blob: c509af0d5f17b4b80d58537fe2b2ce3ae5a971a3 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
IntelliJ IDEA 8.0M1 - README
Thank you for downloading IntelliJ IDEA!
IntelliJ IDEA is a multi-platform Java IDE, which includes intelligent editor, rich-featured GUI designer,
visual debugger, javac/jikes/rmic compiler integration, refactoring, enhanced project navigation,
intelligent code inspection and analysis features, J2EE and JDK 1.5 support.
BUILD.TXT File containing the current build number
KnownIssues.TXT Known issues and workarounds
README.TXT This file
bin/ Startup scripts for launching IntelliJ IDEA
help/ Online help files
jre/ Bundled JRE
lib/ Library files
license/ License files for IntelliJ IDEA and bundled software
plugins/ Standard plugins
redist/ Contains libraries that need to be redistributed with your application if certain IDEA features are used:
- forms_rt.jar should be distributed with your applications that use GUI forms with
the "GridLayoutManager (IntelliJ)" layout manager
- javac2.jar is an Ant task for building applications that use IntelliJ IDEA's UI Designer
bytecode generation or @NotNull assertions generation
- annotations.jar contains JDK 1.5 annotation classes for 'Constant Conditions & Exceptions' inspection tool.
Install-Linux-tar.txt Installation instructions for Linux (included in Linux installation package only)
Install-Windows-zip.txt Installation instructions for Windows zip-file (included in Windows zip installation package only)
config/ Configuration files (See INSTALLATION_HOME/bin/ to tweak location of the configs)
codestyles/ User's code style settings
colors/ User's colors and fonts settings
fileTemplates/ Custom file templates
filetypes/ Custom file types
ideTalk/ ideTalk settings
inspection/ Executable file and auxiliary data for running offline code inspections
keymaps/ Contains files with custom keymaps
migration/ API migration map
options/ IDE options configuration files
plugins/ Directory for custom plugins (it appears after the 1st plugin is installed)
shelf/ Shelved changes (in standard .patch file format)
templates/ Live templates, both built-in and custom
tools/ External tools
idea70.key File containing your license key (editing not recommended)
system/ Various IDEA internal caches including Local History data storage.
(See INSTALLATION_HOME/bin/ to tweak location of the caches).
Also log directory with IDEA log files is located there.
Installing IntelliJ IDEA
For Linux and other Generic Unix users:
Please read the contents of the Install-Linux-tar.txt file.
Installing on Mac OS:
IntelliJ IDEA is distributed as a .dmg file. You only need to drag it to
the destination folder, from which you can start the application.
Uninstalling IntelliJ IDEA
If you installed IntelliJ IDEA with the help of Installation Wizard, then
just run the INSTALLATION_HOME/bin/Uninstall.exe file
To uninstall IntelliJ IDEA after manual installation, simply delete the
contents of the IntelliJ IDEA home installation directory.
Licensing & pricing
Licensing and pricing information can be found at
IntelliJ IDEA Overview
For general info and facts on IntelliJ IDEA, you can refer to IntelliJ IDEA Info Kit at
IDEA Development Package
- Source code for the OpenAPI classes;
- Documentation (JavaDocs for the OpenAPI and a number of additional components);
- Simple example plugins demonstrating usage of the OpenAPI;
- Source code for plugins shipped with IDEA:
* Plugin Development Kit
* IDEtalk plugin
* Images support plugin
* Inspection Gadgets
* Intention PowerPack
* J2ME development support plugin
* JavaScript support plugin
* JavaScript inspections plugin
* JavaScript Intention PowerPack
* GWTStudio plugin
* KlassMaster stacktrace unscramble plugin
* StrutsAssistant plugin
* StarTeam, Perforce, Subversion, Visual SourceSafe integration
* Tomcat, Weblogic, WebSphere, Geronimo, JBoss, GlassFish, JSR45 integration
Download page:
Source code of additional open source plugins shipped with IntelliJ IDEA is available in the Subversion
repository at:
Using Plugins
IDEA now smartly integrates with the Community web-site which holds a repository of the third-party plugins to it.
This integration, supplied with a convenient UI, helps you incorporate any available plugins without switching from
IDEA settings dialog (Settings | Plugins).
You can browse the plugins Web site, rate and comment on plugins at:
Home Page:
IntelliJ Technology Network
Early Access to new products, internal builds and patches, Bug/Features database, Forums/newsgroups
IntelliJ Community Site
The community-driven Wiki site dedicated to IntelliJ products and technologies.
For technical support and assistance, you may find necessary information at the Support page
( or contact us at [email protected].
Bug Reporting:
Send emails to [email protected]
Contacting us:
[email protected] - Sales inquiries, billing, order processing questions
[email protected] - Technical support (all products)
[email protected] - Sales inquiries in the United States
[email protected] - Technical support for US customers
[email protected] - Feature suggestions
[email protected] - Product inquiries
You are encouraged to visit our IntelliJ IDEA web site at
or to contact us via e-mail at [email protected] if you have any comments about
this release. In particular, we are very interested in any ease-of-use, user
interface suggestions that you may have. We will be posting regular updates
of our progress to our online forums and newsgroups.