| title.cannot.start.browser=Cannot start browser |
| error.malformed.url=Malformed url: {0} |
| error.cannot.start.browser=Cannot start browser: {0} |
| error.please.specify.path.to.web.browser=Please specify a path to web browser in {0} | Web Browsers |
| title.browser.not.found=Browser Not Found |
| title.browser.path.not.found=Browser Path Not Found |
| action.sort.alphabetically=Sort Alphabetically |
| button.finish=&Finish |
| button.ok=&OK |
| button.wizard.previous=&Previous |
| button.wizard.next=&Next |
| title.system.error=System Error |
| title.select.path.to.browser=Select Path to Browser |
| title.general=General |
| editbox.default.encoding.for.properties.files=Default encoding for properties files: |
| checkbox.transparent.native.to.ascii.conversion=Transparent native-to-ascii conversion |
| checkbox.autodetect.utf=Autodetect UTF-encoded files |
| group.http.proxy=HTTP Proxy |
| group.web.browser=Web Browser |
| group.general.options=General Options |
| editbox.ignore.files.and.folders=Ignore files and folders |
| checkbox.confirm.application.exit=Confirm application exit |
| label.inactive.timeout.sec= sec. |
| search.in.the.background=Search in the background |
| checkbox.save.files.automatically=Save files automatically if application is idle for |
| checkbox.save.files.on.frame.deactivation=Save files on frame deactivation |
| checkbox.synchronize.files.on.frame.activation=Synchronize files on frame activation |
| checkbox.reopen.last.project.on.startup=Reopen last project on startup |
| treenode.loading= loading... |
| action.clear.list=_Clear List |
| action.descriptor.action=Action: {0} |
| action.descriptor.typing=Typing: "{0}" |
| action.descriptor.keystroke=Keystroke: "{0}" |
| title.edit.macros=Edit Macros |
| macro.noname=<noname> |
| message.macro.exists=There is already a macro called ''{0}''. Overwrite it? |
| title.macro.name.already.used=Macro Name Already Used |
| title.macros=Macros |
| prompt.enter.new.name=Enter New Name |
| title.rename.macro=Rename Macro |
| button.delete=Delete |
| button.rename=Rename |
| button.remove.action=Remove Action |
| action.stop.macro.recording=Stop _Macro Recording |
| action.start.macro.recording=Start _Macro Recording |
| prompt.enter.macro.name=Enter macro name. Leave blank if macro is temporary. |
| title.enter.macro.name=Enter Macro Name |
| select.in.aspects=Aspects |
| action.flatten.packages=Flatten Packages |
| button.go.to=&Go to |
| button.remove=&Remove |
| button.remove.all=Remove &All |
| button.move.up=Move &Up |
| button.move.down=Move &Down |
| column.description=Description |
| bookmark.file.X.line.Y={0}, line {1} |
| button.view.source=&View Source |
| action.bookmark.toggle=Toggle _Bookmark |
| action.bookmark.toggle.mnemonic=Toggle Bookmark With Mnemonic |
| action.bookmark.delete=Delete Bookmark |
| action.bookmark.edit.description=Edit Description |
| action.bookmark.edit.description.description=Assign short description for the bookmark to be shown along the file name |
| action.bookmark.edit.description.dialog.message=Enter short bookmark description |
| action.bookmark.edit.description.dialog.title=Bookmark Description |
| progress.deleting=Deleting |
| select.in.commander=Commander |
| errortree.information=Information: |
| errortree.error=Error: |
| errortree.warning=Warning: |
| errortree.note=Note: |
| action.hide.warnings=Hide warnings |
| action.next.message=Next Message |
| action.previous.message=Previous Message |
| action.stop=Stop |
| errortree.prefix.line=line ({0}) |
| checkbox.errortree.export.details=Details |
| |
| # Favorites |
| action.add.all.open.tabs.to.new.favorites.list=Add All Open Tabs To New Favorites List |
| action.add.to.new.favorites.list=Add To _New Favorites List |
| prompt.input.new.favorites.list.name=Input new favorites list name |
| title.add.new.favorites.list=Add New Favorites List |
| error.favorites.list.already.exists=Favorites list with name ''{0}'' already exists |
| title.unable.to.add.favorites.list=Unable To Add Favorites List |
| favorites.list.unnamed=Unnamed{0} |
| action.remove.from.current.favorites=Remove From Current Favorites |
| favorites.empty.screen=There is nothing to display. To add item to favorites list use: Main Menu -> View -> Add To Favorites |
| action.abbreviate.qualified.package.names=Abbreviate Qualified Package Names |
| action.hide.empty.middle.packages=Hide Empty Middle Packages |
| action.show.hide.empty.middle.packages=Show/Hide Empty Middle Packages |
| action.compact.empty.middle.packages=Compact Empty Middle Packages |
| action.show.compact.empty.middle.packages=Show/Compact Empty Middle Packages |
| action.show.members=Show Members |
| action.show.hide.members=Show/Hide Members |
| action.delete.favorites.list=Delete Favorites List ''{0}'' |
| action.delete.all.favorites.lists.but.this=Delete All User-Defined Lists Except ''{0}'' |
| select.in.favorites=Favorites |
| action.send.to.new.favorites.list=Send To New Favorites List |
| action.rename.favorites.list=Rename favorites list |
| title.rename.favorites.list=Rename |
| prompt.input.favorites.list.new.name=Rename favorite list ''{0}'' to: |
| |
| # File Templates |
| command.create.class.from.template=Create Class From Template |
| command.create.file.from.template=Create File From Template |
| error.parsing.file.template=Error parsing file template: {0} |
| title.velocity.error=Velocity Error |
| action.from.file.template=From File Template ... |
| action.edit.file.templates=Edit File Templates... |
| error.unable.to.parse.template.message=Unable to parse template "{0}"\nError message: {1} |
| error.invalid.template.file.name.or.extension=Invalid template file name or extension |
| title.cannot.create.class=Cannot Create Class |
| title.cannot.create.file=Cannot Create File |
| title.new.from.template=New {0} |
| error.please.enter.a.file.name=Please enter a file name |
| label.file.name=File name: |
| title.select.template=Select Template |
| label.name=Name: |
| label.extension=Extension: |
| title.file.templates=File and Code Templates |
| checkbox.reformat.according.to.style=Reformat according to style |
| label.description=Description |
| item.file.templates=File templates |
| tab.filetemplates.templates=Templates |
| tab.filetemplates.includes=Includes |
| tab.filetemplates.code=Code |
| tab.filetemplates.j2ee=Java EE |
| error.please.specify.template.name=Please specify template name |
| error.template.with.such.name.already.exists=Template with such name already exists. Please specify a different template name |
| title.cannot.save.current.template=Cannot save current template |
| error.please.specify.template.extension=Please specify template extension |
| action.create.template=Create Template |
| action.copy.template=Copy Template |
| action.reset.to.default=Reset To Default |
| action.remove.template=Remove Template |
| template.unnamed=Unnamed |
| template.copy.N.of.T=Copy{0} of {1} |
| prompt.reset.to.original.template=Reset to original template? |
| title.reset.template=Reset Template |
| error.unable.to.save.file.template.using.encoding=Unable to save File Template \"{0}\" using {1} |
| template.default.class.comment=/*\n * Created by {0}.\n * User: $USER$\n * Date: $DATE$\n * Time: $TIME$\n */\n |
| |
| # Hierarchy View |
| action.browse.call.hierarchy=Browse Call Hierarchy |
| action.browse.method.hierarchy=Browse Method Hierarchy |
| action.browse.type.hierarchy=Browse Type Hierarchy |
| action.base.on.this.method=Base on This Method |
| label.scope=Scope: |
| hierarchy.scope.project=Production |
| hierarchy.scope.all=All |
| hierarchy.scope.this.class=This Class |
| action.refresh=Refresh |
| action.callee.methods.hierarchy=Callee Methods Hierarchy |
| action.caller.methods.hierarchy=Caller Methods Hierarchy |
| node.hierarchy.invalid=[Invalid] |
| node.call.hierarchy.N.usages= ({0} usages) |
| node.call.hierarchy.unknown.jsp=unknown jsp |
| title.hierarchy.callees.of=Callees Of {0} |
| title.hierarchy.callers.of=Callers Of {0} |
| action.implement.method=Implement Method |
| action.implement.methods=Implement Methods |
