion.text=Class _Name Completion |
| action.ClassNameCompletion.description=Complete class name and add import for it |
| action.InsertLiveTemplate.text=Insert Live _Template... |
| action.InsertLiveTemplate.description=Show popup list of live templates starting with the specified prefix |
| action.SurroundWithLiveTemplate.text=Surround with Live Tem_plate... |
| action.SurroundWithLiveTemplate.description=Surrounds the selection with one of the template |
| action.CommentByLineComment.text=Comment with _Line Comment |
| action.CommentByLineComment.description=Comment/uncomment current line or selected block with line comments |
| action.CommentByBlockComment.text=Comment with _Block Comment |
| action.CommentByBlockComment.description=Comment/uncomment code with block comments |
| action.ReformatCode.text=_Reformat Code... |
| action.ReformatCode.description=Reformat code |
| action.AutoIndentLines.text=_Auto-Indent Lines |
| action.AutoIndentLines.description=Indent current line or selected block according to the code style settings |
| action.OptimizeImports.text=Optimi_ze Imports... |
| action.OptimizeImports.description=Remove unused imports and reorder/reorganize imports |
| action.RearrangeCode.text=Rearrange Code |
| action.RearrangeCode.description=Rearrange code |
| action.MoveStatementDown.text=Move Statement Do_wn |
| action.MoveStatementDown.description=Move selected statements one line down |
| action.MoveStatementUp.text=Move Statement _Up |
| action.MoveStatementUp.description=Move selected statements one line up |
| action.MoveLineDown.text=Move Line Do_wn |
| action.MoveLineDown.description=Move selected lines one line down |
| action.MoveLineUp.text=Move Line _Up |
| action.MoveLineUp.description=Move selected lines one line up |
| group.AnalyzeMenu.text=Analy_ze |
| action.InspectCode.text=_Inspect Code... |
| action.InspectCode.description=Inspect code |
| action.InferNullity.text=Infer _Nullity... |
| action.InferNullity.description=Infer nullity |
| action.ViewOfflineInspection.text=View _Offline Inspection Results... |
| action.ViewOfflineInspection.description=Load offline inspection results |
| action.ShowPackageDeps.text=Analyze _Dependencies... |
| action.ShowPackageDeps.description=Browse code chosen analysis item depends on |
| action.ShowBackwardPackageDeps.text=Analyze _Backward Dependencies... |
| action.ShowBackwardPackageDeps.description=Browse code chosen analysis item used in |
| action.ShowPackageCycles.text=Analyze _Cyclic Dependencies... |
| action.ShowPackageCycles.description=Browse code chosen analysis item used in cycles |
| action.ShowModulesDependencies.text=Analyze _Module Dependencies... |
| action.ShowModulesDependencies.description=Show dependencies between modules in project |
| action.Unscramble.text=Analyze _Stacktrace... |
| action.Unscramble.description=Open console with the navigatable stacktrace |
| group.RefactoringMenu.text=_Refactor |
| action.RenameElement.text=_Rename... |
| action.RenameElement.description=Rename the selected symbol and correct all references |
| action.ChangeSignature.text=Change Si_gnature... |
| action.ChangeSignature.description=Change signature of the selected method or class and correct all references |
| action.MoveToTheLeft.text=Move parameter left |
| action.MoveToTheLeft.description=Move parameter left |
| action.MoveToTheRight.text=Move parameter right |
| action.MoveToTheRight.description=Move parameter right |
| action.ChangeTypeSignature.text=T_ype Migration... |
| action.ChangeTypeSignature.description=Change type of the return type of the method, field, parameter, variable or class type arguments and correct all references |
| action.MakeStatic.text=Make S_tatic... |
| action.MakeStatic.description=Convert method or inner class to static and correct all references |
| action.ConvertToInstanceMethod.text=C_onvert To Instance Method... |
| action.ConvertToInstanceMethod.description=Convert static method to instance method and correct all references |
| action.Move.text=_Move... |
| action.Move.description=Move the selected class, method, package or static member to another package or class and correct all references |
| action.CopyElement.text=C_opy... |
| action.CopyElement.description=Create a copy of the selected class, file(s) or directory(es) |
| action.CloneElement.text=Clo_ne... |
| action.CloneElement.description=Create a copy of the selected class, file or directory in the same package/directory |
| action.SafeDelete.text=Safe _Delete... |
| action.SafeDelete.description=Delete the selected class, method or field, checking for usages |
| action.ExtractMethod.text=_Method... |
| action.ExtractMethod.description=Turn the selected code fragment into a method |
| action.RemoveMiddleman.text=Remove _Middleman... |
| action.RemoveMiddleman.description=Inline delegate to the selected field methods |
| action.MethodDuplicates.text=Find and Replace _Code Duplicates... |
| action.MethodDuplicates.description=Finds code in selected scope that can be transformed into a call of selected method/constant |
| action.InvertBoolean.text=Invert _Boolean... |
| action.InvertBoolean.description=Makes the method return or variable contain the opposite value and corrects the references |
| action.IntroduceParameterObject.text=Parameter Ob_ject... |
| action.IntroduceParameterObject.description=Replaces method parameters list with object |
| action.ExtractClass.text=_Delegate... |
| action.ExtractClass.description=Extract Delegate |
| action.IntroduceVariable.text=_Variable... |
| action.IntroduceVariable.description=Put a result of the selected expression into a variable |
| action.IntroduceField.text=_Field... |
| action.IntroduceField.description=Put a result of the selected expression into a field |
| action.IntroduceConstant.text=_Constant... |
| action.IntroduceConstant.description=Replace selected expression with a constant (static final field) |
| action.IntroduceParameter.text=_Parameter... |
| action.IntroduceParameter.description=Turn the selected expression into method parameter |
| action.ExtractInterface.text=_Interface... |
| action.ExtractInterface.description=Extract interface from the selected class |
| action.ExtractModule.text=_Module... |
| action.ExtractModule.description=Extract module from the selected class |
| action.ExtractSuperclass.text=S_uperclass... |
| action.ExtractSuperclass.description=Extract superclass from the selected class |
| group.IntroduceActionsGroup.text=E_xtract |
| action.TurnRefsToSuper.text=Use Interface _Where Possible... |
| action.TurnRefsToSuper.description=Change usages of a class to those of its superclass or interface |
| action.MembersPullUp.text=Pu_ll Members Up... |
| action.MembersPullUp.description=Pull class members to superclass or implemented interface |
| action.MemberPushDown.text=Pu_sh Members Down... |
| action.MemberPushDown.description=Push class members down to directly inheriting subclasses |
