blob: 89df2235e201ff66d538b9444472dd1201dc959c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Sandstorm Development Group, Inc. and contributors
// Licensed under the MIT License:
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include "rpc.h"
#include "message.h"
#include <kj/debug.h>
#include <kj/vector.h>
#include <kj/async.h>
#include <kj/one-of.h>
#include <kj/function.h>
#include <functional> // std::greater
#include <unordered_map>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <capnp/rpc.capnp.h>
#include <kj/io.h>
#include <kj/map.h>
namespace capnp {
namespace _ { // private
namespace {
template <typename T>
inline constexpr uint messageSizeHint() {
return 1 + sizeInWords<rpc::Message>() + sizeInWords<T>();
template <>
inline constexpr uint messageSizeHint<void>() {
return 1 + sizeInWords<rpc::Message>();
constexpr const uint MESSAGE_TARGET_SIZE_HINT = sizeInWords<rpc::MessageTarget>() +
sizeInWords<rpc::PromisedAnswer>() + 16; // +16 for ops; hope that's enough
constexpr const uint CAP_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE_HINT = sizeInWords<rpc::CapDescriptor>() +
constexpr const uint64_t MAX_SIZE_HINT = 1 << 20;
uint copySizeHint(MessageSize size) {
uint64_t sizeHint = size.wordCount + size.capCount * CAP_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE_HINT
// if capCount > 0, the cap descriptor list has a 1-word tag
+ (size.capCount > 0);
return kj::min(MAX_SIZE_HINT, sizeHint);
uint firstSegmentSize(kj::Maybe<MessageSize> sizeHint, uint additional) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(s, sizeHint) {
return copySizeHint(*s) + additional;
} else {
return 0;
kj::Maybe<kj::Array<PipelineOp>> toPipelineOps(List<rpc::PromisedAnswer::Op>::Reader ops) {
auto result = kj::heapArrayBuilder<PipelineOp>(ops.size());
for (auto opReader: ops) {
PipelineOp op;
switch (opReader.which()) {
case rpc::PromisedAnswer::Op::NOOP:
op.type = PipelineOp::NOOP;
case rpc::PromisedAnswer::Op::GET_POINTER_FIELD:
op.type = PipelineOp::GET_POINTER_FIELD;
op.pointerIndex = opReader.getGetPointerField();
KJ_FAIL_REQUIRE("Unsupported pipeline op.", (uint)opReader.which()) {
return nullptr;
return result.finish();
Orphan<List<rpc::PromisedAnswer::Op>> fromPipelineOps(
Orphanage orphanage, kj::ArrayPtr<const PipelineOp> ops) {
auto result = orphanage.newOrphan<List<rpc::PromisedAnswer::Op>>(ops.size());
auto builder = result.get();
for (uint i: kj::indices(ops)) {
rpc::PromisedAnswer::Op::Builder opBuilder = builder[i];
switch (ops[i].type) {
case PipelineOp::NOOP:
case PipelineOp::GET_POINTER_FIELD:
return result;
kj::Exception toException(const rpc::Exception::Reader& exception) {
auto reason = [&]() {
if (exception.getReason().startsWith("remote exception: ")) {
return kj::str(exception.getReason());
} else {
return kj::str("remote exception: ", exception.getReason());
kj::Exception result(static_cast<kj::Exception::Type>(exception.getType()),
"(remote)", 0, kj::mv(reason));
if (exception.hasTrace()) {
return result;
void fromException(const kj::Exception& exception, rpc::Exception::Builder builder,
kj::Maybe<kj::Function<kj::String(const kj::Exception&)>&> traceEncoder) {
kj::StringPtr description = exception.getDescription();
// Include context, if any.
kj::Vector<kj::String> contextLines;
for (auto context = exception.getContext();;) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(c, context) {
contextLines.add(kj::str("context: ", c->file, ": ", c->line, ": ", c->description));
context = c->next;
} else {
kj::String scratch;
if (contextLines.size() > 0) {
scratch = kj::str(description, '\n', kj::strArray(contextLines, "\n"));
description = scratch;
KJ_IF_MAYBE(t, traceEncoder) {
if (exception.getType() == kj::Exception::Type::FAILED &&
!exception.getDescription().startsWith("remote exception:")) {
KJ_LOG(INFO, "returning failure over rpc", exception);
uint exceptionSizeHint(const kj::Exception& exception) {
return sizeInWords<rpc::Exception>() + exception.getDescription().size() / sizeof(word) + 1;
// =======================================================================================
template <typename Id, typename T>
class ExportTable {
// Table mapping integers to T, where the integers are chosen locally.
kj::Maybe<T&> find(Id id) {
if (id < slots.size() && slots[id] != nullptr) {
return slots[id];
} else {
return nullptr;
T erase(Id id, T& entry) {
// Remove an entry from the table and return it. We return it so that the caller can be
// careful to release it (possibly invoking arbitrary destructors) at a time that makes sense.
// `entry` is a reference to the entry being released -- we require this in order to prove
// that the caller has already done a find() to check that this entry exists. We can't check
// ourselves because the caller may have nullified the entry in the meantime.
KJ_DREQUIRE(&entry == &slots[id]);
T toRelease = kj::mv(slots[id]);
slots[id] = T();
return toRelease;
T& next(Id& id) {
if (freeIds.empty()) {
id = slots.size();
return slots.add();
} else {
id =;
return slots[id];
template <typename Func>
void forEach(Func&& func) {
for (Id i = 0; i < slots.size(); i++) {
if (slots[i] != nullptr) {
func(i, slots[i]);
kj::Vector<T> slots;
std::priority_queue<Id, std::vector<Id>, std::greater<Id>> freeIds;
template <typename Id, typename T>
class ImportTable {
// Table mapping integers to T, where the integers are chosen remotely.
T& operator[](Id id) {
if (id < kj::size(low)) {
return low[id];
} else {
return high[id];
kj::Maybe<T&> find(Id id) {
if (id < kj::size(low)) {
return low[id];
} else {
auto iter = high.find(id);
if (iter == high.end()) {
return nullptr;
} else {
return iter->second;
T erase(Id id) {
// Remove an entry from the table and return it. We return it so that the caller can be
// careful to release it (possibly invoking arbitrary destructors) at a time that makes sense.
if (id < kj::size(low)) {
T toRelease = kj::mv(low[id]);
low[id] = T();
return toRelease;
} else {
T toRelease = kj::mv(high[id]);
return toRelease;
template <typename Func>
void forEach(Func&& func) {
for (Id i: kj::indices(low)) {
func(i, low[i]);
for (auto& entry: high) {
func(entry.first, entry.second);
T low[16];
std::unordered_map<Id, T> high;
// =======================================================================================
class RpcConnectionState final: public kj::TaskSet::ErrorHandler, public kj::Refcounted {
struct DisconnectInfo {
kj::Promise<void> shutdownPromise;
// Task which is working on sending an abort message and cleanly ending the connection.
RpcConnectionState(BootstrapFactoryBase& bootstrapFactory,
kj::Maybe<SturdyRefRestorerBase&> restorer,
kj::Own<VatNetworkBase::Connection>&& connectionParam,
kj::Own<kj::PromiseFulfiller<DisconnectInfo>>&& disconnectFulfiller,
size_t flowLimit,
kj::Maybe<kj::Function<kj::String(const kj::Exception&)>&> traceEncoder)
: bootstrapFactory(bootstrapFactory),
restorer(restorer), disconnectFulfiller(kj::mv(disconnectFulfiller)), flowLimit(flowLimit),
traceEncoder(traceEncoder), tasks(*this) {
kj::Own<ClientHook> restore(AnyPointer::Reader objectId) {
if (<Disconnected>()) {
return newBrokenCap(kj::cp(connection.get<Disconnected>()));
QuestionId questionId;
auto& question =;
question.isAwaitingReturn = true;
auto paf = kj::newPromiseAndFulfiller<kj::Promise<kj::Own<RpcResponse>>>();
auto questionRef = kj::refcounted<QuestionRef>(*this, questionId, kj::mv(paf.fulfiller));
question.selfRef = *questionRef;
paf.promise = paf.promise.attach(kj::addRef(*questionRef));
auto message = connection.get<Connected>()->newOutgoingMessage(
objectId.targetSize().wordCount + messageSizeHint<rpc::Bootstrap>());
auto builder = message->getBody().initAs<rpc::Message>().initBootstrap();
auto pipeline = kj::refcounted<RpcPipeline>(*this, kj::mv(questionRef), kj::mv(paf.promise));
return pipeline->getPipelinedCap(kj::Array<const PipelineOp>(nullptr));
void taskFailed(kj::Exception&& exception) override {
void disconnect(kj::Exception&& exception) {
// After disconnect(), the RpcSystem could be destroyed, making `traceEncoder` a dangling
// reference, so null it out before we return from here. We don't need it anymore once
// disconnected anyway.
KJ_DEFER(traceEncoder = nullptr);
if (!<Connected>()) {
// Already disconnected.
kj::Exception networkException(kj::Exception::Type::DISCONNECTED,
exception.getFile(), exception.getLine(), kj::heapString(exception.getDescription()));
// Don't throw away the stack trace.
if (exception.getRemoteTrace() != nullptr) {
for (void* addr: exception.getStackTrace()) {
// If your stack trace points here, it means that the exception became the reason that the
// RPC connection was disconnected. The exception was then thrown by all in-flight calls and
// all future calls on this connection.
KJ_IF_MAYBE(newException, kj::runCatchingExceptions([&]() {
// Carefully pull all the objects out of the tables prior to releasing them because their
// destructors could come back and mess with the tables.
kj::Vector<kj::Own<PipelineHook>> pipelinesToRelease;
kj::Vector<kj::Own<ClientHook>> clientsToRelease;
kj::Vector<kj::Promise<kj::Own<RpcResponse>>> tailCallsToRelease;
kj::Vector<kj::Promise<void>> resolveOpsToRelease;
// All current questions complete with exceptions.
questions.forEach([&](QuestionId id, Question& question) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(questionRef, question.selfRef) {
// QuestionRef still present.
answers.forEach([&](AnswerId id, Answer& answer) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(p, answer.pipeline) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(promise, answer.redirectedResults) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(context, answer.callContext) {
exports.forEach([&](ExportId id, Export& exp) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(op, exp.resolveOp) {
exp = Export();
imports.forEach([&](ImportId id, Import& import) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(f, import.promiseFulfiller) {
embargoes.forEach([&](EmbargoId id, Embargo& embargo) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(f, embargo.fulfiller) {
})) {
// Some destructor must have thrown an exception. There is no appropriate place to report
// these errors.
KJ_LOG(ERROR, "Uncaught exception when destroying capabilities dropped by disconnect.",
// Send an abort message, but ignore failure.
kj::runCatchingExceptions([&]() {
auto message = connection.get<Connected>()->newOutgoingMessage(
messageSizeHint<void>() + exceptionSizeHint(exception));
fromException(exception, message->getBody().getAs<rpc::Message>().initAbort());
// Indicate disconnect.
auto shutdownPromise = connection.get<Connected>()->shutdown()
.then([]() -> kj::Promise<void> { return kj::READY_NOW; },
[origException = kj::mv(exception)](kj::Exception&& e) -> kj::Promise<void> {
// Don't report disconnects as an error.
if (e.getType() == kj::Exception::Type::DISCONNECTED) {
return kj::READY_NOW;
// If the error is just what was passed in to disconnect(), don't report it back out
// since it shouldn't be anything the caller doesn't already know about.
if (e.getType() == origException.getType() &&
e.getDescription() == origException.getDescription()) {
return kj::READY_NOW;
return kj::mv(e);
disconnectFulfiller->fulfill(DisconnectInfo { kj::mv(shutdownPromise) });
void setFlowLimit(size_t words) {
flowLimit = words;
class RpcClient;
class ImportClient;
class PromiseClient;
class QuestionRef;
class RpcPipeline;
class RpcCallContext;
class RpcResponse;
// =======================================================================================
// The Four Tables entry types
// We have to define these before we can define the class's fields.
typedef uint32_t QuestionId;
typedef QuestionId AnswerId;
typedef uint32_t ExportId;
typedef ExportId ImportId;
// See equivalent definitions in rpc.capnp.
// We always use the type that refers to the local table of the same name. So e.g. although
// QuestionId and AnswerId are the same type, we use QuestionId when referring to an entry in
// the local question table (which corresponds to the peer's answer table) and use AnswerId
// to refer to an entry in our answer table (which corresponds to the peer's question table).
// Since all messages in the RPC protocol are defined from the sender's point of view, this
// means that any time we read an ID from a received message, its type should invert.
