blob: 1498efc8eab062bf2c9751f2a941761abbeb09ce [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015 Sandstorm Development Group, Inc. and contributors
// Licensed under the MIT License:
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#pragma once
#include "memory.h"
#include "io.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "time.h"
#include "function.h"
#include "hash.h"
namespace kj {
template <typename T>
class Vector;
class PathPtr;
class Path {
// A Path identifies a file in a directory tree.
// In KJ, we avoid representing paths as plain strings because this can lead to path injection
// bugs as well as numerous kinds of bugs relating to path parsing edge cases. The Path class's
// interface is designed to "make it hard to screw up".
// A "Path" is in fact a list of strings, each string being one component of the path (as would
// normally be separated by '/'s). Path components are not allowed to contain '/' nor '\0', nor
// are they allowed to be the special names "", ".", nor "..".
// If you explicitly want to parse a path that contains '/'s, ".", and "..", you must use
// parse() and/or eval(). However, users of this interface are encouraged to avoid parsing
// paths at all, and instead express paths as string arrays.
// Note that when using the Path class, ".." is always canonicalized in path space without
// consulting the actual filesystem. This means that "foo/some-symlink/../bar" is exactly
// equivalent to "foo/bar". This differs from the kernel's behavior when resolving paths passed
// to system calls: the kernel would have resolved "some-symlink" to its target physical path,
// and then would have interpreted ".." relative to that. In practice, the kernel's behavior is
// rarely what the user or programmer intended, hence canonicalizing in path space produces a
// better result.
// Path objects are "immutable": functions that "modify" the path return a new path. However,
// if the path being operated on is an rvalue, copying can be avoided. Hence it makes sense to
// write code like:
// Path p = ...;
// p = kj::mv(p).append("bar"); // in-place update, avoids string copying
Path(decltype(nullptr)); // empty path
explicit Path(StringPtr name);
explicit Path(String&& name);
// Create a Path containing only one component. `name` is a single filename; it cannot contain
// '/' nor '\0' nor can it be exactly "" nor "." nor "..".
// If you want to allow '/'s and such, you must call Path::parse(). We force you to do this to
// prevent path injection bugs where you didn't consider what would happen if the path contained
// a '/'.
explicit Path(std::initializer_list<StringPtr> parts);
explicit Path(ArrayPtr<const StringPtr> parts);
explicit Path(Array<String> parts);
// Construct a path from an array. Note that this means you can do:
// Path{"foo", "bar", "baz"} // equivalent to Path::parse("foo/bar/baz")
Path(Path&&) = default;
Path& operator=(Path&&) = default;
Path clone() const;
static Path parse(StringPtr path);
// Parses a path in traditional format. Components are separated by '/'. Any use of "." or
// ".." will be canonicalized (if they can't be canonicalized, e.g. because the path starts with
// "..", an exception is thrown). Multiple consecutive '/'s will be collapsed. A leading '/'
// is NOT accepted -- if that is a problem, you probably want `eval()`. Trailing '/'s are
// ignored.
Path append(Path&& suffix) const&;
Path append(Path&& suffix) &&;
Path append(PathPtr suffix) const&;
Path append(PathPtr suffix) &&;
Path append(StringPtr suffix) const&;
Path append(StringPtr suffix) &&;
Path append(String&& suffix) const&;
Path append(String&& suffix) &&;
// Create a new path by appending the given path to this path.
// `suffix` cannot contain '/' characters. Instead, you can append an array:
// path.append({"foo", "bar"})
// Or, use Path::parse():
// path.append(Path::parse("foo//baz/../bar"))
Path eval(StringPtr pathText) const&;
Path eval(StringPtr pathText) &&;
// Evaluates a traditional path relative to this one. `pathText` is parsed like `parse()` would,
// except that:
// - It can contain leading ".." components that traverse up the tree.
// - It can have a leading '/' which completely replaces the current path.
// Instead of using `path.eval(str)`, always consider whether you really want
// `path.append(Path::parse(str))`. The former is much riskier than the latter in terms of path
// injection vulnerabilities.
PathPtr basename() const&;
Path basename() &&;
// Get the last component of the path. (Use `basename()[0]` to get just the string.)
PathPtr parent() const&;
Path parent() &&;
// Get the parent path.
String toString(bool absolute = false) const;
// Converts the path to a traditional path string, appropriate to pass to a unix system call.
// Never throws.
const String& operator[](size_t i) const&;
String operator[](size_t i) &&;
size_t size() const;
const String* begin() const;
const String* end() const;
PathPtr slice(size_t start, size_t end) const&;
Path slice(size_t start, size_t end) &&;
// A Path can be accessed as an array of strings.
bool operator==(PathPtr other) const;
bool operator!=(PathPtr other) const;
bool operator< (PathPtr other) const;
bool operator> (PathPtr other) const;
bool operator<=(PathPtr other) const;
bool operator>=(PathPtr other) const;
// Compare path components lexically.
bool operator==(const Path& other) const;
bool operator!=(const Path& other) const;
bool operator< (const Path& other) const;
bool operator> (const Path& other) const;
bool operator<=(const Path& other) const;
bool operator>=(const Path& other) const;
uint hashCode() const;
// Can use in HashMap.
bool startsWith(PathPtr prefix) const;
bool endsWith(PathPtr suffix) const;
// Compare prefix / suffix.
Path evalWin32(StringPtr pathText) const&;
Path evalWin32(StringPtr pathText) &&;
// Evaluates a Win32-style path, as might be written by a user. Differences from `eval()`
// include:
// - Backslashes can be used as path separators.
// - Absolute paths begin with a drive letter followed by a colon. The drive letter, including
// the colon, will become the first component of the path, e.g. "c:\foo" becomes {"c:", "foo"}.
