blob: c05e0f82574641c39f5a2a7f05c985a3730ea156 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 The Karbon Developers
2006 Alexander Kellett <[email protected]>
2006, 2007 Rob Buis <[email protected]>
Copyrigth (C) 2007, 2009 Apple, Inc. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "SVGParserUtilities.h"
#include "ExceptionCode.h"
#include "FloatConversion.h"
#include "FloatPoint.h"
#include "Path.h"
#include "PlatformString.h"
#include "SVGPathSegList.h"
#include "SVGPathSegArc.h"
#include "SVGPathSegClosePath.h"
#include "SVGPathSegCurvetoCubic.h"
#include "SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmooth.h"
#include "SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadratic.h"
#include "SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmooth.h"
#include "SVGPathSegLineto.h"
#include "SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontal.h"
#include "SVGPathSegLinetoVertical.h"
#include "SVGPathSegList.h"
#include "SVGPathSegMoveto.h"
#include "SVGPointList.h"
#include "SVGPathElement.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <wtf/MathExtras.h>
namespace WebCore {
/* We use this generic _parseNumber function to allow the Path parsing code to work
* at a higher precision internally, without any unnecessary runtime cost or code
* complexity
template <typename FloatType> static bool _parseNumber(const UChar*& ptr, const UChar* end, FloatType& number, bool skip)
int integer, exponent;
FloatType decimal, frac;
int sign, expsign;
const UChar* start = ptr;
exponent = 0;
integer = 0;
frac = 1;
decimal = 0;
sign = 1;
expsign = 1;
// read the sign
if (ptr < end && *ptr == '+')
else if (ptr < end && *ptr == '-') {
sign = -1;
if (ptr == end || ((*ptr < '0' || *ptr > '9') && *ptr != '.'))
// The first character of a number must be one of [0-9+-.]
return false;
// read the integer part
while (ptr < end && *ptr >= '0' && *ptr <= '9')
integer = (integer * 10) + *(ptr++) - '0';
if (ptr < end && *ptr == '.') { // read the decimals
// There must be a least one digit following the .
if (ptr >= end || *ptr < '0' || *ptr > '9')
return false;
while (ptr < end && *ptr >= '0' && *ptr <= '9')
decimal += (*(ptr++) - '0') * (frac *= static_cast<FloatType>(0.1));
// read the exponent part
if (ptr != start && ptr + 1 < end && (*ptr == 'e' || *ptr == 'E')
&& (ptr[1] != 'x' && ptr[1] != 'm')) {
// read the sign of the exponent
if (*ptr == '+')
else if (*ptr == '-') {
expsign = -1;
// There must be an exponent
if (ptr >= end || *ptr < '0' || *ptr > '9')
return false;
while (ptr < end && *ptr >= '0' && *ptr <= '9') {
exponent *= 10;
exponent += *ptr - '0';
number = integer + decimal;
number *= sign * static_cast<FloatType>(pow(10.0, expsign * exponent));
if (start == ptr)
return false;
if (skip)
skipOptionalSpacesOrDelimiter(ptr, end);
return true;
bool parseNumber(const UChar*& ptr, const UChar* end, float& number, bool skip)
return _parseNumber(ptr, end, number, skip);
// Only used for parsing Paths
static bool parseNumber(const UChar*& ptr, const UChar* end, double& number, bool skip = true)
return _parseNumber(ptr, end, number, skip);
bool parseNumberOptionalNumber(const String& s, float& x, float& y)
if (s.isEmpty())
return false;
const UChar* cur = s.characters();
const UChar* end = cur + s.length();
if (!parseNumber(cur, end, x))
return false;
if (cur == end)
y = x;
else if (!parseNumber(cur, end, y, false))
return false;
return cur == end;
bool pointsListFromSVGData(SVGPointList* pointsList, const String& points)
if (points.isEmpty())
return true;
const UChar* cur = points.characters();
const UChar* end = cur + points.length();
skipOptionalSpaces(cur, end);
bool delimParsed = false;
while (cur < end) {
delimParsed = false;
float xPos = 0.0f;
if (!parseNumber(cur, end, xPos))
return false;
float yPos = 0.0f;
if (!parseNumber(cur, end, yPos, false))
return false;
skipOptionalSpaces(cur, end);
if (cur < end && *cur == ',') {
delimParsed = true;
skipOptionalSpaces(cur, end);
ExceptionCode ec = 0;
pointsList->appendItem(FloatPoint(xPos, yPos), ec);
return cur == end && !delimParsed;
* Parser for svg path data, contained in the d attribute.