// TODO(cleanup): Perhaps we could enforce that in a type-safe way? Hmm...
struct Question {
kj::Array<ExportId> paramExports;
// List of exports that were sent in the request. If the response has `releaseParamCaps` these
// will need to be released.
kj::Maybe<QuestionRef&> selfRef;
// The local QuestionRef, set to nullptr when it is destroyed, which is also when `Finish` is
// sent.
bool isAwaitingReturn = false;
// True from when `Call` is sent until `Return` is received.
bool isTailCall = false;
// Is this a tail call? If so, we don't expect to receive results in the `Return`.
bool skipFinish = false;
// If true, don't send a Finish message.
inline bool operator==(decltype(nullptr)) const {
return !isAwaitingReturn && selfRef == nullptr;
inline bool operator!=(decltype(nullptr)) const { return !operator==(nullptr); }
struct Answer {
Answer() = default;
Answer(const Answer&) = delete;
Answer(Answer&&) = default;
Answer& operator=(Answer&&) = default;
// If we don't explicitly write all this, we get some stupid error deep in STL.
bool active = false;
// True from the point when the Call message is received to the point when both the `Finish`
// message has been received and the `Return` has been sent.
kj::Maybe<kj::Own<PipelineHook>> pipeline;
// Send pipelined calls here. Becomes null as soon as a `Finish` is received.
kj::Maybe<kj::Promise<kj::Own<RpcResponse>>> redirectedResults;
// For locally-redirected calls (Call.sendResultsTo.yourself), this is a promise for the call
// result, to be picked up by a subsequent `Return`.
kj::Maybe<RpcCallContext&> callContext;
// The call context, if it's still active. Becomes null when the `Return` message is sent.
// This object, if non-null, is owned by `asyncOp`.
kj::Array<ExportId> resultExports;
// List of exports that were sent in the results. If the finish has `releaseResultCaps` these
// will need to be released.
struct Export {
uint refcount = 0;
// When this reaches 0, drop `clientHook` and free this export.
kj::Own<ClientHook> clientHook;
kj::Maybe<kj::Promise<void>> resolveOp = nullptr;
// If this export is a promise (not a settled capability), the `resolveOp` represents the
// ongoing operation to wait for that promise to resolve and then send a `Resolve` message.
inline bool operator==(decltype(nullptr)) const { return refcount == 0; }
inline bool operator!=(decltype(nullptr)) const { return refcount != 0; }
struct Import {
Import() = default;
Import(const Import&) = delete;
Import(Import&&) = default;
Import& operator=(Import&&) = default;
// If we don't explicitly write all this, we get some stupid error deep in STL.
kj::Maybe<ImportClient&> importClient;
// Becomes null when the import is destroyed.
kj::Maybe<RpcClient&> appClient;
// Either a copy of importClient, or, in the case of promises, the wrapping PromiseClient.
// Becomes null when it is discarded *or* when the import is destroyed (e.g. the promise is
// resolved and the import is no longer needed).
kj::Maybe<kj::Own<kj::PromiseFulfiller<kj::Own<ClientHook>>>> promiseFulfiller;
// If non-null, the import is a promise.
typedef uint32_t EmbargoId;
struct Embargo {
// For handling the `Disembargo` message when looping back to self.
kj::Maybe<kj::Own<kj::PromiseFulfiller<void>>> fulfiller;
// Fulfill this when the Disembargo arrives.
inline bool operator==(decltype(nullptr)) const { return fulfiller == nullptr; }
inline bool operator!=(decltype(nullptr)) const { return fulfiller != nullptr; }
// =======================================================================================
// OK, now we can define RpcConnectionState's member data.
BootstrapFactoryBase& bootstrapFactory;
kj::Maybe<SturdyRefRestorerBase&> restorer;
typedef kj::Own<VatNetworkBase::Connection> Connected;
typedef kj::Exception Disconnected;
kj::OneOf<Connected, Disconnected> connection;
// Once the connection has failed, we drop it and replace it with an exception, which will be
// thrown from all further calls.
kj::Canceler canceler;
// Will be canceled if and when `connection` is changed from `Connected` to `Disconnected`.
// TODO(cleanup): `Connected` should be a struct that contains the connection and the Canceler,
// but that's more refactoring than I want to do right now.
kj::Own<kj::PromiseFulfiller<DisconnectInfo>> disconnectFulfiller;
ExportTable<ExportId, Export> exports;
ExportTable<QuestionId, Question> questions;
ImportTable<AnswerId, Answer> answers;
ImportTable<ImportId, Import> imports;
// The Four Tables!
// The order of the tables is important for correct destruction.
std::unordered_map<ClientHook*, ExportId> exportsByCap;
// Maps already-exported ClientHook objects to their ID in the export table.
ExportTable<EmbargoId, Embargo> embargoes;
// There are only four tables. This definitely isn't a fifth table. I don't know what you're
// talking about.
size_t flowLimit;
size_t callWordsInFlight = 0;
kj::Maybe<kj::Own<kj::PromiseFulfiller<void>>> flowWaiter;
// If non-null, we're currently blocking incoming messages waiting for callWordsInFlight to drop
// below flowLimit. Fulfill this to un-block.
kj::Maybe<kj::Function<kj::String(const kj::Exception&)>&> traceEncoder;
kj::TaskSet tasks;
// =====================================================================================
// ClientHook implementations
class RpcClient: public ClientHook, public kj::Refcounted {
RpcClient(RpcConnectionState& connectionState)
: connectionState(kj::addRef(connectionState)) {}
virtual kj::Maybe<ExportId> writeDescriptor(rpc::CapDescriptor::Builder descriptor,
kj::Vector<int>& fds) = 0;
// Writes a CapDescriptor referencing this client. The CapDescriptor must be sent as part of
// the very next message sent on the connection, as it may become invalid if other things
// happen.
// If writing the descriptor adds a new export to the export table, or increments the refcount
// on an existing one, then the ID is returned and the caller is responsible for removing it
// later.
virtual kj::Maybe<kj::Own<ClientHook>> writeTarget(
rpc::MessageTarget::Builder target) = 0;
// Writes the appropriate call target for calls to this capability and returns null.
// - OR -
// If calls have been redirected to some other local ClientHook, returns that hook instead.
// This can happen if the capability represents a promise that has been resolved.
virtual kj::Own<ClientHook> getInnermostClient() = 0;
// If this client just wraps some other client -- even if it is only *temporarily* wrapping
// that other client -- return a reference to the other client, transitively. Otherwise,
// return a new reference to *this.
virtual void adoptFlowController(kj::Own<RpcFlowController> flowController) {
// Called when a PromiseClient resolves to another RpcClient. If streaming calls were
// outstanding on the old client, we'd like to keep using the same FlowController on the new
// client, so as to keep the flow steady.
if (this->flowController == nullptr) {
// We don't have any existing flowController so we can adopt this one, yay!
this->flowController = kj::mv(flowController);
} else {
// Apparently, there is an existing flowController. This is an unusual scenario: Apparently
// we had two stream capabilities, we were streaming to both of them, and they later
// resolved to the same capability. This probably never happens because streaming use cases
// normally call for there to be only one client. But, it's certainly possible, and we need
// to handle it. We'll do the conservative thing and just make sure that all the calls
// finish. This may mean we'll over-buffer temporarily; oh well.
// implements ClientHook -----------------------------------------
Request<AnyPointer, AnyPointer> newCall(
uint64_t interfaceId, uint16_t methodId, kj::Maybe<MessageSize> sizeHint) override {
return newCallNoIntercept(interfaceId, methodId, sizeHint);
Request<AnyPointer, AnyPointer> newCallNoIntercept(
uint64_t interfaceId, uint16_t methodId, kj::Maybe<MessageSize> sizeHint) {
if (!connectionState-><Connected>()) {
return newBrokenRequest(kj::cp(connectionState->connection.get<Disconnected>()), sizeHint);
auto request = kj::heap<RpcRequest>(
*connectionState, *connectionState->connection.get<Connected>(),
sizeHint, kj::addRef(*this));
auto callBuilder = request->getCall();
auto root = request->getRoot();
return Request<AnyPointer, AnyPointer>(root, kj::mv(request));
VoidPromiseAndPipeline call(uint64_t interfaceId, uint16_t methodId,
kj::Own<CallContextHook>&& context) override {
return callNoIntercept(interfaceId, methodId, kj::mv(context));
VoidPromiseAndPipeline callNoIntercept(uint64_t interfaceId, uint16_t methodId,
kj::Own<CallContextHook>&& context) {
// Implement call() by copying params and results messages.
auto params = context->getParams();
auto request = newCallNoIntercept(interfaceId, methodId, params.targetSize());
// We can and should propagate cancellation.
return context->directTailCall(RequestHook::from(kj::mv(request)));
kj::Own<ClientHook> addRef() override {
return kj::addRef(*this);
const void* getBrand() override {
return connectionState.get();
kj::Own<RpcConnectionState> connectionState;
kj::Maybe<kj::Own<RpcFlowController>> flowController;
// Becomes non-null the first time a streaming call is made on this capability.
class ImportClient final: public RpcClient {
// A ClientHook that wraps an entry in the import table.
ImportClient(RpcConnectionState& connectionState, ImportId importId,
kj::Maybe<kj::AutoCloseFd> fd)
: RpcClient(connectionState), importId(importId), fd(kj::mv(fd)) {}
~ImportClient() noexcept(false) {
unwindDetector.catchExceptionsIfUnwinding([&]() {
// Remove self from the import table, if the table is still pointing at us.
KJ_IF_MAYBE(import, connectionState->imports.find(importId)) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(i, import->importClient) {
if (i == this) {
// Send a message releasing our remote references.
if (remoteRefcount > 0 && connectionState-><Connected>()) {
auto message = connectionState->connection.get<Connected>()->newOutgoingMessage(
rpc::Release::Builder builder = message->getBody().initAs<rpc::Message>().initRelease();
void setFdIfMissing(kj::Maybe<kj::AutoCloseFd> newFd) {
if (fd == nullptr) {
fd = kj::mv(newFd);
void addRemoteRef() {
// Add a new RemoteRef and return a new ref to this client representing it.
kj::Maybe<ExportId> writeDescriptor(rpc::CapDescriptor::Builder descriptor,
kj::Vector<int>& fds) override {
return nullptr;
kj::Maybe<kj::Own<ClientHook>> writeTarget(
rpc::MessageTarget::Builder target) override {
return nullptr;
kj::Own<ClientHook> getInnermostClient() override {
return kj::addRef(*this);
// implements ClientHook -----------------------------------------
kj::Maybe<ClientHook&> getResolved() override {
return nullptr;
kj::Maybe<kj::Promise<kj::Own<ClientHook>>> whenMoreResolved() override {
return nullptr;
kj::Maybe<int> getFd() override {
return[](auto& f) { return f.get(); });
ImportId importId;
kj::Maybe<kj::AutoCloseFd> fd;
uint remoteRefcount = 0;
// Number of times we've received this import from the peer.
kj::UnwindDetector unwindDetector;
class PipelineClient final: public RpcClient {
// A ClientHook representing a pipelined promise. Always wrapped in PromiseClient.
PipelineClient(RpcConnectionState& connectionState,
kj::Own<QuestionRef>&& questionRef,
kj::Array<PipelineOp>&& ops)
: RpcClient(connectionState), questionRef(kj::mv(questionRef)), ops(kj::mv(ops)) {}
kj::Maybe<ExportId> writeDescriptor(rpc::CapDescriptor::Builder descriptor,
kj::Vector<int>& fds) override {
auto promisedAnswer = descriptor.initReceiverAnswer();
Orphanage::getForMessageContaining(descriptor), ops));
return nullptr;
kj::Maybe<kj::Own<ClientHook>> writeTarget(
rpc::MessageTarget::Builder target) override {
auto builder = target.initPromisedAnswer();
builder.adoptTransform(fromPipelineOps(Orphanage::getForMessageContaining(builder), ops));
return nullptr;
kj::Own<ClientHook> getInnermostClient() override {
return kj::addRef(*this);
// implements ClientHook -----------------------------------------
kj::Maybe<ClientHook&> getResolved() override {
return nullptr;
kj::Maybe<kj::Promise<kj::Own<ClientHook>>> whenMoreResolved() override {
return nullptr;
kj::Maybe<int> getFd() override {
return nullptr;
kj::Own<QuestionRef> questionRef;
kj::Array<PipelineOp> ops;
class PromiseClient final: public RpcClient {
// A ClientHook that initially wraps one client (in practice, an ImportClient or a
// PipelineClient) and then, later on, redirects to some other client.
PromiseClient(RpcConnectionState& connectionState,
kj::Own<RpcClient> initial,
kj::Promise<kj::Own<ClientHook>> eventual,
kj::Maybe<ImportId> importId)
: RpcClient(connectionState),
[this](kj::Own<ClientHook>&& resolution) {
return resolve(kj::mv(resolution));
}, [this](kj::Exception&& exception) {
return resolve(newBrokenCap(kj::mv(exception)));
}).catch_([&](kj::Exception&& e) {
// Make any exceptions thrown from resolve() go to the connection's TaskSet which
// will cause the connection to be terminated.
return newBrokenCap(kj::mv(e));
}).fork()) {}
// Create a client that starts out forwarding all calls to `initial` but, once `eventual`
// resolves, will forward there instead.
