blob: 4e18b5aa3133eb20682ab5193f6262440dcc3099 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Sandstorm Development Group, Inc. and contributors
// Licensed under the MIT License:
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#pragma once
#include "async-prelude.h"
#include "exception.h"
#include "refcount.h"
#if __BIONIC__ || __FreeBSD__ || __OpenBSD__ || KJ_NO_EXCEPTIONS
// These platforms don't support fibers.
#define KJ_USE_FIBERS 0
#define KJ_USE_FIBERS 1
#error "Fibers cannot be enabled when exceptions are disabled."
namespace kj {
class EventLoop;
class WaitScope;
template <typename T>
class Promise;
template <typename T>
class ForkedPromise;
template <typename T>
class PromiseFulfiller;
template <typename T>
struct PromiseFulfillerPair;
template <typename Func>
class FunctionParam;
template <typename Func, typename T>
using PromiseForResult = _::ReducePromises<_::ReturnType<Func, T>>;
// Evaluates to the type of Promise for the result of calling functor type Func with parameter type
// T. If T is void, then the promise is for the result of calling Func with no arguments. If
// Func itself returns a promise, the promises are joined, so you never get Promise<Promise<T>>.
// =======================================================================================
// Promises
template <typename T>
class Promise: protected _::PromiseBase {
// The basic primitive of asynchronous computation in KJ. Similar to "futures", but designed
// specifically for event loop concurrency. Similar to E promises and JavaScript Promises/A.
// A Promise represents a promise to produce a value of type T some time in the future. Once
// that value has been produced, the promise is "fulfilled". Alternatively, a promise can be
// "broken", with an Exception describing what went wrong. You may implicitly convert a value of
// type T to an already-fulfilled Promise<T>. You may implicitly convert the constant
// `kj::READY_NOW` to an already-fulfilled Promise<void>. You may also implicitly convert a
// `kj::Exception` to an already-broken promise of any type.
// Promises are linear types -- they are moveable but not copyable. If a Promise is destroyed
// or goes out of scope (without being moved elsewhere), any ongoing asynchronous operations
// meant to fulfill the promise will be canceled if possible. All methods of `Promise` (unless
// otherwise noted) actually consume the promise in the sense of move semantics. (Arguably they
// should be rvalue-qualified, but at the time this interface was created compilers didn't widely
// support that yet and anyway it would be pretty ugly typing kj::mv(promise).whatever().) If
// you want to use one Promise in two different places, you must fork it with `fork()`.
// To use the result of a Promise, you must call `then()` and supply a callback function to
// call with the result. `then()` returns another promise, for the result of the callback.
// Any time that this would result in Promise<Promise<T>>, the promises are collapsed into a
// simple Promise<T> that first waits for the outer promise, then the inner. Example:
// // Open a remote file, read the content, and then count the
// // number of lines of text.
// // Note that none of the calls here block. `file`, `content`
// // and `lineCount` are all initialized immediately before any
// // asynchronous operations occur. The lambda callbacks are
// // called later.
// Promise<Own<File>> file = openFtp("ftp://host/foo/bar");
// Promise<String> content = file.then(
// [](Own<File> file) -> Promise<String> {
// return file.readAll();
// });
// Promise<int> lineCount = content.then(
// [](String text) -> int {
// uint count = 0;
// for (char c: text) count += (c == '\n');
// return count;
// });
// For `then()` to work, the current thread must have an active `EventLoop`. Each callback
// is scheduled to execute in that loop. Since `then()` schedules callbacks only on the current
// thread's event loop, you do not need to worry about two callbacks running at the same time.
// You will need to set up at least one `EventLoop` at the top level of your program before you
// can use promises.
// To adapt a non-Promise-based asynchronous API to promises, use `newAdaptedPromise()`.
// Systems using promises should consider supporting the concept of "pipelining". Pipelining
// means allowing a caller to start issuing method calls against a promised object before the
// promise has actually been fulfilled. This is particularly useful if the promise is for a
// remote object living across a network, as this can avoid round trips when chaining a series
// of calls. It is suggested that any class T which supports pipelining implement a subclass of
// Promise<T> which adds "eventual send" methods -- methods which, when called, say "please
// invoke the corresponding method on the promised value once it is available". These methods
// should in turn return promises for the eventual results of said invocations. Cap'n Proto,
// for example, implements the type `RemotePromise` which supports pipelining RPC requests -- see
// `capnp/capability.h`.
// KJ Promises are based on E promises:
// KJ Promises are also inspired in part by the evolving standards for JavaScript/ECMAScript
// promises, which are themselves influenced by E promises:
Promise(_::FixVoid<T> value);
// Construct an already-fulfilled Promise from a value of type T. For non-void promises, the
// parameter type is simply T. So, e.g., in a function that returns `Promise<int>`, you can
// say `return 123;` to return a promise that is already fulfilled to 123.
// For void promises, use `kj::READY_NOW` as the value, e.g. `return kj::READY_NOW`.
Promise(kj::Exception&& e);
// Construct an already-broken Promise.
inline Promise(decltype(nullptr)) {}
template <typename Func, typename ErrorFunc = _::PropagateException>
PromiseForResult<Func, T> then(Func&& func, ErrorFunc&& errorHandler = _::PropagateException(),
SourceLocation location = {}) KJ_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Register a continuation function to be executed when the promise completes. The continuation
// (`func`) takes the promised value (an rvalue of type `T`) as its parameter. The continuation
// may return a new value; `then()` itself returns a promise for the continuation's eventual
// result. If the continuation itself returns a `Promise<U>`, then `then()` shall also return
// a `Promise<U>` which first waits for the original promise, then executes the continuation,
// then waits for the inner promise (i.e. it automatically "unwraps" the promise).
// In all cases, `then()` returns immediately. The continuation is executed later. The
// continuation is always executed on the same EventLoop (and, therefore, the same thread) which
// called `then()`, therefore no synchronization is necessary on state shared by the continuation
// and the surrounding scope. If no EventLoop is running on the current thread, `then()` throws
// an exception.