* The parser delivers encountered commands and parameters by calling
* methods that correspond to those commands. Clients have to derive
* from this class and implement the abstract command methods.
* There are two operating modes. By default the parser just delivers unaltered
* svg path data commands and parameters. In the second mode, it will convert all
* relative coordinates to absolute ones, and convert all curves to cubic beziers.
class SVGPathParser {
virtual ~SVGPathParser() { }
bool parseSVG(const String& d, bool process = false);
virtual void svgMoveTo(double x1, double y1, bool closed, bool abs = true) = 0;
virtual void svgLineTo(double x1, double y1, bool abs = true) = 0;
virtual void svgLineToHorizontal(double, bool /*abs*/ = true) { }
virtual void svgLineToVertical(double /*y*/, bool /*abs*/ = true) { }
virtual void svgCurveToCubic(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x, double y, bool abs = true) = 0;
virtual void svgCurveToCubicSmooth(double /*x*/, double /*y*/, double /*x2*/, double /*y2*/, bool /*abs*/ = true) { }
virtual void svgCurveToQuadratic(double /*x*/, double /*y*/, double /*x1*/, double /*y1*/, bool /*abs*/ = true) { }
virtual void svgCurveToQuadraticSmooth(double /*x*/, double /*y*/, bool /*abs*/ = true) { }
virtual void svgArcTo(double /*x*/, double /*y*/, double /*r1*/, double /*r2*/, double /*angle*/, bool /*largeArcFlag*/, bool /*sweepFlag*/, bool /*abs*/ = true) { }
virtual void svgClosePath() = 0;
void calculateArc(bool relative, double& curx, double& cury, double angle, double x, double y, double r1, double r2, bool largeArcFlag, bool sweepFlag);
bool SVGPathParser::parseSVG(const String& s, bool process)
const UChar* ptr = s.characters();
const UChar* end = ptr + s.length();
double contrlx, contrly, curx, cury, subpathx, subpathy, tox, toy, x1, y1, x2, y2, xc, yc;
double px1, py1, px2, py2, px3, py3;
bool closed = true;
if (!skipOptionalSpaces(ptr, end)) // skip any leading spaces
return false;
char command = *(ptr++), lastCommand = ' ';
if (command != 'm' && command != 'M') // path must start with moveto
return false;
subpathx = subpathy = curx = cury = contrlx = contrly = 0.0;
while (1) {
skipOptionalSpaces(ptr, end); // skip spaces between command and first coord
bool relative = false;
switch (command)
case 'm':
relative = true;
case 'M':
if (!parseNumber(ptr, end, tox) || !parseNumber(ptr, end, toy))
return false;
if (process) {
subpathx = curx = relative ? curx + tox : tox;
subpathy = cury = relative ? cury + toy : toy;
svgMoveTo(narrowPrecisionToFloat(curx), narrowPrecisionToFloat(cury), closed);
} else
svgMoveTo(narrowPrecisionToFloat(tox), narrowPrecisionToFloat(toy), closed, !relative);
closed = false;
case 'l':
relative = true;
case 'L':
if (!parseNumber(ptr, end, tox) || !parseNumber(ptr, end, toy))
return false;
if (process) {
curx = relative ? curx + tox : tox;
cury = relative ? cury + toy : toy;
svgLineTo(narrowPrecisionToFloat(curx), narrowPrecisionToFloat(cury));