~PromiseClient() noexcept(false) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(id, importId) {
// This object is representing an import promise. That means the import table may still
// contain a pointer back to it. Remove that pointer. Note that we have to verify that
// the import still exists and the pointer still points back to this object because this
// object may actually outlive the import.
KJ_IF_MAYBE(import, connectionState->imports.find(*id)) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(c, import->appClient) {
if (c == this) {
import->appClient = nullptr;
kj::Maybe<ExportId> writeDescriptor(rpc::CapDescriptor::Builder descriptor,
kj::Vector<int>& fds) override {
receivedCall = true;
return connectionState->writeDescriptor(*cap, descriptor, fds);
kj::Maybe<kj::Own<ClientHook>> writeTarget(
rpc::MessageTarget::Builder target) override {
receivedCall = true;
return connectionState->writeTarget(*cap, target);
kj::Own<ClientHook> getInnermostClient() override {
receivedCall = true;
return connectionState->getInnermostClient(*cap);
void adoptFlowController(kj::Own<RpcFlowController> flowController) override {
if (cap->getBrand() == connectionState.get()) {
// Pass the flow controller on to our inner cap.
} else {
// We resolved to a capability that isn't another RPC capability. We should simply make
// sure that all the calls complete.
// implements ClientHook -----------------------------------------
Request<AnyPointer, AnyPointer> newCall(
uint64_t interfaceId, uint16_t methodId, kj::Maybe<MessageSize> sizeHint) override {
receivedCall = true;
// IMPORTANT: We must call our superclass's version of newCall(), NOT cap->newCall(), because
// the Request object we create needs to check at send() time whether the promise has
// resolved and, if so, redirect to the new target.
return RpcClient::newCall(interfaceId, methodId, sizeHint);
VoidPromiseAndPipeline call(uint64_t interfaceId, uint16_t methodId,
kj::Own<CallContextHook>&& context) override {
receivedCall = true;
return cap->call(interfaceId, methodId, kj::mv(context));
kj::Maybe<ClientHook&> getResolved() override {
if (isResolved()) {
return *cap;
} else {
return nullptr;
kj::Maybe<kj::Promise<kj::Own<ClientHook>>> whenMoreResolved() override {
return fork.addBranch();
kj::Maybe<int> getFd() override {
if (isResolved()) {
return cap->getFd();
} else {
// In theory, before resolution, the ImportClient for the promise could have an FD
// attached, if the promise itself was presented with an attached FD. However, we can't
// really return that one here because it may be closed when we get the Resolve message
// later. In theory we could have the PromiseClient itself take ownership of an FD that
// arrived attached to a promise cap, but the use case for that is questionable. I'm
// keeping it simple for now.
return nullptr;
kj::Own<ClientHook> cap;
kj::Maybe<ImportId> importId;
kj::ForkedPromise<kj::Own<ClientHook>> fork;
bool receivedCall = false;
enum {
// Not resolved at all yet.
// Remote promise resolved to a remote settled capability (or null/error).
// Remote promise resolved to one of our own exports.
// Remote promise resolved to another remote promise which itself wasn't resolved yet, so we
// merged them. In this case, `cap` is guaranteed to point to another PromiseClient.
// Resolved to null or error.
} resolutionType = UNRESOLVED;
inline bool isResolved() {
return resolutionType != UNRESOLVED;
kj::Promise<kj::Own<ClientHook>> resolve(kj::Own<ClientHook> replacement) {
const void* replacementBrand = replacement->getBrand();
bool isSameConnection = replacementBrand == connectionState.get();
if (isSameConnection) {
// We resolved to some other RPC capability hosted by the same peer.
KJ_IF_MAYBE(promise, replacement->whenMoreResolved()) {
// We resolved to another remote promise. If *that* promise eventually resolves back
// to us, we'll need a disembargo. Possibilities:
// 1. The other promise hasn't resolved at all yet. In that case we can simply set its
// `receivedCall` flag and let it handle the disembargo later.
// 2. The other promise has received a Resolve message and decided to initiate a
// disembargo which it is still waiting for. In that case we will certainly also need
// a disembargo for the same reason that the other promise did. And, we can't simply
// wait for their disembargo; we need to start a new one of our own.
// 3. The other promise has resolved already (with or without a disembargo). In this
// case we should treat it as if we resolved directly to the other promise's result,
// possibly requiring a disembargo under the same conditions.
// We know the other object is a PromiseClient because it's the only ClientHook
// type in the RPC implementation which returns non-null for `whenMoreResolved()`.
PromiseClient* other = &kj::downcast<PromiseClient>(*replacement);
while (other->resolutionType == MERGED) {
// There's no need to resolve to a thing that's just going to resolve to another thing.
replacement = other->cap->addRef();
other = &kj::downcast<PromiseClient>(*replacement);
// Note that replacementBrand is unchanged since we'd only merge with other
// PromiseClients on the same connection.
KJ_DASSERT(replacement->getBrand() == replacementBrand);
if (other->isResolved()) {
// The other capability resolved already. If it determined that it resolved as
// reflected, then we determine the same.
resolutionType = other->resolutionType;
} else {
// The other capability hasn't resolved yet, so we can safely merge with it and do a
// single combined disembargo if needed later.
other->receivedCall = other->receivedCall || receivedCall;
resolutionType = MERGED;
} else {
resolutionType = REMOTE;
} else {
if (replacementBrand == &ClientHook::NULL_CAPABILITY_BRAND ||
replacementBrand == &ClientHook::BROKEN_CAPABILITY_BRAND) {
// We don't consider null or broken capabilities as "reflected" because they may have
// been communicated to us literally as a null pointer or an exception on the wire,
// rather than as a reference to one of our exports, in which case a disembargo won't
// work. But also, call ordering is completely irrelevant with these so there's no need
// to disembargo anyway.
resolutionType = BROKEN;
} else {
resolutionType = REFLECTED;
// Every branch above ends by setting resolutionType to something other than UNRESOLVED.
// If the original capability was used for streaming calls, it will have a
// `flowController` that might still be shepherding those calls. We'll need make sure that
// it doesn't get thrown away. Note that we know that *cap is an RpcClient because resolve()
// is only called once and our constructor required that the initial capability is an
// RpcClient.
KJ_IF_MAYBE(f, kj::downcast<RpcClient>(*cap).flowController) {
if (isSameConnection) {
// The new target is on the same connection. It would make a lot of sense to keep using
// the same flow controller if possible.
} else {
// The new target is something else. The best we can do is wait for the controller to
// drain. New calls will be flow-controlled in a new way without knowing about the old
// controller.
if (resolutionType == REFLECTED && receivedCall &&
connectionState-><Connected>()) {
// The new capability is hosted locally, not on the remote machine. And, we had made calls
// to the promise. We need to make sure those calls echo back to us before we allow new
// calls to go directly to the local capability, so we need to set a local embargo and send
// a `Disembargo` to echo through the peer.
auto message = connectionState->connection.get<Connected>()->newOutgoingMessage(
messageSizeHint<rpc::Disembargo>() + MESSAGE_TARGET_SIZE_HINT);
auto disembargo = message->getBody().initAs<rpc::Message>().initDisembargo();
auto redirect = connectionState->writeTarget(*cap, disembargo.initTarget());
KJ_ASSERT(redirect == nullptr,
"Original promise target should always be from this RPC connection.");
EmbargoId embargoId;
Embargo& embargo = connectionState->;
auto paf = kj::newPromiseAndFulfiller<void>();
embargo.fulfiller = kj::mv(paf.fulfiller);
// Make a promise which resolves to `replacement` as soon as the `Disembargo` comes back.
auto embargoPromise = paf.promise.then([replacement = kj::mv(replacement)]() mutable {
return kj::mv(replacement);
// We need to queue up calls in the meantime, so we'll resolve ourselves to a local promise
// client instead.
replacement = newLocalPromiseClient(kj::mv(embargoPromise));
// Send the `Disembargo`.
cap = replacement->addRef();
return kj::mv(replacement);
kj::Maybe<ExportId> writeDescriptor(ClientHook& cap, rpc::CapDescriptor::Builder descriptor,
kj::Vector<int>& fds) {
// Write a descriptor for the given capability.
// Find the innermost wrapped capability.
ClientHook* inner = &cap;
for (;;) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(resolved, inner->getResolved()) {
inner = resolved;
} else {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(fd, inner->getFd()) {
if (inner->getBrand() == this) {
return kj::downcast<RpcClient>(*inner).writeDescriptor(descriptor, fds);
} else {
auto iter = exportsByCap.find(inner);
if (iter != exportsByCap.end()) {
// We've already seen and exported this capability before. Just up the refcount.
auto& exp = KJ_ASSERT_NONNULL(exports.find(iter->second));
if (exp.resolveOp == nullptr) {
} else {
return iter->second;
} else {
// This is the first time we've seen this capability.
ExportId exportId;
auto& exp =;
exportsByCap[inner] = exportId;
exp.refcount = 1;
exp.clientHook = inner->addRef();
KJ_IF_MAYBE(wrapped, inner->whenMoreResolved()) {
// This is a promise. Arrange for the `Resolve` message to be sent later.
exp.resolveOp = resolveExportedPromise(exportId, kj::mv(*wrapped));
} else {
return exportId;
kj::Array<ExportId> writeDescriptors(kj::ArrayPtr<kj::Maybe<kj::Own<ClientHook>>> capTable,
rpc::Payload::Builder payload, kj::Vector<int>& fds) {
if (capTable.size() == 0) {
// Calling initCapTable(0) will still allocate a 1-word tag, which we'd like to avoid...
return nullptr;
auto capTableBuilder = payload.initCapTable(capTable.size());
kj::Vector<ExportId> exports(capTable.size());
for (uint i: kj::indices(capTable)) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(cap, capTable[i]) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exportId, writeDescriptor(**cap, capTableBuilder[i], fds)) {
} else {
return exports.releaseAsArray();
kj::Maybe<kj::Own<ClientHook>> writeTarget(ClientHook& cap, rpc::MessageTarget::Builder target) {
// If calls to the given capability should pass over this connection, fill in `target`
// appropriately for such a call and return nullptr. Otherwise, return a `ClientHook` to which
// the call should be forwarded; the caller should then delegate the call to that `ClientHook`.
// The main case where this ends up returning non-null is if `cap` is a promise that has
// recently resolved. The application might have started building a request before the promise
// resolved, and so the request may have been built on the assumption that it would be sent over
// this network connection, but then the promise resolved to point somewhere else before the
// request was sent. Now the request has to be redirected to the new target instead.
if (cap.getBrand() == this) {
return kj::downcast<RpcClient>(cap).writeTarget(target);
} else {
return cap.addRef();
kj::Own<ClientHook> getInnermostClient(ClientHook& client) {
ClientHook* ptr = &client;
for (;;) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(inner, ptr->getResolved()) {
ptr = inner;
} else {
if (ptr->getBrand() == this) {
return kj::downcast<RpcClient>(*ptr).getInnermostClient();
} else {
return ptr->addRef();
kj::Promise<void> resolveExportedPromise(
ExportId exportId, kj::Promise<kj::Own<ClientHook>>&& promise) {
// Implements exporting of a promise. The promise has been exported under the given ID, and is
// to eventually resolve to the ClientHook produced by `promise`. This method waits for that
// resolve to happen and then sends the appropriate `Resolve` message to the peer.
return promise.then(
[this,exportId](kj::Own<ClientHook>&& resolution) -> kj::Promise<void> {
// Successful resolution.
"Resolving export should have been canceled on disconnect.") {
return kj::READY_NOW;
// Get the innermost ClientHook backing the resolved client. This includes traversing
// PromiseClients that haven't resolved yet to their underlying ImportClient or
// PipelineClient, so that we get a remote promise that might resolve later. This is
// important to make sure that if the peer sends a `Disembargo` back to us, it bounces back
// correctly instead of going to the result of some future resolution. See the documentation
// for `Disembargo` in `rpc.capnp`.
resolution = getInnermostClient(*resolution);
// Update the export table to point at this object instead. We know that our entry in the
// export table is still live because when it is destroyed the asynchronous resolution task
// (i.e. this code) is canceled.
auto& exp = KJ_ASSERT_NONNULL(exports.find(exportId));
exp.clientHook = kj::mv(resolution);
if (exp.clientHook->getBrand() != this) {
// We're resolving to a local capability. If we're resolving to a promise, we might be
// able to reuse our export table entry and avoid sending a message.
