| #module type |
| module.title=IntelliJ Platform Plugin |
| module.description=Plugin modules are used for developing plugins for <b>IntelliJ Platform</b>-based IDEs.<br>\ |
| They provide <b>IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK</b> and <b>Run Configuration</b> for running and debugging plugins inside an IDE. |
| plugin.descriptor=IntelliJ Platform Plugin Descriptor |
| |
| #Module Editor - Deployment |
| deployment.title=Plugin Deployment |
| deployment.cleanup=Clean up {0} directory |
| deployment.directory.location=Select {0} Directory Location |
| deployment.view.select=Select {0} |
| manifest.settings=Manifest Settings |
| manifest.selection=Selected {0} will be included in resulting distribution |
| manifest.use.user.defined=Use user manifest: |
| deployment.view.delete=Delete {0}? |
| deployment.view.meta-inf.label=Path to {0} |
| suggest.to.delete=Do you want to delete ''{0}''? |
| vm.parameters=&VM Options |
| program.parameters=&Program Arguments |
| |
| #Prepare for deployment action |
| select.plugin.modules.title=Select modules |
| select.plugin.modules.description=Select modules to be prepared for deployment |
| prepare.for.deployment.common=Preparing For Deployment |
| prepare.for.deployment=Prepare Plugin Module ''{0}'' For Deployment |
| prepare.for.deployment.all=Prepare All Plugin Modules For Deployment |
| saved.message.common={0} will be saved in selected directory |
| saved.message= {0, choice, 1#Zip|2#Jar} for module ''{1}'' was saved to {2} |
| success.deployment.message=Plugin Module ''{0}'' Successfully Prepared For Deployment |
| success.deployment.message.all=All Plugins Successfully Prepared For Deployment |
| |
| ##Idea Sdk |
| sdk.title=IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK |
| sandbox.specification=Please configure the sandbox |
| sandbox.home=Sandbox Home |
| sandbox.home.label=Sandbox Home: |
| sandbox.no.configured=No sandbox specified for idea jdk |
| sandbox.purpose=Browse folder to put config, system and plugins for target IDEA |
| |
| #errors |
| error.occurred=Error Occurred |
| jdk.no.specified=No jdk specified for plugin module ''{0}'' |
| jdk.type.incorrect=Wrong jdk type for plugin module ''{0}''. |
| jdk.type.incorrect.common=Wrong jdk type for plugin module |
| incorrect.dependency.non-plugin-module=The non-plugin module ''{0}'' cannot depend on plugin module ''{1}''. |
| incorrect.dependency.not-declared=The plugin module ''{0}'' doesn''t declare the dependency on ''{1}'' in its plugin.xml. |
| error.file.not.found=File not found |
| error.file.not.found.message=File ''{0}'' not found |
| error.no.plugin.xml=No plugin.xml file found |
| error.plugin.xml.readonly=The plugin.xml file is read-only |
| |
| #run configurations |
| run.configuration.classpath.from.module.choose=Use Classpath and JDK from Module: |
| run.configuration.no.module.specified=No plugin module specified for configuration |
| run.configuration.title=Plugin |
| run.configuration.type.description=Plugin Sandbox Environment |
| idea.log.tab.title=IDEA LOG |
| |
| #Misc |
| info.message=Info |
| create.smth=Create {0} |
| show.smth=&Show {0} |
| presentable.plugin.module.name=Plugin Module ''{0}'' |
| |
| action.MakeJarAction.text=Prepare To Deploy |
| action.MakeAllJarsAction.text=Prepare All Plugins To Deploy |
| |
| dont.add.idea.libs.to.classpath=IDEA-related libraries ({0}) must not be added to the module classpath. Please add them to the IDEA-JDK instead. |
| new.action.id=&Action ID: |
| new.action.description=&Description: |
| new.action.class.name=&Class Name: |
| new.action.text=&Name: |
| new.action.add.to.group=Add to Group |
| new.action.group.actions=Act&ions: |
| new.action.group.anchor=Anchor: |
| new.action.group.anchor.first=&First |
| new.action.group.anchor.=&Last |
| new.action.group.anchor.before=&Before |
| new.action.group.anchor.after=Af&ter |
| new.action.group.groups=&Groups: |
| new.action.keyboard.shortcuts=Keyboard Shortcuts |
| new.action.keyboard.first=First: |
| new.action.keyboard.second=Second: |
| new.action.keyboard.clear=X |
| new.action.keyboard.clear.tooltip=Clear shortcut |
| command.implement.externalizable=Implement Externalizable |
| new.menu.action.text=Action |
| new.menu.action.description=Create New Action |
| new.action.error=Cannot create action |
| new.action.command=Create Action |
| new.action.action.name=Creating new action: {0}.{1} |
| new.action.dialog.title=New Action |