| action.hide.non.implementations=Hide classes where the method is legally not implemented |
| hierarchy.legend.method.is.defined.in.class=method is defined in the class |
| hierarchy.legend.method.defined.in.superclass=method is not defined in the class but defined in superclass |
| hierarchy.legend.method.should.be.defined=method should be defined since the class is not abstract |
| action.override.method=Override Method |
| action.override.methods=Override Methods |
| title.hierarchy.method=Method {0} |
| title.hierarchy.subtypes=Subtypes of {0} |
| node.hierarchy.java.lang.object=All classes are derived from java.lang.Object |
| title.hierarchy.supertypes=Supertypes of {0} |
| action.base.on.this.interface=Base on This Interface |
| action.base.on.this.class=Base on This Class |
| progress.deleting.class=Deleting class {0} |
| title.hierarchy.class=Class {0} |
| action.view.class.hierarchy=Class Hierarchy |
| action.description.view.class.hierarchy=Switch to Class Hierarchy |
| action.view.subtypes.hierarchy=Subtypes Hierarchy |
| action.description.view.subtypes.hierarchy=Switch to Subtypes Hierarchy |
| action.view.supertypes.hierarchy=Supertypes Hierarchy |
| action.description.view.supertypes.hierarchy=Switch to Supertypes Hierarchy |
| filetype.description.archive.files=Archive files |
| filetype.description.dtd=XML Document Type Definition |
| filetype.description.gui.designer.form=GUI Designer forms |
| filetype.description.html=HTML files |
| filetype.description.class=Java class files |
| filetype.description.java=Java source files |
| filetype.description.jspx=JSPx files |
| filetype.description.idea.module=Idea Module |
| filetype.description.jsp=Java Server Page files |
| filetype.description.idea.project=Idea Project |
| filetype.description.unknown=UNKNOWN |
| filetype.description.idea.workspace=Idea Workspace |
| filetype.description.xhtml=XHTML files |
| filetype.description.xml=XML files |
| filetype.description.ant=ANT buildfiles |
| error.name.cannot.be.empty=Name cannot be empty |
| editbox.customfiletype.line.comment=Line comment: |
| editbox.customfiletype.block.comment.start=Block comment start: |
| editbox.customfiletype.block.comment.end=Block comment end: |
| editbox.customfiletype.hex.prefix=Hex prefix: |
| editbox.customfiletype.number.postfixes=Number postfixes: |
| listbox.customfiletype.keywords=Keywords |
| button.add=&Add... |
| editbox.customfiletype.name=Name: |
| editbox.customfiletype.description=Description: |
| group.customfiletype.syntax.highlighting=Syntax Highlighting |
| checkbox.customfiletype.ignore.case=&Ignore case |
| checkbox.customfiletype.support.paired.braces=Support paired b&races |
| checkbox.customfiletype.support.paired.brackets=Support paired bra&ckets |
| checkbox.customfiletype.support.paired.parens=Support paired &parens |
| checkbox.customfiletype.support.string.escapes=Support string &escapes |
| title.add.new.keyword=Add New Keyword |
| title.edit.keyword=Edit Keyword |
| editbox.keyword=Keyword: |
| error.keyword.cannot.be.empty=Keyword cannot be empty |
| error.keyword.may.not.contain.spaces=Keyword may not contain spaces |
| action.help=Help |
| select.in.packages=Packages |
| select.in.project=Project |
| select.in.nav.bar = Navigation Bar |
| error.adding.module.to.project=Error adding module to project: {0} |
| title.add.module=New Module |
| prompt.open.project.in.new.frame=<html><body>New projects can either be opened in a new window or replace the project in the existing window.<br>How would you like to open the project?</body></html> |
| title.new.project=New Project |
| button.newframe=New &Window |
| button.existingframe=&This Window |
| button.yes=_Yes |
| button.no=_No |
| error.project.file.does.not.exist=Cannot load {0}. The file does not exist. |
| error.file.does.not.exist=File {0} does not exist. |
| title.open.project=Open Project |
| button.cancel=&Cancel |
| error.cannot.load.project=Cannot load project: {0} |
| title.cannot.load.project=Cannot Load Project |
| error.project.file.is.corrupted=Project file is corrupted |
| |
| title.cannot.convert.project=Cannot Convert Project |
| dialog.title.convert.project=Convert Project |
| conversion.dialog.text.1=The project ''{0}'' has an older format and will be converted. You may not be able to open the project with earlier versions of {1}. |
| conversion.dialog.text.2=<b> </b><a href=\"details\">Details...</a><br/><br/>Old versions of project files will be saved to: ''{0}'' |
| message.text.unlock.read.only.files=<html><body>The following files are read only. {0} will unlock them.<br>{1}</body></html> |
| error.message.cannot.make.files.writable=Cannot make the following files writable:\n{0} |
| error.cannot.convert.project=Cannot convert project: {0} |
| message.files.doesn.t.exists.0.so.the.corresponding.modules.won.t.be.converted.do.you.want.to.continue=<html><body>The following files don''t exists: <br>\ |
| {0}The corresponding modules won''t be converted. Do you want to continue?</body></html> |
| |
| select.in.project.settings=Project Structure |
| select.in.file.structure=File Structure |
| message.nothing.to.show.in.structure.view=Nothing to show in the Structure View |
| error.license.collision=This license is being used elsewhere on the network by {0}.\nOnly one active computer at a time can use the license.\nWould you like to re-activate this computer?\nClick Yes to re-activate, or No to shutdown {1}. |
| title.license.collision.detected=License Collision Detected |
| message.licensed.to=Licensed to {0} |
| title.enter.license.data=Enter {0} License |
| message.purchase.or.upgrade=For information on how to upgrade your evaluation software please go to {0} |
| message.expiration.date=Expiration date: {0} |
| message.educational.license=1-Year Educational License. {0} |
| message.open.source.project.license=Open Source Project License. {0} |
| message.non.commercial.use.only=Non-commercial use only |
| message.personal.license=Personal License |
| aboutbox.build.number=Build #{0} |
| aboutbox.build.date=, built on {0} |
| aboutbox.jdk=JRE : {0} {1} |
| aboutbox.vm=VM: {0} by {1} |
| aboutbox.maintenance.due=Entitled for free updates and upgrades until {0,date,MMMM dd, yyyy} |
| title.warning=Warning |
| message.upgrade.from.previous.required=Your license is not valid for use with this version of {0}. <br/> For information on how to upgrade your license please go to {1} <br/> You can also opt for a free time-limited evaluation. |
| title.upgrade.needed=License Upgrade Needed |
| message.evaluation.has.expired=Your {0} evaluation has expired. Your session will be limited to 30 minutes.<br>{1} |
| title.evaluation.license.expired=Evaluation License Expired |
| message.evaluation.license.expired=Your evaluation license has expired. {0} will now exit. |
| message.license.expired=Your license has expired |
| title.license.expired=License Expired |
| message.license.is.corrupt=License is corrupt |
| title.license.corrupt=License Corrupt |
| message.invalid.license.data=Invalid license data. Please, try again. |
| title.invalid.license.data=Invalid License Data |
| title.product.evaluation={0} Evaluation |
| message.evaluation.N.days={0} days |
| message.evaluation.one.day=1 day |
| message.evaluation.less.than.one.day=less than 1 day |
| message.evaluation.will.expire=Thank you for evaluating {0}.<br>Your evaluation license expires in {1}<br><br>{2} |
| title.license.will.expire={0} License Expires Soon |
| message.license.will.expire=Your {0} license expires in {1}. |
| error.saving.license.data=Error saving license data.\n{0} |
| title.unable.to.save.data=Unable to Save Data |
| link.click.here.to.license.server.info=More info |
| link.purchase.commercial.license=To purchase a commercial license, please visit |
| license.panel.expirable.license.description=The license will expire on {0,date,MMMM dd, yyyy} |
| license.panel.maintenance.aware.license.description=Entitled for free updates and upgrades until {0,date,MMMM dd, yyyy} |
| license.panel.perpetual.license.description=Valid for {0} version {1} |