| action.InheritanceToDelegation.text=Replace _Inheritance with Delegation... |
| action.InheritanceToDelegation.description=Replace inheritance with delegation |
| action.Inline.text=I_nline... |
| action.Inline.description=Inline the selected method or variable |
| action.AnonymousToInner.text=Convert Anon_ymous to Inner... |
| action.AnonymousToInner.description=Convert anonymous class into an inner class |
| action.EncapsulateFields.text=_Encapsulate Fields... |
| action.EncapsulateFields.description=Replace direct access to fields in the selected class with use of accessor methods |
| action.ReplaceTempWithQuery.text=Replace Temp with _Query... |
| action.ReplaceTempWithQuery.description=Turn the selected variable into a method |
| action.ReplaceConstructorWithFactory.text=Replace Constructor with F_actory Method... |
| action.ReplaceConstructorWithFactory.description=Create a static factory method and use it instead of a constructor |
| action.ReplaceMethodWithMethodObject.text=Method Ob_ject... |
| action.ReplaceMethodWithMethodObject.description=Turn the method into its own object so that all the parameters become fields on that object |
| action.Generify.text=Ge_nerify... |
| action.Generify.description=Convert your code to use generic types |
| action.Migrate.text=_Migrate... |
| action.Migrate.description=Open migration dialog |
| action.Type\ Migration.text=Type Migration... |
| action.Type\ Migration.description=Migrate one type to another |
| action.ExtractInclude.text=_Include File... |
| action.ExtractInclude.description=Turn the selected code fragment into included file |
| group.BuildMenu.text=_Build |
| action.CompileProject.text=_Rebuild Project |
| action.CompileProject.description=Recompile all files in the project |
| action.CompileDirty.text=Make _Project |
| action.CompileDirty.description=Compile all modified and dependent files in the project |
| action.MakeModule.text=Make _Module |
| action.MakeModule.description=Compile all modified and dependent files in the module |
| action.Compile.text=Compil_e |
| action.Compile.description=Compile the selected file or package |
| action.RunAPT.text=Process _Annotations |
| action.RunAPT.1.text=Process {0} _Annotations |
| action.RunAPT.description=Run Annotation Processors on the selected scope |
| action.GenerateAntBuild.text=_Generate Ant Build... |
| action.GenerateAntBuild.description=Generate Ant Build File from the Project |
| action.BuildAllArtifacts.text=Build All Artifacts |
| group.BuildArtifactsGroup.text=Build Artifact |
| group.RunMenu.text=R_un |
| group.RunnerActions.text=Run/Debug |
| action.editRunConfigurations.text=Edit Configu_rations... |
| action.editRunConfigurations.description=Open edit Run/Debug configurations dialog |
| action.Stop.text=Stop |
| action.Stop.description=Stop process |
| action.Hotswap.text=Relo_ad Changed Classes |
| action.Hotswap.description=Reload all changed classes into application being debugged (HotSwap) |
| action.StepOver.text=Step _Over |
| action.StepOver.description=Step to the next line in this file |
| action.StepInto.text=Step _Into |
| action.StepInto.description=Step to the next line executed |
| action.SmartStepInto.text=Smart Ste_p Into |
| action.SmartStepInto.description=Step into the particular method |
| action.StepOut.text=Step Ou_t |
| action.StepOut.description=Step to the first line executed after returning from this method |
| action.ForceStepOver.text=Force Step O_ver |
| action.ForceStepOver.description=Step over, disable all breakpoints before stepping. |
| action.ForceStepInto.text=Force Step I_nto |
| action.ForceStepInto.description=Step into, ignore stepping filters for libraries, constructors, etc. |
| action.RunToCursor.text=Run to _Cursor |
| action.RunToCursor.description=Run to the line where the caret is |
| action.ForceRunToCursor.text=Force Run to Cur_sor |
| action.ForceRunToCursor.description=Run to the line where the caret is, ignoring any breakpoints |
| action.Debugger.PopFrame.text=Drop _Frame |
| action.Debugger.PopFrame.description=Moves execution point back to the method call dropping current method frames from the stack |
| action.Pause.text=_Pause Program |
| action.Pause.description=Suspend program execution and enable debugging |
| action.Resume.text=Resume Pro_gram |
| action.Resume.description=Resume program execution |
| action.EvaluateExpression.text=_Evaluate Expression... |
| action.EvaluateExpression.description=Evaluate arbitrary expression |
| action.QuickEvaluateExpression.text=_Quick Evaluate Expression |
| action.QuickEvaluateExpression.description=Evaluate selected expression |
| action.ShowExecutionPoint.text=Show E_xecution Point |
| action.ShowExecutionPoint.description=Show the current program execution point |
| action.ToggleLineBreakpoint.text=Toggle _Line Breakpoint |
| action.ToggleLineBreakpoint.description=Toggle line breakpoint at caret |
| action.ToggleMethodBreakpoint.text=Toggle _Method Breakpoint |
| action.ToggleMethodBreakpoint.description=Toggle method breakpoint for the method at caret |
| action.ToggleFieldBreakpoint.text=Toggle _Field Watchpoint |
| action.ToggleFieldBreakpoint.description=Toggle field watchpoint for the field at caret |
| action.ToggleBreakpointEnabled.text=Toggle _Breakpoint Enabled |
| action.ToggleBreakpointEnabled.description=Enable/disable breakpoint at the current line |
| action.ToggleTemporaryLineBreakpoint.text=Toggle Temporary Line Breakpoint |
| action.ToggleTemporaryLineBreakpoint.description=Toggle temporary line breakpoint at caret |
| action.ViewBreakpoints.text=View Brea_kpoints... |
| action.ViewBreakpoints.description=View and manage all breakpoints and watchpoints |
| action.EditBreakpoint.text=Edit |
| action.ExportThreads.text=Export T_hreads... |
| action.ExportThreads.description=Save all threads information to a text file or clipboard |
| action.Runner.RestoreLayout.text=Restore Layout |
| action.Runner.RestoreLayout.description=Restore visual elements of debugger session to default state |
| action.Runner.ToggleToolbarLayout.text=Horizontal Toolbars |
| action.Runner.ToggleToolbarLayout.description=Toggles horizontal/vertical toolbar orientation |
| group.Runner.Layout.text=Layout |
| group.Runner.Layout.description=Layout configuration |
| action.Runner.MinimizeView.text=Hide |
| action.Runner.MinimizeView.description=Hide view |
| action.Runner.CloseView.text=Close |
| action.Runner.CloseView.description=Close view |
| action.Runner.CloseOtherViews.text=Close Others |
| action.Runner.CloseOtherViews.description=Close other views |
| action.Runner.CloseAllViews.text=Close All |
| action.Runner.CloseAllViews.description=Close all views |
| action.Runner.CloseAllUnpinnedViews.text=Close All but Pinned |
| action.Runner.CloseAllUnpinnedViews.description=Close all tabs which are not pinned |
| action.Runner.MoveViewToGrid.text=Move To Grid |
| action.Runner.MoveViewToGrid.description=Move view to the debugger grid container |