svgLineTo(narrowPrecisionToFloat(tox), narrowPrecisionToFloat(toy), !relative);
case 'h':
if (!parseNumber(ptr, end, tox))
return false;
if (process) {
curx = curx + tox;
svgLineTo(narrowPrecisionToFloat(curx), narrowPrecisionToFloat(cury));
svgLineToHorizontal(narrowPrecisionToFloat(tox), false);
case 'H':
if (!parseNumber(ptr, end, tox))
return false;
if (process) {
curx = tox;
svgLineTo(narrowPrecisionToFloat(curx), narrowPrecisionToFloat(cury));
case 'v':
if (!parseNumber(ptr, end, toy))
return false;
if (process) {
cury = cury + toy;
svgLineTo(narrowPrecisionToFloat(curx), narrowPrecisionToFloat(cury));
svgLineToVertical(narrowPrecisionToFloat(toy), false);
case 'V':
if (!parseNumber(ptr, end, toy))
return false;
if (process) {
cury = toy;
svgLineTo(narrowPrecisionToFloat(curx), narrowPrecisionToFloat(cury));
case 'z':
case 'Z':
// reset curx, cury for next path
if (process) {
curx = subpathx;
cury = subpathy;
closed = true;
case 'c':
relative = true;
case 'C':
if (!parseNumber(ptr, end, x1) || !parseNumber(ptr, end, y1) ||
!parseNumber(ptr, end, x2) || !parseNumber(ptr, end, y2) ||
!parseNumber(ptr, end, tox) || !parseNumber(ptr, end, toy))
return false;
if (process) {
px1 = relative ? curx + x1 : x1;
py1 = relative ? cury + y1 : y1;
px2 = relative ? curx + x2 : x2;
py2 = relative ? cury + y2 : y2;
px3 = relative ? curx + tox : tox;
py3 = relative ? cury + toy : toy;
svgCurveToCubic(narrowPrecisionToFloat(px1), narrowPrecisionToFloat(py1), narrowPrecisionToFloat(px2),
narrowPrecisionToFloat(py2), narrowPrecisionToFloat(px3), narrowPrecisionToFloat(py3));
contrlx = relative ? curx + x2 : x2;
contrly = relative ? cury + y2 : y2;
curx = relative ? curx + tox : tox;
cury = relative ? cury + toy : toy;
svgCurveToCubic(narrowPrecisionToFloat(x1), narrowPrecisionToFloat(y1), narrowPrecisionToFloat(x2),
narrowPrecisionToFloat(y2), narrowPrecisionToFloat(tox), narrowPrecisionToFloat(toy), !relative);
case 's':
relative = true;
case 'S':
if (!parseNumber(ptr, end, x2) || !parseNumber(ptr, end, y2) ||
!parseNumber(ptr, end, tox) || !parseNumber(ptr, end, toy))
return false;
if (!(lastCommand == 'c' || lastCommand == 'C' ||
lastCommand == 's' || lastCommand == 'S')) {
contrlx = curx;
contrly = cury;
if (process) {
px1 = 2 * curx - contrlx;
py1 = 2 * cury - contrly;
px2 = relative ? curx + x2 : x2;
py2 = relative ? cury + y2 : y2;
px3 = relative ? curx + tox : tox;
py3 = relative ? cury + toy : toy;
svgCurveToCubic(narrowPrecisionToFloat(px1), narrowPrecisionToFloat(py1), narrowPrecisionToFloat(px2),
narrowPrecisionToFloat(py2), narrowPrecisionToFloat(px3), narrowPrecisionToFloat(py3));
contrlx = relative ? curx + x2 : x2;
contrly = relative ? cury + y2 : y2;
curx = relative ? curx + tox : tox;
cury = relative ? cury + toy : toy;
svgCurveToCubicSmooth(narrowPrecisionToFloat(x2), narrowPrecisionToFloat(y2),
narrowPrecisionToFloat(tox), narrowPrecisionToFloat(toy), !relative);
case 'q':
relative = true;
case 'Q':
