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# epydoc -- Utility functions
# Copyright (C) 2005 Edward Loper
# Author: Edward Loper <[email protected]>
# URL: <>
# $Id: 1671 2008-01-29 02:55:49Z edloper $
Miscellaneous utility functions that are used by multiple modules.
@group Python source types: is_module_file, is_package_dir, is_pyname,
@group Text processing: wordwrap, decode_with_backslashreplace,
__docformat__ = 'epytext en'
import os, os.path, re
## Python Source Types
PY_SRC_EXTENSIONS = ['.py', '.pyw']
PY_BIN_EXTENSIONS = ['.pyc', '.so', '.pyd']
def is_module_file(path):
# Make sure it's a file name.
if not isinstance(path, basestring):
return False
(dir, filename) = os.path.split(path)
(basename, extension) = os.path.splitext(filename)
return (os.path.isfile(path) and
re.match('[a-zA-Z_]\w*$', basename) and
def is_src_filename(filename):
if not isinstance(filename, basestring): return False
if not os.path.exists(filename): return False
return os.path.splitext(filename)[1] in PY_SRC_EXTENSIONS
def is_package_dir(dirname):
Return true if the given directory is a valid package directory
(i.e., it names a directory that contains a valid __init__ file,
and its name is a valid identifier).
# Make sure it's a directory name.
if not isinstance(dirname, basestring):
return False
if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
return False
dirname = os.path.abspath(dirname)
# Make sure it's a valid identifier. (Special case for
# "foo/", where os.path.split -> ("foo", "").)
(parent, dir) = os.path.split(dirname)
if dir == '': (parent, dir) = os.path.split(parent)
# The following constraint was removed because of sourceforge
# bug #1787028 -- in some cases (eg eggs), it's too strict.
#if not re.match('\w+$', dir):
# return False
for name in os.listdir(dirname):
filename = os.path.join(dirname, name)
if name.startswith('__init__.') and is_module_file(filename):
return True
return False
def is_pyname(name):
return re.match(r"\w+(\.\w+)*$", name)
def py_src_filename(filename):
basefile, extension = os.path.splitext(filename)
if extension in PY_SRC_EXTENSIONS:
return filename
if os.path.isfile('%s%s' % (basefile, ext)):
return '%s%s' % (basefile, ext)
raise ValueError('Could not find a corresponding '
'Python source file for %r.' % filename)
def munge_script_name(filename):
name = os.path.split(filename)[1]
name = re.sub(r'\W', '_', name)
return 'script-'+name
## Text Processing
def decode_with_backslashreplace(s):
Convert the given 8-bit string into unicode, treating any
character c such that ord(c)<128 as an ascii character, and
converting any c such that ord(c)>128 into a backslashed escape
>>> decode_with_backslashreplace('abc\xff\xe8')
# s.encode('string-escape') is not appropriate here, since it
# also adds backslashes to some ascii chars (eg \ and ').
assert isinstance(s, str)
return (s
.encode('ascii', 'backslashreplace')
def wordwrap(str, indent=0, right=75, startindex=0, splitchars=''):
Word-wrap the given string. I.e., add newlines to the string such
that any lines that are longer than C{right} are broken into
shorter lines (at the first whitespace sequence that occurs before
index C{right}). If the given string contains newlines, they will
I{not} be removed. Any lines that begin with whitespace will not
be wordwrapped.
@param indent: If specified, then indent each line by this number
of spaces.
@type indent: C{int}
@param right: The right margin for word wrapping. Lines that are
longer than C{right} will be broken at the first whitespace
sequence before the right margin.
@type right: C{int}
@param startindex: If specified, then assume that the first line
is already preceeded by C{startindex} characters.
@type startindex: C{int}
@param splitchars: A list of non-whitespace characters which can
be used to split a line. (E.g., use '/\\' to allow path names
to be split over multiple lines.)
