blob: 1c6af4ede13be46f16c64d24590cb85731189670 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
** CLooG **
** statement.c **
** First version: november 4th 2001 **
* CLooG : the Chunky Loop Generator (experimental) *
* *
* Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Cedric Bastoul *
* *
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public *
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either *
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* Lesser General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public *
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software *
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, *
* Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *
* *
* CLooG, the Chunky Loop Generator *
* Written by Cedric Bastoul, [email protected] *
* *
/* CAUTION: the english used for comments is probably the worst you ever read,
* please feel free to correct and improve it !
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <string.h>
# include "../include/cloog/cloog.h"
* Memory leaks hunting *
* These functions and global variables are devoted to memory leaks hunting: we
* want to know at each moment how many CloogStatement structures had been
* allocated (cloog_statement_allocated) and how many had been freed
* (cloog_statement_freed). Each time a CloogStatement structure is allocated,
* a call to the function cloog_statement_leak_up() must be carried out, and
* respectively cloog_statement_leak_down() when a CloogStatement structure is
* freed. The special variable cloog_statement_max gives the maximal number of
* CloogStatement structures simultaneously alive (i.e. allocated and
* non-freed) in memory.
* - July 3rd->11th 2003: first version (memory leaks hunt and correction).
static void cloog_statement_leak_up(CloogState *state)
if ((state->statement_allocated - state->statement_freed) > state->statement_max)
state->statement_max = state->statement_allocated - state->statement_freed ;
static void cloog_statement_leak_down(CloogState *state)
* Structure display function *
* cloog_domain_print_structure :
* this function is a human-friendly way to display the CloogDomain data
* structure, it includes an indentation level (level) in order to work with
* others print_structure functions.
* - June 16th 2005: first version.
void cloog_statement_print_structure(file, statement, level)
FILE * file ;
CloogStatement * statement ;
int level ;
{ int i ;
if (statement != NULL)
{ /* Go to the right level. */
for (i=0; i<level; i++)
fprintf(file,"|\t") ;
fprintf(file,"+-- CloogStatement %d \n",statement->number) ;
statement = statement->next ;
while (statement != NULL)
{ for (i=0; i<level; i++)
fprintf(file,"|\t") ;
fprintf(file,"| |\n");
for (i=0; i<level; i++)
fprintf(file,"|\t") ;
fprintf(file,"| V\n");
for (i=0; i<level; i++)
fprintf(file,"|\t") ;
fprintf(file,"| CloogStatement %d \n",statement->number) ;
statement = statement->next ;
{ for (i=0; i<level; i++)
fprintf(file,"|\t") ;
fprintf(file,"+-- No CloogStatement\n") ;
* cloog_statement_print function:
* This function prints the content of a CloogStatement structure (statement)
* into a file (file, possibly stdout).
void cloog_statement_print(FILE * file, CloogStatement * statement)
{ cloog_statement_print_structure(file,statement,0) ;
* Memory deallocation function *
* cloog_statement_free function:
* This function frees the allocated memory for a CloogStatement structure.
void cloog_statement_free(CloogStatement * statement)
{ CloogStatement * next ;
while (statement != NULL) {
next = statement->next ;
/* free(statement->usr) ; Actually, this is user's job ! */
free(statement) ;
statement = next ;
* Processing functions *
* cloog_statement_malloc function:
* This function allocates the memory space for a CloogStatement structure and
* sets its fields with default values. Then it returns a pointer to the
* allocated space.
* - November 21th 2005: first version.
CloogStatement *cloog_statement_malloc(CloogState *state)
{ CloogStatement * statement ;
/* Memory allocation for the CloogStatement structure. */
statement = (CloogStatement *)malloc(sizeof(CloogStatement)) ;
if (statement == NULL)
cloog_die("memory overflow.\n");
/* We set the various fields with default values. */
statement->state = state;
statement->number = 0;
statement->name = NULL;
statement->usr = NULL ; /* To fill it is actually user's job ! */
statement->next = NULL ;
return statement ;
* cloog_statement_alloc function:
* This function allocates the memory space for a CloogStatement structure and
* sets its fields with those given as input. Then it returns a pointer to the
* allocated space.
* - number is the statement number.
* - September 9th 2002: first version.
* - March 17th 2003: fix for the usr field in CloogStatement structure.
* - April 16th 2005: adaptation to new CloogStatement structure (with
* number), cloog_statement_read becomes
* cloog_statement_alloc sincethere is nothing more to
* read on a file.
* - November 21th 2005: use of cloog_statement_malloc.
CloogStatement *cloog_statement_alloc(CloogState *state, int number)
{ CloogStatement * statement ;
/* Memory allocation and initialization of the structure. */
statement = cloog_statement_malloc(state);
statement->number = number ;
return statement ;
* cloog_statement_copy function:
* This function returns a copy of the CloogStatement structure given as input.
* - October 28th 2001: first version (in loop.c).
* - March 17th 2003: fix for the usr field in CloogStatement structure.
* - April 16th 2005: adaptation to new CloogStatement struct (with number).
CloogStatement * cloog_statement_copy(CloogStatement * source)
{ CloogStatement * statement, * temp, * now = NULL ;
statement = NULL ;
while (source != NULL) {
temp = (CloogStatement *)malloc(sizeof(CloogStatement)) ;
if (temp == NULL)
cloog_die("memory overflow.\n");
temp->state = source->state;
temp->number = source->number ;
temp->name = source->name ? strdup(source->name) : NULL;
temp->usr = source->usr ;
temp->next = NULL ;
if (statement == NULL)
{ statement = temp ;
now = statement ;
{ now->next = temp ;
now = now->next ;
source = source->next ;
return(statement) ;
* cloog_statement_add function:
* This function adds a CloogStatement structure (statement) at a given place
* (now) of a NULL terminated list of CloogStatement structures. The beginning
* of this list is (start). This function updates (now) to (loop), and
* updates (start) if the added element is the first one -that is when (start)
* is NULL-.
* - March 27th 2004: first version.
void cloog_statement_add(start, now, statement)
CloogStatement ** start, ** now, * statement ;
{ if (*start == NULL)
{ *start = statement ;
*now = *start ;
{ (*now)->next = statement ;
*now = (*now)->next ;