// - A network path like "\\host\share\path" is parsed as {"host", "share", "path"}.
Path evalNative(StringPtr pathText) const&;
Path evalNative(StringPtr pathText) &&;
// Alias for either eval() or evalWin32() depending on the target platform. Use this when you are
// parsing a path provided by a user and you want the user to be able to use the "natural" format
// for their platform.
String toWin32String(bool absolute = false) const;
// Converts the path to a Win32 path string, as you might display to a user.
// This is meant for display. For making Win32 system calls, consider `toWin32Api()` instead.
// If `absolute` is true, the path is expected to be an absolute path, meaning the first
// component is a drive letter, namespace, or network host name. These are converted to their
// regular Win32 format -- i.e. this method does the reverse of `evalWin32()`.
// This throws if the path would have unexpected special meaning or is otherwise invalid on
// Windows, such as if it contains backslashes (within a path component), colons, or special
// names like "con".
String toNativeString(bool absolute = false) const;
// Alias for either toString() or toWin32String() depending on the target platform. Use this when
// you are formatting a path to display to a user and you want to present it in the "natural"
// format for the user's platform.
Array<wchar_t> forWin32Api(bool absolute) const;
// Like toWin32String, but additionally:
// - Converts the path to UTF-16, with a NUL terminator included.
// - For absolute paths, adds the "\\?\" prefix which opts into permitting paths longer than
// MAX_PATH, and turns off relative path processing (which KJ paths already handle in userspace
// anyway).
// This method is good to use when making a Win32 API call, e.g.:
// DeleteFileW(path.forWin32Api(true).begin());
static Path parseWin32Api(ArrayPtr<const wchar_t> text);
// Parses an absolute path as returned by a Win32 API call like GetFinalPathNameByHandle() or
// GetCurrentDirectory(). A "\\?\" prefix is optional but understood if present.
// Since such Win32 API calls generally return a length, this function inputs an array slice.
// The slice should not include any NUL terminator.
Array<String> parts;
// TODO(perf): Consider unrolling one element from `parts`, so that a one-element path doesn't
// require allocation of an array.
Path(Array<String> parts, decltype(ALREADY_CHECKED));
friend class PathPtr;
static String stripNul(String input);
static void validatePart(StringPtr part);
static void evalPart(Vector<String>& parts, ArrayPtr<const char> part);
static Path evalImpl(Vector<String>&& parts, StringPtr path);
static Path evalWin32Impl(Vector<String>&& parts, StringPtr path, bool fromApi = false);
static size_t countParts(StringPtr path);
static size_t countPartsWin32(StringPtr path);
static bool isWin32Drive(ArrayPtr<const char> part);
static bool isNetbiosName(ArrayPtr<const char> part);
static bool isWin32Special(StringPtr part);
class PathPtr {
// Points to a Path or a slice of a Path, but doesn't own it.
// PathPtr is to Path as ArrayPtr is to Array and StringPtr is to String.
PathPtr(const Path& path);
Path clone();
Path append(Path&& suffix) const;
Path append(PathPtr suffix) const;
Path append(StringPtr suffix) const;
Path append(String&& suffix) const;
Path eval(StringPtr pathText) const;
PathPtr basename() const;
PathPtr parent() const;
String toString(bool absolute = false) const;
const String& operator[](size_t i) const;
size_t size() const;
const String* begin() const;
const String* end() const;
PathPtr slice(size_t start, size_t end) const;
bool operator==(PathPtr other) const;
bool operator!=(PathPtr other) const;
bool operator< (PathPtr other) const;
bool operator> (PathPtr other) const;
bool operator<=(PathPtr other) const;
bool operator>=(PathPtr other) const;
uint hashCode() const;
bool startsWith(PathPtr prefix) const;
bool endsWith(PathPtr suffix) const;
Path evalWin32(StringPtr pathText) const;
Path evalNative(StringPtr pathText) const;
String toWin32String(bool absolute = false) const;
String toNativeString(bool absolute = false) const;
Array<wchar_t> forWin32Api(bool absolute) const;
// Equivalent to the corresponding methods of `Path`.
ArrayPtr<const String> parts;
explicit PathPtr(ArrayPtr<const String> parts);
String toWin32StringImpl(bool absolute, bool forApi) const;
friend class Path;
// =======================================================================================
// The filesystem API
// This API is strictly synchronous because, unfortunately, there's no such thing as asynchronous
// filesystem access in practice. The filesystem drivers on Linux are written to assume they can
// block. The AIO API is only actually asynchronous for reading/writing the raw file blocks, but if
// the filesystem needs to be involved (to allocate blocks, update metadata, etc.) that will block.
// It's best to imagine that the filesystem is just another tier of memory that happens to be
// slower than RAM (which is slower than L3 cache, which is slower than L2, which is slower than
// L1). You can't do asynchronous RAM access so why asynchronous filesystem? The only way to
// parallelize these is using threads.
// All KJ filesystem objects are thread-safe, and so all methods are marked "const" (even write
// methods). Of course, if you concurrently write the same bytes of a file from multiple threads,
// it's unspecified which write will "win".
class FsNode {
// Base class for filesystem node types.
Own<const FsNode> clone() const;
// Creates a new object of exactly the same type as this one, pointing at exactly the same
// external object.
// Under the hood, this will call dup(), so the FD number will not be the same.
virtual Maybe<int> getFd() const { return nullptr; }
// Get the underlying Unix file descriptor, if any. Returns nullptr if this object actually isn't
// wrapping a file descriptor.
virtual Maybe<void*> getWin32Handle() const { return nullptr; }
// Get the underlying Win32 HANDLE, if any. Returns nullptr if this object actually isn't
// wrapping a handle.
enum class Type {
struct Metadata {
Type type = Type::FILE;
uint64_t size = 0;
// Logical size of the file.
uint64_t spaceUsed = 0;
// Physical size of the file on disk. May be smaller for sparse files, or larger for
// pre-allocated files.
