| #! /bin/sh |
| |
| # 'strict' mode |
| set -euo pipefail |
| |
| SOURCE_BRANCH=${1-aosp/metalava-main} |
| |
| echo -n "Checking status" |
| STATUS=$(git status -s | grep -v "??" || true) |
| if [[ $STATUS ]]; then |
| echo " - ERROR" |
| echo |
| echo "The following changed files would interfere with merge:" |
| echo "$STATUS" |
| exit 1 |
| else |
| echo " - OK" |
| fi |
| |
| echo -n "Checking current branch" |
| BRANCH=$(git branch --show-current) |
| if [[ $BRANCH ]]; then |
| echo " - OK ($BRANCH)" |
| else |
| echo " - ERROR" |
| echo |
| echo "No branch found, please run 'repo start <branch>'." |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| echo -n "Current upstream branch" |
| CURRENT_BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{u}) |
| echo " - ${CURRENT_BRANCH}" |
| |
| function output_only_on_failure() { |
| set +e |
| OUTPUT=$(eval "$@" 2>&1) |
| EXIT_CODE=$? |
| set -e |
| if [[ $EXIT_CODE != 0 ]]; then |
| echo " - ERROR" |
| echo "Command: $@" |
| echo $OUTPUT |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| # Make sure that ${SOURCE_BRANCH} is up to date. |
| echo -n "Making sure that ${SOURCE_BRANCH} is up to date" |
| output_only_on_failure git fetch ${SPLIT_REPOSITORY_BRANCH} |
| echo " - OK" |
| |
| echo -n "Checking to see if there is anything to merge" |
| MERGE_BASE=$(git merge-base HEAD ${SOURCE_BRANCH}) |
| if [[ ${MERGE_BASE} == $(git rev-parse ${SOURCE_BRANCH}) ]]; then |
| echo " - NOTHING TO DO" |
| exit 0 |
| else |
| echo " - CHANGES FOUND" |
| fi |
| |
| echo -n "Extracting bugs from merged in changes" |
| BUGS=$(git log ${MERGE_BASE}..${SOURCE_BRANCH} | (grep -E "^ *Bug: *[0-9]+" || true) | sed "s/Bug://" | sort -u -n) |
| echo " - DONE" |
| |
| echo -n "Extracting change list from merged in changes" |
| |
| # Get the Change-Id from the non-merge changes. |
| # This uses the Change-Id rather than the SHA as the Change-Id is consistent |
| # across branches but the SHA might not be. |
| CHANGE_IDS=$(git log ${MERGE_BASE}..${SOURCE_BRANCH} --no-merges | (grep -E "^ *Change-Id: I*[0-9a-f]+" || true) | sed "s/^ *Change-Id: //") |
| |
| # Generate a query which will find only those changes which are from metalava-main. |
| # All changes to tools/metalava must come from metalava-main or main (build changes). |
| QUERY="(branch:metalava-main or branch:main) and ($(echo $CHANGE_IDS | sed 's/ / or /g')) and status:merged" |
| |
| # Generate a list of changes to insert in the commit message. |
| # This queries the Android Gerrit as metalava development is always done in AOSP. |
| CHANGE_LIST=$(/google/data/ro/projects/android/gerrit -g android -r --custom_raw_format '{o.number} {o.subject}' search "$QUERY" | while read NUMBER SUBJECT |
| do |
| echo "* $SUBJECT" |
| echo " - https://r.android.com/$NUMBER" |
| done) |
| echo " - DONE" |
| |
| echo -n "Performing the merge" |
| MESSAGE_FILE=$(mktemp) |
| trap "rm -f ${MESSAGE_FILE}" EXIT |
| |
| SCRIPT_PATH=${0##*metalava/} |
| |
| cat > ${MESSAGE_FILE} <<EOF |
| Merge remote-tracking branch '${SOURCE_BRANCH}' into '${CURRENT_BRANCH}' |
| |
| Merge performed by: |
| ${SCRIPT_PATH}${1+ $@} |
| |
| Changes includes in this merge (from newest to oldest): |
| |
| This merge includes a number of changes so this contains a list of all |
| the affected bugs in order from oldest to newest. |
| |
| $(for BUG in $BUGS; do echo "Bug: $BUG"; done) |
| Test: m checkapi |
| EOF |
| |
| output_only_on_failure git merge ${SOURCE_BRANCH} --no-ff -F ${MESSAGE_FILE} |
| |
| echo " - DONE" |
| echo "The merge commit has been created. Please do the following before uploading:" |
| echo "1. Verify the commit by running 'm checkapi'" |
| echo "2. Review the commit to make sure it includes what is expected" |
| |