@rtype: C{str}
if splitchars:
chunks = re.split(r'( +|\n|[^ \n%s]*[%s])' %
(re.escape(splitchars), re.escape(splitchars)),
chunks = re.split(r'( +|\n)', str.expandtabs())
result = [' '*(indent-startindex)]
charindex = max(indent, startindex)
for chunknum, chunk in enumerate(chunks):
if (charindex+len(chunk) > right and charindex > 0) or chunk == '\n':
result.append('\n' + ' '*indent)
charindex = indent
if chunk[:1] not in ('\n', ' '):
charindex += len(chunk)
charindex += len(chunk)
return ''.join(result).rstrip()+'\n'
def plaintext_to_html(s):
@return: An HTML string that encodes the given plaintext string.
In particular, special characters (such as C{'<'} and C{'&'})
are escaped.
@rtype: C{string}
s = s.replace('&', '&amp;').replace('"', '&quot;')
s = s.replace('<', '&lt;').replace('>', '&gt;')
return s
def plaintext_to_latex(str, nbsp=0, breakany=0):
@return: A LaTeX string that encodes the given plaintext string.
In particular, special characters (such as C{'$'} and C{'_'})
are escaped, and tabs are expanded.
@rtype: C{string}
@param breakany: Insert hyphenation marks, so that LaTeX can
break the resulting string at any point. This is useful for
small boxes (e.g., the type box in the variable list table).
@param nbsp: Replace every space with a non-breaking space
# These get converted to hyphenation points later
if breakany: str = re.sub('(.)', '\\1\1', str)
# These get converted to \textbackslash later.
str = str.replace('\\', '\0')
# Expand tabs
str = str.expandtabs()
# These elements need to be backslashed.
str = re.sub(r'([#$&%_\${}])', r'\\\1', str)
# These elements have special names.
str = str.replace('|', '{\\textbar}')
str = str.replace('<', '{\\textless}')
str = str.replace('>', '{\\textgreater}')
str = str.replace('^', '{\\textasciicircum}')
str = str.replace('~', '{\\textasciitilde}')
str = str.replace('\0', r'{\textbackslash}')
# replace spaces with non-breaking spaces
if nbsp: str = str.replace(' ', '~')
# Convert \1's to hyphenation points.
if breakany: str = str.replace('\1', r'\-')
return str
class RunSubprocessError(OSError):
def __init__(self, cmd, out, err):
OSError.__init__(self, '%s failed' % cmd[0])
self.out = out
self.err = err
def run_subprocess(cmd, data=None):
Execute the command C{cmd} in a subprocess.
@param cmd: The command to execute, specified as a list
of string.
@param data: A string containing data to send to the
@return: A tuple C{(out, err)}.
@raise OSError: If there is any problem executing the
command, or if its exitval is not 0.
if isinstance(cmd, basestring):
cmd = cmd.split()
# Under Python 2.4+, use subprocess
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
pipe = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
out, err = pipe.communicate(data)
if hasattr(pipe, 'returncode'):
if pipe.returncode == 0:
return out, err
raise RunSubprocessError(cmd, out, err)
# Assume that there was an error iff anything was written
# to the child's stderr.
if err == '':
return out, err
raise RunSubprocessError(cmd, out, err)
except ImportError:
# Under Python 2.3 or earlier, on unix, use popen2.Popen3 so we
# can access the return value.
import popen2
if hasattr(popen2, 'Popen3'):
pipe = popen2.Popen3(' '.join(cmd), True)
to_child = pipe.tochild
from_child = pipe.fromchild
child_err = pipe.childerr
if data:
out = err = ''
while pipe.poll() is None:
out +=
err +=
out +=
err +=
if pipe.wait() == 0:
return out, err
raise RunSubprocessError(cmd, out, err)
# Under Python 2.3 or earlier, on non-unix, use os.popen3
to_child, from_child, child_err = os.popen3(' '.join(cmd), 'b')
if data:
# Guard for a broken pipe error
except IOError, e:
raise OSError(e)
out =
err =
# Assume that there was an error iff anything was written
# to the child's stderr.
if err == '':
return out, err
raise RunSubprocessError(cmd, out, err)