blob: 10630a570127a9e5d797eecf541e3bb6c3132d41 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
Announcing version 1.0 of the InspectionGadgets plugin, available via the PluginManager
or at
Changes in version 1.0
New inspections:
* Use of '$' in identifier
* Infinite Recursion
* Auto-Boxing
* Auto-Unboxing
* Unnecessary boxing
* Unnecessary unboxing
* Class without no-arg constructor
* Unnecessary 'final' for method parameter
* Unnecessarily qualified static method call
* Unqualified static method call
* setUp() with incorrect signature
* tearDown() with incorrect signature
* setUp() doesn't call super.setUp()
* tearDown() doesn't call super.tearDown()
* Test method with incorrect signature
* 'assert' statement
* Use of 'enum' as identifier
plus huge numbers of bugfixes.
Special thanks go to Bas Lejsdekkers and Keith Lea for their help and ideas on this release.
With the 1.0 release, development on InspectionGadgets will be going into "bugfixes-only"
mode for the next several months. Thanks to everyone for your ideas, code, and
criticism as I developed InspectionGadgets. It's thanks to your interest and support
that InspectionGadgets has become the most full-featured and powerful Java static analysis
tool available today, and the most-downloaded IDEA plugin. I hope I've helped you kill a
lot of bugs.
* Abstraction issues
* Cast to a concrete class
* Class references one of its subclasses
* Collection declared by class, not interface
* Concrete class for instance variable
* Concrete class for local variable
* Concrete class for method parameter
* Concrete class for method return
* Concrete class for static variable
* 'instanceof' a concrete class
* "Magic number"
* 'switch' statement
* Class metrics
* Class too deep in inheritance tree
* Class with too many constructors
* Class with too many fields
* Class with too many methods
* Inner class too deeply nested
* Overly complex class
* Overly coupled class
* Class structure
* Abstract class extends concrete class
* Abstract class without abstract methods
* Abstract method overrides abstract method
* Abstract method overrides concrete method
* Class may be interface
* Class without constructor
* Class without no-arg constructor
* Class without package statement
* Constant declared in abstract class
* Constant declared in interface
* constructor not 'protected' in 'abstract' class(*)
* 'final' method in 'final' class(*)
* Inner class of interface
* No-op method in abstract class
* 'private' method declared 'final'(*)
* 'protected' member in 'final' class(*)
* 'public' constructor in non-'public' class(*)
* Static inheritance
* 'static' method declared 'final'(*)
* 'static', non-'final' field
* Utility class
* Utility class with public constructor
* Utility class without private constructor
* Cloning issues
* clone() doesn't call super.clone()
* clone() doesn't declare CloneNotSupportedException
* clone() instantiates objects with constructor
* Cloneable class without 'clone()'
* Code maturity issues
* Call to printStackTrace()
* Call to Thread.dumpStack()
* Class without toString()
* Use of obsolete collection type
* Use of System.out or System.err
* Code style issues
* C-style array declaration(*)
* Constant on left side of comparison(*)
* Constant on right side of comparison(*)
* expression.equals("literal") rather than "literal".equals(expression)(*)
* Missorted modifers(*)
* Multiple variables in one declaration(*)
* Return of 'this'
* Unnecessarily qualified static method call(*)
* Unqualified static method call(*)
* Variables of different types in one declaration(*)
* Encapsulation issues
* Assignment to Collection or array field from parameter
* Package-visible field
* Package-visible inner class
* Protected field
* Protected inner class
* Public field
* Public inner class
* Return of Collection or array field
* Error handling
* 'catch' generic class
* Checked exception class
* Empty 'catch' block
* Empty 'finally' block
* Empty 'try' block
* Error not rethrown
* 'instanceof' on 'catch' parameter
* Nested 'try' statement
* Overly broad 'catch' block
* 'return' inside 'finally' block
* ThreadDeath not rethrown
* 'throw' generic class
* 'throw' inside 'catch' block which ignores the caught exception
* 'throw' inside 'finally' block
* Unchecked exception class
* Finalization issues
* finalize() called explicitly
* finalize() doesn't call super.finalize()
* finalize() not declared 'protected'(*)
* Use of finalize()
* Imports
* * import
* Import from same package
* java.lang import
* Redundant import
* Single class import
* Unused import
* Initialization issues
* Abstract method call in constructor
* Instance variable may not be initialized
* Overridable method call in constructor
* Static variable may not be initialized
* Internationalization issues
* Call to Date.toString()
* Call to Numeric .toString()
* Call to String.compareTo()
* Call to String.equals()
* Call to String.equalsIgnoreCase()
* Call to Time.toString()
* Character comparison
* Hardcoded string literal
* "Magic character"
* String concatenation
* Use of StringTokenizer
* JUnit issues
* JUnit TestCase with non-trivial constructors
* Missing message on JUnit assertion
* setUp() doesn't call super.setUp()
* setUp() with incorrect signature
* 'setup()' instead of 'setUp()'(*)
* 'suite()' method not declared 'static'
* tearDown() doesn't call super.tearDown()
* tearDown() with incorrect signature
* 'teardown()' instead of 'tearDown()'(*)
* Test method with incorrect signature
* Method metrics
* Method with more than three negations
* Method with multiple loops
* Method with multiple return points.
