| |
PsiComment(Py:END_OF_LINE_COMMENT)('# with = 1 # legal identifier') | |
PsiWhiteSpace('\n') | |
PsiComment(Py:END_OF_LINE_COMMENT)('# with = 1') | |
PsiWhiteSpace('\n') | |
PyAssignmentStatement | |
PyTargetExpression: with | |
PsiElement(Py:IDENTIFIER)('with') | |
PsiWhiteSpace(' ') | |
PsiElement(Py:EQ)('=') | |
PsiWhiteSpace(' ') | |
PyNumericLiteralExpression | |
PsiElement(Py:INTEGER_LITERAL)('1') | |
PsiWhiteSpace('\n') | |
PsiComment(Py:END_OF_LINE_COMMENT)('# from __future__ import nested_scopes, with_statement') | |
PsiWhiteSpace('\n') | |
PyFromImportStatement | |
PsiElement(Py:FROM_KEYWORD)('from') | |
PsiWhiteSpace(' ') | |
PyReferenceExpression: __future__ | |
PsiElement(Py:IDENTIFIER)('__future__') | |
PsiWhiteSpace(' ') | |
PsiElement(Py:IMPORT_KEYWORD)('import') | |
PsiWhiteSpace(' ') | |
PyImportElement:nested_scopes | |
PyReferenceExpression: nested_scopes | |
PsiElement(Py:IDENTIFIER)('nested_scopes') | |
PsiElement(Py:COMMA)(',') | |
PsiWhiteSpace(' ') | |
PyImportElement:with_statement | |
PyReferenceExpression: with_statement | |
PsiElement(Py:IDENTIFIER)('with_statement') | |
PsiWhiteSpace('\n') | |
PsiComment(Py:END_OF_LINE_COMMENT)('# with x.y(z)[t] as y: pass') | |
PsiWhiteSpace('\n') | |
PyWithStatement | |
PsiElement(Py:WITH_KEYWORD)('with') | |
PsiWhiteSpace(' ') | |
PyWithItem | |
PySubscriptionExpression | |
PyCallExpression: x.y | |
PyReferenceExpression: y | |
PyReferenceExpression: x | |
PsiElement(Py:IDENTIFIER)('x') | |
PsiElement(Py:DOT)('.') | |
PsiElement(Py:IDENTIFIER)('y') | |
PyArgumentList | |
PsiElement(Py:LPAR)('(') | |
PyReferenceExpression: z | |
PsiElement(Py:IDENTIFIER)('z') | |
PsiElement(Py:RPAR)(')') | |
PsiElement(Py:LBRACKET)('[') | |
PyReferenceExpression: t | |
PsiElement(Py:IDENTIFIER)('t') | |
PsiElement(Py:RBRACKET)(']') | |
PsiWhiteSpace(' ') | |
PsiElement(Py:AS_KEYWORD)('as') | |
PsiWhiteSpace(' ') | |
PyTargetExpression: y | |
PsiElement(Py:IDENTIFIER)('y') | |
PsiElement(Py:COLON)(':') | |
PsiWhiteSpace(' ') | |
PyStatementList | |
PyPassStatement | |
PsiElement(Py:PASS_KEYWORD)('pass') | |
PsiWhiteSpace('\n') | |
PsiComment(Py:END_OF_LINE_COMMENT)('# with = 1 # now illegal') | |
PsiWhiteSpace('\n') | |
PyWithStatement | |
PsiElement(Py:WITH_KEYWORD)('with') | |
PsiWhiteSpace(' ') | |
PyWithItem | |
PsiErrorElement:expression expected | |
<empty list> | |
PsiErrorElement:Colon expected | |
PsiElement(Py:EQ)('=') | |
PsiWhiteSpace(' ') | |
PsiElement(Py:INTEGER_LITERAL)('1') | |
PyStatementList | |
<empty list> |