| /* |
| * Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o. |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License. |
| */ |
| import static org.jetbrains.jps.idea.IdeaProjectLoader.guessHome |
| |
| includeTargets << new File("${guessHome(this)}/build/scripts/utils.gant") |
| |
| target('default': "Developers update") { |
| def patchedDescriptorDir = patchAppDescriptor(deploy) |
| layoutFull(home, deploy, patchedDescriptorDir) |
| ant.delete(dir: patchedDescriptorDir) |
| } |
| |
| String appInfoFileName() { |
| return "idea/IdeaApplicationInfo.xml" |
| } |
| |
| String patchAppDescriptor(String targetDirectory) { |
| def patchedDirectory = "${targetDirectory}/../patched" |
| |
| ant.delete(dir: patchedDirectory) |
| |
| layout(patchedDirectory) { |
| module("community-resources") { |
| include(name: appInfoFileName()) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| ant.replace(file: "$patchedDirectory/${appInfoFileName()}", token: "__BUILD_NUMBER__", value: "IC-$snapshot") |
| ant.replace(file: "$patchedDirectory/${appInfoFileName()}", token: "__BUILD_DATE__", value: new Date().format("yyyyMMddHHmm")) |
| |
| return patchedDirectory |
| } |
| |
| def layoutFull(String home, String targetDirectory, String patchedDescriptorDir = null) { |
| projectBuilder.stage("layout to $targetDirectory") |
| |
| List<String> jpsCommonModules = ["jps-model-impl", "jps-model-serialization"] |
| List<String> openapiModules = [platformApiModules, |
| "compiler-openapi", |
| "debugger-openapi", |
| "dom-openapi", |
| "execution-openapi", |
| "java-analysis-api", |
| "java-indexing-api", |
| "java-psi-api", |
| "jsp-openapi", |
| "jsp-base-openapi", |
| "openapi", |
| "remote-servers-java-api", |
| "testFramework-java", |
| ].flatten() |
| |
| List<String> implementationModules = [platformImplementationModules, |
| "compiler-impl", |
| "debugger-impl", |
| "dom-impl", |
| "execution-impl", |
| "external-system-impl", |
| "idea-ui", |
| "java-analysis-impl", |
| "java-indexing-impl", |
| "java-impl", |
| "java-psi-impl", |
| "java-structure-view", |
| "jsp-spi", |
| "manifest", |
| "platform-main", |
| "remote-servers-java-impl", |
| "testFramework", |
| "tests_bootstrap", |
| "ui-designer-core" |
| ].flatten() |
| implementationModules.removeAll(jpsCommonModules) //todo[nik] remove jps modules from platformImplementationModules instead and update layouts of minor IDEs accordingly |
| |
| ant.patternset(id: "resources.included") { |
| include(name: "**/*.properties") |
| include(name: "fileTemplates/**/*") |
| include(name: "inspectionDescriptions/**/*") |
| include(name: "intentionDescriptions/**/*") |
| include(name: "tips/**/*") |
| } |
| |
| ant.patternset(id: "resources.excluded") { |
| exclude(name: "**/*.properties") |
| exclude(name: "fileTemplates/**/*") |
| exclude(name: "fileTemplates") |
| exclude(name: "inspectionDescriptions/**/*") |
| exclude(name: "inspectionDescriptions") |
| exclude(name: "intentionDescriptions/**/*") |
| exclude(name: "intentionDescriptions") |
| exclude(name: "tips/**/*") |
| exclude(name: "tips") |
| } |
| |
| def info = layout(targetDirectory) { |
| dir("lib") { |
| dir("rt") { |
| fileset(dir: "${home}/lib/rt", includesfile: "${home}/lib/rt/required_for_dist.txt") |
| jar("jps-plugin-system.jar") { |
| module("jps-plugin-system") |
| } |
| } |
| |
| dir("libpty") { |
| fileset(dir: "$home/lib/libpty") { |
| exclude(name: "readme.txt") |
