| (* RUN: cp %s %T/executionengine.ml |
| * RUN: %ocamlcomp -warn-error A -package llvm.executionengine -linkpkg %T/executionengine.ml -o %t |
| * RUN: %t |
| * REQUIRES: native, object-emission |
| * XFAIL: vg_leak |
| *) |
| |
| open Llvm |
| open Llvm_executionengine |
| open Llvm_target |
| |
| (* Note that this takes a moment to link, so it's best to keep the number of |
| individual tests low. *) |
| |
| let context = global_context () |
| let i8_type = Llvm.i8_type context |
| let i32_type = Llvm.i32_type context |
| let i64_type = Llvm.i64_type context |
| let double_type = Llvm.double_type context |
| |
| let () = |
| assert (Llvm_executionengine.initialize_native_target ()) |
| |
| let bomb msg = |
| prerr_endline msg; |
| exit 2 |
| |
| let define_main_fn m retval = |
| let fn = |
| let str_arr_type = pointer_type (pointer_type i8_type) in |
| define_function "main" (function_type i32_type [| i32_type; |
| str_arr_type; |
| str_arr_type |]) m in |
| let b = builder_at_end (global_context ()) (entry_block fn) in |
| ignore (build_ret (const_int i32_type retval) b); |
| fn |
| |
| let define_plus m = |
| let fn = define_function "plus" (function_type i32_type [| i32_type; |
| i32_type |]) m in |
| let b = builder_at_end (global_context ()) (entry_block fn) in |
| let add = build_add (param fn 0) (param fn 1) "sum" b in |
| ignore (build_ret add b) |
| |
| let test_genericvalue () = |
| let tu = (1, 2) in |
| let ptrgv = GenericValue.of_pointer tu in |
| assert (tu = GenericValue.as_pointer ptrgv); |
| |
| let fpgv = GenericValue.of_float double_type 2. in |
| assert (2. = GenericValue.as_float double_type fpgv); |
| |
| let intgv = GenericValue.of_int i32_type 3 in |
| assert (3 = GenericValue.as_int intgv); |
| |
| let i32gv = GenericValue.of_int32 i32_type (Int32.of_int 4) in |
| assert ((Int32.of_int 4) = GenericValue.as_int32 i32gv); |
| |
| let nigv = GenericValue.of_nativeint i32_type (Nativeint.of_int 5) in |
| assert ((Nativeint.of_int 5) = GenericValue.as_nativeint nigv); |
| |
| let i64gv = GenericValue.of_int64 i64_type (Int64.of_int 6) in |
| assert ((Int64.of_int 6) = GenericValue.as_int64 i64gv) |
| |
| let test_executionengine engine = |
| (* create *) |
| let m = create_module (global_context ()) "test_module" in |
| let main = define_main_fn m 42 in |
| |
| let m2 = create_module (global_context ()) "test_module2" in |
| define_plus m2; |
| |
| let ee = |
| match engine with |
| | `Interpreter -> ExecutionEngine.create_interpreter m |
| | `JIT -> ExecutionEngine.create_jit m 0 |
| | `MCJIT -> ExecutionEngine.create_mcjit m ExecutionEngine.default_compiler_options |
| in |
| ExecutionEngine.add_module m2 ee; |
| |
| (* run_static_ctors *) |
| ExecutionEngine.run_static_ctors ee; |
| |
| (* run_function_as_main *) |
| let res = ExecutionEngine.run_function_as_main main [|"test"|] [||] ee in |
| if 42 != res then bomb "main did not return 42"; |
| |
| (* free_machine_code *) |
| ExecutionEngine.free_machine_code main ee; |
| |
| (* find_function *) |
| match ExecutionEngine.find_function "dne" ee with |
| | Some _ -> raise (Failure "find_function 'dne' failed") |
| | None -> |
| |
| match ExecutionEngine.find_function "plus" ee with |
| | None -> raise (Failure "find_function 'plus' failed") |
| | Some plus -> |
| |
| begin match engine with |
| | `MCJIT -> () (* Currently can only invoke 0-ary functions *) |
| | `JIT -> () (* JIT is now a shim around MCJIT, jokes on you *) |
| | _ -> |
| (* run_function *) |
| let res = ExecutionEngine.run_function plus |
| [| GenericValue.of_int i32_type 2; |
| GenericValue.of_int i32_type 2 |] |
| ee in |
| if 4 != GenericValue.as_int res then bomb "plus did not work"; |
| end; |
| |
| (* remove_module *) |
| Llvm.dispose_module (ExecutionEngine.remove_module m2 ee); |
| |
| (* run_static_dtors *) |
| ExecutionEngine.run_static_dtors ee; |
| |
| (* Show that the data layout binding links and runs.*) |
| let dl = ExecutionEngine.data_layout ee in |
| |
| (* Demonstrate that a garbage pointer wasn't returned. *) |
| let ty = DataLayout.intptr_type context dl in |
| if ty != i32_type && ty != i64_type then bomb "target_data did not work"; |
| |
| (* dispose *) |
| ExecutionEngine.dispose ee |
| |
| let () = |
| test_genericvalue (); |
| test_executionengine `Interpreter; |
| test_executionengine `JIT; |
| test_executionengine `MCJIT; |
| () |