// You may also specify an error handler continuation as the second parameter. `errorHandler`
// must be a functor taking a parameter of type `kj::Exception&&`. It must return the same
// type as `func` returns (except when `func` returns `Promise<U>`, in which case `errorHandler`
// may return either `Promise<U>` or just `U`). The default error handler simply propagates the
// exception to the returned promise.
// Either `func` or `errorHandler` may, of course, throw an exception, in which case the promise
// is broken. When compiled with -fno-exceptions, the framework will still detect when a
// recoverable exception was thrown inside of a continuation and will consider the promise
// broken even though a (presumably garbage) result was returned.
// If the returned promise is destroyed before the callback runs, the callback will be canceled
// (it will never run).
// Note that `then()` -- like all other Promise methods -- consumes the promise on which it is
// called, in the sense of move semantics. After returning, the original promise is no longer
// valid, but `then()` returns a new promise.
// *Advanced implementation tips:* Most users will never need to worry about the below, but
// it is good to be aware of.
// As an optimization, if the callback function `func` does _not_ return another promise, then
// execution of `func` itself may be delayed until its result is known to be needed. The
// expectation here is that `func` is just doing some transformation on the results, not
// scheduling any other actions, therefore the system doesn't need to be proactive about
// evaluating it. This way, a chain of trivial then() transformations can be executed all at
// once without repeatedly re-scheduling through the event loop. Use the `eagerlyEvaluate()`
// method to suppress this behavior.
// On the other hand, if `func` _does_ return another promise, then the system evaluates `func`
// as soon as possible, because the promise it returns might be for a newly-scheduled
// long-running asynchronous task.
// As another optimization, when a callback function registered with `then()` is actually
// scheduled, it is scheduled to occur immediately, preempting other work in the event queue.
// This allows a long chain of `then`s to execute all at once, improving cache locality by
// clustering operations on the same data. However, this implies that starvation can occur
// if a chain of `then()`s takes a very long time to execute without ever stopping to wait for
// actual I/O. To solve this, use `kj::evalLater()` to yield control; this way, all other events
// in the queue will get a chance to run before your callback is executed.
Promise<void> ignoreResult() KJ_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT { return then([](T&&) {}); }
// Convenience method to convert the promise to a void promise by ignoring the return value.
// You must still wait on the returned promise if you want the task to execute.
template <typename ErrorFunc>
Promise<T> catch_(ErrorFunc&& errorHandler, SourceLocation location = {}) KJ_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Equivalent to `.then(identityFunc, errorHandler)`, where `identifyFunc` is a function that
// just returns its input.
T wait(WaitScope& waitScope, SourceLocation location = {});
// Run the event loop until the promise is fulfilled, then return its result. If the promise
// is rejected, throw an exception.
// wait() is primarily useful at the top level of a program -- typically, within the function
// that allocated the EventLoop. For example, a program that performs one or two RPCs and then
// exits would likely use wait() in its main() function to wait on each RPC. On the other hand,
// server-side code generally cannot use wait(), because it has to be able to accept multiple
// requests at once.
// If the promise is rejected, `wait()` throws an exception. If the program was compiled without
// exceptions (-fno-exceptions), this will usually abort. In this case you really should first
// use `then()` to set an appropriate handler for the exception case, so that the promise you
// actually wait on never throws.
// `waitScope` is an object proving that the caller is in a scope where wait() is allowed. By
// convention, any function which might call wait(), or which might call another function which
// might call wait(), must take `WaitScope&` as one of its parameters. This is needed for two
// reasons:
// * `wait()` is not allowed during an event callback, because event callbacks are themselves
// called during some other `wait()`, and such recursive `wait()`s would only be able to
// complete in LIFO order, which might mean that the outer `wait()` ends up waiting longer
// than it is supposed to. To prevent this, a `WaitScope` cannot be constructed or used during
// an event callback.
// * Since `wait()` runs the event loop, unrelated event callbacks may execute before `wait()`
// returns. This means that anyone calling `wait()` must be reentrant -- state may change
// around them in arbitrary ways. Therefore, callers really need to know if a function they
// are calling might wait(), and the `WaitScope&` parameter makes this clear.
// Usually, there is only one `WaitScope` for each `EventLoop`, and it can only be used at the
// top level of the thread owning the loop. Calling `wait()` with this `WaitScope` is what
// actually causes the event loop to run at all. This top-level `WaitScope` cannot be used
// recursively, so cannot be used within an event callback.
// However, it is possible to obtain a `WaitScope` in lower-level code by using fibers. Use
// kj::startFiber() to start some code executing on an alternate call stack. That code will get
// its own `WaitScope` allowing it to operate in a synchronous style. In this case, `wait()`
// switches back to the main stack in order to run the event loop, returning to the fiber's stack
// once the awaited promise resolves.
bool poll(WaitScope& waitScope, SourceLocation location = {});
// Returns true if a call to wait() would complete without blocking, false if it would block.
// If the promise is not yet resolved, poll() will pump the event loop and poll for I/O in an
// attempt to resolve it. Only when there is nothing left to do will it return false.
// Generally, poll() is most useful in tests. Often, you may want to verify that a promise does
// not resolve until some specific event occurs. To do so, poll() the promise before the event to
// verify it isn't resolved, then trigger the event, then poll() again to verify that it resolves.
// The first poll() verifies that the promise doesn't resolve early, which would otherwise be
// hard to do deterministically. The second poll() allows you to check that the promise has
// resolved and avoid a wait() that might deadlock in the case that it hasn't.
// poll() is not supported in fibers; it will throw an exception.
ForkedPromise<T> fork(SourceLocation location = {}) KJ_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Forks the promise, so that multiple different clients can independently wait on the result.
// `T` must be copy-constructable for this to work. Or, in the special case where `T` is
// `Own<U>`, `U` must have a method `Own<U> addRef()` which returns a new reference to the same
// (or an equivalent) object (probably implemented via reference counting).