| license.panel.current.permanent.ticket.description=Permanent ticket obtained |
| license.panel.current.floating.ticket.description=Floating ticket obtained |
| license.panel.buildit.evaluation.expires.in.one=1 day left |
| license.panel.buildit.evaluation.expires.in.many={0} days left |
| license.panel.discover.license.server.error.message=Unable to discover license server url |
| license.panel.ping.license.server.error.message=No response from autodetected license server {0} |
| license.panel.ping.license.server.error.title=No response from server |
| license.panel.default.server.discover=Discover |
| editbox.license.user.name=User name: |
| editbox.license.license.key=License key: |
| radio.license.server.address=Enter license &server address |
| radio.license.data=Enter license &data |
| radio.evaluate=&Evaluate for free for {0} days |
| radio.default.license.server=&Default License Server |
| action.activate.tool.window=Activate {0} window |
| error.checkforupdates.connection.failed=Connection failed. Please check your network connection and try again. |
| title.connection.error=Connection Error |
| editbox.export.settings.to=Export settings to: |
| title.export.file.location=Export File Location |
| prompt.choose.export.settings.file.path=Choose export file path or directory where to create new file |
| command.close.all.editors=Close All Editors |
| action.close.all.editors.in.tab.group=Close _All In Group |
| action.close.all.editors=Close _All |
| command.close.all.unmodified.editors=Close All Unmodified Editors |
| action.close.all.unmodified.editors.in.tab.group=Close _Unmodified In Group |
| action.close.all.unmodified.editors=Close _Unmodified |
| action.close.all.unpinned.editors.in.tab.group=Close All But Pinned In Group |
| action.close.all.unpinned.editors=Close All But Pinned |
| action.copy.path=C_opy Path |
| action.copy.paths=C_opy Paths |
| message.reference.to.fqn.has.been.copied=Reference to ''{0}'' has been copied. |
| command.pasting.reference=Pasting reference |
| action.create.annotation.type=Create @interface |
| prompt.enter.annotation.type.name=Enter a new @interface name: |
| title.new.annotation.type=New @interface |
| title.cannot.create.annotation.type=Cannot Create @interface |
| action.create.new.class=Create New Class |
| action.create.new.class.description=Create new Java class |
| prompt.enter.new.class.name=Enter a new class name: |
| title.new.class=New Class |
| progress.creating.class=Creating class {0} |
| command.close.active.editor=Close Active Editor |
| action.close=_Close |
| action.create.new.directory.or.package=Create new directory or package |
| prompt.enter.new.directory.name=Enter new directory name: |
| prompt.enter.new.package.name=Enter new package name: |
| title.new.directory=New Directory |
| title.new.package=New Package |
| action.package=Package |
| action.directory=Directory |
| error.name.should.be.specified=A name should be specified |
| progress.creating.directory=Creating directory {0}{1}{2} |
| progress.creating.package=Creating package {0}.{1} |
| command.create.directory=Create directory |
| command.create.package=Create package |
| action.create.new.enum=Create New Enum |
| title.new.enum=New Enum |
| title.cannot.create.enum=Cannot Create Enum |
| command.create.enum=Create enum |
| action.create.new.file=Create New File |
| action.create.new.file.description=Create new file |
| prompt.enter.new.file.name=Enter a new file name: |
| title.new.file=New File |
| progress.creating.file=Creating file {0}{1}{2} |
| command.create.file=Create file |
| action.create.new.interface=Create New Interface |
| prompt.enter.new.interface.name=Enter a new interface name: |
| title.new.interface=New Interface |
| title.cannot.create.interface=Cannot Create Interface |
| progress.creating.interface=Creating interface {0}.{1} |
| command.create.interface=Create interface |
| action.delete.ellipsis=_Delete... |
| action.delete=_Delete |
| title.select.components.to.export=Export Settings |
| prompt.please.check.all.components.to.export=Please check the settings to export: |
| prompt.overwrite.settings.file=Overwrite ''{0}''? |
| title.file.already.exists=File Already Exists |
| message.settings.exported.successfully=Your settings have been successfully exported.\nYou can import settings using ''File|Import Settings''. |
| title.export.successful=Export Complete |
| error.writing.settings=Error writing settings.\n\n{0} |
| title.error.writing.file=Error Writing File |
| message.please.select.element.for.javadoc=Please select the element for which you wish to view the documentation |
| title.no.element.selected=No Element Selected |
| command.go.to.line=Go to Line |
| action.hide.all.windows=Hide All _Windows |
| action.restore.windows=Restore _Windows |
| message.settings.imported.successfully=Settings imported successfully. You have to restart {0} to reload the settings.\nShutdown {1}? |
| message.settings.imported.successfully.restart=Settings imported successfully. You have to restart {0} to reload the settings.\nRestart {1}? |
| title.restart.needed=Restart Needed |
| title.import.file.location=Import File Location |
| prompt.choose.import.file.path=Select the settings file to import or directory where the file is located |
| error.cannot.find.file=Cannot find file {0} |
| title.file.not.found=File Not Found |
| error.file.contains.no.settings.to.import=The file {0} contains no settings to import.\n{1} |
| title.invalid.file=Invalid File |
| title.select.components.to.import=Select Components to Import |
| prompt.check.components.to.import=Please check all components to import: |
| error.reading.settings.file=Error reading file {0}.\nThere was {1}\n\n{2} |
| error.reading.settings.file.2=Error reading file {0}.\n\n{1} |
| title.error.reading.file=Error Reading File |
| message.please.ensure.correct.settings=Please make sure you have generated the file using 'File|Export Settings' feature. |
| title.popup.new.element=New |
| title.popup.new.element.same.place=New in Current Directory |
| command.go.to.next.split=Go to next split |
| message.occurrence.N.of.M=Occurrence {0} of {1} |
| message.open.file.is.project={0} is a project file.\nWould you like to open this project? |
| error.files.of.this.type.cannot.be.opened=Files of this type cannot be opened in {0} |
| title.cannot.open.file=Cannot Open File |
| filter.all.file.types=All file types |
| filter.project.files=Project files ({0}) or project directories (.idea) |
| action.unpin.tab=Unp_in Tab |
| action.pin.tab=P_in Tab |
| action.unpin.active.tab=Unp_in Active Tab |
| action.pin.active.tab=P_in Active Tab |
| command.go.to.prev.split=Go to previous split |
| prompt.reload.file.from.disk=Reload \"{0}\" from disk and lose all changes? |
| title.reload.file=Reload File |
| command.reload.from.disk=Reload from Disk |
| command.find.next=Find Next |
| command.find.previous=Find Previous |
| command.select.all=Select All |
| message.no.targets.available=No targets available in this context |
| title.popup.select.target=Select Target |
| title.popup.recent.files=Recent Files |
| action.split.vertically=Split _Vertically |
| action.split.horizontally=Split Hori_zontally |
| action.sync.completed.successfully={0} completed successfully. |
| action.synchronize.file=Synchronize ''{0}'' |
| action.synchronize.selected.files=Synchronize selected files |
| action.toolwindow.commander=&Commander |
| action.toolwindow.messages=&Messages |
| action.toolwindow.project=&Project |
| action.toolwindow.structure=&Structure |
| action.toolwindow.ant.build=Ant &Build |
| action.toolwindow.debug=Debug |
| action.toolwindow.run=&Run |
| action.toolwindow.find=F&ind |
| action.toolwindow.cvs=C&VS |
| action.toolwindow.hierarchy=Hierarch&y |
| action.toolwindow.todo=TODO |
| action.toolwindow.inspection=I&nspection |
| action.toolwindow.favorites=Favorites |
| macro.classpath.entry=Entry in the classpath the element belongs to |
| macro.project.classpath=Project's classpath |
| macro.column.number=Column number |
| exception.missing.data=No data: {0} |
| macro.class.name=Class name |
