blob: 7a8646c71b7f92f15bb4a92a94888ee6ad3346b8 [file] [log] [blame]
// compile-flags: -O -C no-prepopulate-passes
// min-system-llvm-version: 12.0
#![crate_type = "lib"]
pub struct S {
_field: [i32; 8],
pub struct UnsafeInner {
_field: std::cell::UnsafeCell<i16>,
// CHECK: zeroext i1 @boolean(i1 zeroext %x)
pub fn boolean(x: bool) -> bool {
// CHECK: @readonly_borrow(i32* noalias readonly align 4 dereferenceable(4) %_1)
// FIXME #25759 This should also have `nocapture`
pub fn readonly_borrow(_: &i32) {
// CHECK: @static_borrow(i32* noalias readonly align 4 dereferenceable(4) %_1)
// static borrow may be captured
pub fn static_borrow(_: &'static i32) {
// CHECK: @named_borrow(i32* noalias readonly align 4 dereferenceable(4) %_1)
// borrow with named lifetime may be captured
pub fn named_borrow<'r>(_: &'r i32) {
// CHECK: @unsafe_borrow(i16* align 2 dereferenceable(2) %_1)
// unsafe interior means this isn't actually readonly and there may be aliases ...
pub fn unsafe_borrow(_: &UnsafeInner) {
// CHECK: @mutable_unsafe_borrow(i16* align 2 dereferenceable(2) %_1)
// ... unless this is a mutable borrow, those never alias
pub fn mutable_unsafe_borrow(_: &mut UnsafeInner) {
// CHECK: @mutable_borrow(i32* align 4 dereferenceable(4) %_1)
// FIXME #25759 This should also have `nocapture`
pub fn mutable_borrow(_: &mut i32) {
// CHECK: @indirect_struct(%S* noalias nocapture dereferenceable(32) %_1)
pub fn indirect_struct(_: S) {
// CHECK: @borrowed_struct(%S* noalias readonly align 4 dereferenceable(32) %_1)
// FIXME #25759 This should also have `nocapture`
pub fn borrowed_struct(_: &S) {
// `Box` can get deallocated during execution of the function, so it should
// not get `dereferenceable`.
// CHECK: noalias nonnull align 4 i32* @_box(i32* noalias nonnull align 4 %x)
pub fn _box(x: Box<i32>) -> Box<i32> {
// CHECK: @struct_return(%S* noalias nocapture sret(%S) dereferenceable(32){{( %0)?}})
pub fn struct_return() -> S {
S {
_field: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
// Hack to get the correct size for the length part in slices
// CHECK: @helper([[USIZE:i[0-9]+]] %_1)
pub fn helper(_: usize) {
// CHECK: @slice([0 x i8]* noalias nonnull readonly align 1 %_1.0, [[USIZE]] %_1.1)
// FIXME #25759 This should also have `nocapture`
pub fn slice(_: &[u8]) {
// CHECK: @mutable_slice([0 x i8]* nonnull align 1 %_1.0, [[USIZE]] %_1.1)
// FIXME #25759 This should also have `nocapture`
pub fn mutable_slice(_: &mut [u8]) {
// CHECK: @unsafe_slice([0 x i16]* nonnull align 2 %_1.0, [[USIZE]] %_1.1)
// unsafe interior means this isn't actually readonly and there may be aliases ...
pub fn unsafe_slice(_: &[UnsafeInner]) {
// CHECK: @str([0 x i8]* noalias nonnull readonly align 1 %_1.0, [[USIZE]] %_1.1)
// FIXME #25759 This should also have `nocapture`
pub fn str(_: &[u8]) {
// CHECK: @trait_borrow({}* nonnull align 1 %_1.0, [3 x [[USIZE]]]* noalias readonly align {{.*}} dereferenceable({{.*}}) %_1.1)
// FIXME #25759 This should also have `nocapture`
pub fn trait_borrow(_: &Drop) {
// CHECK: @trait_box({}* noalias nonnull align 1{{( %0)?}}, [3 x [[USIZE]]]* noalias readonly align {{.*}} dereferenceable({{.*}}){{( %1)?}})
pub fn trait_box(_: Box<Drop>) {
// CHECK: { i8*, i8* } @trait_option(i8* noalias align 1 %x.0, i8* %x.1)
pub fn trait_option(x: Option<Box<Drop>>) -> Option<Box<Drop>> {
// CHECK: { [0 x i16]*, [[USIZE]] } @return_slice([0 x i16]* noalias nonnull readonly align 2 %x.0, [[USIZE]] %x.1)
pub fn return_slice(x: &[u16]) -> &[u16] {
// CHECK: { i16, i16 } @enum_id_1(i16 %x.0, i16 %x.1)
pub fn enum_id_1(x: Option<Result<u16, u16>>) -> Option<Result<u16, u16>> {
// CHECK: { i8, i8 } @enum_id_2(i1 zeroext %x.0, i8 %x.1)
pub fn enum_id_2(x: Option<u8>) -> Option<u8> {
// CHECK: noalias i8* @allocator()
pub fn allocator() -> *const i8 {