| inspections.group.name=Google Cloud Endpoints |
| api.name.short.name=ApiName |
| api.name.name=API Name Validation |
| api.name.description=Checks that the API name for Endpoint classes starts with a lowercase letter and consists only of letters and digits. |
| api.namespace.short.name=ApiNamespace |
| api.namespace.name=API Namespace Validation |
| api.namespace.description=Checks that the owner domain, owner name and package path attributes are either not specified, or both owner domain and owner name attributes are specified for an API namespace. |
| api.parameter.short.name=ApiParameter |
| api.parameter.name=Unnamed API Parameter Check |
| api.parameter.description=Checks for unnamed API parameters. |
| backend.name.short.name=FullJavaName |
| backend.name.name=Method Name Uniqueness Validation |
| backend.name.description=Checks that the Endpoint methods have unique full Java names. |
| constructor.short.name=Constructor |
| constructor.name=Nullary Constructor Validation |
| constructor.description=Checks that each class within an Endpoint API has a public nullary constructor. |
| method.name.short.name=MethodName |
| method.name.name=Method Name Validation |
| method.name.description=Checks that method names provided in @ApiMethod consists of only letters, digits, underscores and dots. The dots cannot be in the leading or trailing position. |
| method.parameter.type.short.name=MethodParameterType |
| method.parameter.type.name=Method Parameter Type Validation |
| method.parameter.type.description=Checks that parameters types do not contain multiple levels of collections or arrays. |
| named.resource.short.name=NamedResource |
| named.resource.name=Named Resource Uniqueness Validation |
| named.resource.description=Checks that parameter names are specified in @Named annotations and that they are unique for each method. |
| invalid.parameter.annotations.short.name=InvalidParameterAnnotations |
| invalid.parameter.annotations.name=Method Parameter Annotation Validation |
| invalid.parameter.annotations.description=Checks that a parameter in the @ApiMethod path is not marked with @Nullable or @Defaultvalue. |
| unique.rest.signature.short.name=RestSignature |
| unique.rest.signature.name=Unique REST Signature |
| unique.rest.signature.description=Ensures that the REST signatures in Endpoint classes are unique. |
| resource.parameter.short.name=ResourceParameter |
| resource.parameter.name=Resource Parameter Validation |
| resource.parameter.description=Checks that a specified resource parameter for a class that does not have a transformer is not a multi-level collection or an array and does not use @Named. |
| method.return.type.short.name=MethodReturnType |
| method.return.type.name=Method Return Type Inspection |
| method.return.type.description=Checks that method return types are of entity types. |
| full.method.name.short.name=FullMethodName |
| full.method.name.name=Full Method Name Uniqueness Validation |
| full.method.name.description=Checks that API method names specified using @ApiMethod's name attributes are unique for an Endpoint class. |