| macro.unix.separators=Takes a parameter and convers separators to '/'. Ex. $UnixSeparators(\\foo\\bar\\)$ == /foo/bar/ |
| macro.file.directory=File directory |
| macro.file.directory.from.parent=Path to $FileDir$ from parent directory with name passed as a parameter |
| macro.file.directory.name=File directory name |
| macro.file.parent.directory=File parent directory. Takes an optional parameter(name) to find the parent directory |
| macro.file.dir.relative.to.root=File dir relative to the module content root the file belongs to |
| macro.file.dir.relative.to.root.fwd.slash=File dir relative to the module content root the file belongs to (with forward slashes) |
| macro.file.dir.relative.to.sourcepath.root=File dir relative to the sourcepath root the file belongs to |
| macro.file.dir.relative.to.sourcepath.root.fwd.slash=File dir relative to the sourcepath root the file belongs to (with forward slashes) |
| macro.file.extension=File extension |
| macro.file.fully.qualified.package=File fully qualified package |
| macro.file.name=File name |
| macro.file.name.without.extension=File name without extension |
| macro.file.name.without.all.extensions=File name without all extensions |
| macro.file.package=File package |
| macro.file.path=File path |
| macro.file.path.relative.to.root=File path relative to the module content root the file belongs to |
| macro.file.path.relative.to.root.fwd.slash=File path relative to the module content root the file belongs to (with forward slashes) |
| macro.file.path.relative.to.sourcepath.root=File path relative to the sourcepath root the file belongs to |
| macro.file.path.relative.to.sourcepath.root.fwd.slash=File path relative to the sourcepath root the file belongs to (with forward slashes) |
| macro.file.directory.relative=File directory relative to the project file |
| macro.file.directory.relative.fwd.slash=File directory relative to the project file (with forward slashes) |
| macro.file.path.relative=File path relative to the project file |
| macro.file.path.relative.fwd.slash=File path relative to the project file (with forward slashes) |
| macro.file.encoding=File encoding |
| macro.javadoc.output.directory=JavaDoc output directory |
| macro.jdk.path=JDK path |
| macro.line.number=Line number |
| button.insert=Insert |
| label.macros=Macros |
| label.macro.preview=Macro preview |
| macro.module.file.directory=The directory of the module file |
| macro.module.file.path=The path of the module file |
| macro.module.file.name=The name of the module file without extension |
| macro.module.source.path=Module source path |
| macro.output.path=Output path |
| macro.project.file.directory=The directory of the project file |
| macro.project.file.path=The path of the project file |
| macro.project.file.name=The name of the project file without extension |
| macro.project.source.path=Project source path |
| macro.prompt=Displays a string input dialog |
| macro.clipboard.content=The clipboard content |
| prompt.enter.parameters=Enter parameters: |
| title.input=Input |
| macro.prompt.preview=<params> |
| macro.fileprompt.preview=<filename> |
| macro.sourcepath.entry=Entry in the sourcepath the element belongs to |
| macro.project.sourcepath=Project's sourcepath |
| error.plugins.should.not.have.cyclic.dependencies=Plugins should not have cyclic dependencies:\n |
| error.plugin.was.not.installed=Plugin {0} was not installed: {1} |
| title.failed.to.download=Failed to Download |
| error.plugins.were.not.loaded=Error loading plugins:\n{0}\nPlugins were not loaded.\nCorrect the above error and restart IDEA. |
| title.plugin.error=Plugin Error |
| message.duplicate.plugin.id=Duplicate plugin id: |
| error.required.plugin.not.installed=Plugin "{0}" was not loaded: required plugin "{1}" not installed. |
| error.required.plugin.disabled=Plugin "{0}" was not loaded: required plugin "{1}" is disabled. |
| error.plugins.without.id.found=There were plugins without id found, all such plugins were skipped. |
| error.problems.found.loading.plugins=Problems found loading plugins:\n |
| column.plugins.name=Name |
| column.plugins.date=Date |
| column.plugins.downloads=Downloads |
| column.plugins.category=Category |
| column.plugins.rate=Rating |
| plugin.info.not.available=n/a |
| plugin.info.unknown=unknown |
| message.idea.shutdown.required=Shut down {0} to activate changes in plugins? |
| message.idea.restart.required=Restart {0} to activate changes in plugins? |
| title.plugins=Plugins |
| title.plugins.changed=Plugins Changed |
| plugin.status.not.specified=(not specified) |
| error.list.of.plugins.was.not.loaded=List of plugins was not loaded: {0} |
| action.download.and.install.plugin=Download and Install |
| action.update.plugin=Update Plugin |
| error.plugin.download.failed=Plugin download failed |
| prompt.download.and.install.plugin=Would you like to download and install plugin ''{0}''? |
| prompt.update.plugin=Would you like to update plugin ''{0}''? |
| prompt.install.several.plugins=Install or update {0} plugins ? |
| action.uninstall.plugin=Uninstall |
| prompt.uninstall.plugin=Do you really want to uninstall plugin ''{0}''? |
| prompt.uninstall.several.plugins=Do you really want to uninstall these {0} plugins ? |
| title.plugin.uninstall=Plugin Uninstall |
| progress.downloading.list.of.plugins=Downloading List of Plugins |
| progress.download.plugins=Download Plugins |
| button.http.proxy.settings=&HTTP Proxy Settings... |
| group.vendor=Vendor |
| plugin.status.installed=Installed |
| progress.waiting.for.reply.from.plugin.manager=Waiting for reply from {0} |
| progress.connecting=Connecting... |
| progress.downloading.plugin=Downloading plugin ''{0}'' |
| error.cannot.create.temp.dir=Unable to create temp directory ''{0}'' |
| error.connection.failed.with.http.code.N=Connection failed with HTTP code {0} |
| progress.connecting.to.plugin.manager=Connecting to {0} |
| label.plugin.vendor.email=E-mail: |
| label.plugin.vendor.name=Name: |
| label.plugin.vendor.home.page=Home page: |
| editbox.plugin.description=Description |
| editbox.plugin.change.notes=Change notes |
| label.plugin.home.page=Plugin home page |
| action.move.module.to.this.group=To This Group |
| action.move.module.outside.any.group=Outside Any Group |
| message.move.modules.to.group=Move {0} to the Group {1} |
| message.module=module ''{0}'' |
| message.modules=modules |
| action.move.module.new.top.level.group=New Top Level Group... |
| action.move.module.to.new.sub.group=To New Subgroup... |
| action.description.create.new.module.group=Create New Module Group |
| prompt.specify.name.of.module.subgroup=Specify name of {0} subgroup the {1} will be shown under.\n\n |
| title.module.sub.group=Module Subgroup |
| prompt.specify.module.group.name=Specify group name the {0} will be shown under.\n\n |
| title.module.group=Module Group |
| title.packages=Packages |
| action.show.modules=Show Modules |
| action.description.show.modules=Show/Hide Modules |
| action.show.libraries.contents=Show Libraries Contents |
| action.show.hide.library.contents=Show/Hide Library Contents |
| action.sort.by.type=Sort by Type |
| action.show.structure=Show Structure |
| action.description.show.structure=Show structure view |
| title.popup.views=Views |
| title.project=Project |
| error.module.already.exists=Module named ''{0}'' already exists |
| title.rename.module=Rename Module |
| title.rename.library=Rename Library |
| command.renaming.module=Renaming module {0} |
| prompt.enter.new.module.name=Enter new module name |
| prompt.enter.new.library.name=Enter new library name |
| tooltip.ui.designer.form=UI Designer Form |
| node.projectview.libraries=Libraries |
| node.projectview.external.libraries=External Libraries |
| tooltip.module.group=Module Group |
| node.projectview.library={0} library |
| node.projectview.jdk=JDK |
| progress.indexing=Updating indices... |
| progress.indexing.scanning=Scanning files to index... |
| progress.indexing.updating=Indexing... |
| action.structureview.show.fields=Show Fields |
| action.structureview.show.inherited=Show Inherited |
| action.structureview.show.properties=Show Properties |
