blob: db0cc477c38714c4ee77b0bf462a7b7156a066a2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with
* a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file.
#ifndef INCLUDE_zstream_h__
#define INCLUDE_zstream_h__
#include "common.h"
#include <zlib.h>
#include "buffer.h"
typedef enum {
} git_zstream_t;
typedef struct {
z_stream z;
git_zstream_t type;
const char *in;
size_t in_len;
int flush;
int zerr;
} git_zstream;
#define GIT_ZSTREAM_INIT {{0}}
int git_zstream_init(git_zstream *zstream, git_zstream_t type);
void git_zstream_free(git_zstream *zstream);
int git_zstream_set_input(git_zstream *zstream, const void *in, size_t in_len);
size_t git_zstream_suggest_output_len(git_zstream *zstream);
/* get as much output as is available in the input buffer */
int git_zstream_get_output_chunk(
void *out, size_t *out_len, git_zstream *zstream);
/* get all the output from the entire input buffer */
int git_zstream_get_output(void *out, size_t *out_len, git_zstream *zstream);
bool git_zstream_done(git_zstream *zstream);
bool git_zstream_eos(git_zstream *zstream);
void git_zstream_reset(git_zstream *zstream);
int git_zstream_deflatebuf(git_buf *out, const void *in, size_t in_len);
int git_zstream_inflatebuf(git_buf *out, const void *in, size_t in_len);