blob: 7a127c08d986679caca4be0ed4f7eb7e10f3ae74 [file] [log] [blame]
///===-- Representation.h - ClangDoc Representation -------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defines the internal representations of different declaration
// types for the clang-doc tool.
#include "clang/AST/Type.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Specifiers.h"
#include "clang/Tooling/StandaloneExecution.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
#include <array>
#include <string>
namespace clang {
namespace doc {
// SHA1'd hash of a USR.
using SymbolID = std::array<uint8_t, 20>;
struct Info;
struct FunctionInfo;
struct EnumInfo;
enum class InfoType {
// A representation of a parsed comment.
struct CommentInfo {
CommentInfo() = default;
CommentInfo(CommentInfo &Other) = delete;
CommentInfo(CommentInfo &&Other) = default;
SmallString<16> Kind; // Kind of comment (TextComment, InlineCommandComment,
// HTMLStartTagComment, HTMLEndTagComment,
// BlockCommandComment, ParamCommandComment,
// TParamCommandComment, VerbatimBlockComment,
// VerbatimBlockLineComment, VerbatimLineComment).
SmallString<64> Text; // Text of the comment.
SmallString<16> Name; // Name of the comment (for Verbatim and HTML).
SmallString<8> Direction; // Parameter direction (for (T)ParamCommand).
SmallString<16> ParamName; // Parameter name (for (T)ParamCommand).
SmallString<16> CloseName; // Closing tag name (for VerbatimBlock).
bool SelfClosing = false; // Indicates if tag is self-closing (for HTML).
bool Explicit = false; // Indicates if the direction of a param is explicit
// (for (T)ParamCommand).
llvm::SmallVector<SmallString<16>, 4>
AttrKeys; // List of attribute keys (for HTML).
llvm::SmallVector<SmallString<16>, 4>
AttrValues; // List of attribute values for each key (for HTML).
llvm::SmallVector<SmallString<16>, 4>
Args; // List of arguments to commands (for InlineCommand).
Children; // List of child comments for this CommentInfo.
struct Reference {
Reference() = default;
Reference(llvm::StringRef Name) : Name(Name) {}
Reference(SymbolID USR, StringRef Name, InfoType IT)
: USR(USR), Name(Name), RefType(IT) {}
bool operator==(const Reference &Other) const {
return std::tie(USR, Name, RefType) ==
std::tie(Other.USR, Other.Name, Other.RefType);
SymbolID USR = SymbolID(); // Unique identifer for referenced decl
SmallString<16> Name; // Name of type (possibly unresolved).
InfoType RefType = InfoType::IT_default; // Indicates the type of this
// Reference (namespace, record,
// function, enum, default).
// A base struct for TypeInfos
struct TypeInfo {
TypeInfo() = default;
TypeInfo(SymbolID Type, StringRef Field, InfoType IT)
: Type(Type, Field, IT) {}
TypeInfo(llvm::StringRef RefName) : Type(RefName) {}
bool operator==(const TypeInfo &Other) const { return Type == Other.Type; }
Reference Type; // Referenced type in this info.
// Info for field types.
struct FieldTypeInfo : public TypeInfo {
FieldTypeInfo() = default;
FieldTypeInfo(SymbolID Type, StringRef Field, InfoType IT,
llvm::StringRef Name)
: TypeInfo(Type, Field, IT), Name(Name) {}
FieldTypeInfo(llvm::StringRef RefName, llvm::StringRef Name)
: TypeInfo(RefName), Name(Name) {}
bool operator==(const FieldTypeInfo &Other) const {
return std::tie(Type, Name) == std::tie(Other.Type, Other.Name);
SmallString<16> Name; // Name associated with this info.
// Info for member types.
struct MemberTypeInfo : public FieldTypeInfo {
MemberTypeInfo() = default;
MemberTypeInfo(SymbolID Type, StringRef Field, InfoType IT,
llvm::StringRef Name, AccessSpecifier Access)
: FieldTypeInfo(Type, Field, IT, Name), Access(Access) {}
MemberTypeInfo(llvm::StringRef RefName, llvm::StringRef Name,
AccessSpecifier Access)
: FieldTypeInfo(RefName, Name), Access(Access) {}
bool operator==(const MemberTypeInfo &Other) const {
return std::tie(Type, Name, Access) ==
std::tie(Other.Type, Other.Name, Other.Access);
AccessSpecifier Access = AccessSpecifier::AS_none; // Access level associated
// with this info (public,
// protected, private,
// none).
struct Location {
Location() = default;
Location(int LineNumber, SmallString<16> Filename)
: LineNumber(LineNumber), Filename(std::move(Filename)) {}
bool operator==(const Location &Other) const {
return std::tie(LineNumber, Filename) ==
std::tie(Other.LineNumber, Other.Filename);
int LineNumber; // Line number of this Location.
SmallString<32> Filename; // File for this Location.