KJ_IF_MAYBE(promise, exp.clientHook->whenMoreResolved()) {
// We're replacing a promise with another local promise. In this case, we might actually
// be able to just reuse the existing export table entry to represent the new promise --
// unless it already has an entry. Let's check.
auto insertResult = exportsByCap.insert(std::make_pair(exp.clientHook.get(), exportId));
if (insertResult.second) {
// The new promise was not already in the table, therefore the existing export table
// entry has now been repurposed to represent it. There is no need to send a resolve
// message at all. We do, however, have to start resolving the next promise.
return resolveExportedPromise(exportId, kj::mv(*promise));
// OK, we have to send a `Resolve` message.
auto message = connection.get<Connected>()->newOutgoingMessage(
messageSizeHint<rpc::Resolve>() + sizeInWords<rpc::CapDescriptor>() + 16);
auto resolve = message->getBody().initAs<rpc::Message>().initResolve();
kj::Vector<int> fds;
writeDescriptor(*exp.clientHook, resolve.initCap(), fds);
return kj::READY_NOW;
}, [this,exportId](kj::Exception&& exception) {
// send error resolution
auto message = connection.get<Connected>()->newOutgoingMessage(
messageSizeHint<rpc::Resolve>() + exceptionSizeHint(exception) + 8);
auto resolve = message->getBody().initAs<rpc::Message>().initResolve();
fromException(exception, resolve.initException());
}).eagerlyEvaluate([this](kj::Exception&& exception) {
// Put the exception on the TaskSet which will cause the connection to be terminated.
void fromException(const kj::Exception& exception, rpc::Exception::Builder builder) {
_::fromException(exception, builder, traceEncoder);
// =====================================================================================
// Interpreting CapDescriptor
kj::Own<ClientHook> import(ImportId importId, bool isPromise, kj::Maybe<kj::AutoCloseFd> fd) {
// Receive a new import.
auto& import = imports[importId];
kj::Own<ImportClient> importClient;
// Create the ImportClient, or if one already exists, use it.
KJ_IF_MAYBE(c, import.importClient) {
importClient = kj::addRef(*c);
// If the same import is introduced multiple times, and it is missing an FD the first time,
// but it has one on a later attempt, we want to attach the later one. This could happen
// because the first introduction was part of a message that had too many other FDs and went
// over the per-message limit. Perhaps the protocol design is such that this other message
// doesn't really care if the FDs are transferred or not, but the later message really does
// care; it would be bad if the previous message blocked later messages from delivering the
// FD just because it happened to reference the same capability.
} else {
importClient = kj::refcounted<ImportClient>(*this, importId, kj::mv(fd));
import.importClient = *importClient;
// We just received a copy of this import ID, so the remote refcount has gone up.
if (isPromise) {
// We need to construct a PromiseClient around this import, if we haven't already.
KJ_IF_MAYBE(c, import.appClient) {
// Use the existing one.
return kj::addRef(*c);
} else {
// Create a promise for this import's resolution.
auto paf = kj::newPromiseAndFulfiller<kj::Own<ClientHook>>();
import.promiseFulfiller = kj::mv(paf.fulfiller);
// Make sure the import is not destroyed while this promise exists.
paf.promise = paf.promise.attach(kj::addRef(*importClient));
// Create a PromiseClient around it and return it.
auto result = kj::refcounted<PromiseClient>(
*this, kj::mv(importClient), kj::mv(paf.promise), importId);
import.appClient = *result;
return kj::mv(result);
} else {
import.appClient = *importClient;
return kj::mv(importClient);
class TribbleRaceBlocker: public ClientHook, public kj::Refcounted {
// Hack to work around a problem that arises during the Tribble 4-way Race Condition as
// described in rpc.capnp in the documentation for the `Disembargo` message.
// Consider a remote promise that is resolved by a `Resolve` message. PromiseClient::resolve()
// is eventually called and given the `ClientHook` for the resolution. Imagine that the
// `ClientHook` it receives turns out to be an `ImportClient`. There are two ways this could
// have happened:
// 1. The `Resolve` message contained a `CapDescriptor` of type `senderHosted`, naming an entry
// in the sender's export table, and the `ImportClient` refers to the corresponding slot on
// the receiver's import table. In this case, no embargo is needed, because messages to the
// resolved location traverse the same path as messages to the promise would have.
// 2. The `Resolve` message contained a `CapDescriptor` of type `receiverHosted`, naming an
// entry in the receiver's export table. That entry just happened to contain an
// `ImportClient` referring back to the sender. This specifically happens when the entry
// in question had previously itself referred to a promise, and that promise has since
// resolved to a remote capability, at which point the export table entry was replaced by
// the appropriate `ImportClient` representing that. Presumably, the peer *did not yet know*
// about this resolution, which is why it sent a `receiverHosted` pointing to something that
// reflects back to the sender, rather than sending `senderHosted` in the first place.
// In this case, an embargo *is* required, because peer may still be reflecting messages
// sent to this promise back to us. In fact, the peer *must* continue reflecting messages,
// even when it eventually learns that the eventual destination is one of its own
// capabilities, due to the Tribble 4-way Race Condition rule.
// Since this case requires an embargo, somehow PromiseClient::resolve() must be able to
// distinguish it from the case (1). One solution would be for us to pass some extra flag
// all the way from where the `Resolve` messages is received to `PromiseClient::resolve()`.
// That solution is reasonably easy in the `Resolve` case, but gets notably more difficult
// in the case of `Return`s, which also resolve promises and are subject to all the same
// problems. In the case of a `Return`, some non-RPC-specific code is involved in the
// resolution, making it harder to pass along a flag.
// Instead, we use this hack: When we read an entry in the export table and discover that
// it actually contains an `ImportClient` or a `PipelineClient` reflecting back over our
// own connection, then we wrap it in a `TribbleRaceBlocker`. This wrapper prevents
// `PromiseClient` from recognizing the capability as being remote, so it instead treats it
// as local. That causes it to set up an embargo as desired.
// TODO(perf): This actually blocks further promise resolution in the case where the
// ImportClient or PipelineClient itself ends up being yet another promise that resolves
// back over the connection again. What we probably really need to do here is, instead of
// placing `ImportClient` or `PipelineClient` on the export table, place a special type there
// that both knows what to do with future incoming messages to that export ID, but also knows
// what to do when that export is the subject of a `Resolve`.
TribbleRaceBlocker(kj::Own<ClientHook> inner): inner(kj::mv(inner)) {}
Request<AnyPointer, AnyPointer> newCall(
uint64_t interfaceId, uint16_t methodId, kj::Maybe<MessageSize> sizeHint) override {
return inner->newCall(interfaceId, methodId, sizeHint);
VoidPromiseAndPipeline call(uint64_t interfaceId, uint16_t methodId,
kj::Own<CallContextHook>&& context) override {
return inner->call(interfaceId, methodId, kj::mv(context));
kj::Maybe<ClientHook&> getResolved() override {
// We always wrap either PipelineClient or ImportClient, both of which return null for this
// anyway.
return nullptr;
kj::Maybe<kj::Promise<kj::Own<ClientHook>>> whenMoreResolved() override {
// We always wrap either PipelineClient or ImportClient, both of which return null for this
// anyway.
return nullptr;
kj::Own<ClientHook> addRef() override {
return kj::addRef(*this);
const void* getBrand() override {
return nullptr;
kj::Maybe<int> getFd() override {
return inner->getFd();
kj::Own<ClientHook> inner;
kj::Maybe<kj::Own<ClientHook>> receiveCap(rpc::CapDescriptor::Reader descriptor,
kj::ArrayPtr<kj::AutoCloseFd> fds) {
uint fdIndex = descriptor.getAttachedFd();
kj::Maybe<kj::AutoCloseFd> fd;
if (fdIndex < fds.size() && fds[fdIndex] != nullptr) {
fd = kj::mv(fds[fdIndex]);
switch (descriptor.which()) {
case rpc::CapDescriptor::NONE:
return nullptr;
case rpc::CapDescriptor::SENDER_HOSTED:
return import(descriptor.getSenderHosted(), false, kj::mv(fd));
case rpc::CapDescriptor::SENDER_PROMISE:
return import(descriptor.getSenderPromise(), true, kj::mv(fd));
case rpc::CapDescriptor::RECEIVER_HOSTED:
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exp, exports.find(descriptor.getReceiverHosted())) {
auto result = exp->clientHook->addRef();
if (result->getBrand() == this) {
result = kj::refcounted<TribbleRaceBlocker>(kj::mv(result));
return kj::mv(result);
} else {
return newBrokenCap("invalid 'receiverHosted' export ID");
case rpc::CapDescriptor::RECEIVER_ANSWER: {
auto promisedAnswer = descriptor.getReceiverAnswer();
KJ_IF_MAYBE(answer, answers.find(promisedAnswer.getQuestionId())) {
if (answer->active) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(pipeline, answer->pipeline) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(ops, toPipelineOps(promisedAnswer.getTransform())) {
auto result = pipeline->get()->getPipelinedCap(*ops);
if (result->getBrand() == this) {
result = kj::refcounted<TribbleRaceBlocker>(kj::mv(result));
return kj::mv(result);
} else {
return newBrokenCap("unrecognized pipeline ops");
return newBrokenCap("invalid 'receiverAnswer'");
case rpc::CapDescriptor::THIRD_PARTY_HOSTED:
// We don't support third-party caps, so use the vine instead.
return import(descriptor.getThirdPartyHosted().getVineId(), false, kj::mv(fd));
KJ_FAIL_REQUIRE("unknown CapDescriptor type") { break; }
return newBrokenCap("unknown CapDescriptor type");
kj::Array<kj::Maybe<kj::Own<ClientHook>>> receiveCaps(List<rpc::CapDescriptor>::Reader capTable,
kj::ArrayPtr<kj::AutoCloseFd> fds) {
auto result = kj::heapArrayBuilder<kj::Maybe<kj::Own<ClientHook>>>(capTable.size());
for (auto cap: capTable) {
result.add(receiveCap(cap, fds));
return result.finish();
// =====================================================================================
// RequestHook/PipelineHook/ResponseHook implementations
class QuestionRef: public kj::Refcounted {
// A reference to an entry on the question table. Used to detect when the `Finish` message
// can be sent.
inline QuestionRef(
RpcConnectionState& connectionState, QuestionId id,
kj::Own<kj::PromiseFulfiller<kj::Promise<kj::Own<RpcResponse>>>> fulfiller)
: connectionState(kj::addRef(connectionState)), id(id), fulfiller(kj::mv(fulfiller)) {}
~QuestionRef() noexcept {
// Contrary to KJ style, we declare this destructor `noexcept` because if anything in here
// throws (without being caught) we're probably in pretty bad shape and going to be crashing
// later anyway. Better to abort now.
auto& question = KJ_ASSERT_NONNULL(
connectionState->questions.find(id), "Question ID no longer on table?");
// Send the "Finish" message (if the connection is not already broken).
if (connectionState-><Connected>() && !question.skipFinish) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(e, kj::runCatchingExceptions([&]() {
auto message = connectionState->connection.get<Connected>()->newOutgoingMessage(
auto builder = message->getBody().getAs<rpc::Message>().initFinish();
// If we're still awaiting a return, then this request is being canceled, and we're going
// to ignore any capabilities in the return message, so set releaseResultCaps true. If we
// already received the return, then we've already built local proxies for the caps and
// will send Release messages when those are destroyed.
})) {
// Check if the question has returned and, if so, remove it from the table.
// Remove question ID from the table. Must do this *after* sending `Finish` to ensure that
// the ID is not re-allocated before the `Finish` message can be sent.
if (question.isAwaitingReturn) {
// Still waiting for return, so just remove the QuestionRef pointer from the table.
question.selfRef = nullptr;
} else {
// Call has already returned, so we can now remove it from the table.
connectionState->questions.erase(id, question);
inline QuestionId getId() const { return id; }
void fulfill(kj::Own<RpcResponse>&& response) {
void fulfill(kj::Promise<kj::Own<RpcResponse>>&& promise) {
void reject(kj::Exception&& exception) {
kj::Own<RpcConnectionState> connectionState;
QuestionId id;
kj::Own<kj::PromiseFulfiller<kj::Promise<kj::Own<RpcResponse>>>> fulfiller;
class RpcRequest final: public RequestHook {
RpcRequest(RpcConnectionState& connectionState, VatNetworkBase::Connection& connection,
kj::Maybe<MessageSize> sizeHint, kj::Own<RpcClient>&& target)
: connectionState(kj::addRef(connectionState)),
firstSegmentSize(sizeHint, messageSizeHint<rpc::Call>() +
sizeInWords<rpc::Payload>() + MESSAGE_TARGET_SIZE_HINT))),
paramsBuilder(capTable.imbue(callBuilder.getParams().getContent())) {}
inline AnyPointer::Builder getRoot() {
return paramsBuilder;
inline rpc::Call::Builder getCall() {
return callBuilder;
RemotePromise<AnyPointer> send() override {
if (!connectionState-><Connected>()) {
// Connection is broken.
const kj::Exception& e = connectionState->connection.get<Disconnected>();
return RemotePromise<AnyPointer>(
KJ_IF_MAYBE(redirect, target->writeTarget(callBuilder.getTarget())) {
// Whoops, this capability has been redirected while we were building the request!