| action.Runner.MoveViewToTab.text=Move To Tab |
| action.Runner.MoveViewToTab.description=Move view to the debugger tab container |
| action.Runner.DetachCell.text=Detach |
| action.Runner.DetachCells.text=Detach {0} Views |
| action.Runner.DetachCell.description=Detach selected views to a separate window |
| action.Runner.AttachCell.text=Attach |
| action.Runner.AttachCells.text=Attach {0} Views |
| action.Runner.AttachCell.description=Attach selected views to the debugger tool window |
| action.Runner.RestoreView.text=Restore ''{0}'' View |
| action.Runner.RestoreView.description=Restore view in the debugger grid |
| action.Runner.FocusOnStartup.text=Focus On Startup |
| action.Runner.FocusOnStartup.description=Focus this view by default when UI is shown |
| action.Debugger.FocusOnBreakpoint.text=Focus On Breakpoint |
| action.Debugger.FocusOnBreakpoint.description=Focus this view by default when breakpoint is reached |
| group.ToolsMenu.text=_Tools |
| action.SaveAsTemplate.text=Save as L_ive Template... |
| action.SaveAsTemplate.description=Save the selected text as live template |
| action.SaveFileAsTemplate.text=Save File as Temp_late... |
| action.SaveFileAsTemplate.description=Save current file as template |
| action.GenerateJavadoc.text=Generate Java_Doc... |
| action.GenerateJavadoc.description=Run the JavaDoc tool |
| group.Macros.text=_Macros |
| group.Macros.description=View, Change, Record, Play Macros |
| group.StandardMacroActions.text=Standard Macro Actions |
| action.PlaybackLastMacro.text=Pla_y Back Last Macro |
| action.PlaybackLastMacro.description=Play Back last used macro |
| action.StartStopMacroRecording.text=Start/Stop Macro _Recording |
| action.StartStopMacroRecording.description=Start/Stop recording of a new macro |
| action.EditMacros.text=_Edit Macros |
| action.EditMacros.description=Configure existing macros |
| action.PlaySavedMacrosAction.text=Play Saved Macros... |
| action.PlaySavedMacrosAction.description=Play Saved Macros |
| group.MacrosGroup.text=Macro Actions |
| action.ValidateXml.text=_Validate |
| action.ValidateXml.description=Validate the current XML file |
| action.GenerateDTD.text=Generate DTD from _XML File |
| group.ExternalToolsGroup.text=External Tools |
| action.PsiViewer.text=_View PSI Structure... |
| action.PsiViewerForContext.text=View PSI Structure of Cu_rrent File... |
| action.DebugListen.text=Throw Debug Exception |
| action.VirtualFileInfo.text=Virtual File Info |
| action.Merge3Files.text=Merge |
| action.LocalizePlugin.text=Localize Plugin |
| group.MemoryManagement.text=Memory Management |
| action.DumpPsiMemoryCaches.text=Dump what is cached in PSI |
| action.DecodeBytesAction.text=Decode Bytes |
| action.ReloadProjectAction.text=Reload project |
| action.LocalVcs.ShowStatistics.text=Show Local VCS Statistics... |
| action.LocalVcs.ShowStatistics.description=Show Local VCS statistics |
| action.LocalVcs.ShowRepHistory.text=Repository History |
| action.DropAnError.text=Drop an error |
| action.DropAnOutOfMemoryError.text=Drop an OutOfMemoryError |
| action.DropAnOutOfPermGenMemoryError.text=Drop an perm gen OutOfMemoryError |
| action.DumpInspectionDescriptions.text=Dump inspection descriptions |
| action.DumpIntentionsDescriptions.text=Dump intentions descriptions |
| action.ShowUserActivities.text=Show Activities |
| group.WindowMenu.text=_Window |
| group.ToolWindowsGroup.text=_Tool Windows |
| group.BackgroundTasks.text=Background Tasks |
| action.ShowProcessWindow.text=Show |
| action.ShowProcessWindow.description=Show/Hide background tasks window |
| action.ShowProcessWindow.double.click=Click to show/hide background tasks window |
| action.AutoShowProcessWindow.text=Auto Show |
| action.AutoShowProcessWindow.description=Show background tasks window on starting of any progress |
| action.StoreDefaultLayout.text=Store Current La_yout as Default |
| action.StoreDefaultLayout.description=Store current layout as default |
| action.MinimizeCurrentWindow.text=Minimize |
| action.MinimizeCurrentWindow.description=Minimize current window |
| action.TogglePresentationMode.text.enter=Enter Presentation mode |
| action.TogglePresentationMode.text.exit=Exit Presentation mode |
| action.TogglePresentationMode.text=Toggle Presentation mode |
| action.TogglePresentationMode.description=Toggle Presentation mode |
| action.ToggleFullScreen.text.enter=Enter Full Screen |
| action.ToggleFullScreen.text.exit=Exit Full Screen |
| action.ToggleFullScreen.text=Toggle Full Screen mode |
| action.ToggleFullScreen.description=Toggle Full Screen mode |
| action.RestoreDefaultLayout.text=Restore De_fault Layout |
| action.RestoreDefaultLayout.description=Restore default layout |
| action.HideActiveWindow.text=Hi_de Active Tool Window |
| action.HideActiveWindow.description=Hide active tool window |
| action.HideSideWindows.text=Hide Side Tool Windows |
| action.HideSideWindows.description=Hide all windows on this side |
| action.HideAllWindows.text=Hide All _Tool Windows |
| action.HideAllWindows.description=Hide all tool windows |
| action.JumpToLastWindow.text=_Jump to Last Tool Window |
| action.JumpToLastWindow.description=Activate last focused tool window |
| group.ActiveToolwindowGroup.text=Active Tool Window |
| action.TogglePinnedMode.text=_Pinned Mode |
| action.TogglePinnedMode.description=Pin/unpin active tool window |
| action.ToggleDockMode.text=Dock_ed Mode |
| action.ToggleDockMode.description=Dock/undock active tool window |
| action.ToggleFloatingMode.text=Floating _Mode |
| action.ToggleFloatingMode.description=Float/unfloat active tool window |
| action.ToggleSideMode.text=Split Mode |
| action.ToggleSideMode.description=Tool windows split mode on/off |
| action.ToggleContentUiTypeMode.text=Show Views as Tabs |
| action.ToggleContentUiTypeMode.description=Toggle between tabbed/combo presentation of contents |
| action.ShowContent.text=Show List of Tabs |
| action.ShowContent.description=Show a popup with the list of toolwindow tabs |
| group.ResizeToolWindowGroup.text=Resize |
| action.ResizeToolWindowLeft.text=Stretch to Left |
| action.ResizeToolWindowLeft.description=Resize active tool window to the left |
| action.ResizeToolWindowRight.text=Stretch to Right |
| action.ResizeToolWindowRight.description=Resize active tool window to the right |
| action.ResizeToolWindowUp.text=Stretch to Top |
| action.ResizeToolWindowUp.description=Resize active tool window to the top |
| action.ResizeToolWindowDown.text=Stretch to Bottom |
| action.ResizeToolWindowDown.description=Resize active tool window to the bottom |
| action.IncrementWindowWidth.text=Increment Width |
| action.DecrementWindowWidth.text=Decrement Width |
| action.IncrementWindowHeight.text=Increment Height |
| action.DecrementWindowHeight.text=Decrement Height |
| action.NextTab.text=Select Ne_xt Tab |
| action.NextTab.description=Activate next tab |
| action.PreviousTab.text=Se_lect Previous Tab |
| action.PreviousTab.description=Activate previous tab |