/// A base struct for Infos.
struct Info {
Info() = default;
Info(InfoType IT) : IT(IT) {}
Info(InfoType IT, SymbolID USR) : USR(USR), IT(IT) {}
Info(InfoType IT, SymbolID USR, StringRef Name)
: USR(USR), IT(IT), Name(Name) {}
Info(const Info &Other) = delete;
Info(Info &&Other) = default;
virtual ~Info() = default;
SymbolID USR =
SymbolID(); // Unique identifier for the decl described by this Info.
const InfoType IT = InfoType::IT_default; // InfoType of this particular Info.
SmallString<16> Name; // Unqualified name of the decl.
llvm::SmallVector<Reference, 4>
Namespace; // List of parent namespaces for this decl.
std::vector<CommentInfo> Description; // Comment description of this decl.
void mergeBase(Info &&I);
bool mergeable(const Info &Other);
// Returns a reference to the parent scope (that is, the immediate parent
// namespace or class in which this decl resides).
llvm::Expected<Reference> getEnclosingScope();
// Info for namespaces.
struct NamespaceInfo : public Info {
NamespaceInfo() : Info(InfoType::IT_namespace) {}
NamespaceInfo(SymbolID USR) : Info(InfoType::IT_namespace, USR) {}
NamespaceInfo(SymbolID USR, StringRef Name)
: Info(InfoType::IT_namespace, USR, Name) {}
void merge(NamespaceInfo &&I);
// Namespaces and Records are references because they will be properly
// documented in their own info, while the entirety of Functions and Enums are
// included here because they should not have separate documentation from
// their scope.
std::vector<Reference> ChildNamespaces;
std::vector<Reference> ChildRecords;
std::vector<FunctionInfo> ChildFunctions;
std::vector<EnumInfo> ChildEnums;
// Info for symbols.
struct SymbolInfo : public Info {
SymbolInfo(InfoType IT) : Info(IT) {}
SymbolInfo(InfoType IT, SymbolID USR) : Info(IT, USR) {}
SymbolInfo(InfoType IT, SymbolID USR, StringRef Name) : Info(IT, USR, Name) {}
void merge(SymbolInfo &&I);
llvm::Optional<Location> DefLoc; // Location where this decl is defined.
llvm::SmallVector<Location, 2> Loc; // Locations where this decl is declared.
// TODO: Expand to allow for documenting templating and default args.
// Info for functions.
struct FunctionInfo : public SymbolInfo {
FunctionInfo() : SymbolInfo(InfoType::IT_function) {}
FunctionInfo(SymbolID USR) : SymbolInfo(InfoType::IT_function, USR) {}
void merge(FunctionInfo &&I);
bool IsMethod = false; // Indicates whether this function is a class method.
Reference Parent; // Reference to the parent class decl for this method.
TypeInfo ReturnType; // Info about the return type of this function.
llvm::SmallVector<FieldTypeInfo, 4> Params; // List of parameters.
// Access level for this method (public, private, protected, none).
AccessSpecifier Access = AccessSpecifier::AS_none;
// TODO: Expand to allow for documenting templating, inheritance access,
// friend classes
// Info for types.
struct RecordInfo : public SymbolInfo {
RecordInfo() : SymbolInfo(InfoType::IT_record) {}
RecordInfo(SymbolID USR) : SymbolInfo(InfoType::IT_record, USR) {}
RecordInfo(SymbolID USR, StringRef Name)
: SymbolInfo(InfoType::IT_record, USR, Name) {}
void merge(RecordInfo &&I);
TagTypeKind TagType = TagTypeKind::TTK_Struct; // Type of this record
// (struct, class, union,
// interface).
llvm::SmallVector<MemberTypeInfo, 4>
Members; // List of info about record members.
llvm::SmallVector<Reference, 4> Parents; // List of base/parent records
// (does not include virtual
// parents).
llvm::SmallVector<Reference, 4>
VirtualParents; // List of virtual base/parent records.
// Records are references because they will be properly
// documented in their own info, while the entirety of Functions and Enums are
// included here because they should not have separate documentation from
// their scope.
std::vector<Reference> ChildRecords;
std::vector<FunctionInfo> ChildFunctions;
std::vector<EnumInfo> ChildEnums;
// TODO: Expand to allow for documenting templating.
// Info for types.
struct EnumInfo : public SymbolInfo {
EnumInfo() : SymbolInfo(InfoType::IT_enum) {}
EnumInfo(SymbolID USR) : SymbolInfo(InfoType::IT_enum, USR) {}
void merge(EnumInfo &&I);
bool Scoped =
false; // Indicates whether this enum is scoped (e.g. enum class).
llvm::SmallVector<SmallString<16>, 4> Members; // List of enum members.
// TODO: Add functionality to include separate markdown pages.
// A standalone function to call to merge a vector of infos into one.
// This assumes that all infos in the vector are of the same type, and will fail
// if they are different.
mergeInfos(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Info>> &Values);
struct ClangDocContext {
tooling::ExecutionContext *ECtx;
bool PublicOnly;
} // namespace doc
} // namespace clang