| /* |
| * Copyright 2000-2013 JetBrains s.r.o. |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License. |
| */ |
| |
| import static org.jetbrains.jps.idea.IdeaProjectLoader.guessHome |
| |
| includeTargets << new File("${guessHome(this)}/build/scripts/utils.gant") |
| |
| requireProperty("out", "$home/out") |
| requireProperty("buildNumber", "SNAPSHOT") |
| |
| // "out" has to be canonical, otherwise the ant build fails |
| // with mysterious errors |
| out = new File(out).getCanonicalPath() |
| setProperty("out", out) |
| |
| class Paths { |
| final sandbox |
| final distWin |
| final distAll |
| final distUnix |
| final distMac |
| final artifacts |
| final artifacts_core |
| final artifacts_jps |
| |
| def Paths(String out) { |
| sandbox = out |
| distWin = "$sandbox/dist.win.ce" |
| distAll = "$sandbox/dist.all.ce" |
| distUnix = "$sandbox/dist.unix.ce" |
| distMac = "$sandbox/dist.mac.ce" |
| artifacts = "$sandbox/artifacts" |
| artifacts_core = "$artifacts/core" |
| artifacts_jps = "$artifacts/jps" |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def paths = new Paths(out) |
| setProperty("paths", paths) |
| |
| target(compile: "Compile project") { |
| loadProject() |
| |
| projectBuilder.stage("Cleaning up sandbox folder") |
| forceDelete(paths.sandbox) |
| |
| [paths.sandbox, paths.distWin, paths.distAll, paths.distUnix, paths.distMac, paths.artifacts, paths.artifacts_core, paths.artifacts_jps].each { |
| ant.mkdir(dir: it) |
| } |
| |
| projectBuilder.targetFolder = "$out/classes" |
| projectBuilder.cleanOutput() |
| projectBuilder.buildProduction() |
| projectBuilder.makeModuleTests(findModule("jps-builders")) |
| } |
| |
| private String appInfoFile() { |
| return "${projectBuilder.moduleOutput(findModule("adt-branding"))}/idea/AndroidStudioApplicationInfo.xml" |
| } |
| |
| target('default': 'The default target') { |
| depends([compile]) |
| |
| // load ApplicationInfo.xml properties |
| ant.xmlproperty(file: appInfoFile(), collapseAttributes: "true") |
| |
| zipSources(home, paths.artifacts) |
| |
| layoutAll([buildNumber: "AI-$snapshot".replaceAll("SNAPSHOT", p("buildNumber")), |
| system_selector: "AndroidStudioPreview", |
| platform_prefix: "AndroidStudio", |
| icns: "${projectBuilder.moduleOutput(findModule("adt-branding"))}/artwork/AndroidStudio.icns", |
| ide_jvm_args: "-Didea.platform.prefix=AndroidStudio", |
| tools_jar: true], |
| home, null, paths, true) |
| |
| // Generate updater.jar from the updater module (patch updater) |
| projectBuilder.stage("Generating updater in $out") |
| layoutUpdater(out) |
| } |
| |
| target('build-dist-jars' : 'Target to build jars from locally compiled classes') { |
| loadProject() |
| // load ApplicationInfo.xml properties |
| ant.xmlproperty(file: appInfoFile(), collapseAttributes: "true") |
| |
| layoutAll([buildNumber: "AI-$snapshot".replaceAll("SNAPSHOT", p("buildNumber")), |
| system_selector: "IdeaIC${p("component.version.major")}", |
| tools_jar: true], |
| home, null, paths) |
| } |
| |
| def layoutAll(Map args, String home, String out, Paths _paths = null, buildJps = false) { |
| Paths paths = _paths != null ? _paths : new Paths(out) |
| |
| args.companyName = p("component.company.name") |
| |
| wireBuildDate(args.buildNumber, appInfoFile()) |
| ant.echo(message: args.buildNumber, file: "$paths.distAll/build.txt") |
| |
| def layouts = includeFile("$home/build/scripts/layouts.gant") |
| layouts.layoutFull(home, paths.distAll, null) |
| layouts.layout_core(home, paths.artifacts_core) |
| notifyArtifactBuilt(paths.artifacts_core) |
| if (buildJps) { |
| layouts.layoutCommunityJps(home, paths.artifacts_jps) |
| notifyArtifactBuilt(paths.artifacts_jps) |
| } |