| } |
| } |
| |
| jar("util.jar") { |
| module("util") |
| module("util-rt") |
| } |
| |
| jar("openapi.jar") { |
| openapiModules.each { module it} |
| } |
| |
| jar("annotations.jar") { module("annotations")} |
| jar("jdkAnnotations.jar") { |
| fileset(dir: "${home}/java/jdkAnnotations") |
| } |
| |
| jar("extensions.jar") { module("extensions")} |
| |
| jar("idea.jar") { |
| implementationModules.each { module it} |
| } |
| |
| jar("bootstrap.jar") { module("bootstrap") } |
| |
| jar("jps-launcher.jar") { module("jps-launcher") } |
| |
| jar("resources.jar") { |
| module("colorSchemes") |
| module("resources") |
| module("platform-resources") |
| module("community-resources") { |
| if (patchedDescriptorDir != null) { |
| exclude(name: appInfoFileName()) |
| } |
| } |
| if (patchedDescriptorDir != null) { |
| fileset(dir: patchedDescriptorDir) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| jar("idea_rt.jar") { module("java-runtime")} |
| |
| jar("forms_rt.jar") { |
| module("forms_rt") |
| module("forms-compiler") |
| } |
| |
| jar("resources_en.jar") { |
| module("resources-en") |
| module("platform-resources-en") |
| } |
| |
| jar("icons.jar") { module("icons") } |
| jar("boot.jar") { module("boot") } |
| |
| jar("javac2.jar") { |
| module("javac2") |
| module("forms-compiler") |
| module("forms_rt") |
| module("instrumentation-util") |
| } |
| |
| jar("jps-model.jar") { |
| jpsCommonModules.each { module it } |
| } |
| jar("jps-server.jar") { |
| module("jps-builders") |
| } |
| |
| fileset(dir: "$home/jps/lib") { |
| include(name: "optimizedFileManager.jar") |
| } |
| |
| fileset(dir: "$home/lib", includesfile: "${home}/lib/required_for_dist.txt") |
| |
| fileset(dir: "$home/lib/src") { |
| include(name: "trove4j_changes.txt") |
| include(name: "trove4j_src.jar") |
| } |
| fileset(dir: "$home/xml/relaxng/lib", includes: "*.jar") |
| |
| dir("ant") { |
| fileset(dir: "$home/lib/ant") { |
| exclude(name: "**/src/**") |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| layoutCommunityPlugins(home) |
| |
| dir("plugins") { |
| dir("javaFX") { |
| dir("lib") { |
| jar("javaFX.jar") { |
| noResources("javaFX") |
| noResources("javaFX-CE") |
| } |
| resources(["javaFX", "javaFX-CE"]) |
| jar("javaFX-jps-plugin.jar") { |
| module("javaFX-jps-plugin") |
| } |
| jar("common-javaFX-plugin.jar") { |
| module("common-javaFX-plugin") |
| } |
| } |
| |
| fileset(dir: "${home}/plugins/javaFX/FxBuilderEmbedder/lib", includes: "embedder.jar"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| dir("plugins") { |
| dir("IntelliLang") { |
| dir("lib") { |
| jar("IntelliLang.jar") { |
| module("IntelliLang") |
| module("IntelliLang-java") |
| module("IntelliLang-xml") |
| module("IntelliLang-javaee") |
| } |
| jar("intellilang-jps-plugin.jar") { |
| module("intellilang-jps-plugin") |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| printUnusedModules(info.usedModules) |
| |
| //reorder(targetDirectory) |
| } |
| |
| public def layoutCommunityPlugins(String home) { |
| if (isDefined("androidPluginHome")) { |
| layoutAndroid(p("androidPluginHome")) |
| } |
| |
| dir("plugins") { |
| def simplePlugins = ["commander", "copyright", "java-i18n", "hg4idea", "github"] //, "tasks-time-tracking"] |
| |
| simplePlugins.each { |
| layoutPlugin it |
| } |
| |
| layoutPlugin("ant", "ant", "antIntegration") { |
| jar("ant-jps-plugin.jar") { |
| module("ant-jps-plugin") |
| } |
