| // CxTargetButton.cpp : implementation file |
| /** 12/Aug/2001 v1.00 |
| * - [email protected] |
| */ |
| |
| #include "stdafx.h" |
| #include "xTargetButton.h" |
| |
| #ifdef _DEBUG |
| #define new DEBUG_NEW |
| #undef THIS_FILE |
| static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; |
| #endif |
| |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // CxTargetButton |
| CxTargetButton::CxTargetButton() |
| { |
| m_target = true; |
| m_Border=1; //draw 3D border |
| m_FocusRectMargin=3; //focus dotted rect margin |
| m_TextColor=GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT); // default button text color |
| m_flat = m_Checked = m_button_down = m_tracking = false; |
| |
| m_Icon=m_IconDown=m_IconHighLight=NULL; // icon handle |
| m_IconBox.SetRectEmpty(); //icon location |
| m_IconAlign=BS_CENTER; //icon alignment |
| m_TextAlign=DT_CENTER; //text alignment |
| m_pLF=NULL; //font structure pointer |
| } |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| CxTargetButton::~CxTargetButton() |
| { |
| m_Font.DeleteObject(); |
| if (m_pLF) free(m_pLF); |
| if (m_IconDown!=m_Icon && m_IconDown) DestroyIcon(m_IconDown); |
| if (m_IconHighLight!=m_Icon && m_IconHighLight) DestroyIcon(m_IconHighLight); |
| if (m_Icon) DestroyIcon(m_Icon); |
| } |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CxTargetButton, CButton) |
| //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CxTargetButton) |
| //}}AFX_MSG_MAP |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // CxTargetButton message handlers |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| void CxTargetButton::PreSubclassWindow() |
| { |
| m_Style=GetStyle(); //get general button styles |
| m_IsPushLike=((m_Style & BS_PUSHLIKE)!=0); |
| m_flat=((m_Style & BS_FLAT)!=0); |
| SetTextAlign(m_Style & 0x0300); |
| |
| m_Style=GetButtonStyle(); ///get specific BS_ styles |
| // ||((m_Style & BS_CHECKBOX)==BS_CHECKBOX)) |
| m_Style=BS_CHECKBOX; |
| // ||((m_Style & BS_RADIOBUTTON)==BS_RADIOBUTTON)) |
| else { m_Style=BS_PUSHBUTTON; m_IsPushLike=true;} |
| |
| //default radio & check-box has no border |
| if (!m_IsPushLike) m_Border = false; |
| |
| CButton::PreSubclassWindow(); |
| ModifyStyle(0, BS_OWNERDRAW); |
| } |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| BOOL CxTargetButton::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC) |
| { return 1; } // doesn't erase the button background |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| void CxTargetButton::DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct) |
| { |
| ASSERT (lpDrawItemStruct); |
| //TRACE("* Captured: %08X\n", ::GetCapture()); |
| |
| //Check if the button state in not in inconsistent mode... |
| POINT mouse_position; |
| if ((m_button_down) && (::GetCapture() == m_hWnd) && (::GetCursorPos(&mouse_position))){ |
| if (::WindowFromPoint(mouse_position) == m_hWnd){ |
| if ((GetState() & BST_PUSHED) != BST_PUSHED) { |
| //TRACE("* Inconsistency up detected! Fixing.\n"); |
| SetState(TRUE); |
| return; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if ((GetState() & BST_PUSHED) == BST_PUSHED) { |
| //TRACE("* Inconsistency up detected! Fixing.\n"); |
| SetState(FALSE); |
| return; |
| } } } |
| |
| //TRACE("* Drawing: %08x\n", lpDrawItemStruct->itemState); |
| bool btargetdone=false; |
| CString sCaption; |
| CDC *pRealDC = CDC::FromHandle(lpDrawItemStruct->hDC); // get device context |
| RECT r=lpDrawItemStruct->rcItem; // context rectangle |