| action.NextEditorTab.text=Select Next Tab in multi-editor file |
| action.PreviousEditorTab.text=Select Previous Tab in multi-editor file |
| action.CloseActiveTab.text=Cl_ose Active Tab |
| action.CloseActiveTab.description=Close active tool window tab |
| action.PinActiveTab.text=P_in Active Tab |
| action.PinActiveTab.description=Pin active tool window or editor tab |
| action.CloseEditor.text=_Close Active Editor |
| action.CloseEditor.description=Close active editor |
| action.CloseAllEditors.text=Close _All |
| action.CloseAllEditors.description=Close all editors in active tab group |
| action.CloseAllEditorsButActive.text=Close _Others |
| action.CloseAllEditorsButActive.description=Close all open editors except the active one |
| action.CloseAllUnmodifiedEditors.text=Close _Unmodified |
| action.CloseAllUnmodifiedEditors.description=Close all non-modified editors |
| action.CloseAllUnpinnedEditors.text=Close All but Pinned |
| action.CloseAllUnpinnedEditors.description=Close all editors which are not pinned |
| action.CloseContent.text=_Close |
| action.CloseContent.description=Close currently focused content |
| group.EditorTabsGroup.text=Editor _Tabs |
| action.SplitVertically.text=Split _Vertically |
| action.SplitVertically.description=Split editor area into 2 tab groups and move the current tab to the right group |
| action.SplitHorizontally.text=Split _Horizontally |
| action.SplitHorizontally.description=Split editor area into 2 tab groups and move the current tab to the bottom group |
| action.MoveTabRight.text=Move Right |
| action.MoveTabRight.description=Split editor area into 2 tab groups and move the current tab to the right group and close the left editor |
| action.MoveTabDown.text=Move Down |
| action.MoveTabDown.description=Split editor area into 2 tab groups and move the current tab to the bottom group and close the top editor |
| action.ChangeSplitOrientation.text=Change Splitter O_rientation |
| action.ChangeSplitOrientation.description=Changes orientation of splitter |
| action.Unsplit.text=Un_split |
| action.Unsplit.description=Unsplit Window |
| action.UnsplitAll.text=U_nsplit All |
| action.UnsplitAll.description=Remove all splitters |
| action.NextSplitter.text=_Goto Next Splitter |
| action.NextSplitter.description=Goto next splitter window |
| action.PrevSplitter.text=Goto Previous Splitter |
| action.PrevSplitter.description=Goto previous splitter window |
| action.NextProjectWindow.text=Next Project Window |
| action.NextProjectWindow.description=Switch to the next project window |
| action.PreviousProjectWindow.text=Previous Project Window |
| action.PreviousProjectWindow.description=Switch to the previous project window |
| group.OpenProjectWindows.text=Open Project Windows |
| group.HelpMenu.text=_Help |
| action.HelpTopics.text=Help _Topics |
| action.HelpTopics.description=Show help contents |
| action.ShowTips.text=Tip of the _Day |
| action.ShowTips.description=Show Tips of the Day |
| action.ProductivityGude.text=_Productivity Guide |
| action.ProductivityGude.description=Show productivity features usages statistics |
| action.OnlineDocAction.text=_Online Documentation |
| action.OnlineDocAction.description=Show online documentation |
| action.WhatsNewAction.text=What's _New |
| action.WhatsNewAction.description=Find out about the new features in this version of the IDE |
| action.Help.KeymapReference.text=Default _Keymap Reference |
| action.Help.KeymapReference.description=Open PDF file with the default keymap reference card. |
| action.Help.JetBrainsTV.text=JetBrains T_V |
| action.Help.JetBrainsTV.description=View short live demos introducing features of JetBrains products. |
| action.CheckForUpdate.text=_Check for Update... |
| action.CheckForUpdate.description=Check for available update |
| action.About.text=_About |
| action.About.description=Show information about the IDE |
| group.OtherMenu.text=Other |
| group.OtherMenu.description=Actions that are not properly registered |
| group.MainToolBar.text=Main Toolbar |
| group.Bookmarks.text=Bookmarks |
| action.ToggleBookmark0.text=Toggle Bookmark 0 |
| action.ToggleBookmark1.text=Toggle Bookmark 1 |
| action.ToggleBookmark2.text=Toggle Bookmark 2 |
| action.ToggleBookmark3.text=Toggle Bookmark 3 |
| action.ToggleBookmark4.text=Toggle Bookmark 4 |
| action.ToggleBookmark5.text=Toggle Bookmark 5 |
| action.ToggleBookmark6.text=Toggle Bookmark 6 |
| action.ToggleBookmark7.text=Toggle Bookmark 7 |
| action.ToggleBookmark8.text=Toggle Bookmark 8 |
| action.ToggleBookmark9.text=Toggle Bookmark 9 |
| action.GotoBookmark0.text=Go to Bookmark 0 |
| action.GotoBookmark1.text=Go to Bookmark 1 |
| action.GotoBookmark2.text=Go to Bookmark 2 |
| action.GotoBookmark3.text=Go to Bookmark 3 |
| action.GotoBookmark4.text=Go to Bookmark 4 |
| action.GotoBookmark5.text=Go to Bookmark 5 |
| action.GotoBookmark6.text=Go to Bookmark 6 |
| action.GotoBookmark7.text=Go to Bookmark 7 |
| action.GotoBookmark8.text=Go to Bookmark 8 |
| action.GotoBookmark9.text=Go to Bookmark 9 |
| |
| action.XDebugger.SetValue.text=Set Value... |
| action.XDebugger.SetValue.description=Modify value of selected node |
| action.XDebugger.CopyValue.text=Copy Value |
| action.XDebugger.CopyValue.description=Copy value of selected node to clipboard |
| action.XDebugger.CompareValueWithClipboard.text=Compare Value with Clipboard |
| action.XDebugger.CompareValueWithClipboard.description=Compare value of selected node with clipboard text |
| action.XDebugger.CopyName.text=Copy Name |
| action.XDebugger.CopyName.description=Copy name of selected node to clipboard |
| action.XDebugger.JumpToSource.text=Jump To Source |
| action.XDebugger.JumpToSource.description=Open source of the selected item |
| action.XDebugger.JumpToTypeSource.text=Jump To Type Source |
| action.XDebugger.JumpToTypeSource.description=Open source of the selected value's type |
| action.XDebugger.Inspect.text=Inspect... |
| action.XDebugger.AddToWatches.text=Add to Watches |
| action.XDebugger.RemoveWatch.text=Remove Watch |
| action.XDebugger.RemoveAllWatches.text=Remove All Watches |
| action.XDebugger.NewWatch.text=New Watch... |
| action.XDebugger.EditWatch.text=Edit... |
| action.XDebugger.AutoTooltip.text=Value Auto Tooltip |
| action.XDebugger.AutoTooltip.description=Toggles if value tooltip is shown automatically on mouse over |
| action.XDebugger.ToggleSortValues.text=Sort values alphabetically |
| action.XDebugger.ToggleSortValues.description=Sort values alphabetically in debugger views |
| group.XDebugger.settings.text=Settings |
| |
| action.Debugger.AdjustArrayRange.text=Adjust Range... |
| action.Debugger.Inspect.text=Inspect |
| action.Debugger.CopyValue.text=Copy Value |
| action.Debugger.ViewText.text=View Text |
| action.Debugger.ViewText.description=View text value of selected node in a separate pane |
| action.Debugger.CompareValueWithClipboard.text=Compare Value with Clipboard |
