| message.category.error=ERROR |
| message.category.warning=WARNING |
| message.category.information=INFORMATION |
| message.category.statistics=STATISTICS |
| error.copying=Error copying {0}\nto {1}:\n{2} |
| file.copying.compiler.description=File copying compiler |
| error.javac.out.of.memory=Out of memory. Increase the maximum heap size in Project Properties|Compiler settings. |
| progress.loading.classes=Loading classes... |
| progress.compiling.class=Compiling {0}... |
| progress.parsing.file=Parsing {0}... |
| label.generate.ant.script.use.jdk.definitions=Use JDK definitions from project files |
| label.generate.ant.script.overwrite.files=Overwrite previously generated files |
| label.generate.ant.script.backup.files=Backup previously generated files |
| label.generate.ant.script.single.file=Generate single-file ant build |
| label.generate.ant.script.generate.multiple.files=Generate multiple-file ant build (requires ant 1.6 or later to execute) |
| label.generate.ant.script.enable.ui.forms.compilation=Enable UI forms compilation (requires "javac2" ant task from IDEA distribution) |
| action.compile.description.module=Module ''{0}'' |
| action.compile.description.selected.files=Selected Files |
| rebuild.lvcs.label.no.errors=''{0}'' with no errors |
| rebuild.lvcs.label.with.errors=''{0}'' with errors |
| message.ant.files.generated.ok=Ant build files successfully generated:\n{0} |
| error.ant.files.generate.failed=Failed to generate ant build script: {0} |
| error.ant.files.backup.failed=Failed to backup file {0} |
| generate.ant.build.dialog.cyclic.modules.table.title=Cyclic Module Dependencies |
| generate.ant.build.dialog.cyclic.modules.table.description=Some modules have cyclic dependencies.\nIn order to generate ant build script, please select the \"main\" (representative) module for each dependency cycle.\nThe source code for all modules in the cycle will be compiled into the main module's output folders;\nAll modules in the cycle will use the JDK assigned to the main module;\nAny jar archives created will be named after the name of the main module. |
| generate.ant.build.dialog.cyclic.modules.table.number.column.header=Cycle |
| generate.ant.build.dialog.cyclic.modules.table.name.column.header=Main Module |
| action.make.selected.modules.text=Make Selected _Modules |
| generated.ant.build.disable.tests.property.comment=Uncomment the following property if no tests compilation is needed |
| generated.ant.build.compiler.options.comment=Compiler options |
| generated.ant.build.project.libraries.comment=Project Libraries |
| generated.ant.build.global.libraries.comment=Global Libraries |
| generated.ant.build.jdk.definitions.comment=JDK definitions |
| message.resource.patterns.format.changed=The format of resource patterns has changed.\n{0} failed to convert existing regular expression patterns:\n{1}\nPlease enter pattern string in a new format.\nEach resource pattern may contain the following wildcards:\n? - one character\n* - zero or more characters\n! - negate the pattern (allowed only at the start of a pattern)\nUse ; (semicolon) to separate resource patterns;\nEscape the "!" character with a backslash ("\\").\nYou might also need to modify template project settings.\nPress ''{2}'' to accept entered patterns, ''{3}'' to load default patterns in new format. |
| pattern.conversion.dialog.title=Pattern Conversion |
| error.bad.resource.patterns=The following resource patterns are malformed:{0} |
| bad.resource.patterns.dialog.title=Malformed Resource Patterns |
| compiler.results.export.text.prefix=line ({0}) |
| value.undefined=undefined |
| generated.ant.build.bootclasspath.comment=Paths to be included in compilation bootclasspath |
| generated.ant.build.cleanup.module.task.comment=cleanup module |
| generated.ant.build.clean.all.task.comment=cleanup all |
| generated.ant.build.compile.modules.main.target.comment=Compile {0,choice, 1#module|2#modules} {1} |
| generated.ant.build.compile.modules.production.classes.target.comment=Compile {0,choice, 1#module|2#modules} {1}; production classes |