| int cx = r.right - r.left ; // get width |
| int cy = r.bottom - r.top ; // get height |
| // get text box position |
| RECT tr={r.left+m_FocusRectMargin+2,r.top,r.right-m_FocusRectMargin-2,r.bottom}; |
| |
| CDC hdcMem; //create a memory DC to avoid flicker |
| hdcMem.CreateCompatibleDC(pRealDC); |
| CDC* pDC = &hdcMem; //(just use pRealDC to paint directly the screen) |
| CBitmap hBitmap; //create a destination for raster operations |
| hBitmap.CreateCompatibleBitmap(pRealDC,cx,cy); |
| CBitmap* pOldBitmap = hdcMem.SelectObject(&hBitmap); //select the destination for MemDC |
| |
| GetWindowText(sCaption); // get button text |
| pDC->SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT); |
| // with MemDC we need to select the font... |
| |
| //get text font |
| CFont* pOldFont=NULL; |
| if (m_Font.m_hObject) pOldFont = pDC->SelectObject(&m_Font); |
| else pDC->SelectObject(GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)); |
| // TEXTMETRIC tm; |
| // pDC->GetTextMetrics(&tm); // get font metrics |
| |
| // accommodate text location |
| if (m_Icon){ |
| switch (m_IconAlign){ |
| case BS_LEFT: |
| tr.left+=m_IconBox.Width(); // shift left |
| break; |
| case BS_RIGHT: |
| tr.right-=m_IconBox.Width(); // shift right |
| break; |
| case BS_CENTER: |
| tr.top+=m_IconBox.bottom; // shift text under the icon |
| tr.bottom-=m_FocusRectMargin + 1; |
| } |
| } |
| // Select the correct skin |
| if (lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_DISABLED){ // DISABLED BUTTON |
| pDC->FillSolidRect(&r,GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE)); |
| |
| if (m_Icon) //draw the icon |
| pDC->DrawState(m_IconBox.TopLeft(),m_IconBox.Size(), |
| m_Icon,DSS_DISABLED,(CBrush*)NULL); |
| |
| // if needed, draw the standard 3D rectangular border |
| if ((m_Border)&&(m_flat==FALSE)) pDC->DrawEdge(&r,EDGE_RAISED,BF_RECT); |
| // paint the etched button text |
| pDC->SetTextColor(GetSysColor(COLOR_3DHILIGHT)); |
| pDC->DrawText(sCaption,&tr,m_TextAlign); |
| pDC->SetTextColor(GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT)); |
| OffsetRect(&tr,-1,-1); |
| pDC->DrawText(sCaption,&tr,m_TextAlign); |
| } else { |
| //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| if ((lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_SELECTED)||m_Checked){ //SELECTED (DOWN) BUTTON |
| |
| if (m_Style==BS_PUSHBUTTON){ |
| pDC->FillSolidRect(&r,GetSysColor(COLOR_3DHILIGHT)); |
| if (m_tracking) { |
| DrawTarget(pDC,&r,m_TextColor,3,4,3); |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (m_tracking){ |
| pDC->FillSolidRect(&r,GetSysColor(COLOR_3DHILIGHT)); |
| DrawTarget(pDC,&r,m_TextColor,3,4,3); |
| btargetdone=true; |
| } else { |
| pDC->FillSolidRect(&r,GetSysColor(COLOR_3DHILIGHT)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (m_IconDown){ //draw the pushed icon |
| if (m_IsPushLike) m_IconBox.OffsetRect(1,1); |
| pDC->DrawState(m_IconBox.TopLeft(),m_IconBox.Size(), |
| m_IconDown,DSS_NORMAL,(CBrush*)NULL); |
| if (m_IsPushLike) m_IconBox.OffsetRect(-1,-1); |
| } |
| //shift text |
| if (m_IsPushLike) OffsetRect(&tr,1,1); |
| // if needed, draw the standard 3D rectangular border |
| if (m_Border){ |
| if (m_flat) pDC->Draw3dRect(&r,GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNSHADOW),GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNHILIGHT)); |
| else pDC->DrawEdge(&r,EDGE_SUNKEN,BF_RECT); |
| } |
| |
| |
| } else { |
| //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| if (m_tracking){ |