| action.Debugger.CompareValueWithClipboard.description=Compare value of selected node with clipboard text |
| action.Debugger.CustomizeContextView.text=Customize Data Views... |
| action.Debugger.CustomizeThreadsView.text=Customize Threads View... |
| action.Debugger.NewWatch.text=New Watch... |
| action.Debugger.EditWatch.text=Edit Watch |
| action.Debugger.EditFrameSource.text=EditFrameSource |
| action.Debugger.EditNodeSource.text=EditNodeSource |
| action.Debugger.EditTypeSource.text=Jump to Object Source |
| action.Debugger.RemoveAllWatches.text=Remove All Watches |
| action.Debugger.RemoveWatch.text=Remove Watch |
| action.Debugger.ViewAsGroup.text=View as |
| action.Debugger.SetValue.text=Set Value... |
| action.Debugger.ShowFrame.text=Show Frame |
| action.Debugger.ResumeThread.text=Resume |
| action.Debugger.FreezeThread.text=Freeze |
| action.Debugger.InterruptThread.text=Interrupt |
| action.Debugger.MuteBreakpoints.text=Mute Breakpoints |
| action.Debugger.MuteBreakpoints.description=Mute/unmute all breakpoints in a debug session. |
| action.Debugger.MarkObject.text=Mark Object... |
| action.Debugger.MarkObject.unmark.text=Unmark Object |
| action.Debugger.MarkObject.description=Mark/unmark the object so that it can be visually distinguished in in debugger views |
| action.Debugger.AddToWatch.text=Add to Watches |
| action.Debugger.AutoRenderer.text=Auto |
| group.EditorPopupMenu.text=Editor Popup Menu |
| group.EditorPopupMenu.description=Editor Popup Menu |
| action.Add\ to\ migration\ roots.text=_Add to migration roots |
| action.Add\ to\ migration\ roots.description=Add selected element to migration roots |
| group.EditorPopupMenu.GoTo.text=Go To |
| group.EditorPopupMenu.GoTo.description=Go To Editor Popup Menu Group |
| action.CompareClipboardWithSelection.text=Compare with Clip_board |
| action.CompareClipboardWithSelection.description=Compare current selection with clipboard |
| action.ChangeColorScheme.text=Switch Color Scheme |
| action.ChangeColorScheme.description=Change current color scheme |
| action.ChangeCodeStyleScheme.text=Switch Code Style Scheme |
| action.ChangeCodeStyleScheme.description=Change current code style scheme |
| action.ChangeKeymap.text=Switch Keymap |
| action.ChangeKeymap.description=Change current keymap |
| action.ChangeLaf.text=Switch Look and Feel |
| action.ChangeLaf.description=Change current Look\\&Feel |
| action.ChangeInspectionProfile.text=Switch Error Highlighting |
| action.ChangeInspectionProfile.description=Change current editor inspection profile |
| action.ChangeCustomizationSchema.text=Switch Customization Scheme |
| action.ChangeCustomizationSchema.description=Change Current Customization Scheme |
| action.MoveEditorToOppositeTabGroup.text=_Move To Opposite Group |
| action.MoveEditorToOppositeTabGroup.description=Move editor to opposite tab group |
| action.OpenEditorInOppositeTabGroup.text=_Open In Opposite Group |
| action.OpenEditorInOppositeTabGroup.description=Open a copy of this editor in the opposite tab group |
| action.ModuleSettings.text=Module _Settings |
| action.ModuleSettings.description=Open settings dialog for selected module |
| group.MoveModuleToGroup.text=Move Module to Group |
| group.MoveModuleToGroup.description=_Move module |
| action.AssociateWithFileType.text=Associate with File Type |
| action.AssociateWithFileType.description=Associate selected file with one of file types |
| action.SynchronizeCurrentFile.text=Synchronize selected file |
| action.TypeHierarchy.BaseOnThisType.text=Base On This Type |
| action.TypeHierarchy.Class.text=Class Hierarchy |
| action.TypeHierarchy.Subtypes.text=Subtypes Hierarchy |
| action.TypeHierarchy.Supertypes.text=Supertypes Hierarchy |
| action.MethodHierarchy.ImplementMethodAction.text=Implement Method |
| action.MethodHierarchy.ImplementMethodAction.description=Implement Method (from Method Hierarchy) |
| action.MethodHierarchy.OverrideMethodAction.text=Override Method |
| action.MethodHierarchy.OverrideMethodAction.description=Override Method (from Method Hierarchy) |
| action.MethodHierarchy.BaseOnThisType.text=Base On This Type |
| action.MethodHierarchy.BaseOnThisType.description=Show hierarchy for method of selected class/interface |
| action.CallHierarchy.BaseOnThisType.text=Base On This Method |
| action.CallHierarchy.BaseOnThisType.description=Show call hierarchy for selected method |
| action.Lvcs.ShowLvcsDiffAction.text=Compare Versions |
| action.Lvcs.ShowLvcsDiffAction.description=Show changes |
| action.Lvcs.RollbackFileAction.text=Rollback File |
| action.Lvcs.RollbackFileAction.description=Rollback |
| action.Vcs.ShowDiffAction.text=Show Changes |
| action.Vcs.ShowDiffAction.description=Show changes |
| action.Vcs.RollbackChanges.text=Rollback Changes |
| action.Vcs.RollbackChanges.description=Rollback changes |
| action.Vcs.EditSourceAction.text=Edit Source |
| action.Vcs.EditSourceAction.description=Edit source |
| action.Vcs.ExcludeAction.text=Exclude from Commit |
| action.Vcs.ExcludeAction.description=Exclude from commit |
| action.Vcs.IncludeAction.text=Include into Commit |
| action.Vcs.IncludeAction.description=Include into commit |
| action.openAssertEqualsDiff.text=View assertEquals Difference |
| action.UsageView.Include.text=Include |
| action.UsageView.Include.description=Include this usage(s) into processing |
| action.UsageView.Exclude.text=Exclude |
| action.UsageView.Exclude.description=Exclude this usage(s) from processing |
| action.UsageView.ShowRecentFindUsages.text=R_ecent Find Usages |
| action.UsageView.ShowRecentFindUsages.description=Choose and re-run recent find usages |
| group.ShowRecentFindUsagesGroup.text=Recent Find Usages |
| group.ShowRecentFindUsagesGroup.description=Choose and re-run recent find usages |
| |
| stop.capture.cpu.usage.data.action.name=Stop CPU Usage Profiling |
| stop.capture.cpu.usage.data.action.description=Stop capturing CPU usage data |
| stop.capture.allocations.usage.data.action.name=Capture allocations data, now capturing |
| stop.capture.allocations.usage.data.action.description=Stop capturing allocations data |
| |
| action.IntegrateFiles.text=Integrate |
| action.IntegrateFiles.description=Integrate selected files or directories |
| action.Vcs.IntegrateProject.text=Inte_grate Project |
| action.Vcs.IntegrateProject.description=Integrate project |
| |
| action.Vcs.RefreshStatuses.text=R_efresh File Status |
| action.Vcs.RefreshStatuses.description=Refresh VCS status for all files in project |
| |
| action.ShowNavBar.text=_Jump to Navigation Bar |
| |
| action.ScopeView.EditScopes.text=Ed_it Scopes |
| action.ScopeView.EditScopes.description=Edit Scopes |
| |
| action.CodeInspection.OnEditor.text=Inspect Code With _Editor Settings |
| action.CodeInspection.OnEditor.description=Inspect Code With _Editor Settings |
| |
| action.ShowCoverageInfo.text=Show Co&verage Info |
| action.HideCoverageInfo.text=Hide Co&verage Info |
| |
| action.Graph.layout.circular=Circular Layout |
| action.Graph.layout.balloon=Balloon Layout |