Date lastModified = UNIX_EPOCH;
// Last modification time of the file.
uint linkCount = 1;
// Number of hard links pointing to this node.
uint64_t hashCode = 0;
// Hint which can be used to determine if two FsNode instances point to the same underlying
// file object. If two FsNodes report different hashCodes, then they are not the same object.
// If they report the same hashCode, then they may or may not be the same object.
// The Unix filesystem implementation builds the hashCode based on st_dev and st_ino of
// `struct stat`. However, note that some filesystems -- especially FUSE-based -- may not fill
// in st_ino.
// The Windows filesystem implementation builds the hashCode based on dwVolumeSerialNumber and
// dwFileIndex{Low,High} of the BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION structure. However, these are again
// not guaranteed to be unique on all filesystems. In particular the documentation says that
// ReFS uses 128-bit identifiers which can't be represented here, and again virtual filesystems
// may often not report real identifiers.
// Of course, the process of hashing values into a single hash code can also cause collisions
// even if the filesystem reports reliable information.
// Additionally note that this value is not reliable when returned by `lstat()`. You should
// actually open the object, then call `stat()` on the opened object.
// Not currently included:
// - Access control info: Differs wildly across platforms, and KJ prefers capabilities anyway.
// - Other timestamps: Differs across platforms.
// - Device number: If you care, you're probably doing platform-specific stuff anyway.
Metadata() = default;
Metadata(Type type, uint64_t size, uint64_t spaceUsed, Date lastModified, uint linkCount,
uint64_t hashCode)
: type(type), size(size), spaceUsed(spaceUsed), lastModified(lastModified),
linkCount(linkCount), hashCode(hashCode) {}
// TODO(cleanup): This constructor is redundant in C++14, but needed in C++11.
virtual Metadata stat() const = 0;
virtual void sync() const = 0;
virtual void datasync() const = 0;
// Maps to fsync() and fdatasync() system calls.
// Also, when creating or overwriting a file, the first call to sync() atomically links the file
// into the filesystem (*after* syncing the data), so than incomplete data is never visible to
// other processes. (In practice this works by writing into a temporary file and then rename()ing
// it.)
virtual Own<const FsNode> cloneFsNode() const = 0;
// Implements clone(). Required to return an object with exactly the same type as this one.
// Hence, every subclass must implement this.
class ReadableFile: public FsNode {
Own<const ReadableFile> clone() const;
String readAllText() const;
// Read all text in the file and return as a big string.
Array<byte> readAllBytes() const;
// Read all bytes in the file and return as a big byte array.
// This differs from mmap() in that the read is performed all at once. Future changes to the file
// do not affect the returned copy. Consider using mmap() instead, particularly for large files.
virtual size_t read(uint64_t offset, ArrayPtr<byte> buffer) const = 0;
// Fills `buffer` with data starting at `offset`. Returns the number of bytes actually read --
// the only time this is less than `buffer.size()` is when EOF occurs mid-buffer.
virtual Array<const byte> mmap(uint64_t offset, uint64_t size) const = 0;
// Maps the file to memory read-only. The returned array always has exactly the requested size.
// Depending on the capabilities of the OS and filesystem, the mapping may or may not reflect
// changes that happen to the file after mmap() returns.
// Multiple calls to mmap() on the same file may or may not return the same mapping (it is
// immutable, so there's no possibility of interference).
// If the file cannot be mmap()ed, an implementation may choose to allocate a buffer on the heap,
// read into it, and return that. This should only happen if a real mmap() is impossible.
// The returned array is always exactly the size requested. However, accessing bytes beyond the
// current end of the file may raise SIGBUS, or may simply return zero.
virtual Array<byte> mmapPrivate(uint64_t offset, uint64_t size) const = 0;
// Like mmap() but returns a view that the caller can modify. Modifications will not be written
// to the underlying file. Every call to this method returns a unique mapping. Changes made to
// the underlying file by other clients may or may not be reflected in the mapping -- in fact,
// some changes may be reflected while others aren't, even within the same mapping.
// In practice this is often implemented using copy-on-write pages. When you first write to a
// page, a copy is made. Hence, changes to the underlying file within that page stop being
// reflected in the mapping.
class AppendableFile: public FsNode, public OutputStream {
Own<const AppendableFile> clone() const;
// All methods are inherited.
class WritableFileMapping {
virtual ArrayPtr<byte> get() const = 0;
// Gets the mapped bytes. The returned array can be modified, and those changes may be written to
// the underlying file, but there is no guarantee that they are written unless you subsequently
// call changed().
virtual void changed(ArrayPtr<byte> slice) const = 0;
// Notifies the implementation that the given bytes have changed. For some implementations this
// may be a no-op while for others it may be necessary in order for the changes to be written
// back at all.
// `slice` must be a slice of `bytes()`.
virtual void sync(ArrayPtr<byte> slice) const = 0;
// Implies `changed()`, and then waits until the range has actually been written to disk before
// returning.
// `slice` must be a slice of `bytes()`.
// On Windows, this calls FlushViewOfFile(). The documentation for this function implies that in
// some circumstances, to fully sync to physical disk, you may need to call FlushFileBuffers() on
// the file HANDLE as well. The documentation is not very clear on when and why this is needed.