| } |
| layoutPlugin("uiDesigner", "ui-designer", "uiDesigner") { |
| dir("jps") { |
| jar("ui-designer-jps-plugin.jar") { |
| module("ui-designer-jps-plugin") |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| pluginDir("properties") { |
| dir("lib") { |
| jar("properties.jar") { |
| module("properties-psi-api") |
| module("properties-psi-impl") |
| module("properties") |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| layoutPlugin("maven") { |
| jar("maven-jps-plugin.jar") { |
| module("maven-jps-plugin") |
| } |
| jar("maven-server-api.jar") { |
| module("maven-server-api") |
| } |
| jar("maven2-server-impl.jar") { |
| module("maven2-server-impl") |
| } |
| jar("maven3-server-impl.jar") { |
| module("maven3-server-impl") |
| } |
| |
| jar("artifact-resolver-m2.jar") { |
| module("maven-artifact-resolver-m2") |
| } |
| |
| jar("artifact-resolver-m3.jar") { |
| module("maven-artifact-resolver-m3") |
| module("maven-artifact-resolver-m2") { |
| include(name: 'org/jetbrains/idea/maven/artifactResolver/common/*') |
| } |
| } |
| |
| jar("artifact-resolver-m31.jar") { |
| module("maven-artifact-resolver-m31") |
| module("maven-artifact-resolver-m2") { |
| include(name: 'org/jetbrains/idea/maven/artifactResolver/common/*') |
| } |
| } |
| |
| dir("maven3") { |
| fileset(dir: "$home/plugins/maven/maven3-server-impl/lib") {include(name: "*.jar")} |
| fileset(dir: "$home/plugins/maven/maven3-server-impl/lib/maven3/lib") {include(name: "*.jar")} |
| fileset(dir: "$home/plugins/maven/maven3-server-impl/lib/maven3/boot") |
| } |
| |
| dir("maven2") { |
| fileset(dir: "$home/lib/") { include(name: "jaxb*.jar")} |
| fileset(dir: "$home/plugins/maven/maven2-server-impl/lib") |
| } |
| |
| fileset(dir: "$home/plugins/maven/lib") {exclude(name: "plexus-utils-*") } |
| fileset(dir: "$home/plugins/maven/maven-server-api/lib") |
| } |
| |
| layoutPlugin("gradle") { |
| jar("gradle.jar") { |
| module("gradle") |
| } |
| |
| jar("gradle-tooling-extension-api.jar") { |
| module("gradle-tooling-extension-api") |
| } |
| |
| jar("gradle-tooling-extension-impl.jar") { |
| module("gradle-tooling-extension-impl") |
| } |
| fileset(dir: "$home/plugins/gradle/lib") { include(name: "*.jar") } |
| } |
| |
| layoutPlugin("git4idea") { |
| jar("git4idea-rt.jar") { |
| module("git4idea-rt") |
| } |
| jar("remote-servers-git.jar") { |
| module("remote-servers-git") |
| } |
| fileset(dir: "$home/plugins/git4idea/lib") { |
| include(name: "trilead-ssh2.jar") |
| } |
| fileset(dir: "$home/plugins/git4idea/lib/ini4j") { |
| include(name: "ini4j*.jar") |
| exclude(name: "ini4j*sources.jar") |
| } |
| fileset(dir: "$home/plugins/git4idea/lib/jgit") { |
| include(name: "org.eclipse.jgit*.jar") |
| exclude(name: "*.zip") |
| } |
| } |
| |
| layoutPlugin("svn4idea") { |
| fileset(dir: "$home/plugins/svn4idea/lib", excludes: "**/svnkitsrc.zip") |
| } |
| |
| layoutPlugin("junit", "junit", "idea-junit") { |
| jar("junit-rt.jar") { |
| module("junit_rt") |
| } |
| } |
| |
| pluginDir("ByteCodeViewer") { |
| dir("lib") { |
| jar("byteCodeViewer.jar") { |
| noResources("ByteCodeViewer") |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| pluginDir("cvsIntegration") { |
| dir("lib") { |
| jar("cvs_util.jar") {noResources("cvs-core")} |
| jar("cvsIntegration.jar") {noResources("cvs-plugin")} |
| jar("javacvs-src.jar") {noResources("javacvs-src")} |
| jar("smartcvs-src.jar") {noResources("smartcvs-src")} |