| |
| layout(paths.distAll) { |
| dir("bin") { |
| fileset(dir: "${home}/bin") { |
| include(name: "*.*") |
| } |
| } |
| dir("license") { |
| fileset(dir: "${home}/license") |
| } |
| fileset(file: "${home}/LICENSE.txt") |
| fileset(file: "${home}/NOTICE.txt") |
| } |
| patchPropertiesFile(paths.distAll, args + [appendices: ["$home/build/conf/ideaCE.properties"]]) |
| |
| layoutWin(args, home, paths) |
| layoutMac(args, home, paths) |
| layoutUnix(args, home, paths) |
| |
| def winAppRoot = "android-studio" |
| def macAppRoot = "Android Studio.app" |
| def linTarRoot = "android-studio" |
| |
| androidBuildNumber = p("buildNumber") |
| |
| def winZip = "$paths.artifacts/android-studio-${androidBuildNumber}.win.zip" |
| def macZip = "$paths.artifacts/android-studio-${androidBuildNumber}.mac.zip" |
| def linTar = "$paths.artifacts/android-studio-${androidBuildNumber}.tar" |
| |
| buildWinZip(winAppRoot, winZip, [paths.distAll, paths.distWin]) |
| buildTarGz(linTarRoot, linTar, [paths.distAll, paths.distUnix]) |
| buildMacZip(macAppRoot, macZip, [paths.distAll], paths.distMac) |
| } |
| |
| private layoutWin(Map _args, String home, Paths paths) { |
| String target = paths.distWin |
| |
| Map args = new HashMap(_args) |
| args.product_uc = "ANDROID_STUDIO" |
| args.vm_options = "studio.exe" |
| |
| layout(target) { |
| dir("bin") { |
| fileset(dir: "$home/bin/win") |
| } |
| } |
| |
| ant.copy(file: "$home/../adt/idea/adt-branding/src/artwork/androidstudio.ico", tofile: "$target/bin/idea.ico") |
| |
| // The 0.1 launcher. We need to keep it around, as 0.1 clients link to it from Start Menu |
| // ant.copy(file: "$home/../google/WinLauncher2/out/Release/WinLauncher2.exe", tofile: "$target/studio.exe") |
| |
| // The 0.1.1 win launcher. |
| ant.copy( file: "$home/../adt/idea/native/WinLauncher/out/Release-Win32/studio.exe", |
| tofile: "$target/bin/studio.exe") |
| ant.copy( file: "$home/../adt/idea/native/WinLauncher/out/Release-Win32/studio.exe.manifest", |
| tofile: "$target/bin/studio.exe.manifest") |
| ant.copy( file: "$home/../adt/idea/native/WinLauncher/out/Release-x64/studio64.exe", |
| tofile: "$target/bin/studio64.exe") |
| ant.copy( file: "$home/../adt/idea/native/WinLauncher/out/Release-x64/studio64.exe.manifest", |
| tofile: "$target/bin/studio64.exe.manifest") |
| |
| winScripts(target, home, "studio.bat", args) |
| winVMOptions(target, args, "studio.exe", "studio64.exe") |
| } |
| |
| private layoutMac(Map _args, String home, Paths paths) { |
| String target = paths.distMac |
| |
| Map args = new HashMap(_args) |
| args.bundleIdentifier = "com.google.android.studio" |
| args.executable = "studio" |
| args.help_id = "AI" |
| args.doc_types = """ |
| <dict> |
| <key>CFBundleTypeExtensions</key> |
| <array> |
| <string>ipr</string> |
| </array> |
| <key>CFBundleTypeIconFile</key> |
| <string>idea.icns</string> |
| <key>CFBundleTypeName</key> |
| <string>IntelliJ IDEA Project File</string> |
| <key>CFBundleTypeRole</key> |
| <string>Editor</string> |
| </dict> |
| """ |
| args."idea.properties.path" = "${paths.distAll}/bin/idea.properties" |
| args.mac_no_yjp = true |
| layoutMacApp(target, home, args) |
| } |
| |
| private layoutUnix(Map _args, String home, Paths paths) { |
| String target = paths.distUnix |
| |
| Map args = new HashMap(_args) |
| args.product_uc = "STUDIO" |
| args.vm_options = "studio" |
| |
| layout(target) { |
| dir("bin") { |
| fileset(dir: "$home/bin/linux") |
| } |
| } |
| |
| ant.copy(file: "$home/../adt/idea/adt-branding/src/artwork/icon_AS.png", tofile: "$target/bin/idea.png") |
| |
| unixScripts(target, home, "studio.sh", args) |
| unixVMOptions(target, "studio") |
| unixReadme(target, home, args) |
| } |