| generated.ant.build.compile.modules.tests.target.comment=compile {0,choice, 1#module|2#modules} {1}; test classes |
| generated.ant.build.modules.section.title=Modules |
| generated.ant.build.initialization.section.title=Build initialization |
| generated.ant.build.initialization.section.comment=Perform any build initialization in this target |
| generated.ant.build.build.all.modules.target.name=build all modules |
| generated.ant.build.build.all.target.name=build all |
| generated.ant.build.building.concrete.module.section.title=Module {0} |
| compiler.error.exception=Error: {0} |
| error.compiler.caches.corrupted=Compiler caches are corrupted. Starting rebuild... |
| error.caches.old.format=Compiler caches on disk have old format. Project rebuild is required. |
| error.previous.compilation.failed=Previous compilation did not terminate properly. Caches may have been corrupted. Starting rebuild... |
| error.dependency.info.on.disk.corrupted=Compiler dependency information on disk is corrupted. Rebuild required. |
| error.vfs.was.rebuilt=File system caches were invalidated. Rebuild required. |
| status.compilation.aborted=Compilation aborted |
| status.all.up.to.date=All files are up-to-date |
| progress.saving.caches=Saving caches... |
| progress.clearing.output=Clearing output directories... |
| compiler.error.failed.to.delete=Failed to delete {0} |
| progress.synchronizing.output.directory=Synchronizing output directory... |
| progress.updating.caches=Updating caches... |
| progress.processing.outdated.files=Processing outdated files... |
| compiler.content.name.compile=Compile |
| compiler.content.name.make=Make |
| status.compilation.completed.successfully.with.warnings=Compilation completed successfully with {0} {0,choice, 0#warnings|1#warning|2#warnings} |
| status.compilation.completed.successfully=Compilation completed successfully |
| status.compilation.completed.successfully.with.warnings.and.errors=Compilation completed with {0} {0,choice, 0#errors|1#error|2#errors} and {1} {1,choice, 0#warnings|1#warning|2#warnings} |
| progress.executing.precompile.tasks=Executing pre-compile tasks... |
| progress.executing.postcompile.tasks=Executing post-compile tasks... |
| error.failed.to.create.directory=Failed to create directory {0} |
| error.chunk.modules.must.have.same.jdk=The following modules must have the same JDK assigned because of cyclic dependencies between them:\n{0}\nPlease update modules configuration |
| error.chunk.modules.must.have.same.language.level=The following modules must have the same language level assigned because of cyclic dependencies between them:\n{0}\nPlease update modules configuration |
| error.annotation.processing.not.supported.for.module.cycles=Annotation processors running is not supported for module cycles. The following modules form a cycle:\n{0}\nPlease either update modules configuration or exclude these modules from annotation processing |
| warning.sources.under.output.paths=Compiler option \"Clear output directory on rebuild\" is currently on.\nHowever, source files may exist in the following output paths:\n{0}\nCompilation will proceed without clearing output directories. |
| action.compiler.properties.text=Compiler Properties |
| actions.exclude.from.compile.text=Exclude from Compile |
| progress.deleting.temp.files=Deleting temp files... |
| progress.checking.dependencies=Checking dependencies... |
| progress.found.dependent.files=Found {0} dependent files |
| error.compiler.internal.error=Compiler internal error. Process terminated with exit code {0} |
| error.bad.class.file.format=Bad class file format:\n{0} |
| java.compiler.description=Java Compiler |
| annotation.processing.compiler.description=Java Annotation Processing Compiler |
| resource.compiler.description=Resource Compiler |
| progress.copying.resources=Copying resources... |
| progress.generating.rmi.stubs=Generating RMI stubs... |
| rmi.compiler.description=RMI Compiler |
| error.jdk.not.specified=Cannot start compiler: the SDK is not specified for {0,choice, 1#module|2#modules\n} {1}.\nSpecify the SDK at Project Structure dialog. |