_::SplitTuplePromise<T> split(SourceLocation location = {});
// Split a promise for a tuple into a tuple of promises.
// E.g. if you have `Promise<kj::Tuple<T, U>>`, `split()` returns
// `kj::Tuple<Promise<T>, Promise<U>>`.
Promise<T> exclusiveJoin(Promise<T>&& other, SourceLocation location = {}) KJ_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Return a new promise that resolves when either the original promise resolves or `other`
// resolves (whichever comes first). The promise that didn't resolve first is canceled.
// TODO(someday): inclusiveJoin(), or perhaps just join(), which waits for both completions
// and produces a tuple?
template <typename... Attachments>
Promise<T> attach(Attachments&&... attachments) KJ_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// "Attaches" one or more movable objects (often, Own<T>s) to the promise, such that they will
// be destroyed when the promise resolves. This is useful when a promise's callback contains
// pointers into some object and you want to make sure the object still exists when the callback
// runs -- after calling then(), use attach() to add necessary objects to the result.
template <typename ErrorFunc>
Promise<T> eagerlyEvaluate(ErrorFunc&& errorHandler, SourceLocation location = {})
Promise<T> eagerlyEvaluate(decltype(nullptr), SourceLocation location = {}) KJ_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Force eager evaluation of this promise. Use this if you are going to hold on to the promise
// for awhile without consuming the result, but you want to make sure that the system actually
// processes it.
// `errorHandler` is a function that takes `kj::Exception&&`, like the second parameter to
// `then()`, or the parameter to `catch_()`. We make you specify this because otherwise it's
// easy to forget to handle errors in a promise that you never use. You may specify nullptr for
// the error handler if you are sure that ignoring errors is fine, or if you know that you'll
// eventually wait on the promise somewhere.
template <typename ErrorFunc>
void detach(ErrorFunc&& errorHandler);
// Allows the promise to continue running in the background until it completes or the
// `EventLoop` is destroyed. Be careful when using this: since you can no longer cancel this
// promise, you need to make sure that the promise owns all the objects it touches or make sure
// those objects outlive the EventLoop.
// `errorHandler` is a function that takes `kj::Exception&&`, like the second parameter to
// `then()`, except that it must return void.
// This function exists mainly to implement the Cap'n Proto requirement that RPC calls cannot be
// canceled unless the callee explicitly permits it.
kj::String trace();
// Returns a dump of debug info about this promise. Not for production use. Requires RTTI.
// This method does NOT consume the promise as other methods do.
Promise(bool, Own<_::PromiseNode>&& node): PromiseBase(kj::mv(node)) {}
// Second parameter prevent ambiguity with immediate-value constructor.
friend class _::PromiseNode;
template <typename T>
class ForkedPromise {
// The result of `Promise::fork()` and `EventLoop::fork()`. Allows branches to be created.
// Like `Promise<T>`, this is a pass-by-move type.
inline ForkedPromise(decltype(nullptr)) {}
Promise<T> addBranch();
// Add a new branch to the fork. The branch is equivalent to the original promise.
bool hasBranches();
// Returns true if there are any branches that haven't been canceled.
Own<_::ForkHub<_::FixVoid<T>>> hub;
inline ForkedPromise(bool, Own<_::ForkHub<_::FixVoid<T>>>&& hub): hub(kj::mv(hub)) {}
friend class Promise<T>;
friend class EventLoop;
constexpr _::Void READY_NOW = _::Void();
// Use this when you need a Promise<void> that is already fulfilled -- this value can be implicitly
// cast to `Promise<void>`.
constexpr _::NeverDone NEVER_DONE = _::NeverDone();
// The opposite of `READY_NOW`, return this when the promise should never resolve. This can be
// implicitly converted to any promise type. You may also call `NEVER_DONE.wait()` to wait
// forever (useful for servers).
template <typename Func>
PromiseForResult<Func, void> evalLater(Func&& func) KJ_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Schedule for the given zero-parameter function to be executed in the event loop at some
// point in the near future. Returns a Promise for its result -- or, if `func()` itself returns
// a promise, `evalLater()` returns a Promise for the result of resolving that promise.
// Example usage:
// Promise<int> x = evalLater([]() { return 123; });
// The above is exactly equivalent to:
// Promise<int> x = Promise<void>(READY_NOW).then([]() { return 123; });
// If the returned promise is destroyed before the callback runs, the callback will be canceled
// (never called).
// If you schedule several evaluations with `evalLater` during the same callback, they are
// guaranteed to be executed in order.
template <typename Func>
PromiseForResult<Func, void> evalNow(Func&& func) KJ_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Run `func()` and return a promise for its result. `func()` executes before `evalNow()` returns.
// If `func()` throws an exception, the exception is caught and wrapped in a promise -- this is the
// main reason why `evalNow()` is useful.
template <typename Func>
PromiseForResult<Func, void> evalLast(Func&& func) KJ_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Like `evalLater()`, except that the function doesn't run until the event queue is otherwise
// completely empty and the thread is about to suspend waiting for I/O.
// This is useful when you need to perform some disruptive action and you want to make sure that
// you don't interrupt some other task between two .then() continuations. For example, say you want
// to cancel a read() operation on a socket and know for sure that if any bytes were read, you saw
// them. It could be that a read() has completed and bytes have been transferred to the target
// buffer, but the .then() callback that handles the read result hasn't executed yet. If you
// cancel the promise at this inopportune moment, the bytes in the buffer are lost. If you do
// evalLast(), then you can be sure that any pending .then() callbacks had a chance to finish out
// and if you didn't receive the read result yet, then you know nothing has been read, and you can
// simply drop the promise.
// If evalLast() is called multiple times, functions are executed in LIFO order. If the first
// callback enqueues new events, then latter callbacks will not execute until those events are
// drained.
ArrayPtr<void* const> getAsyncTrace(ArrayPtr<void*> space);
kj::String getAsyncTrace();
// If the event loop is currently running in this thread, get a trace back through the promise
// chain leading to the currently-executing event. The format is the same as kj::getStackTrace()
// from exception.c++.
template <typename Func>
PromiseForResult<Func, void> retryOnDisconnect(Func&& func) KJ_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Promises to run `func()` asynchronously, retrying once if it fails with a DISCONNECTED exception.
