| form.preview.title=Form Preview |
| form.menu.preview=Preview |
| form.menu.preview.mnemonic=P |
| form.menu.file.exit=Exit |
| form.menu.laf=Look and Feel |
| form.menu.laf.mnemonic=L |
| form.menu.view.pack=Pack |
| error.cannot.change.look.feel=Cannot change LookAndFeel.\nReason: {0} |
| error.title=Error |
| junit.runner.error=Error: {0} |
| junit.class.not.found=Class not found: "{0}" |
| junit.cannot.instantiate.tests=Cannot instantiate test(s): {0} |
| junit.class.not.derived={0} is not derived from TestCase. Do not provide method name. |
| junit.suite.must.be.static=''{0}.suite()'' method must be static |
| junit.failed.to.invoke.suite=Failed to invoke suite(): {0} |
| junit.method.not.found=Method ''{0}'' not found |
| tests.found.in.package={0} test {0, choice, 1#class|2#classes} found in package ''{1}'' |