| |
| resources(["cvs-core", "cvs-plugin", "javacvs-src", "smartcvs-src"]) |
| |
| fileset(dir: "${home}/plugins/cvs/lib") |
| } |
| } |
| |
| pluginDir("testng") { |
| dir("lib") { |
| jar("testng-plugin.jar") { |
| noResources("testng") |
| noResources("testng_rt") |
| } |
| |
| resources("testng") |
| |
| fileset(dir: "$home/plugins/testng/lib") { |
| include(name: "testng.jar") |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| layoutPlugin("xpath") { |
| dir("rt") { |
| jar("xslt-rt.jar") {module("xslt-rt")} |
| } |
| } |
| |
| layoutPlugin("xslt-debugger") { |
| jar("xslt-debugger-engine.jar") { |
| module("xslt-debugger-engine") { |
| excludes: "lib" |
| } |
| } |
| fileset(dir: "$home/plugins/xslt-debugger/engine/lib") { |
| include(name: "**/rmi-stubs.jar") |
| } |
| dir("rt") { |
| jar("xslt-debugger-engine-impl.jar") { |
| module("xslt-debugger-engine-impl") { |
| exclude(name: "lib") |
| exclude(name: "**/*.jar") |
| exclude(name: "**/*.html") |
| } |
| } |
| fileset(dir: "$home/plugins/xslt-debugger/engine/impl/lib") { |
| include(name: "**/*.jar") |
| exclude(name: "**/rmi-stubs.jar") |
| include(name: "**/*.html") |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| pluginDir("Groovy") { |
| dir("lib") { |
| jar("Groovy.jar") { |
| module("jetgroovy") |
| module("groovy-psi") { |
| exclude(name: "standardDsls/**") |
| } |
| } |
| //layout of groovy jars must be consistent with GroovyBuilder.getGroovyRtRoot method |
| jar("groovy-jps-plugin.jar") { |
| module("groovy-jps-plugin") |
| module("groovy-rt-constants") |
| } |
| jar("groovy_rt.jar") { |
| module("groovy_rt") |
| module("groovy-rt-constants") |
| } |
| dir("standardDsls") { |
| fileset(dir: "$home/plugins/groovy/groovy-psi/resources/standardDsls") |
| } |
| dir("agent") { |
| fileset(dir: "${home}/plugins/groovy/hotswap") { |
| include(name: "gragent.jar") |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| fileset(dir: "$home/plugins/groovy/groovy-psi/resources/conf") |
| } |
| } |
| |
| pluginDir("tasks") { |
| dir("lib") { |
| jar("tasks-api.jar") { module("tasks-api") } |
| jar("jira.jar") { module("jira") } |
| jar("tasks-core.jar") { module("tasks-core") } |
| jar("jira.jar") { module("jira") } |
| jar("tasks-java.jar") { moduleOptional("tasks-java") } |
| fileset(dir: "${home}/plugins/tasks/tasks-core/lib") { |
| include(name: "**/*.jar") |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| layoutPlugin("devkit") { |
| jar("devkit-jps-plugin.jar") { |
| module("devkit-jps-plugin") |
| } |
| fileset(dir: "${home}/plugins/devkit/lib") { |
| include(name: "**/*.jar") |
| } |
| } |
| layoutPlugin("eclipse") { |
| jar("eclipse-jps-plugin.jar") { |
| module("eclipse-jps-plugin") |
| } |
| jar("common-eclipse-util.jar") { |
| module("common-eclipse-util") |
| } |
| } |
| |
| layoutPlugin("terminal") { |
| jar("terminal.jar") { |
| module("terminal") |
| } |
| fileset(dir: "$home/plugins/terminal/lib") { |
| include(name: "*.jar") |
| include(name: "*.in") |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| def layoutPlugin(String moduleName) { |
| layoutPlugin(moduleName, moduleName, {}) |
| } |
| |
| def layoutPlugin(String moduleName, Closure custom) { |
| layoutPlugin(moduleName, moduleName, custom) |
| } |
| |
| def layoutPlugin(String pluginName, String moduleName) { |
| layoutPlugin(pluginName, moduleName, {}) |
| } |
| |
| def layoutPlugin(String pluginName, String moduleName, Closure custom) { |
