blob: a0a2d0d659837a60bbe6e4b6a04ea34796938cfd [file] [log] [blame]
//! Test the behavior of moving out of non-`Copy` union fields.
//! Avoid types that `Drop`, we want to focus on moving.
use std::cell::RefCell;
fn move_out<T>(x: T) {}
union U1 {
f1_nocopy: RefCell<i32>,
f2_nocopy: RefCell<i32>,
f3_copy: i32,
union U2 {
f1_nocopy: RefCell<i32>,
impl Drop for U2 {
fn drop(&mut self) {}
fn test1(x: U1) {
// Moving out of a nocopy field prevents accessing other nocopy field.
unsafe {
move_out(x.f2_nocopy); //~ ERROR use of moved value: `x`
fn test2(x: U1) {
// "Moving" out of copy field doesn't prevent later field accesses.
unsafe {
move_out(x.f2_nocopy); // no error
fn test3(x: U1) {
// Moving out of a nocopy field prevents accessing other copy field.
unsafe {
move_out(x.f3_copy); //~ ERROR use of moved value: `x`
fn test4(x: U2) {
// Cannot move out of union that implements `Drop`.
unsafe {
move_out(x.f1_nocopy); //~ ERROR cannot move out of type `U2`, which implements the `Drop`
fn main() {}