| error.output.not.specified=Cannot start compilation: the output path is not specified for {0,choice, 1#module|2#modules\n} {1}.\nSpecify the output path in Configure Project. |
| error.project.output.not.specified=Cannot start compilation: some compilers require that project path is defined.\nSpecify project output path in Configure Project. |
| statistics.files.classes.module=Files: {0} - Classes: {1} - Module: {2} |
| statistics.files.classes=Files: {0} - Classes: {1} |
| compiler.javac.name=Javac |
| javac.error.jdk.home.missing=Cannot find home directory ''{1}'' for JDK ''{0}''.\nUpdate JDK configuration. |
| javac.error.vm.executable.missing=Cannot obtain path to VM executable for JDK {0}.\nUpdate JDK configuration. |
| javac.error.tools.jar.missing=Cannot obtain path javac classes for JDK {0}.\nUpdate JDK configuration. |
| javac.error.unknown.jdk.version=Cannot determine version for JDK {0}.\nUpdate JDK configuration. |
| javac.error.1_0_compilation.not.supported=Compilation is not supported for JDK 1.0 |
| compiler.jikes.name=Jikes |
| jikes.error.path.to.compiler.unspecified=Cannot start Jikes compiler.\nThe path to compiler executable is not configured |
| jikes.error.path.to.compiler.missing=Cannot start Jikes compiler.\nThe file {0} not found. |
| compiler.configurable.display.name=Compiler |
| label.option.honor.dependencies=Honor &dependencies on "Compile" command |
| label.option.compile.in.background=C&ompile in background |
| label.option.deploy.ask=Ask |
| label.option.deploy.never=Never |
| label.option.deploy.always=Always |
| label.option.deploy.text=Deploy web applications to server after compilation: |
| label.option.clear.output.directory.on.rebuild=C&lear output directory on rebuild |
| label.option.resource.patterns.text=Resource patterns\: |
| error.compiler.configurable.malformed.patterns=The following resource patterns are malformed:\n{0} |
| exclude.from.compile.table.path.column.name=Path |
| exclude.from.compile.table.recursively.column.name=Recursively |
| no.excludes=No excludes |
| option.use.compiler.text=Use compiler: |
| java.compiler.option.additional.command.line.parameters=Additional command line parameters: |
| java.compiler.option.generate.no.warnings=Generate no warnings |
| java.compiler.option.generate.debugging.info=Generate debugging info |
| java.compiler.option.report.deprecated=Report use of deprecated features |
| javac.option.max.heap.size=Maximum heap size (MB): |
| jikes.option.path.to.executable=Path to Jikes executable: |
| jikes.options.group.title=Jikes Options |
| javac.options.group.title=Javac Options |
| rmic.option.generate.iiop.stubs=Generate IIOP stubs |
| rmic.option.enable.rmi.stubs=Enable RMI stubs generation |
| compile.progress.title=Compile Progress |
| statistics.error.count={0} {0,choice, 0#errors|1#error|2#errors} |
| statistics.warnings.count={0} {0,choice, 0#warnings|1#warning|2#warnings} |
| compiler.running.dialog.title=Compiler Running |
| warning.compiler.running.on.project.close=The compiler is running. Proceed with project closing? |
| warning.compiler.running.on.toolwindow.close=The compiler is running. Terminate it? |
| class.parsing.error.wrong.record.tag.expected.another=Wrong record tag: {0}; expected: {1} |
| class.parsing.error.wrong.tag.annotation.member.value=Wrong tag for annotation member value: {0} |
| error.signature.parsing.unknown.type.signature=Unknown type signature |
| error.signature.parsing.expected.other.symbol=Symbol ''{0}'' expected: {1} |
| error.compiler.process.not.started=Compiler not started: {0} |
| add.notnull.assertions=Add @NotNull &assertions |
| |
| eclipse.compiler.error.jar.not.found=Cannot start Eclipse compiler.\nThe file {0} not found. |
| compiler.eclipse.name=Eclipse |
| eclipse.options.group.title=Eclipse Options |
| eclipse.compiler.parsing=Parsing {0} |
| eclipse.compiler.reading=Reading classes |
| eclipse.compiler.analyzing=Analyzing {0} |
| compiler.eclipse.embedded.name=Eclipse in-process |
| generate.ant.build.title=Generate Ant Build |
| generate.ant.build.progress.message=Generating ant build... |