// If the retry also fails, the exception is passed through.
// `func()` should return a `Promise`. `retryOnDisconnect(func)` returns the same promise, except
// with the retry logic added.
template <typename Func>
PromiseForResult<Func, WaitScope&> startFiber(
size_t stackSize, Func&& func, SourceLocation location = {}) KJ_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Executes `func()` in a fiber, returning a promise for the eventual reseult. `func()` will be
// passed a `WaitScope&` as its parameter, allowing it to call `.wait()` on promises. Thus, `func()`
// can be written in a synchronous, blocking style, instead of using `.then()`. This is often much
// easier to write and read, and may even be significantly faster if it allows the use of stack
// allocation rather than heap allocation.
// However, fibers have a major disadvantage: memory must be allocated for the fiber's call stack.
// The entire stack must be allocated at once, making it necessary to choose a stack size upfront
// that is big enough for whatever the fiber needs to do. Estimating this is often difficult. That
// said, over-estimating is not too terrible since pages of the stack will actually be allocated
// lazily when first accessed; actual memory usage will correspond to the "high watermark" of the
// actual stack usage. That said, this lazy allocation forces page faults, which can be quite slow.
// Worse, freeing a stack forces a TLB flush and shootdown -- all currently-executing threads will
// have to be interrupted to flush their CPU cores' TLB caches.
// In short, when performance matters, you should try to avoid creating fibers very frequently.
class FiberPool final {
// A freelist pool of fibers with a set stack size. This improves CPU usage with fibers at
// the expense of memory usage. Fibers in this pool will always use the max amount of memory
// used until the pool is destroyed.
explicit FiberPool(size_t stackSize);
~FiberPool() noexcept(false);
void setMaxFreelist(size_t count);
// Set the maximum number of stacks to add to the freelist. If the freelist is full, stacks will
// be deleted rather than returned to the freelist.
void useCoreLocalFreelists();
// EXPERIMENTAL: Call to tell FiberPool to try to use core-local stack freelists, which
// in theory should increase L1/L2 cache efficacy for freelisted stacks. In practice, as of
// this writing, no performance advantage has yet been demonstrated. Note that currently this
// feature is only supported on Linux (the flag has no effect on other operating systems).
template <typename Func>
PromiseForResult<Func, WaitScope&> startFiber(
Func&& func, SourceLocation location = {}) const KJ_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Executes `func()` in a fiber from this pool, returning a promise for the eventual result.
// `func()` will be passed a `WaitScope&` as its parameter, allowing it to call `.wait()` on
// promises. Thus, `func()` can be written in a synchronous, blocking style, instead of
// using `.then()`. This is often much easier to write and read, and may even be significantly
// faster if it allows the use of stack allocation rather than heap allocation.
void runSynchronously(kj::FunctionParam<void()> func) const;
// Use one of the stacks in the pool to synchronously execute func(), returning the result that
// func() returns. This is not the usual use case for fibers, but can be a nice optimization
// in programs that have many threads that mostly only need small stacks, but occasionally need
// a much bigger stack to run some deeply recursive algorithm. If the algorithm is run on each
// thread's normal call stack, then every thread's stack will tend to grow to be very big
// (usually, stacks automatically grow as needed, but do not shrink until the thread exits
// completely). If the thread can share a small set of big stacks that they use only when calling
// the deeply recursive algorithm, and use small stacks for everything else, overall memory usage
// is reduced.
// TODO(someday): If func() returns a value, return it from runSynchronously? Current use case
// doesn't need it.
size_t getFreelistSize() const;
// Get the number of stacks currently in the freelist. Does not count stacks that are active.
class Impl;
Own<Impl> impl;
friend class _::FiberStack;
friend class _::FiberBase;
template <typename T>
Promise<Array<T>> joinPromises(Array<Promise<T>>&& promises, SourceLocation location = {});
// Join an array of promises into a promise for an array.
// =======================================================================================
// Hack for creating a lambda that holds an owned pointer.
template <typename Func, typename MovedParam>
class CaptureByMove {
inline CaptureByMove(Func&& func, MovedParam&& param)
: func(kj::mv(func)), param(kj::mv(param)) {}
template <typename... Params>
inline auto operator()(Params&&... params)
-> decltype(kj::instance<Func>()(kj::instance<MovedParam&&>(), kj::fwd<Params>(params)...)) {
return func(kj::mv(param), kj::fwd<Params>(params)...);
Func func;
MovedParam param;
template <typename Func, typename MovedParam>
inline CaptureByMove<Func, Decay<MovedParam>> mvCapture(MovedParam&& param, Func&& func) {
// Hack to create a "lambda" which captures a variable by moving it rather than copying or
// referencing. C++14 generalized captures should make this obsolete, but for now in C++11 this
// is commonly needed for Promise continuations that own their state. Example usage:
// Own<Foo> ptr = makeFoo();
// Promise<int> promise = callRpc();
// promise.then(mvCapture(ptr, [](Own<Foo>&& ptr, int result) {
// return ptr->finish(result);
// }));
return CaptureByMove<Func, Decay<MovedParam>>(kj::fwd<Func>(func), kj::mv(param));
// =======================================================================================
// Advanced promise construction
class PromiseRejector {
// Superclass of PromiseFulfiller containing the non-typed methods. Useful when you only really
// need to be able to reject a promise, and you need to operate on fulfillers of different types.
virtual void reject(Exception&& exception) = 0;
virtual bool isWaiting() = 0;
template <typename T>
class PromiseFulfiller: public PromiseRejector {
// A callback which can be used to fulfill a promise. Only the first call to fulfill() or
// reject() matters; subsequent calls are ignored.
virtual void fulfill(T&& value) = 0;
// Fulfill the promise with the given value.
virtual void reject(Exception&& exception) = 0;
// Reject the promise with an error.
virtual bool isWaiting() = 0;
// Returns true if the promise is still unfulfilled and someone is potentially waiting for it.