| pDC->FillSolidRect(&r,GetSysColor(COLOR_3DHILIGHT)); |
| DrawTarget(pDC,&r,m_TextColor,3,4,3); |
| btargetdone=true; |
| } else { |
| pDC->FillSolidRect(&r,GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE)); |
| } |
| |
| if (m_IconHighLight && m_tracking) { // draw the highlighted icon |
| pDC->DrawState(m_IconBox.TopLeft(),m_IconBox.Size(), |
| m_IconHighLight,DSS_NORMAL,(CBrush*)NULL); |
| } else if (m_Icon) //draw the icon |
| pDC->DrawState(m_IconBox.TopLeft(),m_IconBox.Size(), |
| m_Icon,DSS_NORMAL,(CBrush*)NULL); |
| |
| // if needed, draw the standard 3D rectangular border |
| if ((m_Border)&&((m_tracking)||(m_flat==FALSE))){ |
| if (lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_DEFAULT){ |
| pDC->DrawEdge(&r,EDGE_SUNKEN,BF_RECT); |
| InflateRect(&r,-1,-1); |
| pDC->DrawEdge(&r,EDGE_RAISED,BF_RECT); |
| } else { |
| if (m_flat) pDC->Draw3dRect(&r,GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNHILIGHT),GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNSHADOW)); |
| //else pDC->DrawEdge(&r,EDGE_RAISED,BF_RECT); |
| else pDC->Draw3dRect(&r,GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNHILIGHT),GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNSHADOW)); |
| } |
| } |
| //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| } |
| // paint the focus rect |
| if ((lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_FOCUS)&&(m_FocusRectMargin>0)){ |
| if (m_tracking || (lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_SELECTED)){ |
| if (!btargetdone) { |
| DrawTarget(pDC,&r,m_TextColor,3,4,3,1); |
| } |
| }else{ |
| DrawTarget(pDC,&r,GetSysColor(COLOR_INFOBK),3,4,3); |
| } |
| |
| // InflateRect(&r,-m_FocusRectMargin,-m_FocusRectMargin); |
| // m_dh.Draw(pDC->GetSafeHdc(),1+r.left,r.top); |
| // m_dh.Draw(pDC->GetSafeHdc(),1+r.left,r.bottom); |
| // m_dv.Draw(pDC->GetSafeHdc(),r.left,1+r.top); |
| // m_dv.Draw(pDC->GetSafeHdc(),r.right,1+r.top); |
| } |
| // paint the enabled button text |
| pDC->SetTextColor(m_TextColor); |
| pDC->DrawText(sCaption,&tr,m_TextAlign); |
| } |
| |
| if (pOldFont) pDC->SelectObject(pOldFont); //restore the old font object |
| |
| pRealDC->BitBlt(0,0,cx,cy,&hdcMem,0,0,SRCCOPY); //copy in the real world |
| //restore the old objects to avoid memory leakage <David Scambler> |
| if (pOldBitmap) hdcMem.SelectObject(pOldBitmap); |
| // hdcMem.DeleteDC(); the destructor will do this for us |
| // hBitmap.DeleteObject(); the destructor will do this for us |
| |
| } |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| void CxTargetButton::DrawTarget(CDC *pDC, RECT *r, DWORD color, int border, int width, int height, int offset) |
| { |
| if (m_target){ |
| int x,y; |
| CPen pen; |
| if (pen.CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, color)) |
| { |
| CPen* pOldPen = pDC->SelectObject(&pen); |
| |
| pDC->MoveTo(offset+border+width,offset+border); |
| pDC->LineTo(offset+border,offset+border); |
| pDC->LineTo(offset+border,offset+border+height+1); |
| |
| x = r->right - border - 2 +(1-m_IsPushLike); |
| pDC->MoveTo(offset+x - width,offset+border); |
| pDC->LineTo(offset+x,offset+border); |
| pDC->LineTo(offset+x,offset+border+height+1); |
| |
| y = r->bottom - border - 2+(1-m_IsPushLike); |
| pDC->MoveTo(offset+border+width,offset+y); |
| pDC->LineTo(offset+border,offset+y); |
| pDC->LineTo(offset+border,offset+y-height-1); |
| |
| pDC->MoveTo(offset+x - width,offset+y); |
| pDC->LineTo(offset+x,offset+y); |