if (!parseNumber(ptr, end, x1) || !parseNumber(ptr, end, y1) ||
!parseNumber(ptr, end, tox) || !parseNumber(ptr, end, toy))
return false;
if (process) {
px1 = relative ? (curx + 2 * (x1 + curx)) * (1.0 / 3.0) : (curx + 2 * x1) * (1.0 / 3.0);
py1 = relative ? (cury + 2 * (y1 + cury)) * (1.0 / 3.0) : (cury + 2 * y1) * (1.0 / 3.0);
px2 = relative ? ((curx + tox) + 2 * (x1 + curx)) * (1.0 / 3.0) : (tox + 2 * x1) * (1.0 / 3.0);
py2 = relative ? ((cury + toy) + 2 * (y1 + cury)) * (1.0 / 3.0) : (toy + 2 * y1) * (1.0 / 3.0);
px3 = relative ? curx + tox : tox;
py3 = relative ? cury + toy : toy;
svgCurveToCubic(narrowPrecisionToFloat(px1), narrowPrecisionToFloat(py1), narrowPrecisionToFloat(px2),
narrowPrecisionToFloat(py2), narrowPrecisionToFloat(px3), narrowPrecisionToFloat(py3));
contrlx = relative ? curx + x1 : x1;
contrly = relative ? cury + y1 : y1;
curx = relative ? curx + tox : tox;
cury = relative ? cury + toy : toy;
svgCurveToQuadratic(narrowPrecisionToFloat(x1), narrowPrecisionToFloat(y1),
narrowPrecisionToFloat(tox), narrowPrecisionToFloat(toy), !relative);
case 't':
relative = true;
case 'T':
if (!parseNumber(ptr, end, tox) || !parseNumber(ptr, end, toy))
return false;
if (!(lastCommand == 'q' || lastCommand == 'Q' ||
lastCommand == 't' || lastCommand == 'T')) {
contrlx = curx;
contrly = cury;
if (process) {
xc = 2 * curx - contrlx;
yc = 2 * cury - contrly;
px1 = relative ? (curx + 2 * xc) * (1.0 / 3.0) : (curx + 2 * xc) * (1.0 / 3.0);
py1 = relative ? (cury + 2 * yc) * (1.0 / 3.0) : (cury + 2 * yc) * (1.0 / 3.0);
px2 = relative ? ((curx + tox) + 2 * xc) * (1.0 / 3.0) : (tox + 2 * xc) * (1.0 / 3.0);
py2 = relative ? ((cury + toy) + 2 * yc) * (1.0 / 3.0) : (toy + 2 * yc) * (1.0 / 3.0);
px3 = relative ? curx + tox : tox;
py3 = relative ? cury + toy : toy;
svgCurveToCubic(narrowPrecisionToFloat(px1), narrowPrecisionToFloat(py1), narrowPrecisionToFloat(px2),
narrowPrecisionToFloat(py2), narrowPrecisionToFloat(px3), narrowPrecisionToFloat(py3));
contrlx = xc;
contrly = yc;
curx = relative ? curx + tox : tox;
cury = relative ? cury + toy : toy;
svgCurveToQuadraticSmooth(narrowPrecisionToFloat(tox), narrowPrecisionToFloat(toy), !relative);
case 'a':
relative = true;
case 'A':
bool largeArc, sweep;
double angle, rx, ry;
if (!parseNumber(ptr, end, rx) || !parseNumber(ptr, end, ry) ||
!parseNumber(ptr, end, angle) || !parseNumber(ptr, end, tox))
return false;
largeArc = tox == 1;
if (!parseNumber(ptr, end, tox))
return false;
sweep = tox == 1;
if (!parseNumber(ptr, end, tox) || !parseNumber(ptr, end, toy))
return false;
// Spec: radii are nonnegative numbers
rx = fabs(rx);
ry = fabs(ry);
if (process)
calculateArc(relative, curx, cury, angle, tox, toy, rx, ry, largeArc, sweep);
svgArcTo(narrowPrecisionToFloat(tox), narrowPrecisionToFloat(toy), narrowPrecisionToFloat(rx), narrowPrecisionToFloat(ry),
narrowPrecisionToFloat(angle), largeArc, sweep, !relative);
// FIXME: An error should go to the JavaScript console, or the like.