| layoutPlugin(pluginName, moduleName, pluginName, custom) |
| } |
| |
| def layoutPlugin(String pluginName, String moduleName, String jarName) { |
| layoutPlugin(pluginName, moduleName, jarName, {}) |
| } |
| |
| def layoutPlugin(String pluginName, String moduleName, String jarName, Closure custom) { |
| if (isDefined("pluginFilter")) { |
| if (!pluginFilter.contains(moduleName) && !pluginFilter.contains(pluginName)) return |
| } |
| |
| dir(pluginName) { |
| dir("lib") { |
| jar("${jarName}.jar") { |
| noResources(moduleName) |
| } |
| |
| resources(moduleName) |
| custom() |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def pluginDir(String dirName, Closure initializer) { |
| if (isDefined("pluginFilter")) { |
| if (!pluginFilter.contains(dirName)) return |
| } |
| |
| dir(dirName) { |
| initializer() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private def resources(List<String> modules) { |
| jar("resources_en.jar") { |
| modules.each { |
| module(it) { |
| patternset(refid: "resources.included") |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private def resources(String moduleName) { |
| jar("resources_en.jar") { |
| module(moduleName) { |
| patternset(refid: "resources.included") |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private def noResources(String moduleName) { |
| module(moduleName) { |
| patternset(refid: "resources.excluded") |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def moduleOptional(String name) { |
| if (isDefined("pluginFilter")) { |
| if (!pluginFilter.contains(name)) return |
| } |
| |
| module(name) |
| } |
| |
| def moduleOptional(String name, Closure init) { |
| if (isDefined("pluginFilter")) { |
| if (!pluginFilter.contains(name)) return |
| } |
| |
| module(name, init) |
| } |
| |
| def reorder(String home, String targetDirectory) { |
| if (findModule("util") != null) { |
| ant.java(classname: "com.intellij.util.io.zip.ReorderJarsMain", fork: "true") { |
| arg(value: "$home/build/order.txt") |
| arg(value: targetDirectory) |
| arg(value: targetDirectory) |
| arg(value: "$home/lib") |
| classpath { |
| pathelement(location: projectBuilder.moduleOutput(findModule("util"))) |
| pathelement(location: projectBuilder.moduleOutput(findModule("util-rt"))) |
| pathelement(location: "$home/lib/jna.jar") |
| pathelement(location: "$home/lib/trove4j.jar") |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def layoutAndroid(String androidHome) { |
| dir("plugins") { |
| layoutPlugin("android") { |
| fileset(dir: "${androidHome}/android/lib") { |
| include(name: "**/*.jar") |
| exclude(name: "**/ddmlib_1.jar") |
| exclude(name: "src/*.jar") |
| } |
| |
| jar("android-common.jar") { |
| module("android-common") |
| } |
| |
| jar("android-rt.jar") { |
| module("android-rt") |
| } |
| |
| jar("common.jar") { |
| module("common") |
| } |
| jar("sdklib.jar") { |
| module("sdklib") |
| } |
| jar("layoutlib-api.jar") { |
| module("layoutlib-api") |
| } |
| jar("manifest-merger.jar") { |
| module("manifest-merger") |
| } |
| jar("sdk-tools.jar") { |
| module("assetstudio") |
| module("ddmlib") |
| module("dvlib") |
| module("draw9patch") |
| module("lint-api") |
| module("lint-checks") |
| module("ninepatch") |
| module("sdk-common") |
| module("perflib") |
| } |
| jar("androidAnnotations.jar") { |
| fileset(dir: "$androidHome/android/annotations") |
| } |
| dir("jps") { |