// We'll have to make a new request and do a copy. Ick.
auto replacement = redirect->get()->newCall(
callBuilder.getInterfaceId(), callBuilder.getMethodId(), paramsBuilder.targetSize());
return replacement.send();
} else {
auto sendResult = sendInternal(false);
auto forkedPromise = sendResult.promise.fork();
// The pipeline must get notified of resolution before the app does to maintain ordering.
auto pipeline = kj::refcounted<RpcPipeline>(
*connectionState, kj::mv(sendResult.questionRef), forkedPromise.addBranch());
auto appPromise = forkedPromise.addBranch().then(
[=](kj::Own<RpcResponse>&& response) {
auto reader = response->getResults();
return Response<AnyPointer>(reader, kj::mv(response));
return RemotePromise<AnyPointer>(
kj::Promise<void> sendStreaming() override {
if (!connectionState-><Connected>()) {
// Connection is broken.
return kj::cp(connectionState->connection.get<Disconnected>());
KJ_IF_MAYBE(redirect, target->writeTarget(callBuilder.getTarget())) {
// Whoops, this capability has been redirected while we were building the request!
// We'll have to make a new request and do a copy. Ick.
auto replacement = redirect->get()->newCall(
callBuilder.getInterfaceId(), callBuilder.getMethodId(), paramsBuilder.targetSize());
return RequestHook::from(kj::mv(replacement))->sendStreaming();
} else {
return sendStreamingInternal(false);
struct TailInfo {
QuestionId questionId;
kj::Promise<void> promise;
kj::Own<PipelineHook> pipeline;
kj::Maybe<TailInfo> tailSend() {
// Send the request as a tail call.
// Returns null if for some reason a tail call is not possible and the caller should fall
// back to using send() and copying the response.
SendInternalResult sendResult;
if (!connectionState-><Connected>()) {
// Disconnected; fall back to a regular send() which will fail appropriately.
return nullptr;
KJ_IF_MAYBE(redirect, target->writeTarget(callBuilder.getTarget())) {
// Whoops, this capability has been redirected while we were building the request!
// Fall back to regular send().
return nullptr;
} else {
sendResult = sendInternal(true);
auto promise = sendResult.promise.then([](kj::Own<RpcResponse>&& response) {
// Response should be null if `Return` handling code is correct.
KJ_ASSERT(!response) { break; }
QuestionId questionId = sendResult.questionRef->getId();
auto pipeline = kj::refcounted<RpcPipeline>(*connectionState, kj::mv(sendResult.questionRef));
return TailInfo { questionId, kj::mv(promise), kj::mv(pipeline) };
const void* getBrand() override {
return connectionState.get();
kj::Own<RpcConnectionState> connectionState;
kj::Own<RpcClient> target;
kj::Own<OutgoingRpcMessage> message;
BuilderCapabilityTable capTable;
rpc::Call::Builder callBuilder;
AnyPointer::Builder paramsBuilder;
struct SendInternalResult {
kj::Own<QuestionRef> questionRef;
kj::Promise<kj::Own<RpcResponse>> promise = nullptr;
struct SetupSendResult: public SendInternalResult {
QuestionId questionId;
Question& question;
SetupSendResult(SendInternalResult&& super, QuestionId questionId, Question& question)
: SendInternalResult(kj::mv(super)), questionId(questionId), question(question) {}
// TODO(cleanup): This constructor is implicit in C++17.
SetupSendResult setupSend(bool isTailCall) {
// Build the cap table.
kj::Vector<int> fds;
auto exports = connectionState->writeDescriptors(
capTable.getTable(), callBuilder.getParams(), fds);
// Init the question table. Do this after writing descriptors to avoid interference.
QuestionId questionId;
auto& question = connectionState->;
question.isAwaitingReturn = true;
question.paramExports = kj::mv(exports);
question.isTailCall = isTailCall;
// Make the QuentionRef and result promise.
SendInternalResult result;
auto paf = kj::newPromiseAndFulfiller<kj::Promise<kj::Own<RpcResponse>>>();
result.questionRef = kj::refcounted<QuestionRef>(
*connectionState, questionId, kj::mv(paf.fulfiller));
question.selfRef = *result.questionRef;
result.promise = paf.promise.attach(kj::addRef(*result.questionRef));
return { kj::mv(result), questionId, question };
SendInternalResult sendInternal(bool isTailCall) {
auto result = setupSend(isTailCall);
// Finish and send.
if (isTailCall) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, kj::runCatchingExceptions([&]() {
KJ_CONTEXT("sending RPC call",
callBuilder.getInterfaceId(), callBuilder.getMethodId());
})) {
// We can't safely throw the exception from here since we've already modified the question
// table state. We'll have to reject the promise instead.
result.question.isAwaitingReturn = false;
result.question.skipFinish = true;
// Send and return.
return kj::mv(result);
kj::Promise<void> sendStreamingInternal(bool isTailCall) {
auto setup = setupSend(isTailCall);
// Finish and send.
if (isTailCall) {
kj::Promise<void> flowPromise = nullptr;
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, kj::runCatchingExceptions([&]() {
KJ_CONTEXT("sending RPC call",
callBuilder.getInterfaceId(), callBuilder.getMethodId());
RpcFlowController* flow;
KJ_IF_MAYBE(f, target->flowController) {
flow = *f;
} else {
flow = target->flowController.emplace(
flowPromise = flow->send(kj::mv(message), setup.promise.ignoreResult());
})) {
// We can't safely throw the exception from here since we've already modified the question
// table state. We'll have to reject the promise instead.
setup.question.isAwaitingReturn = false;
setup.question.skipFinish = true;
return kj::mv(*exception);
return kj::mv(flowPromise);
class RpcPipeline final: public PipelineHook, public kj::Refcounted {
RpcPipeline(RpcConnectionState& connectionState, kj::Own<QuestionRef>&& questionRef,
kj::Promise<kj::Own<RpcResponse>>&& redirectLaterParam)
: connectionState(kj::addRef(connectionState)),
[this](kj::Own<RpcResponse>&& response) {
}, [this](kj::Exception&& exception) {
}).eagerlyEvaluate([&](kj::Exception&& e) {
// Make any exceptions thrown from resolve() go to the connection's TaskSet which
// will cause the connection to be terminated.
})) {
// Construct a new RpcPipeline.
RpcPipeline(RpcConnectionState& connectionState, kj::Own<QuestionRef>&& questionRef)
: connectionState(kj::addRef(connectionState)),
resolveSelfPromise(nullptr) {
// Construct a new RpcPipeline that is never expected to resolve.
// implements PipelineHook ---------------------------------------
kj::Own<PipelineHook> addRef() override {
return kj::addRef(*this);
kj::Own<ClientHook> getPipelinedCap(kj::ArrayPtr<const PipelineOp> ops) override {
auto copy = kj::heapArrayBuilder<PipelineOp>(ops.size());
for (auto& op: ops) {
return getPipelinedCap(copy.finish());
kj::Own<ClientHook> getPipelinedCap(kj::Array<PipelineOp>&& ops) override {
return clientMap.findOrCreate(ops.asPtr(), [&]() {
if (<Waiting>()) {
// Wrap a PipelineClient in a PromiseClient.
auto pipelineClient = kj::refcounted<PipelineClient>(
*connectionState, kj::addRef(*state.get<Waiting>()), kj::heapArray(ops.asPtr()));
KJ_IF_MAYBE(r, redirectLater) {
auto resolutionPromise = r->addBranch().then(
[ops = kj::heapArray(ops.asPtr())](kj::Own<RpcResponse>&& response) {
return response->getResults().getPipelinedCap(kj::mv(ops));
return kj::HashMap<kj::Array<PipelineOp>, kj::Own<ClientHook>>::Entry {
*connectionState, kj::mv(pipelineClient), kj::mv(resolutionPromise), nullptr)
} else {
// Oh, this pipeline will never get redirected, so just return the PipelineClient.
return kj::HashMap<kj::Array<PipelineOp>, kj::Own<ClientHook>>::Entry {
kj::mv(ops), kj::mv(pipelineClient)
} else if (<Resolved>()) {
auto pipelineClient = state.get<Resolved>()->getResults().getPipelinedCap(ops);
return kj::HashMap<kj::Array<PipelineOp>, kj::Own<ClientHook>>::Entry {
kj::mv(ops), kj::mv(pipelineClient)
} else {
return kj::HashMap<kj::Array<PipelineOp>, kj::Own<ClientHook>>::Entry {
kj::mv(ops), newBrokenCap(kj::cp(state.get<Broken>()))
kj::Own<RpcConnectionState> connectionState;
kj::Maybe<kj::ForkedPromise<kj::Own<RpcResponse>>> redirectLater;
typedef kj::Own<QuestionRef> Waiting;
typedef kj::Own<RpcResponse> Resolved;
typedef kj::Exception Broken;
kj::OneOf<Waiting, Resolved, Broken> state;
kj::HashMap<kj::Array<PipelineOp>, kj::Own<ClientHook>> clientMap;
// See QueuedPipeline::clientMap in capability.c++ for a discussion of why we must memoize
// the results of getPipelinedCap(). RpcPipeline has a similar problem when a capability we
// return is later subject to an embargo. It's important that the embargo is correctly applied
// across all calls to the same capability.
// Keep this last, because the continuation uses *this, so it should be destroyed first to
// ensure the continuation is not still running.
kj::Promise<void> resolveSelfPromise;
void resolve(kj::Own<RpcResponse>&& response) {
KJ_ASSERT(<Waiting>(), "Already resolved?");
void resolve(const kj::Exception&& exception) {
KJ_ASSERT(<Waiting>(), "Already resolved?");
class RpcResponse: public ResponseHook {
virtual AnyPointer::Reader getResults() = 0;
virtual kj::Own<RpcResponse> addRef() = 0;
class RpcResponseImpl final: public RpcResponse, public kj::Refcounted {
RpcResponseImpl(RpcConnectionState& connectionState,
kj::Own<QuestionRef>&& questionRef,
kj::Own<IncomingRpcMessage>&& message,
kj::Array<kj::Maybe<kj::Own<ClientHook>>> capTableArray,
AnyPointer::Reader results)
: connectionState(kj::addRef(connectionState)),
questionRef(kj::mv(questionRef)) {}
AnyPointer::Reader getResults() override {
return reader;
kj::Own<RpcResponse> addRef() override {
return kj::addRef(*this);
kj::Own<RpcConnectionState> connectionState;
kj::Own<IncomingRpcMessage> message;
ReaderCapabilityTable capTable;
AnyPointer::Reader reader;
kj::Own<QuestionRef> questionRef;
// =====================================================================================
// CallContextHook implementation
class RpcServerResponse {
virtual AnyPointer::Builder getResultsBuilder() = 0;
class RpcServerResponseImpl final: public RpcServerResponse {
RpcServerResponseImpl(RpcConnectionState& connectionState,
kj::Own<OutgoingRpcMessage>&& message,
rpc::Payload::Builder payload)
: connectionState(connectionState),
payload(payload) {}
AnyPointer::Builder getResultsBuilder() override {
return capTable.imbue(payload.getContent());
kj::Maybe<kj::Array<ExportId>> send() {
// Send the response and return the export list. Returns nullptr if there were no caps.
// (Could return a non-null empty array if there were caps but none of them were exports.)
// Build the cap table.
auto capTable = this->capTable.getTable();
kj::Vector<int> fds;
auto exports = connectionState.writeDescriptors(capTable, payload, fds);
// Capabilities that we are returning are subject to embargos. See `Disembargo` in rpc.capnp.
// As explained there, in order to deal with the Tribble 4-way race condition, we need to
// make sure that if we're returning any remote promises, that we ignore any subsequent
// resolution of those promises for the purpose of pipelined requests on this answer. Luckily,
// we can modify the cap table in-place.
for (auto& slot: capTable) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(cap, slot) {
slot = connectionState.getInnermostClient(**cap);
if (capTable.size() == 0) {
return nullptr;
} else {
return kj::mv(exports);
RpcConnectionState& connectionState;
kj::Own<OutgoingRpcMessage> message;
BuilderCapabilityTable capTable;
rpc::Payload::Builder payload;
class LocallyRedirectedRpcResponse final
: public RpcResponse, public RpcServerResponse, public kj::Refcounted{
LocallyRedirectedRpcResponse(kj::Maybe<MessageSize> sizeHint)
: message([](MessageSize size) { return size.wordCount; })
AnyPointer::Builder getResultsBuilder() override {
return message.getRoot<AnyPointer>();
AnyPointer::Reader getResults() override {
return message.getRoot<AnyPointer>();
kj::Own<RpcResponse> addRef() override {
return kj::addRef(*this);
MallocMessageBuilder message;
class RpcCallContext final: public CallContextHook, public kj::Refcounted {
RpcCallContext(RpcConnectionState& connectionState, AnswerId answerId,
kj::Own<IncomingRpcMessage>&& request,
kj::Array<kj::Maybe<kj::Own<ClientHook>>> capTableArray,
const AnyPointer::Reader& params,
bool redirectResults, kj::Own<kj::PromiseFulfiller<void>>&& cancelFulfiller,
uint64_t interfaceId, uint16_t methodId)
: connectionState(kj::addRef(connectionState)),
cancelFulfiller(kj::mv(cancelFulfiller)) {
connectionState.callWordsInFlight += requestSize;
~RpcCallContext() noexcept(false) {
if (isFirstResponder()) {
// We haven't sent a return yet, so we must have been canceled. Send a cancellation return.
unwindDetector.catchExceptionsIfUnwinding([&]() {
// Don't send anything if the connection is broken.
bool shouldFreePipeline = true;
if (connectionState-><Connected>()) {
auto message = connectionState->connection.get<Connected>()->newOutgoingMessage(
messageSizeHint<rpc::Return>() + sizeInWords<rpc::Payload>());
auto builder = message->getBody().initAs<rpc::Message>().initReturn();
if (redirectResults) {
// The reason we haven't sent a return is because the results were sent somewhere
// else.