return false;
lastCommand = command;
if (ptr >= end)
return true;
// Check for remaining coordinates in the current command.
if ((*ptr == '+' || *ptr == '-' || *ptr == '.' || (*ptr >= '0' && *ptr <= '9'))
&& (command != 'z' && command != 'Z')) {
if (command == 'M')
command = 'L';
else if (command == 'm')
command = 'l';
} else
command = *(ptr++);
if (lastCommand != 'C' && lastCommand != 'c' &&
lastCommand != 'S' && lastCommand != 's' &&
lastCommand != 'Q' && lastCommand != 'q' &&
lastCommand != 'T' && lastCommand != 't') {
contrlx = curx;
contrly = cury;
return false;
// This works by converting the SVG arc to "simple" beziers.
// For each bezier found a svgToCurve call is done.
// Adapted from Niko's code in kdelibs/kdecore/svgicons.
// Maybe this can serve in some shared lib? (Rob)
void SVGPathParser::calculateArc(bool relative, double& curx, double& cury, double angle, double x, double y, double r1, double r2, bool largeArcFlag, bool sweepFlag)
double sin_th, cos_th;
double a00, a01, a10, a11;
double x0, y0, x1, y1, xc, yc;
double d, sfactor, sfactor_sq;
double th0, th1, th_arc;
int i, n_segs;
sin_th = sin(angle * (piDouble / 180.0));
cos_th = cos(angle * (piDouble / 180.0));
double dx;
if (!relative)
dx = (curx - x) / 2.0;
dx = -x / 2.0;
double dy;
if (!relative)
dy = (cury - y) / 2.0;
dy = -y / 2.0;
double _x1 = cos_th * dx + sin_th * dy;
double _y1 = -sin_th * dx + cos_th * dy;
double Pr1 = r1 * r1;
double Pr2 = r2 * r2;
double Px = _x1 * _x1;
double Py = _y1 * _y1;
// Spec : check if radii are large enough
double check = Px / Pr1 + Py / Pr2;
if (check > 1) {
r1 = r1 * sqrt(check);
r2 = r2 * sqrt(check);
a00 = cos_th / r1;
a01 = sin_th / r1;
a10 = -sin_th / r2;
a11 = cos_th / r2;
x0 = a00 * curx + a01 * cury;
y0 = a10 * curx + a11 * cury;
if (!relative)
x1 = a00 * x + a01 * y;
x1 = a00 * (curx + x) + a01 * (cury + y);
if (!relative)
y1 = a10 * x + a11 * y;
y1 = a10 * (curx + x) + a11 * (cury + y);
/* (x0, y0) is current point in transformed coordinate space.
(x1, y1) is new point in transformed coordinate space.
The arc fits a unit-radius circle in this space.