// If you believe your program needs this, you can accomplish it by calling `.sync()` on the File
// object after calling `.sync()` on the WritableFileMapping.
class File: public ReadableFile {
Own<const File> clone() const;
void writeAll(ArrayPtr<const byte> bytes) const;
void writeAll(StringPtr text) const;
// Completely replace the file with the given bytes or text.
virtual void write(uint64_t offset, ArrayPtr<const byte> data) const = 0;
// Write the given data starting at the given offset in the file.
virtual void zero(uint64_t offset, uint64_t size) const = 0;
// Write zeros to the file, starting at `offset` and continuing for `size` bytes. If the platform
// supports it, this will "punch a hole" in the file, such that blocks that are entirely zeros
// do not take space on disk.
virtual void truncate(uint64_t size) const = 0;
// Set the file end pointer to `size`. If `size` is less than the current size, data past the end
// is truncated. If `size` is larger than the current size, zeros are added to the end of the
// file. If the platform supports it, blocks containing all-zeros will not be stored to disk.
virtual Own<const WritableFileMapping> mmapWritable(uint64_t offset, uint64_t size) const = 0;
// Like ReadableFile::mmap() but returns a mapping for which any changes will be immediately
// visible in other mappings of the file on the same system and will eventually be written back
// to the file.
virtual size_t copy(uint64_t offset, const ReadableFile& from, uint64_t fromOffset,
uint64_t size) const;
// Copies bytes from one file to another.
// Copies `size` bytes or to EOF, whichever comes first. Returns the number of bytes actually
// copied. Hint: Pass kj::maxValue for `size` to always copy to EOF.
// The copy is not atomic. Concurrent writes may lead to garbage results.
// The default implementation performs a series of reads and writes. Subclasses can often provide
// superior implementations that offload the work to the OS or even implement copy-on-write.
class ReadableDirectory: public FsNode {
// Read-only subset of `Directory`.
Own<const ReadableDirectory> clone() const;
virtual Array<String> listNames() const = 0;
// List the contents of this directory. Does NOT include "." nor "..".
struct Entry {
FsNode::Type type;
String name;
inline bool operator< (const Entry& other) const { return name <; }
inline bool operator> (const Entry& other) const { return name >; }
inline bool operator<=(const Entry& other) const { return name <=; }
inline bool operator>=(const Entry& other) const { return name >=; }
// Convenience comparison operators to sort entries by name.
virtual Array<Entry> listEntries() const = 0;
// List the contents of the directory including the type of each file. On some platforms and
// filesystems, this is just as fast as listNames(), but on others it may require stat()ing each
// file.
virtual bool exists(PathPtr path) const = 0;
// Does the specified path exist?
// If the path is a symlink, the symlink is followed and the return value indicates if the target
// exists. If you want to know if the symlink exists, use lstat(). (This implies that listNames()
// may return names for which exists() reports false.)
FsNode::Metadata lstat(PathPtr path) const;
virtual Maybe<FsNode::Metadata> tryLstat(PathPtr path) const = 0;
// Gets metadata about the path. If the path is a symlink, it is not followed -- the metadata
// describes the symlink itself. `tryLstat()` returns null if the path doesn't exist.
Own<const ReadableFile> openFile(PathPtr path) const;
virtual Maybe<Own<const ReadableFile>> tryOpenFile(PathPtr path) const = 0;
// Open a file for reading.
// `tryOpenFile()` returns null if the path doesn't exist. Other errors still throw exceptions.
Own<const ReadableDirectory> openSubdir(PathPtr path) const;
virtual Maybe<Own<const ReadableDirectory>> tryOpenSubdir(PathPtr path) const = 0;
// Opens a subdirectory.
// `tryOpenSubdir()` returns null if the path doesn't exist. Other errors still throw exceptions.
String readlink(PathPtr path) const;
virtual Maybe<String> tryReadlink(PathPtr path) const = 0;
// If `path` is a symlink, reads and returns the link contents.
// Note that tryReadlink() differs subtly from tryOpen*(). For example, tryOpenFile() throws if
// the path is not a file (e.g. if it's a directory); it only returns null if the path doesn't
// exist at all. tryReadlink() returns null if either the path doesn't exist, or if it does exist
// but isn't a symlink. This is because if it were to throw instead, then almost every real-world
// use case of tryReadlink() would be forced to perform an lstat() first for the sole purpose of
// checking if it is a link, wasting a syscall and a path traversal.
// See Directory::symlink() for warnings about symlinks.
enum class WriteMode {
// Mode for opening a file (or directory) for write.
// (To open a file or directory read-only, do not specify a mode.)
// WriteMode is a bitfield. Hence, it overloads the bitwise logic operators. To check if a
// particular bit is set in a bitfield, use kj::has(), like:
// if (kj::has(mode, WriteMode::MUST_EXIST)) {
// requireExists(path);
// }
// (`if (mode & WriteMode::MUST_EXIST)` doesn't work because WriteMode is an enum class, which
// cannot be converted to bool. Alas, C++ does not allow you to define a conversion operator
// on an enum type, so we can't define a conversion to bool.)
// -----------------------------------------
// Core flags
// At least one of CREATE or MODIFY must be specified. Optionally, the two flags can be combined
// with a bitwise-OR.
// Create a new empty file.
// When not combined with MODIFY, if the file already exists (including as a broken symlink),
// tryOpenFile() returns null (and openFile() throws).
// When combined with MODIFY, if the path already exists, it will be opened as if CREATE hadn't
// been specified at all. If the path refers to a broken symlink, the file at the target of the
// link will be created (if its parent directory exists).
// Modify an existing file.
// When not combined with CREATE, if the file doesn't exist (including if it is a broken symlink),
// tryOpenFile() returns null (and openFile() throws).