| pDC->LineTo(offset+x,offset+y-height-1); |
| |
| pDC->SelectObject(pOldPen); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| void CxTargetButton::SetIcon(UINT nIcon, UINT nIconAlign, UINT nIconDown, UINT nIconHighLight) |
| { |
| if (m_IconDown!=m_Icon && m_IconDown) DestroyIcon(m_IconDown); |
| if (m_IconHighLight!=m_Icon && m_IconHighLight) DestroyIcon(m_IconHighLight); |
| if (m_Icon) DestroyIcon(m_Icon); |
| |
| m_Icon = (HICON)::LoadImage(AfxGetInstanceHandle(), |
| IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, 0); |
| if (m_Icon){ // if success... |
| ICONINFO iinfo; // get icon info |
| GetIconInfo(m_Icon, &iinfo); |
| m_IconBox.left=m_IconBox.top=0; |
| m_IconBox.right = iinfo.xHotspot * 2; |
| m_IconBox.bottom = iinfo.yHotspot * 2; |
| |
| long x,y; |
| RECT rect; |
| GetWindowRect(&rect); |
| y=rect.bottom-rect.top; |
| x=rect.right-rect.left; |
| switch (nIconAlign){ //set the icon location |
| case BS_RIGHT: |
| m_IconAlign=BS_RIGHT; |
| m_IconBox.OffsetRect(x - iinfo.xHotspot*2 - m_FocusRectMargin, |
| max(0, (long)(y/2 - iinfo.yHotspot))); |
| break; |
| case BS_LEFT: |
| m_IconAlign=BS_LEFT; |
| m_IconBox.OffsetRect(m_FocusRectMargin, |
| max(0, (long)(y/2 - iinfo.yHotspot))); |
| break; |
| default: |
| m_IconAlign=BS_CENTER; |
| m_IconBox.OffsetRect(max(0, (long)(x/2 - iinfo.xHotspot)), |
| max(0, (long)(y/2 - 2*iinfo.yHotspot))); |
| } |
| |
| //release icon mask bitmaps (Orioli Alessandro <[email protected]>) |
| if( iinfo.hbmColor ) DeleteObject( iinfo.hbmColor ); |
| if( iinfo.hbmMask ) DeleteObject( iinfo.hbmMask ); |
| |
| if (nIconDown > 0){ //load down icon |
| m_IconDown = (HICON)::LoadImage(AfxGetInstanceHandle(), |
| IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, 0); |
| if (m_IconDown==NULL) m_IconDown= m_Icon; |
| } else { m_IconDown= m_Icon; } //reuse resource handle |
| |
| if (nIconHighLight > 0){ //load highlighted icon |
| m_IconHighLight = (HICON)::LoadImage(AfxGetInstanceHandle(), |
| MAKEINTRESOURCE(nIconHighLight), |
| IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, 0); |
| if (m_IconHighLight==NULL) m_IconHighLight= m_Icon; |
| } else { m_IconHighLight= m_Icon; } //reuse resource handle |
| } |
| } |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| void CxTargetButton::SetTextAlign(UINT nTextAlign) |
| { |
| // see DrawText() styles... |
| switch (nTextAlign){ |
| case BS_RIGHT: |
| m_TextAlign=DT_RIGHT; |
| break; |
| case BS_LEFT: |
| m_TextAlign=DT_LEFT; |
| break; |
| default: |
| m_TextAlign=DT_CENTER; |
| } |
| } |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| void CxTargetButton::SetFlat(bool bFlag) |
| { m_flat=bFlag; } //set flat border mode |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| COLORREF CxTargetButton::SetTextColor(COLORREF new_color) |
| { |
| COLORREF tmp_color=m_TextColor; |
| m_TextColor=new_color; |
| return tmp_color; //returns the previous color |
| } |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| void CxTargetButton::SetToolTipText(CString s, CString sDown) |
| { |
| m_ToolTipUp = s; //normal tooltip |
| m_ToolTipDw = sDown; //tooltip for checked state |
| |
| //select the down tooltip if the button is already checked <Jesper Kinnås> |
| if (m_Checked && !m_ToolTipDw.IsEmpty()) s = m_ToolTipDw; |
| |
| if(m_tooltip.m_hWnd==NULL){ |
| if(m_tooltip.Create(this)) //first assignment |
| if(m_tooltip.AddTool(this, (LPCTSTR)s)){ |
| m_tooltip.Activate(1); |