// Returns false if fulfill()/reject() has already been called *or* if the promise to be
// fulfilled has been discarded and therefore the result will never be used anyway.
template <typename Func>
bool rejectIfThrows(Func&& func);
// Call the function (with no arguments) and return true. If an exception is thrown, call
// `fulfiller.reject()` and then return false. When compiled with exceptions disabled,
// non-fatal exceptions are still detected and handled correctly.
template <>
class PromiseFulfiller<void>: public PromiseRejector {
// Specialization of PromiseFulfiller for void promises. See PromiseFulfiller<T>.
virtual void fulfill(_::Void&& value = _::Void()) = 0;
// Call with zero parameters. The parameter is a dummy that only exists so that subclasses don't
// have to specialize for <void>.
virtual void reject(Exception&& exception) = 0;
virtual bool isWaiting() = 0;
template <typename Func>
bool rejectIfThrows(Func&& func);
template <typename T, typename Adapter, typename... Params>
_::ReducePromises<T> newAdaptedPromise(Params&&... adapterConstructorParams);
// Creates a new promise which owns an instance of `Adapter` which encapsulates the operation
// that will eventually fulfill the promise. This is primarily useful for adapting non-KJ
// asynchronous APIs to use promises.
// An instance of `Adapter` will be allocated and owned by the returned `Promise`. A
// `PromiseFulfiller<T>&` will be passed as the first parameter to the adapter's constructor,
// and `adapterConstructorParams` will be forwarded as the subsequent parameters. The adapter
// is expected to perform some asynchronous operation and call the `PromiseFulfiller<T>` once
// it is finished.
// The adapter is destroyed when its owning Promise is destroyed. This may occur before the
// Promise has been fulfilled. In this case, the adapter's destructor should cancel the
// asynchronous operation. Once the adapter is destroyed, the fulfillment callback cannot be
// called.
// An adapter implementation should be carefully written to ensure that it cannot accidentally
// be left unfulfilled permanently because of an exception. Consider making liberal use of
// `PromiseFulfiller<T>::rejectIfThrows()`.
template <typename T>
struct PromiseFulfillerPair {
_::ReducePromises<T> promise;
Own<PromiseFulfiller<T>> fulfiller;
template <typename T>
PromiseFulfillerPair<T> newPromiseAndFulfiller(SourceLocation location = {});
// Construct a Promise and a separate PromiseFulfiller which can be used to fulfill the promise.
// If the PromiseFulfiller is destroyed before either of its methods are called, the Promise is
// implicitly rejected.
// Although this function is easier to use than `newAdaptedPromise()`, it has the serious drawback
// that there is no way to handle cancellation (i.e. detect when the Promise is discarded).
// You can arrange to fulfill a promise with another promise by using a promise type for T. E.g.
// `newPromiseAndFulfiller<Promise<U>>()` will produce a promise of type `Promise<U>` but the
// fulfiller will be of type `PromiseFulfiller<Promise<U>>`. Thus you pass a `Promise<U>` to the
// `fulfill()` callback, and the promises are chained.
template <typename T>
class CrossThreadPromiseFulfiller: public kj::PromiseFulfiller<T> {
// Like PromiseFulfiller<T> but the methods are `const`, indicating they can safely be called
// from another thread.
virtual void fulfill(T&& value) const = 0;
virtual void reject(Exception&& exception) const = 0;
virtual bool isWaiting() const = 0;
void fulfill(T&& value) override { return constThis()->fulfill(kj::fwd<T>(value)); }
void reject(Exception&& exception) override { return constThis()->reject(kj::mv(exception)); }
bool isWaiting() override { return constThis()->isWaiting(); }
const CrossThreadPromiseFulfiller* constThis() { return this; }
template <>
class CrossThreadPromiseFulfiller<void>: public kj::PromiseFulfiller<void> {
// Specialization of CrossThreadPromiseFulfiller for void promises. See
// CrossThreadPromiseFulfiller<T>.
virtual void fulfill(_::Void&& value = _::Void()) const = 0;
virtual void reject(Exception&& exception) const = 0;
virtual bool isWaiting() const = 0;
void fulfill(_::Void&& value) override { return constThis()->fulfill(kj::mv(value)); }
void reject(Exception&& exception) override { return constThis()->reject(kj::mv(exception)); }
bool isWaiting() override { return constThis()->isWaiting(); }
const CrossThreadPromiseFulfiller* constThis() { return this; }
template <typename T>
struct PromiseCrossThreadFulfillerPair {
_::ReducePromises<T> promise;
Own<CrossThreadPromiseFulfiller<T>> fulfiller;
template <typename T>
PromiseCrossThreadFulfillerPair<T> newPromiseAndCrossThreadFulfiller();
// Like `newPromiseAndFulfiller()`, but the fulfiller is allowed to be invoked from any thread,
// not just the one that called this method. Note that the Promise is still tied to the calling
// thread's event loop and *cannot* be used from another thread -- only the PromiseFulfiller is
// cross-thread.
// =======================================================================================
// Canceler
class Canceler {
// A Canceler can wrap some set of Promises and then forcefully cancel them on-demand, or
// implicitly when the Canceler is destroyed.
// The cancellation is done in such a way that once cancel() (or the Canceler's destructor)
// returns, it's guaranteed that the promise has already been canceled and destroyed. This
// guarantee is important for enforcing ownership constraints. For example, imagine that Alice
// calls a method on Bob that returns a Promise. That Promise encapsulates a task that uses Bob's
// internal state. But, imagine that Alice does not own Bob, and indeed Bob might be destroyed
// at random without Alice having canceled the promise. In this case, it is necessary for Bob to
// ensure that the promise will be forcefully canceled. Bob can do this by constructing a
// Canceler and using it to wrap promises before returning them to callers. When Bob is
// destroyed, the Canceler is destroyed too, and all promises Bob wrapped with it throw errors.