// When combined with CREATE, if the path doesn't exist, it will be created as if MODIFY hadn't
// been specified at all. If the path refers to a broken symlink, the file at the target of the
// link will be created (if its parent directory exists).
// -----------------------------------------
// Additional flags
// Any number of these may be OR'd with the core flags.
// Indicates that if the target node's parent directory doesn't exist, it should be created
// automatically, along with its parent, and so on. This creation is NOT atomic.
// This bit only makes sense with CREATE or REPLACE.
// Mark this file executable, if this is a meaningful designation on the host platform.
// Indicates that this file is sensitive and should have permissions masked so that it is only
// accessible by the current user.
// When this is not used, the platform's default access control settings are used. On Unix,
// that usually means the umask is applied. On Windows, it means permissions are inherited from
// the parent.
inline constexpr WriteMode operator|(WriteMode a, WriteMode b) {
return static_cast<WriteMode>(static_cast<uint>(a) | static_cast<uint>(b));
inline constexpr WriteMode operator&(WriteMode a, WriteMode b) {
return static_cast<WriteMode>(static_cast<uint>(a) & static_cast<uint>(b));
inline constexpr WriteMode operator+(WriteMode a, WriteMode b) {
return static_cast<WriteMode>(static_cast<uint>(a) | static_cast<uint>(b));
inline constexpr WriteMode operator-(WriteMode a, WriteMode b) {
return static_cast<WriteMode>(static_cast<uint>(a) & ~static_cast<uint>(b));
template <typename T, typename = EnableIf<__is_enum(T)>>
bool has(T haystack, T needle) {
return (static_cast<__underlying_type(T)>(haystack) &
static_cast<__underlying_type(T)>(needle)) ==
enum class TransferMode {
// Specifies desired behavior for Directory::transfer().
// The node is moved to the new location, i.e. the old location is deleted. If possible, this
// move is performed without copying, otherwise it is performed as a copy followed by a delete.
// The new location becomes a synonym for the old location (a "hard link"). Filesystems have
// varying support for this -- typically, it is not supported on directories.
// The new location becomes a copy of the old.
// Some filesystems may implement this in terms of copy-on-write.
// If the filesystem supports sparse files, COPY takes sparseness into account -- it will punch
// holes in the target file where holes exist in the source file.
class Directory: public ReadableDirectory {
// Refers to a specific directory on disk.
// A `Directory` object *only* provides access to children of the directory, not parents. That
// is, you cannot open the file "..", nor jump to the root directory with "/".
// On OSs that support it, a `Directory` is backed by an open handle to the directory node. This
// means:
// - If the directory is renamed on-disk, the `Directory` object still points at it.
// - Opening files in the directory only requires the OS to traverse the path from the directory
// to the file; it doesn't have to re-traverse all the way from the filesystem root.
// On Windows, a `Directory` object holds a lock on the underlying directory such that it cannot
// be renamed nor deleted while the object exists. This is necessary because Windows does not
// fully support traversing paths relative to file handles (it does for some operations but not
// all), so the KJ filesystem implementation is forced to remember the full path and needs to
// ensure that the path is not invalidated. If, in the future, Windows fully supports
// handle-relative paths, KJ may stop locking directories in this way, so do not rely on this
// behavior.
Own<const Directory> clone() const;
template <typename T>
class Replacer {
// Implements an atomic replacement of a file or directory, allowing changes to be made to
// storage in a way that avoids losing data in a power outage and prevents other processes
// from observing content in an inconsistent state.
// `T` may be `File` or `Directory`. For readability, the text below describes replacing a
// file, but the logic is the same for directories.
// When you call `Directory::replaceFile()`, a temporary file is created, but the specified
// path is not yet touched. You may call `get()` to obtain the temporary file object, through
// which you may initialize its content, knowing that no other process can see it yet. The file
// is atomically moved to its final path when you call `commit()`. If you destroy the Replacer
// without calling commit(), the temporary file is deleted.
// Note that most operating systems sadly do not support creating a truly unnamed temporary file
// and then linking it in later. Moreover, the file cannot necessarily be created in the system
// temporary directory because it might not be on the same filesystem as the target. Therefore,
// the replacement file may initially be created in the same directory as its eventual target.
// The implementation of Directory will choose a name that is unique and "hidden" according to
// the conventions of the filesystem. Additionally, the implementation of Directory will avoid
// returning these temporary files from its list*() methods, in order to avoid observable
// inconsistencies across platforms.
explicit Replacer(WriteMode mode);
virtual const T& get() = 0;
// Gets the File or Directory representing the replacement data. Fill in this object before
// calling commit().
void commit();
virtual bool tryCommit() = 0;
// Commit the replacement.
// `tryCommit()` may return false based on the CREATE/MODIFY bits passed as the WriteMode when
// the replacement was initiated. (If CREATE but not MODIFY was used, tryCommit() returns
// false to indicate that the target file already existed. If MODIFY but not CREATE was used,
// tryCommit() returns false to indicate that the file didn't exist.)
// `commit()` is atomic, meaning that there is no point in time at which other processes
// observing the file will see it in an intermediate state -- they will either see the old
// content or the complete new content. This includes in the case of a power outage or machine
// failure: on recovery, the file will either be in the old state or the new state, but not in
// some intermediate state.
// It's important to note that a power failure *after commit() returns* can still revert the
// file to its previous state. That is, `commit()` does NOT guarantee that, upon return, the
// new content is durable. In order to guarantee this, you must call `sync()` on the immediate
// parent directory of the replaced file.
// Note that, sadly, not all filesystems / platforms are capable of supporting all of the
// guarantees documented above. In such cases, commit() will make a best-effort attempt to do
// what it claims. Some examples of possible problems include:
// - Any guarantees about durability through a power outage probably require a journaling
// filesystem.