| // enable multiline tooltips <Derek Lakin> |
| m_tooltip.SendMessage(TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH, 0, 300); |
| } |
| } else { |
| m_tooltip.UpdateTipText((LPCTSTR)s,this); |
| } |
| } |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| void CxTargetButton::RelayEvent(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
| { |
| // This function will create a MSG structure, fill it in a pass it to |
| // the ToolTip control, m_ttip. Note that we ensure the point is in window |
| // coordinates (relative to the control's window). |
| if(NULL != m_tooltip.m_hWnd){ |
| MSG msg; |
| msg.hwnd = m_hWnd; |
| msg.message = message; |
| msg.wParam = wParam; |
| msg.lParam = lParam; |
| msg.time = 0; |
| msg.pt.x = LOWORD(lParam); |
| msg.pt.y = HIWORD(lParam); |
| |
| m_tooltip.RelayEvent(&msg); |
| } |
| } |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| //Method......: OnLButtonDblClk |
| //Class.......: CxTargetButton |
| // |
| //Author......: Milan Gardian |
| //Created.....: MAR-2001 |
| // |
| //Return value: NONE |
| //Parameters..: Used only to be forwarded as WM_LBUTTONDOWN message parameters |
| //Exceptions..: NONE |
| //------------ |
| //Description : |
| // > We do not care about doublelicks - handle this event |
| // like an ordinary left-button-down event |
| //--------------------------------------------------------- |
| void CxTargetButton::OnLButtonDblClk(UINT flags, CPoint point) |
| { |
| SendMessage(WM_LBUTTONDOWN, flags, MAKELPARAM(point.x, point.y)); |
| } |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| //Method......: OnLButtonDown |
| //Class.......: CxTargetButton |
| // |
| //Author......: Milan Gardian |
| //Created.....: MAR-2001 |
| // |
| //Return value: NONE |
| //Parameters..: As follows |
| // > [in] nFlags: not used |
| // > [in] point: coordinates of the mouse pointer when this event was spawned |
| //Exceptions..: NONE |
| //------------ |
| //Description : |
| // > Handle event when left button is pressed down |
| //--------------------------------------------------------- |
| void CxTargetButton::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) |
| { |
| //TRACE("* %08X: down\n", ::GetTickCount()); |
| |
| //Pass this message to the ToolTip control |
| RelayEvent(WM_LBUTTONDOWN,(WPARAM)nFlags,MAKELPARAM(LOWORD(point.x),LOWORD(point.y))); |
| |
| //If we are tracking this button, cancel it |
| if (m_tracking) { |
| m_hWnd, 0 |
| }; |
| if (::_TrackMouseEvent(&t)) { |
| m_tracking = false; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| //Default-process the message |
| CButton::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point); |
| m_button_down = true; |
| } |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| //Method......: OnLButtonUp |
| //Class.......: CxTargetButton |
| // |
| //Author......: Milan Gardian |
| //Created.....: MAR-2001 |
| // |
| //Return value: NONE |
| //Parameters..: As follows |
| // > [in] nFlags: not used |
| // > [in] point: coordinates of the mouse pointer when this event was spawned |
| //Exceptions..: NONE |
| //------------ |
| //Description : |
| // |
| // > Handle event when left button is released (goes up) |
| //--------------------------------------------------------- |
| void CxTargetButton::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) |
| { |
| //TRACE("* %08X: up\n", ::GetTickCount()); |
| |
| if (m_Style){ //track mouse for radio & check buttons |
| POINT p2 = point; |