// Note that another common strategy for cancellation is to use exclusiveJoin() to join a promise
// with some "cancellation promise" which only resolves if the operation should be canceled. The
// cancellation promise could itself be created by newPromiseAndFulfiller<void>(), and thus
// calling the PromiseFulfiller cancels the operation. There is a major problem with this
// approach: upon invoking the fulfiller, an arbitrary amount of time may pass before the
// exclusive-joined promise actually resolves and cancels its other fork. During that time, the
// task might continue to execute. If it holds pointers to objects that have been destroyed, this
// might cause segfaults. Thus, it is safer to use a Canceler.
inline Canceler() {}
~Canceler() noexcept(false);
template <typename T>
Promise<T> wrap(Promise<T> promise) {
return newAdaptedPromise<T, AdapterImpl<T>>(*this, kj::mv(promise));
void cancel(StringPtr cancelReason);
void cancel(const Exception& exception);
// Cancel all previously-wrapped promises that have not already completed, causing them to throw
// the given exception. If you provide just a description message instead of an exception, then
// an exception object will be constructed from it -- but only if there are requests to cancel.
void release();
// Releases previously-wrapped promises, so that they will not be canceled regardless of what
// happens to this Canceler.
bool isEmpty() const { return list == nullptr; }
// Indicates if any previously-wrapped promises are still executing. (If this returns true, then
// cancel() would be a no-op.)
class AdapterBase {
AdapterBase(Canceler& canceler);
~AdapterBase() noexcept(false);
virtual void cancel(Exception&& e) = 0;
void unlink();
Maybe<Maybe<AdapterBase&>&> prev;
Maybe<AdapterBase&> next;
friend class Canceler;
template <typename T>
class AdapterImpl: public AdapterBase {
AdapterImpl(PromiseFulfiller<T>& fulfiller,
Canceler& canceler, Promise<T> inner)
: AdapterBase(canceler),
[&fulfiller](T&& value) { fulfiller.fulfill(kj::mv(value)); },
[&fulfiller](Exception&& e) { fulfiller.reject(kj::mv(e)); })
.eagerlyEvaluate(nullptr)) {}
void cancel(Exception&& e) override {
inner = nullptr;
PromiseFulfiller<T>& fulfiller;
Promise<void> inner;
Maybe<AdapterBase&> list;
template <>
class Canceler::AdapterImpl<void>: public AdapterBase {
AdapterImpl(kj::PromiseFulfiller<void>& fulfiller,
Canceler& canceler, kj::Promise<void> inner);
void cancel(kj::Exception&& e) override;
// These must be defined in async.c++ to prevent translation units compiled by MSVC from trying to
// link with symbols defined in async.c++ merely because they included async.h.
kj::PromiseFulfiller<void>& fulfiller;
kj::Promise<void> inner;
// =======================================================================================
// TaskSet
class TaskSet {
// Holds a collection of Promise<void>s and ensures that each executes to completion. Memory
// associated with each promise is automatically freed when the promise completes. Destroying
// the TaskSet itself automatically cancels all unfinished promises.
// This is useful for "daemon" objects that perform background tasks which aren't intended to
// fulfill any particular external promise, but which may need to be canceled (and thus can't
// use `Promise::detach()`). The daemon object holds a TaskSet to collect these tasks it is
// working on. This way, if the daemon itself is destroyed, the TaskSet is destroyed as well,
// and everything the daemon is doing is canceled.
class ErrorHandler {
virtual void taskFailed(kj::Exception&& exception) = 0;
TaskSet(ErrorHandler& errorHandler, SourceLocation location = {});
// `errorHandler` will be executed any time a task throws an exception, and will execute within
// the given EventLoop.
~TaskSet() noexcept(false);
void add(Promise<void>&& promise);
kj::String trace();
// Return debug info about all promises currently in the TaskSet.
bool isEmpty() { return tasks == nullptr; }
// Check if any tasks are running.
Promise<void> onEmpty();
// Returns a promise that fulfills the next time the TaskSet is empty. Only one such promise can
// exist at a time.
class Task;
TaskSet::ErrorHandler& errorHandler;
Maybe<Own<Task>> tasks;
Maybe<Own<PromiseFulfiller<void>>> emptyFulfiller;
SourceLocation location;
// =======================================================================================
// Cross-thread execution.
class Executor {
// Executes code on another thread's event loop.
// Use `kj::getCurrentThreadExecutor()` to get an executor that schedules calls on the current
// thread's event loop. You may then pass the reference to other threads to enable them to call
// back to this one.
Executor(EventLoop& loop, Badge<EventLoop>);
~Executor() noexcept(false);
virtual kj::Own<const Executor> addRef() const = 0;
// Add a reference to this Executor. The Executor will not be destroyed until all references are
// dropped. This uses atomic refcounting for thread-safety.
// Use this when you can't guarantee that the target thread's event loop won't concurrently exit
// (including due to an uncaught exception!) while another thread is still using the Executor.
// Otherwise, the Executor object is destroyed when the owning event loop exits.
// If the target event loop has exited, then `execute{Async,Sync}` will throw DISCONNECTED
// exceptions.
bool isLive() const;
// Returns true if the remote event loop still exists, false if it has been destroyed. In the
// latter case, `execute{Async,Sync}()` will definitely throw. Of course, if this returns true,
// it could still change to false at any moment, and `execute{Async,Sync}()` could still throw as
// a result.
// TODO(cleanup): Should we have tryExecute{Async,Sync}() that return Maybes that are null if
// the remote event loop exited? Currently there are multiple known use cases that check
// isLive() after catching a DISCONNECTED exception to decide whether it is due to the executor
// exiting, and then handling that case. This is borderline in violation of KJ exception
// philosophy, but right now I'm not excited about the extra template metaprogramming needed
// for "try" versions...
template <typename Func>
PromiseForResult<Func, void> executeAsync(Func&& func, SourceLocation location = {}) const;
// Call from any thread to request that the given function be executed on the executor's thread,
// returning a promise for the result.