d = (x1 - x0) * (x1 - x0) + (y1 - y0) * (y1 - y0);
sfactor_sq = 1.0 / d - 0.25;
if (sfactor_sq < 0)
sfactor_sq = 0;
sfactor = sqrt(sfactor_sq);
if (sweepFlag == largeArcFlag)
sfactor = -sfactor;
xc = 0.5 * (x0 + x1) - sfactor * (y1 - y0);
yc = 0.5 * (y0 + y1) + sfactor * (x1 - x0);
/* (xc, yc) is center of the circle. */
th0 = atan2(y0 - yc, x0 - xc);
th1 = atan2(y1 - yc, x1 - xc);
th_arc = th1 - th0;
if (th_arc < 0 && sweepFlag)
th_arc += 2 * piDouble;
else if (th_arc > 0 && !sweepFlag)
th_arc -= 2 * piDouble;
n_segs = (int) (int) ceil(fabs(th_arc / (piDouble * 0.5 + 0.001)));
for (i = 0; i < n_segs; i++) {
double sin_th, cos_th;
double a00, a01, a10, a11;
double x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3;
double t;
double th_half;
double _th0 = th0 + i * th_arc / n_segs;
double _th1 = th0 + (i + 1) * th_arc / n_segs;
sin_th = sin(angle * (piDouble / 180.0));
cos_th = cos(angle * (piDouble / 180.0));
/* inverse transform compared with rsvg_path_arc */
a00 = cos_th * r1;
a01 = -sin_th * r2;
a10 = sin_th * r1;
a11 = cos_th * r2;
th_half = 0.5 * (_th1 - _th0);
t = (8.0 / 3.0) * sin(th_half * 0.5) * sin(th_half * 0.5) / sin(th_half);
x1 = xc + cos(_th0) - t * sin(_th0);
y1 = yc + sin(_th0) + t * cos(_th0);
x3 = xc + cos(_th1);
y3 = yc + sin(_th1);
x2 = x3 + t * sin(_th1);
y2 = y3 - t * cos(_th1);
svgCurveToCubic(narrowPrecisionToFloat(a00 * x1 + a01 * y1), narrowPrecisionToFloat(a10 * x1 + a11 * y1),
narrowPrecisionToFloat(a00 * x2 + a01 * y2), narrowPrecisionToFloat(a10 * x2 + a11 * y2),
narrowPrecisionToFloat(a00 * x3 + a01 * y3), narrowPrecisionToFloat(a10 * x3 + a11 * y3));
if (!relative)
curx = x;
curx += x;
if (!relative)
cury = y;
cury += y;
class PathBuilder : private SVGPathParser {
bool build(Path* path, const String& d)
Path temporaryPath;
m_path = &temporaryPath;
if (!parseSVG(d, true))
return false;
return true;
virtual void svgMoveTo(double x1, double y1, bool closed, bool abs = true)
current.setX(narrowPrecisionToFloat(abs ? x1 : current.x() + x1));
current.setY(narrowPrecisionToFloat(abs ? y1 : current.y() + y1));
if (closed)
virtual void svgLineTo(double x1, double y1, bool abs = true)
current.setX(narrowPrecisionToFloat(abs ? x1 : current.x() + x1));
current.setY(narrowPrecisionToFloat(abs ? y1 : current.y() + y1));
virtual void svgCurveToCubic(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x, double y, bool abs = true)
if (!abs) {
x1 += current.x();
y1 += current.y();
x2 += current.x();
y2 += current.y();
current.setX(narrowPrecisionToFloat(abs ? x : current.x() + x));
current.setY(narrowPrecisionToFloat(abs ? y : current.y() + y));
m_path->addBezierCurveTo(FloatPoint::narrowPrecision(x1, y1), FloatPoint::narrowPrecision(x2, y2), current);
virtual void svgClosePath()
Path* m_path;
FloatPoint current;
bool pathFromSVGData(Path& path, const String& d)
PathBuilder builder;
return, d);
class SVGPathSegListBuilder : private SVGPathParser {
bool build(SVGPathSegList* segList, const String& d, bool process)
if (!parseSVG(d, process))
return false;
size_t size = m_vector.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
ExceptionCode ec;
segList->appendItem(m_vector[i].release(), ec);
return true;
virtual void svgMoveTo(double x1, double y1, bool, bool abs = true)
if (abs)
m_vector.append(SVGPathElement::createSVGPathSegMovetoAbs(narrowPrecisionToFloat(x1), narrowPrecisionToFloat(y1)));
m_vector.append(SVGPathElement::createSVGPathSegMovetoRel(narrowPrecisionToFloat(x1), narrowPrecisionToFloat(y1)));
virtual void svgLineTo(double x1, double y1, bool abs = true)
if (abs)
m_vector.append(SVGPathElement::createSVGPathSegLinetoAbs(narrowPrecisionToFloat(x1), narrowPrecisionToFloat(y1)));
m_vector.append(SVGPathElement::createSVGPathSegLinetoRel(narrowPrecisionToFloat(x1), narrowPrecisionToFloat(y1)));