| ::ClientToScreen(m_hWnd, &p2); |
| HWND mouse_wnd = ::WindowFromPoint(p2); |
| if (mouse_wnd == m_hWnd && m_button_down == true){ // mouse is in button |
| if (m_Style==BS_CHECKBOX) SetCheck(m_Checked ? 0 : 1); |
| if (m_Style==BS_RADIOBUTTON) SetCheck(1); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| //Pass this message to the ToolTip control |
| RelayEvent(WM_LBUTTONUP,(WPARAM)nFlags,MAKELPARAM(LOWORD(point.x),LOWORD(point.y))); |
| |
| //Default-process the message |
| m_button_down = false; |
| CButton::OnLButtonUp(nFlags, point); |
| } |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| //Method......: OnMouseMove |
| //Class.......: CxTargetButton |
| // |
| //Author......: Milan Gardian |
| //Created.....: MAR-2001 |
| // |
| //Return value: NONE |
| //Parameters..: As follows |
| // > [in] nFlags: not used |
| // > [in] point: coordinates of the mouse pointer when this event was spawned |
| //Exceptions..: NONE |
| //------------ |
| //Description : |
| // > Handle change of mouse position: see the comments in the |
| // method for further info. |
| //--------------------------------------------------------- |
| void CxTargetButton::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) |
| { |
| //TRACE("* %08X: Mouse\n", ::GetTickCount()); |
| |
| //Pass this message to the ToolTip control |
| RelayEvent(WM_MOUSEMOVE,(WPARAM)nFlags,MAKELPARAM(LOWORD(point.x),LOWORD(point.y))); |
| |
| //If we are in capture mode, button has been pressed down |
| //recently and not yet released - therefore check is we are |
| //actually over the button or somewhere else. If the mouse |
| //position changed considerably (e.g. we moved mouse pointer |
| //from the button to some other place outside button area) |
| //force the control to redraw |
| // |
| if ((m_button_down) && (::GetCapture() == m_hWnd)) { |
| POINT p2 = point; |
| ::ClientToScreen(m_hWnd, &p2); |
| HWND mouse_wnd = ::WindowFromPoint(p2); |
| |
| bool pressed = ((GetState() & BST_PUSHED) == BST_PUSHED); |
| bool need_pressed = (mouse_wnd == m_hWnd); |
| if (pressed != need_pressed) { |
| //TRACE("* %08X Redraw\n", GetTickCount()); |
| SetState(need_pressed ? TRUE : FALSE); |
| Invalidate(); |
| } |
| } else { |
| |
| //Otherwise the button is released. That means we should |
| //know when we leave its area - and so if we are not tracking |
| //this mouse leave event yet, start now! |
| // |
| if (!m_tracking) { |
| m_hWnd, |
| 0 |
| }; |
| if (::_TrackMouseEvent(&t)) { |
| //TRACE("* Mouse enter\n"); |
| m_tracking = true; |
| Invalidate(); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| //Forward this event to superclass |
| CButton::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point); |
| } |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| //Method......: OnMouseLeave |
| //Class.......: CxTargetButton |
| // |
| //Author......: Milan Gardian |
| //Created.....: MAR-2001 |
| // |
| //Return value: NULL |
| //Parameters..: NOT USED |
| //Exceptions..: NONE |
| //------------ |
| //Description : |
| // > Handle situation when mouse cursor leaves area of this |
| // window (button). This event might be generated ONLY |
| // if we explicitely call 'TrackMouseEvent'. This is |
| // signalled by setting the m_tracking flag (see the assert |
| // precondition) - in 'OnMouseMove' method |
| // |
| // > When a mouse pointer leaves area of this button (i.e. |
| // when this method is invoked), presumably the look of |