// The Promise returned by executeAsync() belongs to the requesting thread, not the executor
// thread. Hence, for example, continuations added to this promise with .then() will execute in
// the requesting thread.
// If func() itself returns a Promise, that Promise is *not* returned verbatim to the requesting
// thread -- after all, Promise objects cannot be used cross-thread. Instead, the executor thread
// awaits the promise. Once it resolves to a final result, that result is transferred to the
// requesting thread, resolving the promise that executeAsync() returned earlier.
// `func` will be destroyed in the requesting thread, after the final result has been returned
// from the executor thread. This means that it is safe for `func` to capture objects that cannot
// safely be destroyed from another thread. It is also safe for `func` to be an lvalue reference,
// so long as the functor remains live until the promise completes or is canceled, and the
// function is thread-safe.
// Of course, the body of `func` must be careful that any access it makes on these objects is
// safe cross-thread. For example, it must not attempt to access Promise-related objects
// cross-thread; you cannot create a `PromiseFulfiller` in one thread and then `fulfill()` it
// from another. Unfortunately, the usual convention of using const-correctness to enforce
// thread-safety does not work here, because applications can often ensure that `func` has
// exclusive access to captured objects, and thus can safely mutate them even in non-thread-safe
// ways; the const qualifier is not sufficient to express this.
// The final return value of `func` is transferred between threads, and hence is constructed and
// destroyed in separate threads. It is the app's responsibility to make sure this is OK.
// Alternatively, the app can perhaps arrange to send the return value back to the original
// thread for destruction, if needed.
// If the requesting thread destroys the returned Promise, the destructor will block waiting for
// the executor thread to acknowledge cancellation. This ensures that `func` can be destroyed
// before the Promise's destructor returns.
// Multiple calls to executeAsync() from the same requesting thread to the same target thread
// will be delivered in the same order in which they were requested. (However, if func() returns
// a promise, delivery of subsequent calls is not blocked on that promise. In other words, this
// call provides E-Order in the same way as Cap'n Proto.)
template <typename Func>
_::UnwrapPromise<PromiseForResult<Func, void>> executeSync(
Func&& func, SourceLocation location = {}) const;
// Schedules `func()` to execute on the executor thread, and then blocks the requesting thread
// until `func()` completes. If `func()` returns a Promise, then the wait will continue until
// that promise resolves, and the final result will be returned to the requesting thread.
// The requesting thread does not need to have an EventLoop. If it does have an EventLoop, that
// loop will *not* execute while the thread is blocked. This method is particularly useful to
// allow non-event-loop threads to perform I/O via a separate event-loop thread.
// As with `executeAsync()`, `func` is always destroyed on the requesting thread, after the
// executor thread has signaled completion. The return value is transferred between threads.
struct Impl;
Own<Impl> impl;
// To avoid including mutex.h...
friend class EventLoop;
friend class _::XThreadEvent;
friend class _::XThreadPaf;
void send(_::XThreadEvent& event, bool sync) const;
void wait();
bool poll();
EventLoop& getLoop() const;
const Executor& getCurrentThreadExecutor();
// Get the executor for the current thread's event loop. This reference can then be passed to other
// threads.
// =======================================================================================
// The EventLoop class
class EventPort {
// Interfaces between an `EventLoop` and events originating from outside of the loop's thread.
// All such events come in through the `EventPort` implementation.
// An `EventPort` implementation may interface with low-level operating system APIs and/or other
// threads. You can also write an `EventPort` which wraps some other (non-KJ) event loop
// framework, allowing the two to coexist in a single thread.
virtual bool wait() = 0;
// Wait for an external event to arrive, sleeping if necessary. Once at least one event has
// arrived, queue it to the event loop (e.g. by fulfilling a promise) and return.
// This is called during `Promise::wait()` whenever the event queue becomes empty, in order to
// wait for new events to populate the queue.
// It is safe to return even if nothing has actually been queued, so long as calling `wait()` in
// a loop will eventually sleep. (That is to say, false positives are fine.)
// Returns true if wake() has been called from another thread. (Precisely, returns true if
// no previous call to wait `wait()` nor `poll()` has returned true since `wake()` was last
// called.)
virtual bool poll() = 0;
// Check if any external events have arrived, but do not sleep. If any events have arrived,
// add them to the event queue (e.g. by fulfilling promises) before returning.
// This may be called during `Promise::wait()` when the EventLoop has been executing for a while
// without a break but is still non-empty.
// Returns true if wake() has been called from another thread. (Precisely, returns true if
// no previous call to wait `wait()` nor `poll()` has returned true since `wake()` was last
// called.)
virtual void setRunnable(bool runnable);
// Called to notify the `EventPort` when the `EventLoop` has work to do; specifically when it
// transitions from empty -> runnable or runnable -> empty. This is typically useful when
// integrating with an external event loop; if the loop is currently runnable then you should
// arrange to call run() on it soon. The default implementation does nothing.
virtual void wake() const;
// Wake up the EventPort's thread from another thread.
// Unlike all other methods on this interface, `wake()` may be called from another thread, hence
// it is `const`.
// Technically speaking, `wake()` causes the target thread to cease sleeping and not to sleep
// again until `wait()` or `poll()` has returned true at least once.
// The default implementation throws an UNIMPLEMENTED exception.
class EventLoop {
// Represents a queue of events being executed in a loop. Most code won't interact with
// EventLoop directly, but instead use `Promise`s to interact with it indirectly. See the
// documentation for `Promise`.
// Each thread can have at most one current EventLoop. To make an `EventLoop` current for
// the thread, create a `WaitScope`. Async APIs require that the thread has a current EventLoop,
// or they will throw exceptions. APIs that use `Promise::wait()` additionally must explicitly
// be passed a reference to the `WaitScope` to make the caller aware that they might block.
// Generally, you will want to construct an `EventLoop` at the top level of your program, e.g.
// in the main() function, or in the start function of a thread. You can then use it to
// construct some promises and wait on the result. Example:
// int main() {
// // `loop` becomes the official EventLoop for the thread.