virtual void svgLineToHorizontal(double x, bool abs)
if (abs)
virtual void svgLineToVertical(double y, bool abs)
if (abs)
virtual void svgCurveToCubic(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x, double y, bool abs = true)
if (abs)
m_vector.append(SVGPathElement::createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs(narrowPrecisionToFloat(x), narrowPrecisionToFloat(y),
narrowPrecisionToFloat(x1), narrowPrecisionToFloat(y1),
narrowPrecisionToFloat(x2), narrowPrecisionToFloat(y2)));
m_vector.append(SVGPathElement::createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel(narrowPrecisionToFloat(x), narrowPrecisionToFloat(y),
narrowPrecisionToFloat(x1), narrowPrecisionToFloat(y1),
narrowPrecisionToFloat(x2), narrowPrecisionToFloat(y2)));
virtual void svgCurveToCubicSmooth(double x, double y, double x2, double y2, bool abs)
if (abs)
m_vector.append(SVGPathElement::createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs(narrowPrecisionToFloat(x2), narrowPrecisionToFloat(y2),
narrowPrecisionToFloat(x), narrowPrecisionToFloat(y)));
m_vector.append(SVGPathElement::createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel(narrowPrecisionToFloat(x2), narrowPrecisionToFloat(y2),
narrowPrecisionToFloat(x), narrowPrecisionToFloat(y)));
virtual void svgCurveToQuadratic(double x, double y, double x1, double y1, bool abs)
if (abs)
m_vector.append(SVGPathElement::createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs(narrowPrecisionToFloat(x1), narrowPrecisionToFloat(y1),
narrowPrecisionToFloat(x), narrowPrecisionToFloat(y)));
m_vector.append(SVGPathElement::createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel(narrowPrecisionToFloat(x1), narrowPrecisionToFloat(y1),
narrowPrecisionToFloat(x), narrowPrecisionToFloat(y)));
virtual void svgCurveToQuadraticSmooth(double x, double y, bool abs)
if (abs)
m_vector.append(SVGPathElement::createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs(narrowPrecisionToFloat(x), narrowPrecisionToFloat(y)));
m_vector.append(SVGPathElement::createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel(narrowPrecisionToFloat(x), narrowPrecisionToFloat(y)));
virtual void svgArcTo(double x, double y, double r1, double r2, double angle, bool largeArcFlag, bool sweepFlag, bool abs)
if (abs)
m_vector.append(SVGPathElement::createSVGPathSegArcAbs(narrowPrecisionToFloat(x), narrowPrecisionToFloat(y),
narrowPrecisionToFloat(r1), narrowPrecisionToFloat(r2),
narrowPrecisionToFloat(angle), largeArcFlag, sweepFlag));
m_vector.append(SVGPathElement::createSVGPathSegArcRel(narrowPrecisionToFloat(x), narrowPrecisionToFloat(y),
narrowPrecisionToFloat(r1), narrowPrecisionToFloat(r2),
narrowPrecisionToFloat(angle), largeArcFlag, sweepFlag));
virtual void svgClosePath()
Vector<RefPtr<SVGPathSeg> > m_vector;
bool pathSegListFromSVGData(SVGPathSegList* path, const String& d, bool process)
SVGPathSegListBuilder builder;
return, d, process);
Vector<String> parseDelimitedString(const String& input, const char seperator)
Vector<String> values;
const UChar* ptr = input.characters();
const UChar* end = ptr + input.length();
skipOptionalSpaces(ptr, end);
while (ptr < end) {
// Leading and trailing white space, and white space before and after semicolon separators, will be ignored.
const UChar* inputStart = ptr;
while (ptr < end && *ptr != seperator) // careful not to ignore whitespace inside inputs
if (ptr == inputStart)
// walk backwards from the ; to ignore any whitespace
const UChar* inputEnd = ptr - 1;
while (inputStart < inputEnd && isWhitespace(*inputEnd))
values.append(String(inputStart, inputEnd - inputStart + 1));
skipOptionalSpacesOrDelimiter(ptr, end, seperator);
return values;
#endif // ENABLE(SVG)