| // Baseline format: 1.0 |
| GetterSetterNames: androidx.compose.foundation.ScrollState#getCanScrollBackward(): |
| Getter for boolean property `canScrollBackward` is named `getCanScrollBackward` but should match the property name. Use `@get:JvmName` to rename. |
| GetterSetterNames: androidx.compose.foundation.ScrollState#getCanScrollForward(): |
| Getter for boolean property `canScrollForward` is named `getCanScrollForward` but should match the property name. Use `@get:JvmName` to rename. |
| GetterSetterNames: androidx.compose.foundation.gestures.ScrollableState#getCanScrollBackward(): |
| Getter for boolean property `canScrollBackward` is named `getCanScrollBackward` but should match the property name. Use `@get:JvmName` to rename. |
| GetterSetterNames: androidx.compose.foundation.gestures.ScrollableState#getCanScrollForward(): |
| Getter for boolean property `canScrollForward` is named `getCanScrollForward` but should match the property name. Use `@get:JvmName` to rename. |
| GetterSetterNames: androidx.compose.foundation.lazy.LazyListState#getCanScrollBackward(): |
| Getter for boolean property `canScrollBackward` is named `getCanScrollBackward` but should match the property name. Use `@get:JvmName` to rename. |
| GetterSetterNames: androidx.compose.foundation.lazy.LazyListState#getCanScrollForward(): |
| Getter for boolean property `canScrollForward` is named `getCanScrollForward` but should match the property name. Use `@get:JvmName` to rename. |
| GetterSetterNames: androidx.compose.foundation.lazy.grid.LazyGridState#getCanScrollBackward(): |
| Getter for boolean property `canScrollBackward` is named `getCanScrollBackward` but should match the property name. Use `@get:JvmName` to rename. |
| GetterSetterNames: androidx.compose.foundation.lazy.grid.LazyGridState#getCanScrollForward(): |
| Getter for boolean property `canScrollForward` is named `getCanScrollForward` but should match the property name. Use `@get:JvmName` to rename. |
| GetterSetterNames: androidx.compose.foundation.lazy.staggeredgrid.LazyStaggeredGridState#getCanScrollBackward(): |
| Getter for boolean property `canScrollBackward` is named `getCanScrollBackward` but should match the property name. Use `@get:JvmName` to rename. |
| GetterSetterNames: androidx.compose.foundation.lazy.staggeredgrid.LazyStaggeredGridState#getCanScrollForward(): |
| Getter for boolean property `canScrollForward` is named `getCanScrollForward` but should match the property name. Use `@get:JvmName` to rename. |
| GetterSetterNames: androidx.compose.foundation.pager.PagerState#getCanScrollBackward(): |
| Getter for boolean property `canScrollBackward` is named `getCanScrollBackward` but should match the property name. Use `@get:JvmName` to rename. |
| GetterSetterNames: androidx.compose.foundation.pager.PagerState#getCanScrollForward(): |
| Getter for boolean property `canScrollForward` is named `getCanScrollForward` but should match the property name. Use `@get:JvmName` to rename. |
| GetterSetterNames: androidx.compose.foundation.text2.input.TextFieldBufferWithSelection#getHasSelection(): |
| Getter for boolean property `hasSelection` is named `getHasSelection` but should match the property name. Use `@get:JvmName` to rename. |
| GetterSetterNames: field KeyboardOptions.autoCorrect: |
| Invalid name for boolean property `autoCorrect`. Should start with one of `has`, `can`, `should`, `is`. |
| GetterSetterNames: field LazyGridLayoutInfo.reverseLayout: |
| Invalid name for boolean property `reverseLayout`. Should start with one of `has`, `can`, `should`, `is`. |
| GetterSetterNames: field LazyListLayoutInfo.reverseLayout: |
| Invalid name for boolean property `reverseLayout`. Should start with one of `has`, `can`, `should`, `is`. |