| |
| #artifacts |
| packaging.element.text.output.root=<output root> |
| label.text.main.class=&Main Class: |
| label.text.class.path=Class &Path: |
| element.type.name.artifact=Artifact |
| dialog.title.choose.artifacts=Choose Artifacts |
| node.text.0.directory.content=''{0}'' directory content |
| element.type.name.library.files=Library Files |
| node.text.0.compile.output=''{0}'' compile output |
| node.text.0.test.compile.output=''{0}'' test compile output |
| node.text.0.with.dependencies=''{0}'' with dependencies |
| element.type.name.module.output=Module Output |
| element.type.name.module.test.output=Module Test Output |
| element.type.name.directory=Directory |
| element.type.name.archive=Archive |
| artifact.type.plain=Other |
| build.artifacts.before.run.description.empty=Build Artifacts |
| build.artifacts.before.run.description.single=Build ''{0}'' artifact |
| build.artifacts.before.run.description.multiple=Build {0} artifacts |
| build.artifacts.before.run.selector.title=Select Artifacts |
| |
| message.text.destination.is.directory={0} Destination is a directory. |
| message.text.error.copying.file.to.file=Error copying ''{0}'' to ''{1}''. |
| message.text.compiling.item.deployment.descriptor.could.not.be.found=Compiling {0}: Deployment item ''{1}'' could not be found |
| message.text.compiling.module.message=Compiling {0}: {1} |
| message.text.xml.file.invalid=XML file ''{0}'' is invalid |
| mesage.text.deployment.descriptor.file.not.exist=Deployment descriptor file ''{0}'' does not exist |
| message.text.deployment.description.invalid.file=Invalid file |
| warning.text.file.has.been.changed=File has been changed during compilation, inspection validation skipped |
| packaging.compiler.message.deleting.outdated.files=Deleting outdated files... |
| packaging.compiler.message.updating.caches=Updating artifacts compiler caches... |
| packaging.compiler.message.building.archives=Building archives... |
| packaging.compiler.error.cannot.build.circular.dependency.found.between.0.and.1=Cannot build: circular dependency found between ''{0}'' and ''{1}'' |
| packaging.compiler.message.building.0=Building ''{0}''... |
| packaging.compiler.message.copying.archives=Copying archives... |
| compiler.initial.scanning.progress.text=Looking for sources to recompile |
| |
| #artifacts |
| dialog.title.output.directory.for.artifact=Output Directory for Artifact |
| chooser.description.select.output.directory.for.0.artifact=Select output directory for ''{0}'' artifact |
| |
| #package file action |
| action.name.package.file=Package file |
| action.description.package.file=Update the file in the corresponding artifacts |
| message.tect.package.file.io.error=IO Error:\n{0} |
| command.name.package.file=Package file |
| status.text.file.has.been.packaged={0, choice, 1#File|2#Files} {1} {0, choice, 1#has|2#have} been packaged at {2}. |
| action.name.package.files=Package files |
| |
| |
| # validation |
| validation.display.name=Validation |
| action.name.exclude.from.validation=Exclude from Validation |
| no.validators=No validators available |
| |
| |
| generate.ant.build.custom.compiler.conflict.title=Conflicting Custom Compilers for Chunk(s) |
| generate.ant.build.custom.compiler.conflict.message=<html>The chunks listed below use more then one custom compiler.<br/>for them you will need to resolve conflict between<br/>compilers manually. The compilation task will also contain<br/>the fail task.<ul>{0}</ul></html> |
| generate.ant.build.custom.compiler.conflict.message.row=<li>{0}</li> |
| generated.ant.build.compile.modules.fail.custom.compilers=Conflict between custom compilers should be resolved manually. |
| generated.ant.build.custom.compilers.comment=Register Custom Compiler Taskdefs |
| label.generate.ant.script.inline.runtime.classpaths=Inline runtime classpaths |
| label.generate.ant.script.generate.idea.home=Use current IDEA instance for idea.home property |
| label.option.autoshow.first.error=Automatically show first &error in editor |
| label.generate.ant.script.filename=Output file name: |