| action.Graph.layout.directed.orthogonal=Directed Orthogonal Layout |
| action.Graph.layout.orthogonal=Orthogonal Layout |
| action.Graph.layout.organic=Organic Layout |
| action.Graph.layout.hierarchic.group=Hierarchic Group Layout |
| action.Graph.layout.tree=Tree Layout |
| action.Graph.layout.apply.current=Apply current layout |
| action.Graph.layout.fit.content=Fit Content After Layout |
| |
| action.Graph.zoom.actual=Actual size |
| action.Graph.zoom.in=Zoom in |
| action.Graph.zoom.out=Zoom out |
| |
| action.Graph.grid.hide=Hide Grid |
| action.Graph.grid.show=Show Grid |
| action.Graph.grid.snap=Snap To Grid |
| action.Graph.show.edge.label=Show Edge Labels |
| action.Graph.show.selected.node.dependencies.label=Show selected nodes with dependencies |
| action.Graph.export.to.file=Export to file... |
| action.Graph.export.to.file.dialog.caption=Export to file |
| action.Graph.choose.directory=Choose Directory |
| action.Graph.fit.content=Fit Content |
| |
| action.Graph.print=Print Graph |
| action.Graph.print.preview=Print Preview |
| |
| action.SendFeedback.text=Submit _Feedback |
| action.SendFeedback.description=Submit feedback to the JetBrains Web site |
| action.LogDebugConfigure.text=Configure Debug Log Settings |
| action.LogDebugConfigure.description=Enable or disable additional log categories. Allows to provide more information to the support team by request. |
| action.ShowLog.text=Open Log file |
| action.ShowLog.description=Opens folder with log file |
| action.TechnicalSupport.text=Contact _Support Team |
| action.TechnicalSupport.description=Access technical support on JetBrains Web site |
| |
| action.TextComponent.ClearAction.text=Clear text |
| action.TextComponent.ClearAction.description=Clear text in text components |
| |
| action.ConvertProject.text=&Convert Project |
| action.ConvertProject.description=Convert project to the new format. You will not be able to open the project by earlier versions of IDEA. |
| |
| action.ChangesView.Refresh.text=Refresh |
| action.ChangesView.Refresh.description=Refresh VCS changes |
| action.ChangesView.NewChangeList.text=New Changelist |
| action.ChangesView.NewChangeList.description=Create new changelist |
| action.ChangesView.Commit.text=Comm_it Changes |
| action.ChangesView.Commit.description=Commit the changes in selected changelist |
| action.ChangesView.Rollback.text=Rollback |
| action.ChangesView.Rollback.description=Rollback selected changes |
| action.ChangesView.RemoveChangeList.text=Delete Changelist |
| action.ChangesView.RemoveChangeList.description=Remove changelist and move all changes to default |
| action.ChangesView.SetDefault.text=Set Active Changelist |
| action.ChangesView.SetDefault.description=Set changelist to which new changes are placed by default |
| action.ChangesView.Move.text=Move to Another Changelist |
| action.ChangesView.Move.description=Move selected changes to another changelist |
| action.ChangesView.Diff.text=Show Diff |
| action.ChangesView.Diff.description=Show diff for selected change |
| action.ChangesView.DeleteUnversioned.text=Delete |
| action.ChangesView.DeleteUnversioned.description= |
| action.ChangesView.AddUnversioned.text=Add to VCS |
| action.ChangesView.AddUnversioned.description=Schedule selected files to be added to VCS |
| action.ChangesView.AddUnversioned.From.Dialog.text=Add to VCS |
| action.ChangesView.AddUnversioned.From.Dialog.description=Schedule selected files to be added to VCS |
| action.ChangesView.RemoveDeleted.text=Remove from VCS |
| action.ChangesView.RemoveDeleted.description=Schedule selected files to be removed from VCS |
| action.ChangesView.Rename.text=Edit Changelist... |
| action.ChangesView.Rename.description=Edit name and description of selected changelist |
| action.ChangesView.CreatePatch.text=Create Patch... |
| action.ChangesView.CreatePatch.description=Create a patch from the selected changes |
| action.ChangesView.ApplyPatch.text=Apply Patch... |
| action.ChangesView.ApplyPatch.description=Apply a patch to the sources of the project |
| action.ChangesView.Shelve.text=Shelve Changes... |
| action.ChangesView.Shelve.description=Save changes to an external patch file and remove them from the code |
| action.ShelvedChanges.Unshelve.text=Unshelve Changes |
| action.ShelvedChanges.Unshelve.description=Apply saved changes to current codebase |
| action.ShelvedChanges.Rename.text=Rename... |
| action.ShelvedChanges.Rename.description=Rename shelved changelist |
| action.ChangesView.Browse.text=Browse Changes... |
| action.ChangesView.Browse.description=View history of committed changes |
| action.ChangesView.Edit.text=Check Out |
| action.ChangesView.Edit.description=Check out selected files for editing |
| action.ChangesView.Ignore.text=Ignore... |
| action.ChangesView.Ignore.description=Do not show selected files as unversioned |
| action.ChangesView.CreatePatchFromChanges.text=Create Patch... |
| action.ChangesView.CreatePatchFromChanges.description=Create a patch from the selected changes |
| action.CommittedChanges.Refresh.text=Refresh |
| action.CommittedChanges.Refresh.description=Refresh the list of committed changes |
| action.CommittedChanges.Filter.text=Filter |
| action.CommittedChanges.Filter.description=Change filtering criteria |
| action.CommittedChanges.Details.text=Show Details |
| action.CommittedChanges.Details.description=View complete information about the selected changelist |
| action.IncomingChanges.Refresh.text=Refresh |
| action.IncomingChanges.Refresh.description=Refresh the list of incoming changes |
| action.IncomingChanges.Get.text=Get Changelist |
| action.IncomingChanges.Get.description=Get latest version of files modified in selected changelist |
| action.FileChooser.TogglePathShowing.text=Show/Hide path text |
| action.ChangeFileEncodingAction.text=File Encoding |
| action.ChangeFileEncodingAction.description=Change file encoding |
| action.ConfigureFileDefaultEncoding.text=Configure Default Encoding... |
| action.ConfigureFileDefaultEncoding.description=Configure default encoding for files, files in directories or in the whole project |
| action.ChangeFileEncodingGroupAction.text=Change File Encoding |
| action.ChangeFileEncodingGroupAction.description=Change File Encoding |
| action.VcsHistory.ShowAllAffected.text=Show All Affected Files |
| action.VcsHistory.ShowAllAffected.description=Show all changes made in the chosen revision |
| |
| action.AddFrameworkSupport.text=Add Framework Support... |
| |
| action.Diff.FocusOppositePane.text=Select opposite pane in diff view |
| action.Diff.PrevChange.text=Compare Previous File |
| action.Diff.NextChange.text=Compare Next File |
| action.Diff.SelectedChange.text=Choose File To Compare |
| |
| action.FileChooser.ShowHiddens.text=Show Hidden Files and Directories |
| action.FileChooser.ShowHiddens.description=Show hidden files and directories |
| action.FileChooser.Refresh.text=Refresh |
| action.FileChooser.Refresh.description=Refresh the file system tree |