// - Many platforms do not support atomically replacing a non-empty directory. Linux does as
// of kernel 3.15 (via the renameat2() syscall using RENAME_EXCHANGE). Where not supported,
// the old directory will be moved away just before the replacement is moved into place.
// - Many platforms do not support atomically requiring the existence or non-existence of a
// file before replacing it. In these cases, commit() may have to perform the check as a
// separate step, with a small window for a race condition.
// - Many platforms do not support "unlinking" a non-empty directory, meaning that a replaced
// directory will need to be deconstructed by deleting all contents. If another process has
// the directory open when it is replaced, that process will observe the contents
// disappearing after the replacement (actually, a swap) has taken place. This differs from
// files, where a process that has opened a file before it is replaced will continue see the
// file's old content unchanged after the replacement.
// - On Windows, there are multiple ways to replace one file with another in a single system
// call, but none are documented as being atomic. KJ always uses `MoveFileEx()` with
// MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING. While the alternative `ReplaceFile()` is attractive for many
// reasons, it has the critical problem that it cannot be used when the source file has open
// file handles, which is generally the case when using Replacer.
const WriteMode mode;
using ReadableDirectory::openFile;
using ReadableDirectory::openSubdir;
using ReadableDirectory::tryOpenFile;
using ReadableDirectory::tryOpenSubdir;
Own<const File> openFile(PathPtr path, WriteMode mode) const;
virtual Maybe<Own<const File>> tryOpenFile(PathPtr path, WriteMode mode) const = 0;
// Open a file for writing.
// `tryOpenFile()` returns null if the path is required to exist but doesn't (MODIFY or REPLACE)
// or if the path is required not to exist but does (CREATE or RACE). These are the only cases
// where it returns null -- all other types of errors (like "access denied") throw exceptions.
virtual Own<Replacer<File>> replaceFile(PathPtr path, WriteMode mode) const = 0;
// Construct a file which, when ready, will be atomically moved to `path`, replacing whatever
// is there already. See `Replacer<T>` for detalis.
// The `CREATE` and `MODIFY` bits of `mode` are not enforced until commit time, hence
// `replaceFile()` has no "try" variant.
virtual Own<const File> createTemporary() const = 0;
// Create a temporary file backed by this directory's filesystem, but which isn't linked into
// the directory tree. The file is deleted from disk when all references to it have been dropped.
Own<AppendableFile> appendFile(PathPtr path, WriteMode mode) const;
virtual Maybe<Own<AppendableFile>> tryAppendFile(PathPtr path, WriteMode mode) const = 0;
// Opens the file for appending only. Useful for log files.
// If the underlying filesystem supports it, writes to the file will always be appended even if
// other writers are writing to the same file at the same time -- however, some implementations
// may instead assume that no other process is changing the file size between writes.
Own<const Directory> openSubdir(PathPtr path, WriteMode mode) const;
virtual Maybe<Own<const Directory>> tryOpenSubdir(PathPtr path, WriteMode mode) const = 0;
// Opens a subdirectory for writing.
virtual Own<Replacer<Directory>> replaceSubdir(PathPtr path, WriteMode mode) const = 0;
// Construct a directory which, when ready, will be atomically moved to `path`, replacing
// whatever is there already. See `Replacer<T>` for detalis.
// The `CREATE` and `MODIFY` bits of `mode` are not enforced until commit time, hence
// `replaceSubdir()` has no "try" variant.
void symlink(PathPtr linkpath, StringPtr content, WriteMode mode) const;
virtual bool trySymlink(PathPtr linkpath, StringPtr content, WriteMode mode) const = 0;
// Create a symlink. `content` is the raw text which will be written into the symlink node.
// How this text is interpreted is entirely dependent on the filesystem. Note in particular that:
// - Windows will require a path that uses backslashes as the separator.
// - InMemoryDirectory does not support symlinks containing "..".
// Unfortunately under many implementations symlink() can be used to break out of the directory
// by writing an absolute path or utilizing "..". Do not call this method with a value for
// `target` that you don't trust.
// `mode` must be CREATE or REPLACE, not MODIFY. CREATE_PARENT is honored but EXECUTABLE and
// PRIVATE have no effect. `trySymlink()` returns false in CREATE mode when the target already
// exists.
void transfer(PathPtr toPath, WriteMode toMode,
PathPtr fromPath, TransferMode mode) const;
void transfer(PathPtr toPath, WriteMode toMode,
const Directory& fromDirectory, PathPtr fromPath,
TransferMode mode) const;
virtual bool tryTransfer(PathPtr toPath, WriteMode toMode,
const Directory& fromDirectory, PathPtr fromPath,
TransferMode mode) const;
virtual Maybe<bool> tryTransferTo(const Directory& toDirectory, PathPtr toPath, WriteMode toMode,
PathPtr fromPath, TransferMode mode) const;
// Move, link, or copy a file/directory tree from one location to another.
// Filesystems vary in what kinds of transfers are allowed, especially for TransferMode::LINK,
// and whether TransferMode::MOVE is implemented as an actual move vs. copy+delete.
// tryTransfer() returns false if the source location didn't exist, or when `toMode` is CREATE
// and the target already exists. The default implementation implements only TransferMode::COPY.
// tryTransferTo() exists to implement double-dispatch. It should be called as a fallback by
// implementations of tryTransfer() in cases where the target directory would otherwise fail or
// perform a pessimal transfer. The default implementation returns nullptr, which the caller
// should interpret as: "I don't have any special optimizations; do the obvious thing."
// `toMode` controls how the target path is created. CREATE_PARENT is honored but EXECUTABLE and
// PRIVATE have no effect.
void remove(PathPtr path) const;
virtual bool tryRemove(PathPtr path) const = 0;
// Deletes/unlinks the given path. If the path names a directory, it is recursively deleted.