| action.structureview.show.non.public=Show non-public |
| node.structureview.invalid=<invalid> |
| action.structureview.group.methods.by.defining.type=Group Methods by Defining Type |
| action.structureview.sort.by.visibility=Sort by Visibility |
| tab.structureview.jsp.view=JSP |
| tab.structureview.baselanguage.view={0} |
| action.next.todo=Next TODO |
| action.previous.todo=Previous TODO |
| action.filter.todo.items=Filter TODO Items |
| action.todo.show.all=Show All |
| action.description.todo.show.all=Show All TODO Items |
| action.todo.edit.filters=Edit Filters |
| action.group.by.modules=Group By Modules |
| action.group.by.packages=Group By Packages |
| title.todo.current.file=Current File |
| progress.looking.for.todos=Looking for TODOs... |
| column.todo.filter.pattern=Pattern |
| error.filter.name.should.be.specified=Filter name should be specified |
| error.filter.with.the.same.name.already.exists=Filter with the same name already exists |
| error.filter.should.contain.at.least.one.pattern=Filter should contain at least one pattern |
| label.todo.filter.name=Name: |
| group.todo.filter.patterns=Patterns |
| column.todo.filters.name=Name |
| column.todo.filter.patterns=Patterns |
| checkbox.case.sensitive=Case Sensitive |
| checkbox.todo.use.default.colors=Use color scheme TODO default colors |
| label.todo.pattern=Pattern: |
| label.todo.icon=Icon: |
| column.todo.patterns.icon=Icon |
| column.todo.patterns.case.sensitive=Case Sensitive |
| column.todo.patterns.pattern=Pattern |
| title.edit.todo.filter=Edit Filter |
| title.edit.todo.pattern=Edit Pattern |
| title.todo=TODO |
| title.add.todo.pattern=Add Pattern |
| button.edit=&Edit... |
| label.todo.filters=Filters |
| button.add.d=A&dd... |
| title.add.todo.filter=Add Filter |
| button.edit.t=Edi&t... |
| button.remove.m=Re&move |
| label.todo.patterns=Patterns |
| text.todo.no.patterns=No patterns configured |
| text.todo.no.filters=No filters configured |
| node.todo.group={0} ({1} {1,choice,0#items|1#item|2#items} in {2} {2,choice,0#files|1#file|2#files}) |
| node.todo.summary=Found {0} TODO {0,choice,0#items|1#item|2#items} in {1} {1,choice,0#files|1#file|2#files} |
| node.todo.no.items.found={0} (no items found) |
| node.todo.found.items={0} (found {1} {1,choice,1#item|2#items}) |
| node.todo.items={0} ({1} {1, choice, 1#item|2#items}) |
| title.appearance=Appearance |
| group.window.options=Window Options |
| checkbox.show.memory.indicator=Show memory indicator |
| checkbox.show.tool.window.bars=Show tool window bars |
| checkbox.widescreen.tool.window.layout=Widescreen tool window layout |
| checkbox.show.tool.window.numbers=Show tool window numbers |
| checkbox.animate.windows=Animate windows |
| group.transparency=Transparency |
| checkbox.use.transparent.mode.for.floating.windows=Use transparent mode for floating windows |
| label.transparency.ratio=Ratio: |
| label.transparency.delay.ms=Delay (ms): |
| group.ui.options=UI Options |
| checkbox.show.icons.in.quick.navigation=Show icons in quick navigation |
| checkbox.override.default.laf.fonts=Override default fonts by (not recommended): |
| label.override.laf.font=Font: |
| label.font.name=Name: |
| label.font.size=Size: |
| combobox.look.and.feel=Theme: |
| checkboox.cyclic.scrolling.in.lists=Cyclic scrolling in list |
| checkbox.position.cursor.on.default.button=<html>Automatically position mouse cursor on default button</html> |
| checkbox.use.antialiased.font.in.editor=Use anti-aliased font |
| |
| # this string must start with "IDEA" |
| idea.default.look.and.feel=IDEA (4.5 default) |
| idea.dark.look.and.feel=Darcula |
| confirm.set.look.and.feel=Change &theme |
| error.cannot.set.look.and.feel=<html><body>Cannot set {0} theme:<br>{1}</body></html> |
| warning.problem.laf.1=<html><body>GTK+ theme is known to be problematic on a JDK prior to 1.6 b12.<br>Please choose another theme, or upgrade your JDK. <a href="http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=6624717">More info...</a></body></html> |
| error.adding.action.without.icon.to.toolbar=You are adding an action without icon to the toolbar. The default icon will be added to this action. |
| title.unable.to.add.action.without.icon.to.toolbar=Unable to add action without icon to the toolbar |
| error.please.specify.new.name.for.schema=Please, specify new name for scheme ''{0}''. |
| title.browse.icon=Browse Icon |
| prompt.browse.icon.for.selected.action=Browse icon for selected action (*.png) |
| title.choose.action.icon=Choose Action Icon |
| action.choose.actions.to.add=Choose Actions To Add |
| button.set.icon=&Set icon |
| label.icon.path=&Icon Path: |
| button.edit.action.icon=Edit Action &Icon... |
| button.add.separator=Add &Separator |
| button.move.up.u=Move &Up |
| button.move.down.d=Move &Down |
| button.add.action.after=Add A&fter... |
| title.custom.actions.schemas=Menus and toolbars customization |
| title.customizations=Menus and Toolbars |
| label.choosebyname.no.matches.found=No matches found |
| label.choosebyname.searching=Searching... |
| prompt.gotoclass.enter.class.name=Enter class name: |
| checkbox.include.non.project.classes=Include &non-&&project classes |
| label.no.matches.found.in.project=No matches found in project |
| label.no.matches.found=no matches found |
| prompt.gotofile.enter.file.name=Enter file name: |
| prompt.gotoaction.enter.action=Enter action or option name: |
| checkbox.include.non.project.files=Include &non-&&project files |
| checkbox.other.included=Include &non-&&menu actions |
| label.no.non.java.files.found=No matches found in project |
| label.no.menu.actions.found=No actions in main menu found |
| label.no.files.found=No files found |
| label.no.actions.found=No actions found |
| prompt.gotosymbol.enter.symbol.name=Enter symbol name: |
| checkbox.include.non.project.symbols=Include &non-&&project symbols |
| promot.projectwizard.directory.does.not.exist={0}\"{1}\"\ndoes not exist. It will be created by {2}. |
| title.directory.does.not.exist=Directory Does Not Exist |
| error.failed.to.create.directory=Failed to create directory \"{0}\" |
| label.select.compiler.output.path=Select c&ompiler output path: |
| title.select.compiler.output.path=Select compiler output path |
| label.project.name=Project n&ame: |
| label.component.file.location={0} file &location: |
| label.project.files.location=Project &location: |
| title.select.project.file.directory=Select {0} file directory |
| description.select.project.file.directory={0} file will be stored in this directory |
| label.please.enter.project.name=Please enter a name to create a new {0} {1}. |
| prompt.please.select.project.jdk=Please select project SDK.\nThis SDK will be used by default by all project modules. |
| label.project.jdk=Project SDK: |
| button.configure=&Configure... |
| prompt.confirm.project.no.jdk=Do you want to create a project with no SDK assigned?\nSDK is required for compiling, debugging and running applications\nas well as for standard SDK classes resolution. |
| title.no.jdk.specified=No SDK Specified |
| prompt.please.specify.module.name=Please specify module name |
| prompt.please.specify.module.name.and.content.root=Please specify module name and module content root.\nA module content root is a directory where the files that belong to the module are stored. |
| label.module.name=&Module name: |
| label.module.content.root=Module content &root: |
| title.select.module.content.root=Select Module Content Root |
| label.module.file.will.be.saved.in=Module file will be saved in: |
| button.change.directory=Change Directory... |
| title.module.name.not.specified=Module Name Not Specified |
| error.module.with.name.already.exists=Module with name \"{0}\" already exists in the project |
| title.module.already.exists=Module Already Exists |
| error.please.specify.module.file.location=Please specify module file location |
| title.module.file.location.not.specified=Module File Location Not Specified |
| error.content.root.already.defined.for.module=Content root \"{0}\" already defined for module \"{1}\".\nTwo modules in a project cannot share the same content root. |