// The pipeline could still be valid and in-use in this case.
shouldFreePipeline = false;
} else {
cleanupAnswerTable(nullptr, shouldFreePipeline);
kj::Own<RpcResponse> consumeRedirectedResponse() {
if (response == nullptr) getResults(MessageSize{0, 0}); // force initialization of response
// Note that the context needs to keep its own reference to the response so that it doesn't
// get GC'd until the PipelineHook drops its reference to the context.
return kj::downcast<LocallyRedirectedRpcResponse>(*KJ_ASSERT_NONNULL(response)).addRef();
void sendReturn() {
// Avoid sending results if canceled so that we don't have to figure out whether or not
// `releaseResultCaps` was set in the already-received `Finish`.
if (!(cancellationFlags & CANCEL_REQUESTED) && isFirstResponder()) {
"Cancellation should have been requested on disconnect.") {
if (response == nullptr) getResults(MessageSize{0, 0}); // force initialization of response
kj::Maybe<kj::Array<ExportId>> exports;
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, kj::runCatchingExceptions([&]() {
// Debug info in case send() fails due to overside message.
KJ_CONTEXT("returning from RPC call", interfaceId, methodId);
exports = kj::downcast<RpcServerResponseImpl>(*KJ_ASSERT_NONNULL(response)).send();
})) {
responseSent = false;
KJ_IF_MAYBE(e, exports) {
// Caps were returned, so we can't free the pipeline yet.
cleanupAnswerTable(kj::mv(*e), false);
} else {
// No caps in the results, therefore the pipeline is irrelevant.
cleanupAnswerTable(nullptr, true);
void sendErrorReturn(kj::Exception&& exception) {
if (isFirstResponder()) {
if (connectionState-><Connected>()) {
auto message = connectionState->connection.get<Connected>()->newOutgoingMessage(
messageSizeHint<rpc::Return>() + exceptionSizeHint(exception));
auto builder = message->getBody().initAs<rpc::Message>().initReturn();
connectionState->fromException(exception, builder.initException());
// Do not allow releasing the pipeline because we want pipelined calls to propagate the
// exception rather than fail with a "no such field" exception.
cleanupAnswerTable(nullptr, false);
void sendRedirectReturn() {
if (isFirstResponder()) {
auto message = connectionState->connection.get<Connected>()->newOutgoingMessage(
auto builder = message->getBody().initAs<rpc::Message>().initReturn();
cleanupAnswerTable(nullptr, false);
void requestCancel() {
// Hints that the caller wishes to cancel this call. At the next time when cancellation is
// deemed safe, the RpcCallContext shall send a canceled Return -- or if it never becomes
// safe, the RpcCallContext will send a normal return when the call completes. Either way
// the RpcCallContext is now responsible for cleaning up the entry in the answer table, since
// a Finish message was already received.
bool previouslyAllowedButNotRequested = cancellationFlags == CANCEL_ALLOWED;
cancellationFlags |= CANCEL_REQUESTED;
if (previouslyAllowedButNotRequested) {
// We just set CANCEL_REQUESTED, and CANCEL_ALLOWED was already set previously. Initiate
// the cancellation.
// implements CallContextHook ------------------------------------
AnyPointer::Reader getParams() override {
KJ_REQUIRE(request != nullptr, "Can't call getParams() after releaseParams().");
return params;
void releaseParams() override {
request = nullptr;
AnyPointer::Builder getResults(kj::Maybe<MessageSize> sizeHint) override {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(r, response) {
return r->get()->getResultsBuilder();
} else {
kj::Own<RpcServerResponse> response;
if (redirectResults || !connectionState-><Connected>()) {
response = kj::refcounted<LocallyRedirectedRpcResponse>(sizeHint);
} else {
auto message = connectionState->connection.get<Connected>()->newOutgoingMessage(
firstSegmentSize(sizeHint, messageSizeHint<rpc::Return>() +
returnMessage = message->getBody().initAs<rpc::Message>().initReturn();
response = kj::heap<RpcServerResponseImpl>(
*connectionState, kj::mv(message), returnMessage.getResults());
auto results = response->getResultsBuilder();
this->response = kj::mv(response);
return results;
void setPipeline(kj::Own<PipelineHook>&& pipeline) override {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(f, tailCallPipelineFulfiller) {
kj::Promise<void> tailCall(kj::Own<RequestHook>&& request) override {
auto result = directTailCall(kj::mv(request));
KJ_IF_MAYBE(f, tailCallPipelineFulfiller) {
return kj::mv(result.promise);
ClientHook::VoidPromiseAndPipeline directTailCall(kj::Own<RequestHook>&& request) override {
KJ_REQUIRE(response == nullptr,
"Can't call tailCall() after initializing the results struct.");
if (request->getBrand() == connectionState.get() && !redirectResults) {
// The tail call is headed towards the peer that called us in the first place, so we can
// optimize out the return trip.
KJ_IF_MAYBE(tailInfo, kj::downcast<RpcRequest>(*request).tailSend()) {
if (isFirstResponder()) {
if (connectionState-><Connected>()) {
auto message = connectionState->connection.get<Connected>()->newOutgoingMessage(
auto builder = message->getBody().initAs<rpc::Message>().initReturn();
// There are no caps in our return message, but of course the tail results could have
// caps, so we must continue to honor pipeline calls (and just bounce them back).
cleanupAnswerTable(nullptr, false);
return { kj::mv(tailInfo->promise), kj::mv(tailInfo->pipeline) };
// Just forwarding to another local call.
auto promise = request->send();
// Wait for response.
auto voidPromise = promise.then([this](Response<AnyPointer>&& tailResponse) {
// Copy the response.
// TODO(perf): It would be nice if we could somehow make the response get built in-place
// but requires some refactoring.
return { kj::mv(voidPromise), PipelineHook::from(kj::mv(promise)) };
kj::Promise<AnyPointer::Pipeline> onTailCall() override {
auto paf = kj::newPromiseAndFulfiller<AnyPointer::Pipeline>();
tailCallPipelineFulfiller = kj::mv(paf.fulfiller);
return kj::mv(paf.promise);
void allowCancellation() override {
bool previouslyRequestedButNotAllowed = cancellationFlags == CANCEL_REQUESTED;
cancellationFlags |= CANCEL_ALLOWED;
if (previouslyRequestedButNotAllowed) {
// We just set CANCEL_ALLOWED, and CANCEL_REQUESTED was already set previously. Initiate
// the cancellation.
kj::Own<CallContextHook> addRef() override {
return kj::addRef(*this);
kj::Own<RpcConnectionState> connectionState;
AnswerId answerId;
uint64_t interfaceId;
uint16_t methodId;
// For debugging.
// Request ---------------------------------------------
size_t requestSize; // for flow limit purposes
kj::Maybe<kj::Own<IncomingRpcMessage>> request;
ReaderCapabilityTable paramsCapTable;
AnyPointer::Reader params;
// Response --------------------------------------------
kj::Maybe<kj::Own<RpcServerResponse>> response;
rpc::Return::Builder returnMessage;
bool redirectResults = false;
bool responseSent = false;
kj::Maybe<kj::Own<kj::PromiseFulfiller<AnyPointer::Pipeline>>> tailCallPipelineFulfiller;
// Cancellation state ----------------------------------
enum CancellationFlags {
uint8_t cancellationFlags = 0;
// When both flags are set, the cancellation process will begin.
kj::Own<kj::PromiseFulfiller<void>> cancelFulfiller;
// Fulfilled when cancellation has been both requested and permitted. The fulfilled promise is
// exclusive-joined with the outermost promise waiting on the call return, so fulfilling it
// cancels that promise.
kj::UnwindDetector unwindDetector;
// -----------------------------------------------------
bool isFirstResponder() {
if (responseSent) {
return false;
} else {
responseSent = true;
return true;
void cleanupAnswerTable(kj::Array<ExportId> resultExports, bool shouldFreePipeline) {
// We need to remove the `callContext` pointer -- which points back to us -- from the
// answer table. Or we might even be responsible for removing the entire answer table
// entry.
if (cancellationFlags & CANCEL_REQUESTED) {
// Already received `Finish` so it's our job to erase the table entry. We shouldn't have
// sent results if canceled, so we shouldn't have an export list to deal with.
KJ_ASSERT(resultExports.size() == 0);
} else {
// We just have to null out callContext and set the exports.
auto& answer = connectionState->answers[answerId];
answer.callContext = nullptr;
answer.resultExports = kj::mv(resultExports);
if (shouldFreePipeline) {
// We can free the pipeline early, because we know all pipeline calls are invalid (e.g.
// because there are no caps in the result to receive pipeline requests).
KJ_ASSERT(resultExports.size() == 0);
answer.pipeline = nullptr;
// Also, this is the right time to stop counting the call against the flow limit.
connectionState->callWordsInFlight -= requestSize;
// =====================================================================================
// Message handling
void maybeUnblockFlow() {
if (callWordsInFlight < flowLimit) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(w, flowWaiter) {
flowWaiter = nullptr;
kj::Promise<void> messageLoop() {
if (!<Connected>()) {
return kj::READY_NOW;
if (callWordsInFlight > flowLimit) {
auto paf = kj::newPromiseAndFulfiller<void>();
flowWaiter = kj::mv(paf.fulfiller);
return paf.promise.then([this]() {
return messageLoop();
return canceler.wrap(connection.get<Connected>()->receiveIncomingMessage()).then(
[this](kj::Maybe<kj::Own<IncomingRpcMessage>>&& message) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(m, message) {
return true;
} else {
disconnect(KJ_EXCEPTION(DISCONNECTED, "Peer disconnected."));
return false;
}).then([this](bool keepGoing) {
// No exceptions; continue loop.
// (We do this in a separate continuation to handle the case where exceptions are
// disabled.)
// TODO(perf): We add an evalLater() here so that anything we needed to do in reaction to
// the previous message has a chance to complete before the next message is handled. In
// particular, without this, I observed an ordering problem: I saw a case where a `Return`
// message was followed by a `Resolve` message, but the `PromiseClient` associated with the
// `Resolve` had its `resolve()` method invoked _before_ any `PromiseClient`s associated
// with pipelined capabilities resolved by the `Return`. This could lead to an
// incorrectly-ordered interaction between `PromiseClient`s when they resolve to each
// other. This is probably really a bug in the way `Return`s are handled -- apparently,
// resolution of `PromiseClient`s based on returned capabilities does not occur in a
// depth-first way, when it should. If we could fix that then we can probably remove this
// `evalLater()`. However, the `evalLater()` is not that bad and solves the problem...
if (keepGoing) tasks.add(kj::evalLater([this]() { return messageLoop(); }));
void handleMessage(kj::Own<IncomingRpcMessage> message) {
auto reader = message->getBody().getAs<rpc::Message>();
switch (reader.which()) {
case rpc::Message::UNIMPLEMENTED:
case rpc::Message::ABORT:
case rpc::Message::BOOTSTRAP:
handleBootstrap(kj::mv(message), reader.getBootstrap());
case rpc::Message::CALL:
handleCall(kj::mv(message), reader.getCall());
case rpc::Message::RETURN:
handleReturn(kj::mv(message), reader.getReturn());
case rpc::Message::FINISH:
case rpc::Message::RESOLVE:
handleResolve(kj::mv(message), reader.getResolve());
case rpc::Message::RELEASE:
case rpc::Message::DISEMBARGO:
default: {
if (<Connected>()) {
auto message = connection.get<Connected>()->newOutgoingMessage(
firstSegmentSize(reader.totalSize(), messageSizeHint<void>()));
void handleUnimplemented(const rpc::Message::Reader& message) {
switch (message.which()) {
case rpc::Message::RESOLVE: {
auto resolve = message.getResolve();
switch (resolve.which()) {
case rpc::Resolve::CAP: {
auto cap = resolve.getCap();
switch (cap.which()) {
case rpc::CapDescriptor::NONE:
// Nothing to do (but this ought never to happen).
case rpc::CapDescriptor::SENDER_HOSTED:
releaseExport(cap.getSenderHosted(), 1);
case rpc::CapDescriptor::SENDER_PROMISE:
releaseExport(cap.getSenderPromise(), 1);
case rpc::CapDescriptor::RECEIVER_ANSWER:
case rpc::CapDescriptor::RECEIVER_HOSTED:
// Nothing to do.
case rpc::CapDescriptor::THIRD_PARTY_HOSTED:
releaseExport(cap.getThirdPartyHosted().getVineId(), 1);
case rpc::Resolve::EXCEPTION:
// Nothing to do.