// MyEventPort eventPort;
// EventLoop loop(eventPort);
// // Now we can call an async function.
// Promise<String> textPromise = getHttp("");
// // And we can wait for the promise to complete. Note that you can only use `wait()`
// // from the top level, not from inside a promise callback.
// String text = textPromise.wait();
// print(text);
// return 0;
// }
// Most applications that do I/O will prefer to use `setupAsyncIo()` from `async-io.h` rather
// than allocate an `EventLoop` directly.
// Construct an `EventLoop` which does not receive external events at all.
explicit EventLoop(EventPort& port);
// Construct an `EventLoop` which receives external events through the given `EventPort`.
~EventLoop() noexcept(false);
void run(uint maxTurnCount = maxValue);
// Run the event loop for `maxTurnCount` turns or until there is nothing left to be done,
// whichever comes first. This never calls the `EventPort`'s `sleep()` or `poll()`. It will
// call the `EventPort`'s `setRunnable(false)` if the queue becomes empty.
bool isRunnable();
// Returns true if run() would currently do anything, or false if the queue is empty.
const Executor& getExecutor();
// Returns an Executor that can be used to schedule events on this EventLoop from another thread.
// Use the global function kj::getCurrentThreadExecutor() to get the current thread's EventLoop's
// Executor.
// Note that this is only needed for cross-thread scheduling. To schedule code to run later in
// the current thread, use `kj::evalLater()`, which will be more efficient.
kj::Maybe<EventPort&> port;
// If null, this thread doesn't receive I/O events from the OS. It can potentially receive
// events from other threads via the Executor.
bool running = false;
// True while looping -- wait() is then not allowed.
bool lastRunnableState = false;
// What did we last pass to port.setRunnable()?
_::Event* head = nullptr;
_::Event** tail = &head;
_::Event** depthFirstInsertPoint = &head;
_::Event** breadthFirstInsertPoint = &head;
kj::Maybe<Own<Executor>> executor;
// Allocated the first time getExecutor() is requested, making cross-thread request possible.
Own<TaskSet> daemons;
_::Event* currentlyFiring = nullptr;
bool turn();
void setRunnable(bool runnable);
void enterScope();
void leaveScope();
void wait();
void poll();
friend void _::detach(kj::Promise<void>&& promise);
friend void _::waitImpl(Own<_::PromiseNode>&& node, _::ExceptionOrValue& result,
WaitScope& waitScope, SourceLocation location);
friend bool _::pollImpl(_::PromiseNode& node, WaitScope& waitScope, SourceLocation location);
friend class _::Event;
friend class WaitScope;
friend class Executor;
friend class _::XThreadEvent;
friend class _::XThreadPaf;
friend class _::FiberBase;
friend class _::FiberStack;
friend ArrayPtr<void* const> getAsyncTrace(ArrayPtr<void*> space);
class WaitScope {
// Represents a scope in which asynchronous programming can occur. A `WaitScope` should usually
// be allocated on the stack and serves two purposes:
// * While the `WaitScope` exists, its `EventLoop` is registered as the current loop for the
// thread. Most operations dealing with `Promise` (including all of its methods) do not work
// unless the thread has a current `EventLoop`.
// * `WaitScope` may be passed to `Promise::wait()` to synchronously wait for a particular
// promise to complete. See `Promise::wait()` for an extended discussion.
inline explicit WaitScope(EventLoop& loop): loop(loop) { loop.enterScope(); }
inline ~WaitScope() { if (fiber == nullptr) loop.leaveScope(); }
void poll();
// Pumps the event queue and polls for I/O until there's nothing left to do (without blocking).
// Not supported in fibers.
void setBusyPollInterval(uint count) { busyPollInterval = count; }
// Set the maximum number of events to run in a row before calling poll() on the EventPort to
// check for new I/O.
// This has no effect when used in a fiber.
void runEventCallbacksOnStackPool(kj::Maybe<const FiberPool&> pool) { runningStacksPool = pool; }
// Arranges to switch stacks while event callbacks are executing. This is an optimization that
// is useful for programs that use extremely high thread counts, where each thread has its own
// event loop, but each thread has relatively low event throughput, i.e. each thread spends
// most of its time waiting for I/O. Normally, the biggest problem with having lots of threads
// is that each thread must allocate a stack, and stacks can take a lot of memory if the
// application commonly makes deep calls. But, most of that stack space is only needed while
// the thread is executing, not while it's sleeping. So, if threads only switch to a big stack
// during execution, switching back when it's time to sleep, and if those stacks are freelisted
// so that they can be shared among threads, then a lot of memory is saved.
// We use the `FiberPool` type here because it implements a freelist of stacks, which is exactly
// what we happen to want! In our case, though, we don't use those stacks to implement fibers;
// we use them as the main thread stack.
// This has no effect if this WaitScope itself is for a fiber.
// Pass `nullptr` as the parameter to go back to running events on the main stack.
void cancelAllDetached();
// HACK: Immediately cancel all detached promises.
// New code should not use detached promises, and therefore should not need this.
// This method exists to help existing code deal with the problems of detached promises,
// especially at teardown time.
// This method may be removed in the future.
EventLoop& loop;
uint busyPollInterval = kj::maxValue;
kj::Maybe<_::FiberBase&> fiber;
kj::Maybe<const FiberPool&> runningStacksPool;
explicit WaitScope(EventLoop& loop, _::FiberBase& fiber)
: loop(loop), fiber(fiber) {}
template <typename Func>
inline void runOnStackPool(Func&& func) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(pool, runningStacksPool) {
} else {
friend class EventLoop;
friend class _::FiberBase;
friend void _::waitImpl(Own<_::PromiseNode>&& node, _::ExceptionOrValue& result,
WaitScope& waitScope, SourceLocation location);
friend bool _::pollImpl(_::PromiseNode& node, WaitScope& waitScope, SourceLocation location);
} // namespace kj
#include "async-inl.h"