// tryRemove() returns false in the specific case that the path doesn't exist. remove() would
// throw in this case. In all other error cases (like "access denied"), tryRemove() still throws;
// it is only "does not exist" that produces a false return.
// TODO(someday):
// - Support sockets? There's no openat()-like interface for sockets, so it's hard to support
// them currently. Also you'd probably want to use them with the async library.
// - Support named pipes? Unclear if there's a use case that isn't better-served by sockets.
// Then again, they can be openat()ed.
// - Support watching for changes (inotify). Probably also requires the async library. Also
// lacks openat()-like semantics.
// - xattrs -- linux-specific
// - chown/chmod/etc. -- unix-specific, ACLs, eww
// - set timestamps -- only needed by archiving programs/
// - advisory locks
// - sendfile?
// - fadvise and such
static void commitFailed(WriteMode mode);
class Filesystem {
virtual const Directory& getRoot() const = 0;
// Get the filesystem's root directory, as of the time the Filesystem object was created.
virtual const Directory& getCurrent() const = 0;
// Get the filesystem's current directory, as of the time the Filesystem object was created.
virtual PathPtr getCurrentPath() const = 0;
// Get the path from the root to the current directory, as of the time the Filesystem object was
// created. Note that because a `Directory` does not provide access to its parent, if you want to
// follow `..` from the current directory, you must use `getCurrentPath().eval("..")` or
// `getCurrentPath().parent()`.
// This function attempts to determine the path as it appeared in the user's shell before this
// program was started. That means, if the user had `cd`ed into a symlink, the path through that
// symlink is returned, *not* the canonical path.
// Because of this, there is an important difference between how the operating system interprets
// "../foo" and what you get when you write `getCurrentPath().eval("../foo")`: The former
// will interpret ".." relative to the directory's canonical path, whereas the latter will
// interpret it relative to the path shown in the user's shell. In practice, the latter is
// almost always what the user wants! But the former behavior is what almost all commands do
// in practice, and it leads to confusion. KJ commands should implement the behavior the user
// expects.
// =======================================================================================
Own<File> newInMemoryFile(const Clock& clock);
Own<Directory> newInMemoryDirectory(const Clock& clock);
// Construct file and directory objects which reside in-memory.
// InMemoryFile has the following special properties:
// - The backing store is not sparse and never gets smaller even if you truncate the file.
// - While a non-private memory mapping exists, the backing store cannot get larger. Any operation
// which would expand it will throw.
// InMemoryDirectory has the following special properties:
// - Symlinks are processed using Path::parse(). This implies that a symlink cannot point to a
// parent directory -- InMemoryDirectory does not know its parent.
// - link() can link directory nodes in addition to files.
// - link() and rename() accept any kind of Directory as `fromDirectory` -- it doesn't need to be
// another InMemoryDirectory. However, for rename(), the from path must be a directory.
Own<AppendableFile> newFileAppender(Own<const File> inner);
// Creates an AppendableFile by wrapping a File. Note that this implementation assumes it is the
// only writer. A correct implementation should always append to the file even if other writes
// are happening simultaneously, as is achieved with the O_APPEND flag to open(2), but that
// behavior is not possible to emulate on top of `File`.
#if _WIN32
typedef AutoCloseHandle OsFileHandle;
typedef AutoCloseFd OsFileHandle;
Own<ReadableFile> newDiskReadableFile(OsFileHandle fd);
Own<AppendableFile> newDiskAppendableFile(OsFileHandle fd);
Own<File> newDiskFile(OsFileHandle fd);
Own<ReadableDirectory> newDiskReadableDirectory(OsFileHandle fd);
Own<Directory> newDiskDirectory(OsFileHandle fd);
// Wrap a file descriptor (or Windows HANDLE) as various filesystem types.
Own<Filesystem> newDiskFilesystem();
// Get at implementation of `Filesystem` representing the real filesystem.
// DO NOT CALL THIS except at the top level of your program, e.g. in main(). Anywhere else, you
// should instead have your caller pass in a Filesystem object, or a specific Directory object,
// or whatever it is that your code needs. This ensures that your code supports dependency
// injection, which makes it more reusable and testable.
// newDiskFilesystem() reads the current working directory at the time it is called. The returned
// object is not affected by subsequent calls to chdir().