| // the button changes (e.g. when hover/non-hover images are set) |
| // and therefore we force the control to redraw. |
| //--------------------------------------------------------- |
| LRESULT CxTargetButton::OnMouseLeave(WPARAM, LPARAM) |
| { |
| ASSERT (m_tracking); |
| //TRACE("* Mouse leave\n"); |
| m_tracking = false; |
| Invalidate(); |
| return 0; |
| } |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| //Method......: OnKillFocus |
| //Class.......: CxTargetButton |
| // |
| //Author......: Milan Gardian |
| //Created.....: MAR-2001 |
| // |
| //Return value: NONE |
| //Parameters..: See superclass documentation |
| //Exceptions..: NONE |
| //------------ |
| //Description : |
| // > If focus is killed during capture, we may no longer |
| // have the exclusive access to user input and therefore |
| // release it. |
| // |
| // > Such a situation might happens when the user left-clicks |
| // this button, keeps the button down and simultaneously |
| // presses TAB key. |
| //--------------------------------------------------------- |
| void CxTargetButton::OnKillFocus(CWnd *new_wnd) |
| { |
| if (::GetCapture() == m_hWnd) { |
| ::ReleaseCapture(); |
| ASSERT (!m_tracking); |
| m_button_down = false; |
| } |
| CButton::OnKillFocus(new_wnd); |
| } |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| //Method......: OnClicked |
| //Class.......: CxTargetButton |
| // |
| //Author......: Milan Gardian |
| //Created.....: MAR-2001 |
| // |
| //Return value: FALSE (do not stop in this handler - forward to parent) |
| //Parameters..: NONE |
| //Exceptions..: NONE |
| //------------ |
| //Description : |
| // > Keep consistency of attributes of this instance before |
| // submitting click event to the parent. |
| // |
| // > Currently NOT used. To use, umcomment line |
| // "ON_CONTROL_REFLECT_EX(BN_CLICKED, OnClicked)" in message map |
| // at the beginning of this file. |
| //--------------------------------------------------------- |
| BOOL CxTargetButton::OnClicked() |
| { |
| if (::GetCapture() == m_hWnd) { |
| ::ReleaseCapture(); |
| ASSERT (!m_tracking); |
| } |
| m_button_down = false; |
| //Invalidate(); |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| //Method......: OnRadioInfo |
| //Class.......: CxTargetButton |
| // |
| //Author......: Rainer Mangold |
| //Created.....: JUN-2001 |
| // |
| //Return value: NULL |
| //Parameters..: WPARAM and LPARAM (LPARAM not used) |
| //Exceptions..: NONE |
| //------------ |
| //Description : |
| // > Handle notification, that a Button in the same group was pushed |
| //--------------------------------------------------------- |
| LRESULT CxTargetButton::OnRadioInfo(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM) |
| { |
| if (m_Checked){ //only checked buttons need to be unchecked |
| m_Checked = false; |
| if(m_tooltip.m_hWnd!=NULL) |
| m_tooltip.UpdateTipText((LPCTSTR)m_ToolTipUp,this); |
| Invalidate(); |
| } |
| return 0; |
| } |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| void CxTargetButton::OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) |
| { |
| if ((m_Style)&&(nChar==' ')){ //needed stuff for check & radio buttons |
| if (m_Style==BS_CHECKBOX) SetCheck(m_Checked ? 0 : 1); |
| if (m_Style==BS_RADIOBUTTON) SetCheck(1); |
| } |
| CButton::OnKeyDown(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags); |
| } |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| //Method......: SetCheck |
| //Class.......: CxTargetButton |