| title.module.content.root.already.exists=Module Content Root Already Exists |
| directory.module.content.root=The module content root\n |
| directory.module.file=The module file directory\n |
| title.select.module.file.location=Select Module File Location |
| description.select.module.file.location=The module file will be saved in selected directory |
| radio.create.new.module=&Create new module |
| radio.import.existing.module=&Import existing module |
| label.path.to.module.file=Path to {0} module file (.iml): |
| prompt.select.module.file.to.import=Select {0} module file (.iml) to import |
| message.module.file.has.an.older.format.do.you.want.to.convert.it=Module file has an older format. Do you want to convert it? |
| dialog.title.convert.module=Convert Module |
| error.message.cannot.modify.file.0=Cannot modify file ''{0}'' |
| message.your.module.was.successfully.converted.br.old.version.was.saved.to.0=<html><body>Your module was successfully converted. <br>\ |
| Old version was saved to ''{0}''</body></html> |
| label.select.module.type=Module type: |
| error.please.specify.path.to.module.file=Please specify path to {0} module file (.iml) |
| title.module.file.path.not.specified=Module File Path Not Specified |
| error.module.file.does.not.exist=The specified path to module file does not exist |
| title.module.file.does.not.exist=Module file does not exist: {0} |
| error.module.not.iml=The \"{0}\"\nis not an {1} module file (.iml) |
| title.incorrect.file.type=Incorrect File Type |
| button.stop.searching=&Stop Searching |
| prompt.please.specify.java.sources.directory=Please specify a directory where source files for your project can be found.\nThis path should correspond to default (root, unnamed, top level) package.\nNote: the program will recognize only those source files, that are located under this directory. |
| radio.create.source.directory=&Create source directory |
| prompt.enter.relative.path.to.module.content.root=Enter relative path to module content root (example: java{0}src): |
| radio.do.not.create.source.directory=&Do not create source directory |
| label.source.directory=The following directory will be marked as a source directory: |
| label.java.source.files.have.been.found=Source files for your module have been found. Please choose directories that will\nbe marked as source paths. These paths correspond to default (root, unnamed, top level) packages.\nNote: the program will recognize only those source files, that are located under source directories. |
| button.mark.all=&Mark All |
| button.unmark.all=&Unmark All |
| prompt.stop.searching.for.sources={0} is currently searching for sources. Would you like to stop the search? |
| label.project.roots.have.been.found=Source files for your project have been found. Please choose directories that will\nbe added to the project roots. These paths correspond to default (root, unnamed, top level) packages.\nNote: the program will recognize only those source files, that are located under these directories. |
| label.project.roots.not.found=Source files for your project not found. |
| title.question=Question |
| action.continue.searching=Continue Searching |
| action.stop.searching=Stop Searching |
| prompt.relative.path.to.sources.empty=Relative path to sources is empty.\nWould you like to mark the module content root\n\"{0}\"\nas a source directory? |
| title.mark.source.directory=Mark Source Directory |
| action.mark=Mark |
| action.do.not.mark=Do Not Mark |
| error.source.directory.should.be.under.module.content.root.directory=Source directory should be under module content root directory |
| progress.searching.for.sources=Searching for sources in {0}. Please wait. |
| prompt.select.source.directory=Select source directory |
| prompt.new.project.file.name=Enter a file name to create a new {0} {1} |
| prompt.enter.project.file.location=Enter {0} file location |
| directory.project.file.directory=The {0} file directory\n |
| prompt.overwrite.project.file=The {1} file \n''{0}''\nalready exists.\nWould you like to overwrite it? |
| prompt.overwrite.project.folder={0} folder already exists in {1}.\nIts content may be overwritten.\nContinue? |
| warning.message.the.module.file.0.already.exist.and.will.be.overwritten=The module file ''{0}'' already exist. |
| warning.text.0.do.you.want.to.overwrite.these.files={0}\nWould you like to overwrite {1,choice,1#it|2#these files}? |
| title.select.jdk=Select JDK |
| button.configure.e=Configure... |
| label.scope.pattern=&Pattern: |
| action.add=Add |
| action.remove=Remove |
| label.scope.editor.caret.position=pos:{0} |
| button.include=Include |
| button.include.recursively=Include Recursively |
| button.exclude=Exclude |
| button.exclude.recursively=Exclude Recursively |
| label.scope.contains.files=Scope contains {0} of total {1} files |
| error.correct.pattern.syntax.errors.first=Correct pattern syntax errors first |
| action.show.files=Show Files |
| action.description.show.files=Show/Hide Files |
| action.group.by.scope.type=Group by Scope Type |
| action.description.group.by.scope=Group by Scope Type (production, test, libraries) |
| action.show.included.only=Show Included Only |
| action.description.show.included.only=Show only files included to the current scope selected |
| scope.current.file=Current File |
| scope.selection=Selection |
| scope.files.in.previous.search.result=Files in Previous Search Result |
| scope.previous.search.results=Previous Search Results |
| scope.class.hierarchy=Class Hierarchy |
| scope.hierarchy=Hierarchy of {0} |
| scope.modified.files=Changed Files |
| prompt.choose.base.class.of.the.hierarchy=Choose Base Class of the Hierarchy to Search In |
| progress.searching= searching... |
| title.tip.of.the.day=Tip of the Day |
| action.previous.tip=&Previous Tip |
| action.next.tip=&Next Tip |
| error.unable.to.read.tip.of.the.day=<html><body>Unable to read Tip Of The Day ({0}). Make sure {1} is installed properly.</body></html> |
| label.did.you.know=Did you know ... ? |
| checkbox.show.tips.on.startup=Show Tips on Startup |
| error.tips.not.found=Tips not found. Make sure you installed {0} correctly. |
| title.go.to.line=Go to Line |
| editbox.line.number=Line number: |
| tooltip.syntax.linenumber.columnnumber=Syntax: [<lineNumber>][:<columnNumber>] or [<lineNumber>][,<columnNumber] |
| error.text.file.already.exists=File {0} already exists\nDo you want overwrite it or to append? |
| action.overwrite=Overwrite |
| action.append=Append |
| error.writing.to.file=Error writing to file: {0} |
| title.export.preview=Export Preview |
| button.save=Save |
| editbox.export.to.file=Export to file: |
| button.copy=&Copy |
| description.copy.text.to.clipboard=Copy text to clipboard |
| checkbox.copy.javadoc=Copy &JavaDoc |
| checkbox.insert.at.override=Insert @&Override |
| node.memberchooser.all.classes=All classes |
| action.select.none=Select &None |
| action.show.classes=Show Classes |
| action.expand.all=Expand All |
| action.collapse.all=Collapse All |
| checkbox.narrow.down.the.list.on.typing=&Narrow &&down the list on typing |
| checkbox.narrow.down.on.typing=&Narrow &&down on typing |
| node.default=<default> |
| node.default.package=<Default Package> |
| prompt.enter.a.new.package.name=Enter a new package name: |
| command.create.new.package=Create new package |
| action.new.package=New Package... |
| action.description.create.new.package=Create new package |
| tab.chooser.project=Project |
| tab.chooser.search.by.name=Search by Name |
| prompt.filechooser.enter.file.name=Enter file name: |
| prompt.create.non.existing.package=Package {0} does not exist.\nDo you want to create it? |
| title.package.not.found=Package Not Found |
| command.create.new.subdirectory=Create New Subdirectory |
| title.choose.destination.directory=Choose Destination Directory |
| title.delete=Delete |
| prompt.delete.it.anyway= Delete it anyway? |
| prompt.directory.contains.read.only.files=Directory {0} contains read-only file(s). Delete it anyway? |