| new.menu.application.component.text=Application Component |
| new.menu.application.component.description=Create New Application Component |
| new.application.component.error=Cannot create application component |
| new.application.component.command=Create Application Component |
| new.application.component.prompt.title=New Application Component |
| new.application.component.prompt=Enter new application component name: |
| new.application.component.action.name=Creating new application component: {0}.{1} |
| new.menu.module.component.text=Module Component |
| new.menu.module.component.description=Create New Module Component |
| new.module.component.error=Cannot create module component |
| new.module.component.command=Create Module Component |
| new.module.component.prompt.title=New Module Component |
| new.module.component.prompt=Enter new module component name: |
| new.module.component.action.name=Creating new module component: {0}.{1} |
| new.menu.project.component.text=Project Component |
| new.menu.project.component.description=Create New Project Component |
| new.project.component.error=Cannot create project component |
| new.project.component.command=Create Project Component |
| new.project.component.prompt.title=New Project Component |
| new.project.component.prompt=Enter new project component name: |
| new.project.component.action.name=Creating new project component: {0}.{1} |
| |
| select.plugin.modules.to.patch=Select Plugin Modules to Patch |
| |
| keyword.extend=extend |
| keyword.implement=implement |
| class.action=action |
| class.interface=interface |
| class.implementation=implementation |
| |
| inspections.group.name=Plugin DevKit |
| inspections.registration.problems.name=Component type mismatch |
| inspections.registration.problems.option.check.plugin.xml=Check Plugin Descriptor (plugin.xml) |
| inspections.registration.problems.option.check.java.actions=Check Java Actions |
| inspections.registration.problems.option.check.java.code=Check Java Code |
| inspections.registration.problems.quickfix.read-only=Class ''{0}'' is read-only |
| inspections.registration.problems.quickfix.make.public=Make {0} public |
| inspections.registration.problems.quickfix.create.constructor=Create no-argument constructor |
| |
| inspections.registration.problems.incompatible.message=According to its registration in plugin.xml, the class should {0} ''{1}'' |
| inspections.registration.problems.abstract=Plugin component class must not be abstract |
| inspections.registration.problems.missing.noarg.ctor=Action class must have a no-argument constructor |
| |
| inspections.registration.problems.missing.implementation.class=Missing implementation-class |
| inspections.registration.problems.cannot.resolve.class=Cannot resolve {0} class |
| inspections.registration.problems.component.should.implement=Component class must implement ''{0}'' |
| inspections.registration.problems.component.incompatible.interface=Component class is not assignable to its interface-class ''{0}'' |
| inspections.registration.problems.component.duplicate.interface=Multiple components with the same interface-class are not allowed |
| inspections.registration.problems.action.incompatible.class=Action class must extend ''{0}'' |
| |
| inspections.component.not.registered.name=Component/Action not registered |
| inspections.component.not.registered.message={0} is not registered in plugin.xml |
| inspections.component.not.registered.option.check.actions=Check Actions |
| inspections.component.not.registered.option.ignore.non.public=Ignore non-public classes |
| inspections.component.not.registered.quickfix.family=Register Component |
| inspections.component.not.registered.quickfix.name=Register {0} |
| inspections.component.not.registered.quickfix.error=Cannot Register {0} |
| InspectionUseGrayColor=Use Gray |
| ant.build.jar.comment=Build archive for plugin ''{0}'' |
| ant.build.jar.description=Build plugin archive for module ''{0}'' |
| project.title=Plugin Project |
| no.java.sdk.for.idea.sdk.found=No Java SDK of appropriate version found. In addition to the IDEA Plugin SDK, you need to define a JDK with the same Java version ({0}). |
| no.idea.sdk.version.found=Failed to detect JDK version required for IDEA Plugin SDK. |
| group.PluginDeployActions.text=Plugin Deployment Actions |
| |
| error.cannot.resolve.plugin=Cannot resolve plugin {0} |
| create.description.file=Create Description File |
| select.target.location.of.description=Select target location of {0} |