| action.FileChooser.Delete.text=Delete... |
| action.FileChooser.Delete.text.description=Delete |
| action.FileChooser.NewFolder.text=New Folder... |
| action.FileChooser.NewFolder.description=Create new folder |
| action.FileChooser.NewFile.text=New File... |
| action.FileChooser.NewFile.description=Create new file |
| action.FileChooser.GotoHome.text=Home Directory |
| action.FileChooser.GotoHome.description=Go to home directory |
| action.FileChooser.GotoProject.text=Project Directory |
| action.FileChooser.GotoProject.description=Go to project directory |
| action.FileChooser.GotoModule.text=Module Directory |
| action.FileChooser.GotoModule.description=Go to module directory |
| |
| action.WelcomeScreen.DevelopPlugins.text=Plugin Development |
| action.WelcomeScreen.DevelopPlugins.description=Get started developing plugins for {0}. |
| action.WelcomeScreen.ReadHelp.text=Read Help |
| action.WelcomeScreen.ReadHelp.description=Open {0} "Help Topics" in a new window. |
| action.WelcomeScreen.GetFromVcs.text=Check out from Version Control |
| action.WelcomeScreen.GetFromVcs.description=You can check out an entire project from a Version Control System. Click the icon or link to select your VCS. |
| action.WelcomeScreen.ReopenRecent.text=Reopen Recent Project |
| action.WelcomeScreen.ReopenRecent.description=You can open one of the most recent projects you were working with. Click the icon or link to select a project from the list. |
| action.WelcomeScreen.OpenProject.text=Open Project |
| action.WelcomeScreen.OpenProject.description=Open {0} project. <br/>You can also open a project by drag and drop onto Welcome screen. |
| action.WelcomeScreen.CreateNewProject.text=Create New Project |
| action.WelcomeScreen.CreateNewProject.description=Start the \"New Project\" Wizard that will guide you through the steps necessary for creating a new project. |
| action.WelcomeScreen.ImportProject.text=Import Project |
| action.WelcomeScreen.ImportProject.description=Create {0} project structure for directory with existing sources or convert existing project model. |
| action.WelcomeScreen.JetBrainsTV.IDEA.text=JetBrains TV |
| action.WelcomeScreen.Plugins.text=Plugins |
| action.WelcomeScreen.Plugins.description=Manage installed plugins and download new ones from repository |
| action.WelcomeScreen.Configure.Import.text=Import Settings |
| action.WelcomeScreen.Configure.Export.text=Export Settings |
| action.WelcomeScreen.Configure.DesktopEntry.text=Create Desktop Entry |
| action.WelcomeScreen.Configure.DesktopEntry.description=Create a desktop entry for integration with system application menu |
| |
| action.CommittedChanges.Revert.text=Revert Changes |
| action.CommittedChanges.Revert.description=Apply the reverse of the selected changes to the working copy |
| |
| action.OpenDirectoryProject.text=Open Directory... |
| action.OpenDirectoryProject.description=Start editing code in the specified directory |
| action.WelcomeScreen.OpenDirectoryProject.text=Open Directory |
| action.WelcomeScreen.OpenDirectoryProject.description=Start editing code in the specified directory. |
| action.WelcomeScreen.CreateDirectoryProject.text=Create New Project |
| action.WelcomeScreen.CreateDirectoryProject.description=Create a new project. |
| action.NewDirectoryProject.text=New Project... |
| action.NewDirectoryProject.description=Create a new project |
| |
| action.SliceBackward.text=Analyze Data Flow _to Here |
| action.SliceBackward.description=Search for values which can be assigned to selected expression |
| |
| action.SliceForward.text=Analyze Data Flow _from Here |
| action.SliceSliceForward.description=Search for values escaped from this location |
| |
| action.ShelvedChanges.Diff.text=Show Diff |
| action.ShelvedChanges.Diff.description=Show diff for selected change |
| |
| action.ChangeTemplateDataLanguage.text=Change Template Data Language |
| |
| group.FileOpenGroup.text=File Open Actions |
| group.FileOtherSettingsGroup.text=Other Settings |
| group.FileMainSettingsGroup.text=Settings Actions |
| group.FilSettingsGroup.text=Settings Actions |
| group.ExportImportGroup.text=Export/Import Actions |
| group.PrintExportGroup.text=Print/Export Actions |
| group.EditSelectGroup.text=Editor Select Actions |
| group.EditCreateDeleteGroup.text=Editor Create/Delete Actions |
| group.CutCopyPasteGroup.text=Cut/Copy/Paste Actions |
| group.EditSelectWordGroup.text=Select Word Actions |
| group.EditBookmarksGroup.text=Boo_kmarks |
| group.OpenProjectGroup.text=Open Project Actions |
| group.EditSmartGroup.text=Edit Code Actions |
| group.ProjectViewGroup.text=Project View Actions |
| group.CodeEditorViewGroup.text=Code View Actions |
| group.CodeEditorBaseGroup.text=Code Editor View Actions |
| group.HierarchyGroup.text=Hierarchy Actions |
| group.DebugMainMenu.text=Debugger Actions |
| group.ToggleBreakpointAction.text=Breakpoint Actions |
| group.CommentGroup.text=Comment Actions |
| group.CodeFormatGroup.text=Code Formatting Actions |
| group.GoToTargetEx.text=Goto by Name Actions |
| group.GoToErrorGroup.text=Goto Error/Bookmark Actions |
| group.GoToMenuEx.text=Method Navigation Actions |
| group.GoToCodeGroup.text=Goto by Reference Actions |
| group.GoToChangeMarkerGroup.text=Change Navigation Actions |
| group.CoverageMenu.text=Code Coverage Actions |
| group.ToolsXmlGroup.text=XML Actions |
| group.XmlGenerateToolsGroup.text=XML Generate Actions |
| group.EditorPopupMenuDebug.text=Debug Actions |
| group.VersionControlsGroup.text=VCS/LVCS Actions |
| group.EditorPopupMenu.Run.text=Compile/Run Actions |
| group.ProjectViewCompileGroup.text=Compile/Debug Actions |
| group.ProjectViewAnalysisGroup.text=Analysis Actions |
| action.PerformanceReport.text=Submit Performance Report |
| group.PairFileActions.text=Actions on Pairs of Files |
| group.RefactoringMenu1.text=Refactoring Actions (1) |
| group.RefactoringMenu2.text=Refactoring Actions (2) |
| group.RefactoringMenu3.text=Refactoring Actions (3) |
| group.ToolbarFindGroup.text=Toolbar Find Actions |
| group.ToolbarRunGroup.text=Toolbar Run Actions |
| group.ToolbarMakeGroup.text=Toolbar Make Actions |
| group.EditorPopupMenu1.text=Editor Popup Menu Actions (1) |
| group.EditorLangPopupMenu.text=Editor Popup Menu Actions (2) |
| group.CloseEditorsGroup.text=Editor Close Actions |
| group.EditorTabPopupMenuEx.text=Editor Tab Popup Menu Actions (1) |
| group.ProjectViewPopupMenuModifyGroup.text=Project View Popup Menu Modify Group |
| group.ProjectViewPopupMenuRunGroup.text=Project View Popup Menu Run Group |
| group.ProjectViewPopupMenuSettingsGroup.text=Project View Popup Menu Settings Group |
| group.ProjectViewPopupMenuRefactoringGroup.text = Project View Popup Refactoring Group |
| group.ViewRecentActions.text=View Recent Actions Group |
| group.NewGroup1.text=New Group (1) |
| group.NewGroup2.text=New Group (2) |
| action.NewModuleInGroup.text=Module |
| action.WrapReturnValue.text=Wrap Method Re_turn Value... |