| warning.delete.all.files.and.subdirectories.in.the.selected.directory=\nAll files and subdirectories in the selected directory(s) will be deleted.\nYou might not be able to fully undo this operation! |
| warning.delete.all.files.and.subdirectories=\nAll files and subdirectories in \"{0}\" will be deleted.\nYou might not be able to fully undo this operation! |
| # Components of the prompt to delete elements |
| prompt.delete.elements=Delete {0}? |
| search.for.usages.and.delete.elements=Search for usages and delete {0}? |
| prompt.delete.and=and |
| prompt.delete.directory={0,choice,1#directory|2#directories} |
| prompt.delete.file={0,choice,1#file|2#files} |
| prompt.delete.symlink={0,choice,1#symlink|2#symlinks} |
| prompt.delete.class={0,choice,1#class|2#classes} |
| prompt.delete.interface={0,choice,1#interface|2#interfaces} |
| prompt.delete.method={0,choice,1#method|2#methods} |
| prompt.delete.field={0,choice,1#field|2#fields} |
| prompt.delete.package={0,choice,1#package|2#packages} |
| prompt.delete.directory.paren=({0} {0,choice,1#directory|2#directories}) |
| prompt.delete.property={0,choice,1#property|2#properties} |
| prompt.delete.type.parameter={0,choice,1#type parameter|2#type parameters} |
| checkbox.safe.delete.with.usage.search=Sa&fe delete (with usage search) |
| checkbox.search.in.comments.and.strings=&Search in comments and strings |
| checkbox.search.in.non.java.files=S&earch for non-code usages |
| # |
| label.method=Method {0} |
| label.overrides.method.of_class_or_interface.name=overrides {0} {1} {2}. |
| label.implements.method.of_class_or_interface.name=implements {0} {1} {2}. |
| label.implements.method.of_interfaces=implements methods of the following classes/interfaces: |
| element.method=method |
| element.of.interface=of interface |
| element.of.class=of class |
| prompt.do.you.want.to.action_verb.the.method.from_class=Do you want {0} the base {1,choice,1#method|2#methods}? |
| |
| help.topic.not.found.error=Help topic \"{0}\" not found |
| |
| unscramble.use.unscrambler.checkbox=&Unscramble stacktrace |
| unscramble.log.path.label=&Log file: |
| unscramble.unscrambler.combobox=Un&scrambler: |
| unscramble.stacktrace.caption=Put a stack trace or a complete thread dump here: |
| unscramble.dialog.title=Analyze Stacktrace |
| unscramble.no.unscrambler.item=<Do not unscramble> |
| unscramble.normalize.button=&Normalize |
| unscramble.unscrambled.stacktrace.tab=<Stacktrace> |
| unscramble.unscrambled.threaddump.tab=<Threads> |
| unscramble.unscrambled.deadlock.tab=<Deadlock> |
| |
| updates.info.dialog.title=Update Info |
| updates.no.updates.message=<html><h4>You are using the latest version of $FULLNAME$.</h4></html> |
| updates.configure.label=<html><head>{0}</head><br>To configure automatic update settings, see the <b><a href=\"updates\">Updates</a></b> dialog of your IDE settings</html> |
| updates.timeout.error=Connection timed out |
| updates.download.and.install.patch.button=&Download Patch and Shutdown |
| updates.download.and.install.patch.button.restart=Up&date and Restart |
| updates.more.info.button=&More Info... |
| updates.new.version.available=<html><h4>A new version of $FULLNAME$ is available.</h4></html> |
| updates.available.idea.version=New version: |
| updates.build.number=(Build number: |
| updates.current.idea.version=Current version: |
| updates.press.more.info.label=<html><br>Press <b>More Info...</b> to open a web page where you can download $PRODUCT$ manually or learn more about its new version.</HTML> |
| updates.check.manually.label=<html><br>To check for new updates manually, use the <b>Help | Check for Updates</b> command.</html> |
| updates.settings.title=Updates |
| updates.last.check.never=Never |
| updates.settings.caption.1=<html>$FULLNAME$ can automatically check for new and updated versions of itself, using your internet connection (when active).<html> |
| updates.settings.check.now.button=&Check Now |
| updates.settings.checkbox=Check for updates in channel |
| updates.settings.build.number= Build number: |
| updates.settings.current.version=Current $FULLNAME$ version\: |
| updates.settings.last.check=Last checked for updates: |
| |
| hierarchy.method.next.occurence.name=Go to next method |
| hierarchy.method.prev.occurence.name=Go to previous method |
| hierarchy.type.next.occurence.name=Go to next type |
| hierarchy.type.prev.occurence.name=Go to previous type |
| hierarchy.call.next.occurence.name=Go to next call |
| hierarchy.call.prev.occurence.name=Go to previous call |
| |
| error.file.not.found.message=File ''{0}'' not found |
| predefined.scope.tests.name=Tests |
| scope.editor.legend.recursively.included.label=Recursively included |
| scope.editor.legend.partly.included.label=Partially included |
| toolwindow.palette=Palette |
| jar.build.on.make=Build jars on &make |
| jar.build.modules.to.jar=Choose Modules to Jar |
| jar.build.module.0.jar.settings=Module ''{0}'' Jar Settings |
| jar.build.include.in.jar.file=Include in jar file: |
| search.textfield.title=&Search: |
| select.in.scope=Scope |
| scope.view.title=Scopes |
| select.in.title.project.view=Project View |
| several.plugins.depend.on.0.continue.to.remove=Several plugins depend on {0}. Continue to remove? |
| child.tag.0.should.be.defined=''{0}'' child tag should be defined |
| attribute.0.should.be.defined=''{0}'' attribute should be defined |
| value.must.not.be.empty=Value must not be empty |
| value.must.be.identifier=Value must be identifier |
| |
| model.highlighting.identity={0} with such name already exists |
| model.highlighting.identity.in.other.file={0} with such name already exists in file ''{1}'' |
| predefined.scope.problems.name=Problems |
| |
| dom.elements.tree.childs.contain.errors=Children contain errors |
| |
| team.server.license.not.found=This IDEA distribution is only licensed to be used with JetBrains TeamCity. |
| unknown.error=Unknown error |
| value.should.be.integer=Value should be integer |
| |
| shared.scopes.node.text=Shared Scopes |
| local.scopes.node.text=Local Scopes |
| scopes.display.name=Scopes |
| scopes.no.scoped=No scopes |
| add.local.scope.action.text=Local |
| add.shared.scope.action.text=Shared |
| add.scope.popup.title=Add scope |
| add.scope.name.label=Name |
| add.scope.dialog.title=Add New Scope |
| scope.banner.text=Scope ''{0}'' |
| prompt.please.select.module.jdk=Please select the {0} to be set for this module |
| scopes.save.dialog.title.shared=Save as shared scope |
| scopes.save.dialog.title.local=Save as local scope |
| plugin.version.label=Version |
| plugin.size.label=Size: |
| plugin.status.available=Available |
| detach.library.from.module=Detach library ''{0}'' from module ''{1}''?\nNo file on disk will be hurt. |
| detach.library=Detach Library |
| scope.unable.to.save.scope.message=Do you want to save scope as shared? |
| scope.unable.to.save.scope.title=Unable to use local scope |
| predefined.scope.production.name=Production |
| plugin.manager.dependencies.detected.title=Plugin Dependencies Detected |
| plugin.manager.dependencies.detected.message=The plugin you want to install requires other plugin{0, choice, 1#|2#s} ({1}) which have to be installed as well. Proceed? |
| plugin.manager.optional.dependencies.detected.message=The plugin you want to install optionally requires other plugin{0, choice, 1#|2#s} ({1}). Should those be installed as well? |
| message.server.no.licenses=No suitable licenses left on the license server |
| title.server.no.licenses=No Licenses on Server |
| message.server.not.available=Unable to contact license server |
| title.server.not.available=License Server Connection Error |
| message.server.protocol.hijacked=License Server response haven''t passed data integrity check. Server hijacked? |
| title.server.protocol.hijacked=Problem with License Server Response |
| |
| text.not.applicable=<N/A> |
| error.message.unable.to.create.file=Unable to create file ''{0}'' |
| message.text.error.creating.deployment.descriptor=Error Creating Deployment Item: {0} |
| message.text.creating.deployment.descriptor=Creating Deployment Descriptor |
| |
| button.facet.quickfix.text=&Fix |
| |
| progress.download.0.title=Downloading {0} |