KJ_FAIL_ASSERT("Peer did not implement required RPC message type.", (uint)message.which());
void handleAbort(const rpc::Exception::Reader& exception) {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Level 0
class SingleCapPipeline: public PipelineHook, public kj::Refcounted {
SingleCapPipeline(kj::Own<ClientHook>&& cap)
: cap(kj::mv(cap)) {}
kj::Own<PipelineHook> addRef() override {
return kj::addRef(*this);
kj::Own<ClientHook> getPipelinedCap(kj::ArrayPtr<const PipelineOp> ops) override {
if (ops.size() == 0) {
return cap->addRef();
} else {
return newBrokenCap("Invalid pipeline transform.");
kj::Own<ClientHook> cap;
void handleBootstrap(kj::Own<IncomingRpcMessage>&& message,
const rpc::Bootstrap::Reader& bootstrap) {
AnswerId answerId = bootstrap.getQuestionId();
if (!<Connected>()) {
// Disconnected; ignore.
VatNetworkBase::Connection& conn = *connection.get<Connected>();
auto response = conn.newOutgoingMessage(
messageSizeHint<rpc::Return>() + sizeInWords<rpc::CapDescriptor>() + 32);
rpc::Return::Builder ret = response->getBody().getAs<rpc::Message>().initReturn();
kj::Own<ClientHook> capHook;
kj::Array<ExportId> resultExports;
KJ_DEFER(releaseExports(resultExports)); // in case something goes wrong
// Call the restorer and initialize the answer.
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, kj::runCatchingExceptions([&]() {
Capability::Client cap = nullptr;
if (bootstrap.hasDeprecatedObjectId()) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(r, restorer) {
cap = r->baseRestore(bootstrap.getDeprecatedObjectId());
} else {
KJ_FAIL_REQUIRE("This vat only supports a bootstrap interface, not the old "
"Cap'n-Proto-0.4-style named exports.") { return; }
} else {
cap = bootstrapFactory.baseCreateFor(conn.baseGetPeerVatId());
BuilderCapabilityTable capTable;
auto payload = ret.initResults();
auto capTableArray = capTable.getTable();
KJ_DASSERT(capTableArray.size() == 1);
kj::Vector<int> fds;
resultExports = writeDescriptors(capTableArray, payload, fds);
capHook = KJ_ASSERT_NONNULL(capTableArray[0])->addRef();
})) {
fromException(*exception, ret.initException());
capHook = newBrokenCap(kj::mv(*exception));
message = nullptr;
// Add the answer to the answer table for pipelining and send the response.
auto& answer = answers[answerId];
KJ_REQUIRE(!, "questionId is already in use", answerId) {
answer.resultExports = kj::mv(resultExports); = true;
answer.pipeline = kj::Own<PipelineHook>(kj::refcounted<SingleCapPipeline>(kj::mv(capHook)));
void handleCall(kj::Own<IncomingRpcMessage>&& message, const rpc::Call::Reader& call) {
kj::Own<ClientHook> capability;
KJ_IF_MAYBE(t, getMessageTarget(call.getTarget())) {
capability = kj::mv(*t);
} else {
// Exception already reported.
bool redirectResults;
switch (call.getSendResultsTo().which()) {
case rpc::Call::SendResultsTo::CALLER:
redirectResults = false;
case rpc::Call::SendResultsTo::YOURSELF:
redirectResults = true;
KJ_FAIL_REQUIRE("Unsupported `Call.sendResultsTo`.") { return; }
auto payload = call.getParams();
auto capTableArray = receiveCaps(payload.getCapTable(), message->getAttachedFds());
auto cancelPaf = kj::newPromiseAndFulfiller<void>();
AnswerId answerId = call.getQuestionId();
auto context = kj::refcounted<RpcCallContext>(
*this, answerId, kj::mv(message), kj::mv(capTableArray), payload.getContent(),
redirectResults, kj::mv(cancelPaf.fulfiller),
call.getInterfaceId(), call.getMethodId());
// No more using `call` after this point, as it now belongs to the context.
auto& answer = answers[answerId];
KJ_REQUIRE(!, "questionId is already in use") {
} = true;
answer.callContext = *context;
auto promiseAndPipeline = startCall(
call.getInterfaceId(), call.getMethodId(), kj::mv(capability), context->addRef());
// Things may have changed -- in particular if startCall() immediately called
// context->directTailCall().
auto& answer = answers[answerId];
answer.pipeline = kj::mv(promiseAndPipeline.pipeline);
if (redirectResults) {
auto resultsPromise = promiseAndPipeline.promise.then(
kj::mvCapture(context, [](kj::Own<RpcCallContext>&& context) {
return context->consumeRedirectedResponse();
// If the call that later picks up `redirectedResults` decides to discard it, we need to
// make sure our call is not itself canceled unless it has called allowCancellation().
// So we fork the promise and join one branch with the cancellation promise, in order to
// hold on to it.
auto forked = resultsPromise.fork();
answer.redirectedResults = forked.addBranch();
.detach([](kj::Exception&&) {});
} else {
// Hack: Both the success and error continuations need to use the context. We could
// refcount, but both will be destroyed at the same time anyway.
RpcCallContext* contextPtr = context;
[contextPtr]() {
}, [contextPtr](kj::Exception&& exception) {
}).catch_([&](kj::Exception&& exception) {
// Handle exceptions that occur in sendReturn()/sendErrorReturn().
.detach([](kj::Exception&&) {});
ClientHook::VoidPromiseAndPipeline startCall(
uint64_t interfaceId, uint64_t methodId,
kj::Own<ClientHook>&& capability, kj::Own<CallContextHook>&& context) {
return capability->call(interfaceId, methodId, kj::mv(context));
kj::Maybe<kj::Own<ClientHook>> getMessageTarget(const rpc::MessageTarget::Reader& target) {
switch (target.which()) {
case rpc::MessageTarget::IMPORTED_CAP: {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exp, exports.find(target.getImportedCap())) {
return exp->clientHook->addRef();
} else {
KJ_FAIL_REQUIRE("Message target is not a current export ID.") {
return nullptr;
case rpc::MessageTarget::PROMISED_ANSWER: {
auto promisedAnswer = target.getPromisedAnswer();
kj::Own<PipelineHook> pipeline;
auto& base = answers[promisedAnswer.getQuestionId()];
KJ_REQUIRE(, "PromisedAnswer.questionId is not a current question.") {
return nullptr;
KJ_IF_MAYBE(p, base.pipeline) {
pipeline = p->get()->addRef();
} else {
pipeline = newBrokenPipeline(KJ_EXCEPTION(FAILED,
"Pipeline call on a request that returned no capabilities or was already closed."));
KJ_IF_MAYBE(ops, toPipelineOps(promisedAnswer.getTransform())) {
return pipeline->getPipelinedCap(*ops);
} else {
// Exception already thrown.
return nullptr;
KJ_FAIL_REQUIRE("Unknown message target type.", target) {
return nullptr;
void handleReturn(kj::Own<IncomingRpcMessage>&& message, const rpc::Return::Reader& ret) {
// Transitive destructors can end up manipulating the question table and invalidating our
// pointer into it, so make sure these destructors run later.
kj::Array<ExportId> exportsToRelease;
kj::Maybe<kj::Promise<kj::Own<RpcResponse>>> promiseToRelease;
KJ_IF_MAYBE(question, questions.find(ret.getAnswerId())) {
KJ_REQUIRE(question->isAwaitingReturn, "Duplicate Return.") { return; }
question->isAwaitingReturn = false;
if (ret.getReleaseParamCaps()) {
exportsToRelease = kj::mv(question->paramExports);
} else {
question->paramExports = nullptr;
KJ_IF_MAYBE(questionRef, question->selfRef) {
switch (ret.which()) {
case rpc::Return::RESULTS: {
"Tail call `Return` must set `resultsSentElsewhere`, not `results`.") {
auto payload = ret.getResults();
auto capTableArray = receiveCaps(payload.getCapTable(), message->getAttachedFds());
*this, kj::addRef(*questionRef), kj::mv(message),
kj::mv(capTableArray), payload.getContent()));
case rpc::Return::EXCEPTION:
"Tail call `Return` must set `resultsSentElsewhere`, not `exception`.") {
case rpc::Return::CANCELED:
KJ_FAIL_REQUIRE("Return message falsely claims call was canceled.") { return; }
"`Return` had `resultsSentElsewhere` but this was not a tail call.") {
// Tail calls are fulfilled with a null pointer.
KJ_IF_MAYBE(answer, answers.find(ret.getTakeFromOtherQuestion())) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(response, answer->redirectedResults) {
answer->redirectedResults = nullptr;
KJ_IF_MAYBE(context, answer->callContext) {
// Send the `Return` message for the call of which we're taking ownership, so
// that the peer knows it can now tear down the call state.
// There are three conditions, all of which must be true, before a call is
// canceled:
// 1. The RPC opts in by calling context->allowCancellation().
// 2. We request cancellation with context->requestCancel().
// 3. The final response promise -- which we passed to questionRef->fulfill()
// above -- must be dropped.
// We would like #3 to imply #2. So... we can just make #2 be true.
} else {
KJ_FAIL_REQUIRE("`Return.takeFromOtherQuestion` referenced a call that did not "
"use `sendResultsTo.yourself`.") { return; }
} else {
KJ_FAIL_REQUIRE("`Return.takeFromOtherQuestion` had invalid answer ID.") { return; }
KJ_FAIL_REQUIRE("Unknown 'Return' type.") { return; }
} else {
// This is a response to a question that we canceled earlier.
if (ret.isTakeFromOtherQuestion()) {
// This turned out to be a tail call back to us! We now take ownership of the tail call.
// Since the caller canceled, we need to cancel out the tail call, if it still exists.
KJ_IF_MAYBE(answer, answers.find(ret.getTakeFromOtherQuestion())) {
// Indeed, it does still exist.
// Throw away the result promise.
promiseToRelease = kj::mv(answer->redirectedResults);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(context, answer->callContext) {
// Send the `Return` message for the call of which we're taking ownership, so
// that the peer knows it can now tear down the call state.
// Since the caller has been canceled, make sure the callee that we're tailing to
// gets canceled.
// Looks like this question was canceled earlier, so `Finish` was already sent, with
// `releaseResultCaps` set true so that we don't have to release them here. We can go
// ahead and delete it from the table.
questions.erase(ret.getAnswerId(), *question);
} else {
KJ_FAIL_REQUIRE("Invalid question ID in Return message.") { return; }
void handleFinish(const rpc::Finish::Reader& finish) {
// Delay release of these things until return so that transitive destructors don't accidentally
// modify the answer table and invalidate our pointer into it.
kj::Array<ExportId> exportsToRelease;
Answer answerToRelease;
kj::Maybe<kj::Own<PipelineHook>> pipelineToRelease;
KJ_IF_MAYBE(answer, answers.find(finish.getQuestionId())) {
KJ_REQUIRE(answer->active, "'Finish' for invalid question ID.") { return; }
if (finish.getReleaseResultCaps()) {
exportsToRelease = kj::mv(answer->resultExports);
} else {
answer->resultExports = nullptr;
pipelineToRelease = kj::mv(answer->pipeline);
// If the call isn't actually done yet, cancel it. Otherwise, we can go ahead and erase the
// question from the table.
KJ_IF_MAYBE(context, answer->callContext) {
} else {
answerToRelease = answers.erase(finish.getQuestionId());
} else {
KJ_FAIL_REQUIRE("'Finish' for invalid question ID.") { return; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Level 1
void handleResolve(kj::Own<IncomingRpcMessage>&& message, const rpc::Resolve::Reader& resolve) {
kj::Own<ClientHook> replacement;
kj::Maybe<kj::Exception> exception;
// Extract the replacement capability.
switch (resolve.which()) {
case rpc::Resolve::CAP:
KJ_IF_MAYBE(cap, receiveCap(resolve.getCap(), message->getAttachedFds())) {
replacement = kj::mv(*cap);
} else {
KJ_FAIL_REQUIRE("'Resolve' contained 'CapDescriptor.none'.") { return; }
case rpc::Resolve::EXCEPTION:
// We can't set `replacement` to a new broken cap here because this will confuse
// PromiseClient::Resolve() into thinking that the remote promise resolved to a local
// capability and therefore a Disembargo is needed. We must actually reject the promise.
exception = toException(resolve.getException());
KJ_FAIL_REQUIRE("Unknown 'Resolve' type.") { return; }
// If the import is on the table, fulfill it.
KJ_IF_MAYBE(import, imports.find(resolve.getPromiseId())) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(fulfiller, import->promiseFulfiller) {
// OK, this is in fact an unfulfilled promise!
KJ_IF_MAYBE(e, exception) {
} else {
} else if (import->importClient != nullptr) {
// It appears this is a valid entry on the import table, but was not expected to be a
// promise.
