blob: bf1eaef367d69d05b0ae4519fb5eda80fd6700f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// build-fail
// compile-flags:-C overflow-checks=off
enum Nil {NilValue}
struct Cons<T> {head:isize, tail:T}
trait Dot {fn dot(&self, other:Self) -> isize;}
impl Dot for Nil {
fn dot(&self, _:Nil) -> isize {0}
impl<T:Dot> Dot for Cons<T> {
fn dot(&self, other:Cons<T>) -> isize {
self.head * other.head +
fn test<T:Dot> (n:isize, i:isize, first:T, second:T) ->isize { //~ ERROR recursion limit
match n { 0 => {}
// FIXME(#4287) Error message should be here. It should be
// a type error to instantiate `test` at a type other than T.
_ => {test (n-1, i+1, Cons {head:2*i+1, tail:first}, Cons{head:i*i, tail:second})}
pub fn main() {
let n = test(1, 0, Nil::NilValue, Nil::NilValue);
println!("{}", n);