| progress.download.file.text=Downloading ''{0}'' from ''{1}''... |
| progress.connecting.to.download.file.text=Connecting to ''{0}''... |
| progress.locate.file.text=Locating ''{0}''... |
| progress.downloading.0.of.1.file.text=Downloading {0} of {1} {1, choice, 1#file|2#files}... |
| dialog.directory.for.downloaded.files.title=Downloaded files will be copied to selected directory |
| error.file.download.failed=Downloading failed: {0} |
| |
| maven.repository.presentable.name=Maven repository |
| label.missed.libraries.prefix=The following libraries are missing: |
| label.missed.libraries.text=''{0}'' library not found in the module dependencies list |
| missing.libraries.fix.button=Fix... |
| setup.library.dialog.title=Setup Library |
| label.library.will.be.created.description.text={0} level library <b>{1}</b> with {2} {2, choice, 1#file|2#files} will be created |
| new.library.file.chooser.title=New Library Files |
| new.library.file.chooser.description=Select jar files in which library classes are located |
| |
| create.default.library.type.action.name=Java |
| popup.title.select.library.type=Select Library Type |
| |
| file.chooser.show.path=Show path |
| file.chooser.hide.path=Hide path |
| file.chooser.hide.path.tooltip.text=Show/Hide path text field |
| file.chooser.completion.path.variables.text=Path Variables |
| file.chooser.completion.no.suggestions=No suggestions |
| file.chooser.completion.ad.text=Use {0} to keep tail of the path |
| |
| progress.text.clickToViewProgressWindow=Click to open tasks window |
| progress.window.title=Background Tasks |
| progress.window.empty.text=There are no active background tasks |
| |
| project.import.wizard.title=Import from {0} |
| project.import.default.name=ImportedFrom{0} |
| project.import.default.name.dotIdea=Imported From {0} |
| project.import.select.title=Select {0} projects to import |
| project.import.show.settings.after=&Open Project Structure after import |
| project.import.open.existing=There is {0} in ''{1}''.\nDo you want to open the existing project or delete it and import ''{2}''? |
| project.import.open.existing.openExisting=Open Existing Project |
| project.import.open.existing.reimport=Delete Existing Project and Import |
| |
| general.settings=General Settings |
| code.folding.settings=Code Folding Settings |
| ui.settings=UI Settings |
| share.scope.checkbox.title=Share scope |
| bean.property=Bean Property |
| plugin.manager.enable.column.title=Enable |
| plugin.manager.tooltip.warning=Required plugin ''{0}'' is not included |
| plugin.manager.incompatible.tooltip.warning=Plugin is incompatible with current {0} installation |
| #new wizard components |
| project.new.wizard.project.identification=project |
| project.new.wizard.module.identification=module |
| changelist.todo.title={0} Changelist |
| hierarchy.scope.test=Test |
| update.plugin.host.url.message=Repository URL: |
| update.no.update.hosts=No plugin repositories configured |
| update.edit.plugin.host.title=Edit Repository |
| update.add.new.plugin.host.title=Add Repository |
| update.plugin.hosts.title=Plugin Repositories |
| update.uploading.plugin.progress.title=Updating Plugins |
| update.downloading.patch.progress.title=Downloading Patch file |
| file.structure.toggle.show.inherited=&Show inherited members |
| plugin.deleted.status.tooltip=Plugin will be deleted on next startup |
| plugin.outdated.version.status.tooltip=Plugin has newer version |
| plugin.download.status.tooltip=Plugin will be activated on next startup |
| plugin.is.already.installed.status.tooltip=Plugin is installed |
| update.plugins.update.action=&Update |
| fail.open.project.message=Unable to open project from ''{0}'' |
| disabled.plugins.warning.message=<li>Plugin <b>\"{0}\"</b> won''t be able to load because required {2, choice, 1#plugin|2#plugins} {1} {2, choice, 1#is|2#are} disabled.</li> |
| plugin.updated.status.tooltip=Updated plugin will be activated on next startup |
| connection.failed.message=Failed to load plugin descriptions from: \"{0}\" |
| checkbox.show.icons.in.menu.items=Display icons in menu items |
| custom.icon.validation.message=Icon is too big to appear in menu |
| custom.icon.validation.title=Icon size is invalid |
| |
| # Moved from ExecutionBundle |
| run.canceled.by.user.message=Run canceled by user |
| run.configuration.error.executable.not.specified=Executable is not specified |
| run.configuration.error.working.directory.does.not.exist=Cannot start process, the working directory {0} does not exist |
| run.configuration.error.working.directory.not.directory=Cannot start process, the path specified for working directory is not a directory |
| finished.with.exit.code.text.message=Process finished with exit code {0} |
| |
| # Encodings |
| file.encodings.configurable=File Encodings |
| file.encodings.not.configured=Encodings are not configured |
| encodings.dialog.caption=<html>To change encoding $productName uses for a file or directory, click an item and then select encoding from the Default Encoding list.<br><br>\ |
| Built-in file encoding (e.g. JSP, HTML or XML) overrides encoding you specify here.<br>\ |
| If not specified, files and directories inherit encoding settings from the parent directory or from the Project Encoding.</html> |
| encoding.name.system.default=<System Default> |
| quick.lists.presentable.name=Quick lists |
| |
| error.saving.statistics=Error saving system information: {0} |
| error.saving.statistic.failed.to.create.folder=Cannot create folder {0} to save system information. |
| FileChooser.viewMenuLabelText=View |
| FileChooser.newFolderActionLabelText=New Folder |
| FileChooser.listViewActionLabelText=List |
| FileChooser.detailsViewActionLabelText=Details |
| FileChooser.refreshActionLabelText=Refresh |
| browsers.settings=Web Browsers |
| updates.check.period.on.exit=On every exit |
| |
| use.sun.jdk.prompt=Java version is not supported, please use Sun/Oracle JDK rather than OpenJDK |
| prompt.goto.inspection.enter.name=Enter inspection name: |
| goto.inspection.action.text=&Run Inspection by Name... |
| label.no.inspections.found=No inspections found |
| |
| #Scripting library management |
| scripting.lib.name=&Name: |
| scripting.lib.file.title=Files |
| scripting.lib.file.name=Name |
| scripting.lib.file.location=Location |
| scripting.lib.file.type=Type |
| scripting.lib.select.root=Select Library Files or Directories |
| scripting.lib.invalid.name=Invalid library name |
| scripting.lib.attach=&Attach... |
| scripting.lib.detach=&Detach |
| scripting.lib.add=&Add... |
| scripting.lib.edit=&Edit... |
| scripting.lib.remove=&Remove |
| scripting.lib.docUrl.specify=&Specify... |
| scripting.lib.docUrl.remove=&Remove |
| scripting.lib.docUrl.title=Documentation URLs |
| scripting.lib.usageScope=Usage Scope |
| scripting.lib.usageScope.caption=<html>Specify which libraries are used in specific files and/or directories</html> |
| scripting.lib.usageScope.tableTitle=Library |
| scripting.lib.usageScope.override.question=Override library settings for child directories and files? |
| scripting.lib.usageScope.override.title=Override Library Settings |
| open.url.in.browser.tooltip=Open in browser |
| |
| whatsnew.action.custom.text=What''s _New in {0} |
| whatsnew.action.custom.description=Find out about the new features in this version of {0} |
| diff.dialog.title=Diff Between ''{0}'' and ''{1}'' |
| |
| goto.custom.region.command=Go to Custom Region |
| goto.custom.region.message.dumb.mode=Go to Custom Region action is not available until indices are built. |
| goto.custom.region.message.unavailable=There are no custom folding regions in the current file. |
| alphabetical.mode.is.on.warning=Alphabetical order for tabs is ON. Switch it OFF? |
| |
| file.changed.externally.message=File was changed on disk. |
| file.changed.externally.reload=Reload |
| group.presentation.mode=Presentation Mode |
| checkbox.allow.status.bar=Allow Status Bar |
| checkbox.allow.line.numbers=Allow Line Numbers |
| checkbox.allow.vcs.annotations=Allow VCS Annotations |
| presentation.mode.fon.size=Font size\: |
| update.available.group=Update Checker |