KJ_FAIL_REQUIRE("Got 'Resolve' for a non-promise import.") { break; }
void handleRelease(const rpc::Release::Reader& release) {
releaseExport(release.getId(), release.getReferenceCount());
void releaseExport(ExportId id, uint refcount) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exp, exports.find(id)) {
KJ_REQUIRE(refcount <= exp->refcount, "Tried to drop export's refcount below zero.") {
exp->refcount -= refcount;
if (exp->refcount == 0) {
exports.erase(id, *exp);
} else {
KJ_FAIL_REQUIRE("Tried to release invalid export ID.") {
void releaseExports(kj::ArrayPtr<ExportId> exports) {
for (auto exportId: exports) {
releaseExport(exportId, 1);
void handleDisembargo(const rpc::Disembargo::Reader& disembargo) {
auto context = disembargo.getContext();
switch (context.which()) {
case rpc::Disembargo::Context::SENDER_LOOPBACK: {
kj::Own<ClientHook> target;
KJ_IF_MAYBE(t, getMessageTarget(disembargo.getTarget())) {
target = kj::mv(*t);
} else {
// Exception already reported.
for (;;) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(r, target->getResolved()) {
target = r->addRef();
} else {
KJ_REQUIRE(target->getBrand() == this,
"'Disembargo' of type 'senderLoopback' sent to an object that does not point "
"back to the sender.") {
EmbargoId embargoId = context.getSenderLoopback();
// We need to insert an evalLast() here to make sure that any pending calls towards this
// cap have had time to find their way through the event loop.
target, [this,embargoId](kj::Own<ClientHook>&& target) {
if (!<Connected>()) {
RpcClient& downcasted = kj::downcast<RpcClient>(*target);
auto message = connection.get<Connected>()->newOutgoingMessage(
messageSizeHint<rpc::Disembargo>() + MESSAGE_TARGET_SIZE_HINT);
auto builder = message->getBody().initAs<rpc::Message>().initDisembargo();
auto redirect = downcasted.writeTarget(builder.initTarget());
// Disembargoes should only be sent to capabilities that were previously the subject of
// a `Resolve` message. But `writeTarget` only ever returns non-null when called on
// a PromiseClient. The code which sends `Resolve` and `Return` should have replaced
// any promise with a direct node in order to solve the Tribble 4-way race condition.
// See the documentation of Disembargo in rpc.capnp for more.
KJ_REQUIRE(redirect == nullptr,
"'Disembargo' of type 'senderLoopback' sent to an object that does not "
"appear to have been the subject of a previous 'Resolve' message.") {
case rpc::Disembargo::Context::RECEIVER_LOOPBACK: {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(embargo, embargoes.find(context.getReceiverLoopback())) {
embargoes.erase(context.getReceiverLoopback(), *embargo);
} else {
KJ_FAIL_REQUIRE("Invalid embargo ID in 'Disembargo.context.receiverLoopback'.") {
KJ_FAIL_REQUIRE("Unimplemented Disembargo type.", disembargo) { return; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Level 2
} // namespace
class RpcSystemBase::Impl final: private BootstrapFactoryBase, private kj::TaskSet::ErrorHandler {
Impl(VatNetworkBase& network, kj::Maybe<Capability::Client> bootstrapInterface)
: network(network), bootstrapInterface(kj::mv(bootstrapInterface)),
bootstrapFactory(*this), tasks(*this) {
acceptLoopPromise = acceptLoop().eagerlyEvaluate([](kj::Exception&& e) { KJ_LOG(ERROR, e); });
Impl(VatNetworkBase& network, BootstrapFactoryBase& bootstrapFactory)
: network(network), bootstrapFactory(bootstrapFactory), tasks(*this) {
acceptLoopPromise = acceptLoop().eagerlyEvaluate([](kj::Exception&& e) { KJ_LOG(ERROR, e); });
Impl(VatNetworkBase& network, SturdyRefRestorerBase& restorer)
: network(network), bootstrapFactory(*this), restorer(restorer), tasks(*this) {
acceptLoopPromise = acceptLoop().eagerlyEvaluate([](kj::Exception&& e) { KJ_LOG(ERROR, e); });
~Impl() noexcept(false) {
unwindDetector.catchExceptionsIfUnwinding([&]() {
// std::unordered_map doesn't like it when elements' destructors throw, so carefully
// disassemble it.
if (!connections.empty()) {
kj::Vector<kj::Own<RpcConnectionState>> deleteMe(connections.size());
kj::Exception shutdownException = KJ_EXCEPTION(DISCONNECTED, "RpcSystem was destroyed.");
for (auto& entry: connections) {
Capability::Client bootstrap(AnyStruct::Reader vatId) {
// For now we delegate to restore() since it's equivalent, but eventually we'll remove restore()
// and implement bootstrap() directly.
return restore(vatId, AnyPointer::Reader());
Capability::Client restore(AnyStruct::Reader vatId, AnyPointer::Reader objectId) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(connection, network.baseConnect(vatId)) {
auto& state = getConnectionState(kj::mv(*connection));
return Capability::Client(state.restore(objectId));
} else if (objectId.isNull()) {
// Turns out `vatId` refers to ourselves, so we can also pass it as the client ID for
// baseCreateFor().
return bootstrapFactory.baseCreateFor(vatId);
} else KJ_IF_MAYBE(r, restorer) {
return r->baseRestore(objectId);
} else {
return Capability::Client(newBrokenCap(
"This vat only supports a bootstrap interface, not the old Cap'n-Proto-0.4-style "
"named exports."));
void setFlowLimit(size_t words) {
flowLimit = words;
for (auto& conn: connections) {
void setTraceEncoder(kj::Function<kj::String(const kj::Exception&)> func) {
traceEncoder = kj::mv(func);
kj::Promise<void> run() { return kj::mv(acceptLoopPromise); }
VatNetworkBase& network;
kj::Maybe<Capability::Client> bootstrapInterface;
BootstrapFactoryBase& bootstrapFactory;
kj::Maybe<SturdyRefRestorerBase&> restorer;
size_t flowLimit = kj::maxValue;
kj::Maybe<kj::Function<kj::String(const kj::Exception&)>> traceEncoder;
kj::Promise<void> acceptLoopPromise = nullptr;
kj::TaskSet tasks;
typedef std::unordered_map<VatNetworkBase::Connection*, kj::Own<RpcConnectionState>>
ConnectionMap connections;
kj::UnwindDetector unwindDetector;
RpcConnectionState& getConnectionState(kj::Own<VatNetworkBase::Connection>&& connection) {
auto iter = connections.find(connection);
if (iter == connections.end()) {
VatNetworkBase::Connection* connectionPtr = connection;
auto onDisconnect = kj::newPromiseAndFulfiller<RpcConnectionState::DisconnectInfo>();
.then([this,connectionPtr](RpcConnectionState::DisconnectInfo info) {
auto newState = kj::refcounted<RpcConnectionState>(
bootstrapFactory, restorer, kj::mv(connection),
kj::mv(onDisconnect.fulfiller), flowLimit, traceEncoder);
RpcConnectionState& result = *newState;
connections.insert(std::make_pair(connectionPtr, kj::mv(newState)));
return result;
} else {
return *iter->second;
kj::Promise<void> acceptLoop() {
return network.baseAccept().then(
[this](kj::Own<VatNetworkBase::Connection>&& connection) {
return acceptLoop();
Capability::Client baseCreateFor(AnyStruct::Reader clientId) override {
// Implements BootstrapFactory::baseCreateFor() in terms of `bootstrapInterface` or `restorer`,
// for use when we were given one of those instead of an actual `bootstrapFactory`.
KJ_IF_MAYBE(cap, bootstrapInterface) {
return *cap;
} else KJ_IF_MAYBE(r, restorer) {
return r->baseRestore(AnyPointer::Reader());
} else {
return KJ_EXCEPTION(FAILED, "This vat does not expose any public/bootstrap interfaces.");
void taskFailed(kj::Exception&& exception) override {
KJ_LOG(ERROR, exception);
RpcSystemBase::RpcSystemBase(VatNetworkBase& network,
kj::Maybe<Capability::Client> bootstrapInterface)
: impl(kj::heap<Impl>(network, kj::mv(bootstrapInterface))) {}
RpcSystemBase::RpcSystemBase(VatNetworkBase& network,
BootstrapFactoryBase& bootstrapFactory)
: impl(kj::heap<Impl>(network, bootstrapFactory)) {}
RpcSystemBase::RpcSystemBase(VatNetworkBase& network, SturdyRefRestorerBase& restorer)
: impl(kj::heap<Impl>(network, restorer)) {}
RpcSystemBase::RpcSystemBase(RpcSystemBase&& other) noexcept = default;
RpcSystemBase::~RpcSystemBase() noexcept(false) {}
Capability::Client RpcSystemBase::baseBootstrap(AnyStruct::Reader vatId) {
return impl->bootstrap(vatId);
Capability::Client RpcSystemBase::baseRestore(
AnyStruct::Reader hostId, AnyPointer::Reader objectId) {
return impl->restore(hostId, objectId);
void RpcSystemBase::baseSetFlowLimit(size_t words) {
return impl->setFlowLimit(words);
void RpcSystemBase::setTraceEncoder(kj::Function<kj::String(const kj::Exception&)> func) {
kj::Promise<void> RpcSystemBase::run() {
return impl->run();
} // namespace _ (private)
// =======================================================================================
namespace {
class WindowFlowController final: public RpcFlowController, private kj::TaskSet::ErrorHandler {
WindowFlowController(RpcFlowController::WindowGetter& windowGetter)
: windowGetter(windowGetter), tasks(*this) {
kj::Promise<void> send(kj::Own<OutgoingRpcMessage> message, kj::Promise<void> ack) override {
auto size = message->sizeInWords() * sizeof(capnp::word);
maxMessageSize = kj::max(size, maxMessageSize);
// We are REQUIRED to send the message NOW to maintain correct ordering.
inFlight += size;
tasks.add(ack.then([this, size]() {
inFlight -= size;
KJ_CASE_ONEOF(blockedSends, Running) {
if (isReady()) {
// Release all fulfillers.
for (auto& fulfiller: blockedSends) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(f, emptyFulfiller) {
if (inFlight == 0) {
KJ_CASE_ONEOF(exception, kj::Exception) {
// A previous call failed, but this one -- which was already in-flight at the time --
// ended up succeeding. That may indicate that the server side is not properly
// handling streaming error propagation. Nothing much we can do about it here though.
KJ_CASE_ONEOF(blockedSends, Running) {
if (isReady()) {
return kj::READY_NOW;
} else {
auto paf = kj::newPromiseAndFulfiller<void>();
return kj::mv(paf.promise);
KJ_CASE_ONEOF(exception, kj::Exception) {
return kj::cp(exception);
kj::Promise<void> waitAllAcked() override {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(q, state.tryGet<Running>()) {
if (!q->empty()) {
auto paf = kj::newPromiseAndFulfiller<kj::Promise<void>>();
emptyFulfiller = kj::mv(paf.fulfiller);
return kj::mv(paf.promise);
return tasks.onEmpty();
RpcFlowController::WindowGetter& windowGetter;
size_t inFlight = 0;
size_t maxMessageSize = 0;
typedef kj::Vector<kj::Own<kj::PromiseFulfiller<void>>> Running;
kj::OneOf<Running, kj::Exception> state;
kj::Maybe<kj::Own<kj::PromiseFulfiller<kj::Promise<void>>>> emptyFulfiller;
kj::TaskSet tasks;
void taskFailed(kj::Exception&& exception) override {
KJ_CASE_ONEOF(blockedSends, Running) {
// Fail out all pending sends.
for (auto& fulfiller: blockedSends) {
// Fail out all future sends.
state = kj::mv(exception);
KJ_CASE_ONEOF(exception, kj::Exception) {
// ignore redundant exception
bool isReady() {
// We extend the window by maxMessageSize to avoid a pathological situation when a message
// is larger than the window size. Otherwise, after sending that message, we would end up
// not sending any others until the ack was received, wasting a round trip's worth of
// bandwidth.
return inFlight <= maxMessageSize // avoid getWindow() call if unnecessary
|| inFlight < windowGetter.getWindow() + maxMessageSize;
class FixedWindowFlowController final
: public RpcFlowController, public RpcFlowController::WindowGetter {
FixedWindowFlowController(size_t windowSize): windowSize(windowSize), inner(*this) {}
kj::Promise<void> send(kj::Own<OutgoingRpcMessage> message, kj::Promise<void> ack) override {
return inner.send(kj::mv(message), kj::mv(ack));
kj::Promise<void> waitAllAcked() override {
return inner.waitAllAcked();
size_t getWindow() override { return windowSize; }
size_t windowSize;
WindowFlowController inner;
} // namespace
kj::Own<RpcFlowController> RpcFlowController::newFixedWindowController(size_t windowSize) {
return kj::heap<FixedWindowFlowController>(windowSize);
kj::Own<RpcFlowController> RpcFlowController::newVariableWindowController(WindowGetter& getter) {
return kj::heap<WindowFlowController>(getter);
} // namespace capnp