| jar("android-gradle-jps.jar") { module("android-gradle-jps") } |
| } |
| dir("device-art-resources") { |
| fileset(dir: "$androidHome/android/device-art-resources") |
| } |
| |
| dir("jps") { |
| jar("android-jps-plugin.jar") { module("android-jps-plugin") } |
| } |
| dir("templates") { |
| fileset(dir: "$androidHome/tools-base/templates") |
| } |
| } |
| |
| dir("android-designer") { |
| dir("lib") { |
| jar("android-designer.jar") { |
| module("android-designer") |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def layoutJps(String home, String targetDir, String buildNumber, Closure additionalJars) { |
| layout(targetDir) { |
| zip("standalone-jps-${buildNumber}.zip") { |
| jar("util.jar") { |
| module("annotations") |
| module("util-rt") |
| module("util") |
| } |
| |
| jar("jps-launcher.jar") { |
| module("jps-launcher") |
| } |
| |
| jar("jps-model.jar") { |
| module("jps-model-api") |
| module("jps-model-impl") |
| module("jps-model-serialization") |
| } |
| jar("jps-builders.jar") { |
| module("forms_rt") |
| module("forms-compiler") |
| module("instrumentation-util") |
| module("jps-builders") |
| module("jps-standalone-builder") |
| module("java-runtime") |
| } |
| jar("jps-plugin-system.jar") { |
| module("jps-plugin-system") |
| } |
| jar("groovy-jps-plugin.jar") { |
| module("groovy-jps-plugin") |
| module("groovy-rt-constants") |
| } |
| jar("groovy_rt.jar") { |
| module("groovy_rt") |
| } |
| jar("ui-designer-jps-plugin.jar") { module("ui-designer-jps-plugin") } |
| |
| |
| jar("maven-jps-plugin.jar") { module("maven-jps-plugin") } |
| fileset(dir: "$home/plugins/maven/maven3-server-impl/lib/maven3/lib") {include(name: "plexus-utils-*.jar")} |
| |
| jar("eclipse-jps-plugin.jar") { |
| module("common-eclipse-util") |
| module("eclipse-jps-plugin") |
| } |
| jar("devkit-jps-plugin.jar") { module("devkit-jps-plugin") } |
| jar("intellilang-jps-plugin.jar") { module("intellilang-jps-plugin") } |
| fileset(dir: "$home/lib") { |
| include(name: "jdom.jar") |
| include(name: "jna.jar") |
| include(name: "trove4j.jar") |
| include(name: "asm4-all.jar") |
| include(name: "nanoxml-*.jar") |
| include(name: "protobuf-*.jar") |
| include(name: "cli-parser-*.jar") |
| include(name: "log4j.jar") |
| include(name: "jgoodies-forms.jar") |
| include(name: "ecj*.jar") |
| include(name: "jsr166e.jar") |
| } |
| fileset(dir: "$home/jps/lib") { |
| include(name: "optimizedFileManager.jar") |
| } |
| jar("ant-jps-plugin.jar") { module("ant-jps-plugin") } |
| additionalJars() |
| } |
| jar("jps-build-test-${buildNumber}.jar") { |
| moduleTests("jps-builders") |
| moduleTests("jps-model-tests") |
| moduleTests("jps-serialization-tests") |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def layout_core(String home, String target) { |
| layout(target) { |
| jar("intellij-core.jar") { |
| module("util-rt") |
| module("util") |
| module("core-api") |
| module("core-impl") |
| module("boot") |
| module("extensions") |
| module("java-psi-api") |
| module("java-psi-impl") |
| } |
| |
| jar("annotations.jar") { |
| module("annotations") |
| } |
| |
| fileset(dir: "$home/lib") { |
| include(name: "guava-14.0.1.jar") |
| include(name: "picocontainer.jar") |
| include(name: "trove4j.jar") |
| include(name: "asm.jar") |
| include(name: "asm-commons.jar") |
| include(name: "cli-parser-1.1.jar") |
| include(name: "snappy-in-java-0.3.jar") |
| include(name: "jayatana-1.2.4.jar") |
| } |
| } |
| } |