| // |
| //Author......: Rainer Mangold |
| //Created.....: JUN-2001 |
| // |
| //Return value: NONE |
| //Parameters..: bool |
| //Exceptions..: NONE |
| //------------ |
| //Description : |
| // > Set the state of this button (pushed or not). |
| // Works for both, Radio and CheckBox - Buttons |
| //--------------------------------------------------------- |
| LRESULT CxTargetButton::OnBMSetCheck(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM) |
| { |
| m_Checked=wparam!=0; |
| switch (m_Style) |
| { |
| if (m_Checked) { //uncheck the other radio buttons (in the same group) |
| HWND hthis,hwnd2,hpwnd; |
| hpwnd=GetParent()->GetSafeHwnd(); //get button parent handle |
| hwnd2=hthis=GetSafeHwnd(); //get this button handle |
| if (hthis && hpwnd){ //consistency check |
| for( ; ; ){ //scan the buttons within the group |
| hwnd2=::GetNextDlgGroupItem(hpwnd,hwnd2,0); |
| //until we reach again this button |
| if ((hwnd2==hthis)||(hwnd2==NULL)) break; |
| //post the uncheck message |
| ::PostMessage(hwnd2, WM_CXTGT_RADIO, 0, 0); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| break; |
| m_Checked=false; |
| ASSERT(false); // Must be a Check or Radio button to use this function |
| } |
| |
| //set the correct tooltip |
| if (m_tooltip.m_hWnd!=NULL){ |
| m_tooltip.Pop(); //to avoid flicker |
| if (m_Checked && !m_ToolTipDw.IsEmpty()) |
| m_tooltip.UpdateTipText((LPCTSTR)m_ToolTipDw,this); |
| else |
| m_tooltip.UpdateTipText((LPCTSTR)m_ToolTipUp,this); |
| } |
| Invalidate(); |
| return 0; |
| } |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| LRESULT CxTargetButton::OnBMGetCheck(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM) |
| { return m_Checked; } //returns the state for check & radio buttons |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| void CxTargetButton::SetButtonStyle(UINT nStyle, BOOL bRedraw) |
| { |
| // see PreSubclassWindow |
| m_IsPushLike=((nStyle & BS_PUSHLIKE)!=0); |
| m_flat=((nStyle & BS_FLAT)!=0); |
| |
| // ||((m_Style & BS_CHECKBOX)==BS_CHECKBOX)) |
| m_Style=BS_CHECKBOX; |
| // ||((m_Style & BS_RADIOBUTTON)==BS_RADIOBUTTON)) |
| else { m_Style=BS_PUSHBUTTON; m_IsPushLike=true; m_Checked=false; } |
| |
| //default radio & check-box has no border |
| if (!m_IsPushLike) m_Border = false; |
| |
| if (bRedraw) Invalidate(); |
| } |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| bool CxTargetButton::SetFont(CString sFontName,long lSize, long lWeight, BYTE bItalic, BYTE bUnderline) |
| { |
| if (m_pLF==NULL) m_pLF=(LOGFONT*)calloc(1,sizeof(LOGFONT)); |
| if (m_pLF){ |
| strncpy(m_pLF->lfFaceName,sFontName,31); |
| m_pLF->lfHeight=lSize; |
| m_pLF->lfWeight=lWeight; |
| m_pLF->lfItalic=bItalic; |
| m_pLF->lfUnderline=bUnderline; |
| m_Font.DeleteObject(); |
| if (m_Font.CreateFontIndirect(m_pLF)) return true; |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| bool CxTargetButton::SetFont(LOGFONT* pNewStyle) |
| { |
| if (pNewStyle){ |
| if (m_pLF==NULL) m_pLF=(LOGFONT*)calloc(1,sizeof(LOGFONT)); |
| if (m_pLF){ |
| memcpy(m_pLF,pNewStyle,sizeof(LOGFONT)); |
| m_Font.DeleteObject(); |
| if (m_Font.CreateFontIndirect(m_pLF)) return true; |
| } |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| LOGFONT* CxTargetButton::GetFont() |
| { return m_pLF; } |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| void CxTargetButton::EnableTarget(bool enable) |
| { |
| m_target=enable; |
| } |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| //EOF |
| |