blob: dee4a2487c2a1a2883c498cc53b285afcef6d6ad [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
Using the Eclipse project SdkUiLib
1- sdkuilib requires SWT to compile.
SWT is available in the tree under prebuild/<platform>/swt
Because the build path cannot contain relative path that are not inside the project directory,
the .classpath file references a user library called ANDROID_SWT.
In order to compile the project:
- Open Preferences > Java > Build Path > User Libraries
- Create a new user library named ANDROID_SWT
- Add the following 4 JAR files:
- prebuilt/<platform>/swt/swt.jar
- prebuilt/common/eclipse/org.eclipse.core.commands_3.*.jar
- prebuilt/common/eclipse/org.eclipse.equinox.common_3.*.jar
- prebuilt/common/eclipse/org.eclipse.jface_3.*.jar
2- sdkuilib also requires the compiled swtmenubar library.
Build the swtmenubar library:
$ cd $TOP (top of Android tree)
$ . build/ && lunch sdk-eng
$ sdk/eclipse/scripts/
Define a classpath variable in Eclipse:
- Open Preferences > Java > Build Path > Classpath Variables
- Create a new classpath variable named ANDROID_OUT_FRAMEWORK
- Set its folder value to <Android tree>/out/host/<platform>/framework
- Create a new classpath variable named ANDROID_SRC
- Set its folder value to <Android tree>
You might need to clean the SdkUiLib project (Project > Clean...) after
you add the new classpath variable, otherwise previous errors might not
go away automatically.
The ANDROID_SRC part should be optional. It allows you to have access to
the SwtMenuBar generic parts from the Java editor.