* Method with too many parameters
* Overly complex method
* Overly coupled method
* Overly long method
* Overly nested method
* Naming conventions
* Class name prefixed with package name(*)
* Class naming convention(*)
* Confusing 'main()' method(*)
* Constant naming convention(*)
* Exception class name doesn't end with Exception(*)
* Instance method naming convention(*)
* Instance variable naming convention(*)
* Interface naming convention(*)
* Local Variable naming convention(*)
* Method name same as class name(*)
* Method name same as parent class name(*)
* Method parameter naming convention(*)
* Non-exception class name ends with 'Exception'(*)
* Standard variable names(*)
* Static method naming convention(*)
* Static variable naming convention(*)
* Use of '$' in identifier(*)
* Performance issues
* Boolean constructor call(*)
* Calls to System.gc() or Runtime.gc()
* Collection without initial capacity
* Field may be 'static'(*)
* Field repeatedly accessed in method
* Manual array copy(*)
* Multiply or divide by power of two(*)
* Object allocation in loop
* Redundant String constructor call(*)
* Redundant String.toString()(*)
* Single character .startsWith() or .endsWith()
* Single character string concatenation(*)
* Static collection
* String concatenation in loop
* StringBuffer without initial capacity
* StringBuffer.toString() in concatenation(*)
* Tail recursion
* Unnecessary temporary object in conversion from String(*)
* Unnecessary temporary object in conversion to String(*)
* Use of java.lang.reflect
* Zero-length array allocation
* Portability issues
* 'assert' statement
* Auto-boxing(*)
* Auto-unboxing(*)
* Call to Runtime.exec()
* Call to System.exit()
* Call to System.getenv()
* Hardcoded file separator
* Hardcoded line separator
* Native method
* Use of 'assert' as identifier(*)
* Use of 'enum' as identifier(*)
* Potentially confusing code constructs
* Assignment to for-loop parameter
* Assignment to method parameter
* 'break' statement
* 'break' statement with label
* Chained equality comparisons
* Chained method calls
* Conditional expression (?:)
* Confusing else branch
* Confusing floating-point literal(*)
* 'continue' statement
* 'continue' statement with label
* If statement with negated condition
* Implicit call to super()(*)
* Implicit numeric conversions(*)
* Local variable used and declared in different 'switch' branches
* Long literal ending with 'l' instead of 'L'(*)
* Method names differing only by case
* Nested 'switch' statement
* Nested assignment
* Nested conditional expression
* Nested method calls
* Numeric cast that loses precision
* Overloaded methods with same number of parameters
* Overly complex arithmetic expression
* Overly complex boolean expression
* Switch statement with too few branches
* Switch statement with too many branches
* Value of ++ or -- used
* Probable bugs
* Assignment to 'null'
* Assignment used as condition
* 'compareto()' instead of 'compareTo()'(*)
* Comparison of short and char values
* Covariant compareTo()
* Covariant equals()
* 'default' not last case in 'switch'
* equals() between objects of inconvertible types
* Fallthrough in 'switch' statement
* Floating point equality comparison
* For loop where update or condition doesn't use loop variable
* For loop with missing components
* 'hashcode()' instead of 'hashCode()'(*)
* Infinite loop statement
* Infinite recursion
* Loop statement that doesn't loop
* Non-final field referenced in 'compareTo()'
* Non-final field referenced in 'equals()'
* Non-final field referenced in 'hashCode()'
* Object comparison using ==, instead of '.equals()'(*)
* Octal and decimal integers in same array
* Result of ignored
* Return of 'null'
* Statement with empty body
* String comparison using ==, instead of '.equals()'(*)
* Subtraction in compareTo()
* 'switch' statement without 'default' branch
* Text label in 'switch' statement
* Security issues
* Cloneable class in secure context
* Deserializable class in secure context
* Non-static inner class in secure context
* Serializable class in secure context
* Serialization issues
* Instance variable may not be initialized by readObject
* Non-serializable class with 'readObject()' or 'writeObject()'
* Non-serializable class with serialVersionUID
* 'readObject()' or 'writeObject()' not declared 'private'(*)
* 'readResolve()' or 'writeReplace()' not declared 'protected'(*)
* Serializable class with unconstructable ancestor
* Serializable class without 'readObject()' and 'writeObject()'
* Serializable class without serialVersionUID
* 'serialVersionUID' field not declared 'static final'(*)
* Transient field in non-serializable class(*)
* Threading issues
* Busy wait
* Call to notify() instead of notifyAll()(*)
* Call to*)
* Double-checked locking
* Empty 'synchronized' statement
* Field accessed in both synchronized and unsynchronized contexts
* Nested 'synchronized' statement
* Non-private field accessed in synchronized context
* Non-synchronized method overrides synchronized method
* Synchronization on 'this'
* Synchronization on a non-final field
* 'synchronized' method
* 'wait()' not in loop
* Verbose or redundant code constructs
* Assignment replacable with operator assignment(*)
* Class explicitly extends java.lang.Object
* 'for' loop may be replaced by 'while' loop(*)
* Pointless arithmetic expression(*)
* Redundant boolean comparison(*)
* Redundant field initialization(*)
* Unnecessary 'final' for method parameter(*)
* Unnecessary 'if' statement(*)
* Unnecessary 'return' statement(*)
* Unnecessary 'super()' statement(*)
* Unnecessary 'this' qualifier(*)
* Unnecessary boxing(*)
* Unnecessary code block(*)
* Unnecessary fully qualified name(*)
* Unnecessary interface modifier(*)
* Unnecessary parentheses(*)
* Unnecessary semicolon(*)
* Unnecessary unboxing(*)
* Unused label(*)
* Visibility issues
* Field name hides field in superclass(*)
* Inner class field hides outer class field(*)
* Local variable hides member variable(*)
* Method overloads method of superclass(*)
* Method overrides private method of superclass(*)
* Method overrides static method of superclass(*)
* Parameter hides member variable(*)