// =======================================================================================
// inline implementation details
inline Path::Path(decltype(nullptr)): parts(nullptr) {}
inline Path::Path(std::initializer_list<StringPtr> parts)
: Path(arrayPtr(parts.begin(), parts.end())) {}
inline Path::Path(Array<String> parts, decltype(ALREADY_CHECKED))
: parts(kj::mv(parts)) {}
inline Path Path::clone() const { return PathPtr(*this).clone(); }
inline Path Path::append(Path&& suffix) const& { return PathPtr(*this).append(kj::mv(suffix)); }
inline Path Path::append(PathPtr suffix) const& { return PathPtr(*this).append(suffix); }
inline Path Path::append(StringPtr suffix) const& { return append(Path(suffix)); }
inline Path Path::append(StringPtr suffix) && { return kj::mv(*this).append(Path(suffix)); }
inline Path Path::append(String&& suffix) const& { return append(Path(kj::mv(suffix))); }
inline Path Path::append(String&& suffix) && { return kj::mv(*this).append(Path(kj::mv(suffix))); }
inline Path Path::eval(StringPtr pathText) const& { return PathPtr(*this).eval(pathText); }
inline PathPtr Path::basename() const& { return PathPtr(*this).basename(); }
inline PathPtr Path::parent() const& { return PathPtr(*this).parent(); }
inline const String& Path::operator[](size_t i) const& { return parts[i]; }
inline String Path::operator[](size_t i) && { return kj::mv(parts[i]); }
inline size_t Path::size() const { return parts.size(); }
inline const String* Path::begin() const { return parts.begin(); }
inline const String* Path::end() const { return parts.end(); }
inline PathPtr Path::slice(size_t start, size_t end) const& {
return PathPtr(*this).slice(start, end);
inline bool Path::operator==(PathPtr other) const { return PathPtr(*this) == other; }
inline bool Path::operator!=(PathPtr other) const { return PathPtr(*this) != other; }
inline bool Path::operator< (PathPtr other) const { return PathPtr(*this) < other; }
inline bool Path::operator> (PathPtr other) const { return PathPtr(*this) > other; }
inline bool Path::operator<=(PathPtr other) const { return PathPtr(*this) <= other; }
inline bool Path::operator>=(PathPtr other) const { return PathPtr(*this) >= other; }
inline bool Path::operator==(const Path& other) const { return PathPtr(*this) == PathPtr(other); }
inline bool Path::operator!=(const Path& other) const { return PathPtr(*this) != PathPtr(other); }
inline bool Path::operator< (const Path& other) const { return PathPtr(*this) < PathPtr(other); }
inline bool Path::operator> (const Path& other) const { return PathPtr(*this) > PathPtr(other); }
inline bool Path::operator<=(const Path& other) const { return PathPtr(*this) <= PathPtr(other); }
inline bool Path::operator>=(const Path& other) const { return PathPtr(*this) >= PathPtr(other); }
inline uint Path::hashCode() const { return kj::hashCode(parts); }
inline bool Path::startsWith(PathPtr prefix) const { return PathPtr(*this).startsWith(prefix); }
inline bool Path::endsWith (PathPtr suffix) const { return PathPtr(*this).endsWith (suffix); }
inline String Path::toString(bool absolute) const { return PathPtr(*this).toString(absolute); }
inline Path Path::evalWin32(StringPtr pathText) const& {
return PathPtr(*this).evalWin32(pathText);
inline String Path::toWin32String(bool absolute) const {
return PathPtr(*this).toWin32String(absolute);
inline Array<wchar_t> Path::forWin32Api(bool absolute) const {
return PathPtr(*this).forWin32Api(absolute);
inline PathPtr::PathPtr(decltype(nullptr)): parts(nullptr) {}
inline PathPtr::PathPtr(const Path& path): parts( {}
inline PathPtr::PathPtr(ArrayPtr<const String> parts): parts(parts) {}
inline Path PathPtr::append(StringPtr suffix) const { return append(Path(suffix)); }
inline Path PathPtr::append(String&& suffix) const { return append(Path(kj::mv(suffix))); }
inline const String& PathPtr::operator[](size_t i) const { return parts[i]; }
inline size_t PathPtr::size() const { return parts.size(); }
inline const String* PathPtr::begin() const { return parts.begin(); }
inline const String* PathPtr::end() const { return parts.end(); }
inline PathPtr PathPtr::slice(size_t start, size_t end) const {
return PathPtr(parts.slice(start, end));
inline bool PathPtr::operator!=(PathPtr other) const { return !(*this == other); }
inline bool PathPtr::operator> (PathPtr other) const { return other < *this; }
inline bool PathPtr::operator<=(PathPtr other) const { return !(other < *this); }
inline bool PathPtr::operator>=(PathPtr other) const { return !(*this < other); }
inline uint PathPtr::hashCode() const { return kj::hashCode(parts); }
inline String PathPtr::toWin32String(bool absolute) const {
return toWin32StringImpl(absolute, false);
#if _WIN32
inline Path Path::evalNative(StringPtr pathText) const& {
return evalWin32(pathText);
inline Path Path::evalNative(StringPtr pathText) && {
return kj::mv(*this).evalWin32(pathText);
inline String Path::toNativeString(bool absolute) const {
return toWin32String(absolute);
inline Path PathPtr::evalNative(StringPtr pathText) const {
return evalWin32(pathText);
inline String PathPtr::toNativeString(bool absolute) const {
return toWin32String(absolute);
inline Path Path::evalNative(StringPtr pathText) const& {
return eval(pathText);
inline Path Path::evalNative(StringPtr pathText) && {
return kj::mv(*this).eval(pathText);
inline String Path::toNativeString(bool absolute) const {
return toString(absolute);
inline Path PathPtr::evalNative(StringPtr pathText) const {
return eval(pathText);
inline String PathPtr::toNativeString(bool absolute) const {
return toString(absolute);
#endif // _WIN32, else
inline Own<const FsNode> FsNode::clone() const { return cloneFsNode(); }
inline Own<const ReadableFile> ReadableFile::clone() const {
return cloneFsNode().downcast<const ReadableFile>();
inline Own<const AppendableFile> AppendableFile::clone() const {
return cloneFsNode().downcast<const AppendableFile>();
inline Own<const File> File::clone() const { return cloneFsNode().downcast<const File>(); }
inline Own<const ReadableDirectory> ReadableDirectory::clone() const {
return cloneFsNode().downcast<const ReadableDirectory>();
inline Own<const Directory> Directory::clone() const {
return cloneFsNode().downcast<const Directory>();
inline void Directory::transfer(
PathPtr toPath, WriteMode toMode, PathPtr fromPath, TransferMode mode) const {
return transfer(toPath, toMode, *this, fromPath, mode);
template <typename T>
inline Directory::Replacer<T>::Replacer(WriteMode mode): mode(mode) {}
template <typename T>
void Directory::Replacer<T>::commit() {
if (!tryCommit()) commitFailed(mode);
} // namespace kj