blob: e35f7af255c80d6f096287049b9715232b0a66a3 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Parsing and encoding DICE chain from and to CBOR.
use crate::cbor::cose_error;
use crate::session::{KeyOpsType, Session};
use anyhow::Result;
use ciborium::value::Value;
use coset::iana::{self, EnumI64};
use coset::{AsCborValue, CoseKey, Label};
mod chain;
mod entry;
mod field_value;
/// Convert a `Value` into a `CoseKey`, respecting the `Session` options that might alter the
/// validation rules for `CoseKey`s in the DICE chain.
fn cose_key_from_cbor_value(session: &Session, mut value: Value) -> Result<CoseKey> {
if session.options.dice_chain_key_ops_type == KeyOpsType::IntOrArray {
// Convert any integer key_ops into an array of the same integer so that the coset library
// can handle it.
if let Value::Map(ref mut entries) = value {
for (label, value) in entries.iter_mut() {
let label = Label::from_cbor_value(label.clone()).map_err(cose_error)?;
if label == Label::Int(iana::KeyParameter::KeyOps.to_i64()) && value.is_integer() {
*value = Value::Array(vec![value.clone()]);