| action.WrapReturnValue.description=Wrap return value of the specified method with object |
| action.ReplaceConstructorWithBuilder.text=Replace Constructor with Builder... |
| action.ReplaceConstructorWithBuilder.description=Replace current class constructors calls with chained calls to the builder |
| action.WelcomeScreen.ShowTips.text=Tips of the Day |
| action.WelcomeScreen.ShowTips.description=Learn how to increase your coding productivity. |
| action.ShelvedChanges.ShowHideDeleted.text=Show/Hide Applied Shelved Changes |
| action.XDebugger.MuteBreakpoints.text=Mute Breakpoints |
| action.ShelvedChanges.DeleteDeleted.text=Delete Applied Shelved Changes |
| action.Diff.IgnoreWhitespace.text=Toggle Diff Ignore Whitespace |
| action.ShelvedChanges.Restore.text=Restore Applied Shelved Change |
| action.Graph.Current.Node.Dependencies.Filter.text=Show selected nodes with dependencies |
| group.VcsToobarActions.text=VCS Actions |
| action.StartupWizard.text=Configure Plugins... |
| action.StartupWizard.description=Run a wizard for selecting the set of enabled plugins |
| action.PopupHector.text=Configure Current File Analysis... |
| action.PopupHector.description=Show panel to configure highlighting mode for the current file |
| group.EditorTabPopupMenu.text=Editor Tab Popup Menu |
| group.MainMenu.text=Main menu |
| group.ProjectViewPopupMenu.text=Project View Popup Menu |
| group.FavoritesViewPopupMenu.text=Favorites View Popup Menu |
| group.CommanderViewPopupMenu.text=Commander View Popup Menu |
| group.NavbarPopupMenu.text=Navigation Bar |
| action.NewInspectionsInLatestVersion.text=What's new in IDEA 9 |
| action.NewInspectionsInLatestVersion.description=Show inspections new in IDEA 9 |
| action.RerunFailedTests.text=Rerun Failed Tests |
| action.RerunFailedTests.description=Run only tests that failed/crashed after last run |
| group.AnalyzeJavaMenu.text=Analyze Java Menu |
| group.AnalyzeJavaMenu.description=Analyze Java Menu |
| action.InvalidateCaches.text=Invalidate Caches / Restart... |
| action.InvalidateCaches.description=Force rebuild of all caches and indices on next startup |
| group.ToolsBasicGroup.text=Tools Basic Group |
| group.ToolsBasicGroup.description=Tools Basic Group |
| group.ToolbarNewElement.text=Toolbar New Element Group |
| action.NewElementToolbarAction.text=Create New File |
| action.ShowRegistry.text=Registry |
| action.ExportTestResults.text=Export Test Results... |
| action.ExportTestResults.description=Export test results to the file |
| action.TogglePowerSave.text=Power Save Mode |
| action.TogglePowerSave.description=Power save mode disables background code analysis and other background operations |
| group.ConvertIndentsGroup.text=Convert Indents |
| action.ConvertIndentsToSpaces.text=To Spaces |
| action.ConvertIndentsToSpaces.description=Convert the indentation in the file or selected block to use spaces instead of tabs |
| action.ConvertIndentsToTabs.text=To Tabs |
| action.ConvertIndentsToTabs.description=Convert the indentation in the file or selected block to use tabs instead of spaces |
| group.Vcs.Import.text=Import into Version Control |
| group.Vcs.Browse.text=Browse VCS Repository |
| action.Graph.print.reset=Reset |
| action.MarkExcludeRoot.text=Excluded |
| action.UnmarkRoot.text=Unmark Root |
| action.CreateLibraryFromFile.text=Add as Library... |
| action.ImportModuleFromImlFile.text=Import Module |
| action.ImportModuleFromImlFile.description=Import iml file as a module to the project |
| group.MarkRootGroup.text=Mark Directory As |
| action.CreateLauncherScript.text=Create Command-line Launcher... |
| action.CreateLauncherScript.description=Create a script for opening files and projects from the command line |
| action.CreateDesktopEntry.text=Create Desktop Entry... |
| action.CreateDesktopEntry.description=Create a desktop entry for integration with system application menu |
| group.EditorGutterPopupMenu.text=Editor Gutter Popup Menu |
| action.ExcludeFromProject.text=Exclude From Project... |
| group.MarkFileAs.text=Mark File As |
| action.MarkAsPlainTextAction.text=Mark as Plain Text |
| action.MarkAsOriginalTypeAction.text=Mark as |
| |
| action.Console.Execute.text=Execute Current Statement |
| action.Console.Execute.description=Execute current statement in console |
| action.Console.History.Previous.text=Previous |
| action.Console.History.Previous.description=Previous console history entry |
| action.Console.History.Next.text=Next |
| action.Console.History.Next.description=Next console history entry |
| action.Console.History.Browse.text=Browse History |
| action.Console.History.Browse.description=Browse console history |
| action.RevealIn.text=Show/Reveal in Explorer/Finder/Konqueror/Nautilus |
| action.RevealIn.description=Highlights the file in platform's file manager |
| action.GoToLinkTarget.text=Go to Link Target |
| action.GoToLinkTarget.description=Opens a target ot this symlink in the Project View |
| |
| action.Images.EditExternally.text=Jump to External Editor |
| action.Images.EditExternally.description=Open image in external editor |
| action.Images.ToggleTransparencyChessboard.text=Transparency Chessboard |
| action.Images.ToggleTransparencyChessboard.description=Toggle transparency chessboard under image |
| action.Images.Editor.ToggleGrid.text=Grid |
| action.Images.Editor.ToggleGrid.description=Toggle grid lines over image |
| action.Images.Editor.ZoomIn.text=Zoom In |
| action.Images.Editor.ZoomIn.description=Increase image view |
| action.Images.Editor.ZoomOut.text=Zoom Out |
| action.Images.Editor.ZoomOut.description=Reduce image view |
| action.Images.Editor.ActualSize.text=Actual Size |
| action.Images.Editor.ActualSize.description=Resize image to actual size |
| action.Images.Thumbnails.UpFolder.text=Level up |
| action.Images.Thumbnails.UpFolder.description=Level up |
| action.Images.Thumbnails.EnterAction.text=Browse |
| action.Images.Thumbnails.EnterAction.description=Browse directory |
| action.Images.Thumbnails.ToggleRecursive.text=Recursive |
| action.Images.Thumbnails.ToggleRecursive.description=Toggle recursive browsing |
| action.Images.Thumbnails.Hide.text=Close thumbnails |
| action.Images.Thumbnails.Hide.description=Close thumbnails window |
| action.Images.ShowThumbnails.text=Show Image Thumbnails |
| action.Images.ShowThumbnails.description=Show thumbnails view for current directory |
| |
| action.Diff.UpdatedFiles.text=Show Diff |
| action.Diff.UpdatedFiles.description=Show diff with version before update |
| |
| action.TabList.text=Show Hidden Tabs |
| action.TabList.description=Show dropdown with the list of tabs that don't fit on the screen in single-row tab layout |
| |
| action.FillParagraph.text=Fill Paragraph |
| action.FillParagraph.description=Reformat string literal or comment to fit maximum width (usually 80) |
| |
| action.SaveDocument.text=Save Document |
| action.SaveDocument.description=Saves only the file opened in the current editor |