blob: f1afadddafc6dbc39425301f1b46937f70c192a1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2011 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.intellij.codeInsight;
import com.intellij.JavaTestUtil;
import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.IdeActions;
import com.intellij.openapi.roots.LanguageLevelProjectExtension;
import com.intellij.psi.JavaPsiFacade;
import com.intellij.psi.codeStyle.CodeStyleSettings;
import com.intellij.psi.codeStyle.CodeStyleSettingsManager;
import com.intellij.psi.codeStyle.CommonCodeStyleSettings;
import com.intellij.testFramework.EditorActionTestCase;
import com.intellij.testFramework.TestDataPath;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
* @author max
public class CompleteStatementTest extends EditorActionTestCase {
public void testAddMissingSemicolon() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testAddMissingParen() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testCompleteIf() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testCompleteIfKeyword() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testCompleteIfStatementGoesToThen() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testCompleteIfKeywordStatementGoesToThen() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testIndentation() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testErrorNavigation() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testStringLiteral() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testCompleteCatch() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testCompleteCatchLParen() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testCompleteCatchWithExpression() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testCompleteCatchBody() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testSCR11147() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testNoErrors() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testThrow() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testReturn() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testEmptyLine() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testBlock() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testTwoStatementsInLine() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testFor() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testForEach() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testForBlock() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testForIncrementExpressionAndBody() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testEmptyBeforeReturn() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testIf() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testBeforeStatement() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testTry1() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testBlock1() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testAfterFor() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testBeforeFor() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testAtBlockEnd() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testForceBlock() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testElseIf() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testIncompleteElseIf() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testField() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testMethod() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testCompleteElseIf() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testCompleteStringLiteral() throws Exception {
public void testNonAbstractMethodWithSemicolon() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testReturnFromNonVoid() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testReturnFromVoid() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testIncompleteCall() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testCompleteCall() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testStartNewBlock() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testInPreceedingBlanks() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testNoBlockReturn() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testInComment() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testInComment2() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testInComment3() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testInComment4() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testSCR22904() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testSCR30227() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testFieldWithInitializer() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testFieldBeforeAnnotation() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testMethodBeforeAnnotation() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testParenthesized() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testCompleteBreak() throws Exception {
public void testCompleteIfNextLineBraceStyle() throws Exception {
CodeStyleSettings settings = CodeStyleSettingsManager.getSettings(getProject());
settings.BRACE_STYLE = CommonCodeStyleSettings.NEXT_LINE;
settings.BRACE_STYLE = CommonCodeStyleSettings.END_OF_LINE;
public void testCompleteIfNextLineBraceStyle2() throws Exception {
CodeStyleSettings settings = CodeStyleSettingsManager.getSettings(getProject());
settings.BRACE_STYLE = CommonCodeStyleSettings.NEXT_LINE;
settings.BRACE_STYLE = CommonCodeStyleSettings.END_OF_LINE;
public void testSCR36110() throws Exception {
JavaPsiFacade facade = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(getProject());
LanguageLevel old = LanguageLevelProjectExtension.getInstance(facade.getProject()).getLanguageLevel();
public void testSCR37331() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testIDEADEV434() throws Exception {
CodeStyleSettingsManager.getSettings(getProject()).KEEP_SIMPLE_BLOCKS_IN_ONE_LINE = true;
CodeStyleSettingsManager.getSettings(getProject()).KEEP_SIMPLE_BLOCKS_IN_ONE_LINE = false;
public void testIDEADEV1093() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testIDEADEV1710() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testInterfaceMethodSemicolon() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testSynchronized() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testCdrEndlessLoop() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testFollowedByComment() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testBraceFixeNewLine() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testSwitchKeyword() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testSwitchKeywordWithCondition() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testNewInParentheses() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testIDEADEV20713() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testIDEA22125() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testIDEA22385() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testIDEADEV40479() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testMultilineReturn() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testIDEADEV13019() throws Exception {
public void testIDEA25139() throws Exception {
public void testBeforeIfRBrace() throws Exception {
CodeStyleSettingsManager.getSettings(getProject()).KEEP_SIMPLE_BLOCKS_IN_ONE_LINE = true;
public void testNoUnnecessaryEmptyLineAtCodeBlock() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testForStatementGeneration() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testSpaceAfterSemicolon() throws Exception {
CodeStyleSettingsManager.getSettings(getProject()).SPACE_AFTER_SEMICOLON = true;
public void testNoSpaceAfterSemicolon() throws Exception {
CodeStyleSettingsManager.getSettings(getProject()).SPACE_AFTER_SEMICOLON = false;
public void testForUpdateGeneration() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testValidCodeBlock() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testValidCodeBlockWithEmptyLineAfterIt() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testFromJavadocParameterDescriptionEndToNextParameter() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testFromJavadocParameterDescriptionMiddleToNextParameter() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testLastJavadocParameterDescription() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testLastJavadocParameterDescriptionToReturn() throws Exception { doTest(); }
public void testCompleteMethodCallAtReturn() throws Exception { doTest(); }
private void doTestBracesNextLineStyle() throws Exception {
CodeStyleSettings settings = CodeStyleSettingsManager.getSettings(getProject());
settings.BRACE_STYLE = CommonCodeStyleSettings.NEXT_LINE;
settings.METHOD_BRACE_STYLE = CommonCodeStyleSettings.NEXT_LINE;
settings.CLASS_BRACE_STYLE = CommonCodeStyleSettings.NEXT_LINE;
try {
finally {
settings.BRACE_STYLE = CommonCodeStyleSettings.END_OF_LINE;
settings.METHOD_BRACE_STYLE = CommonCodeStyleSettings.END_OF_LINE;
settings.CLASS_BRACE_STYLE = CommonCodeStyleSettings.END_OF_LINE;
private void doTest() throws Exception {
private void doTest(String ext) throws Exception {
String path = "/codeInsight/completeStatement/";
doFileTest(path + getTestName(false) + "." + ext, path + getTestName(false) + "_after." + ext, true);
protected String getActionId() {
protected String getTestDataPath() {
return JavaTestUtil.getJavaTestDataPath();