blob: 579fa68cee8be37d1ff4e5b2a5516e77e4f0a682 [file] [log] [blame]
// aux-build:
#![crate_name = "outer"]
extern crate inner;
/// [mod@std::env] [g]
// FIXME: This can't be tested because rustdoc doesn't show documentation on pub re-exports.
// Until then, comment out the `htmldocck` test.
// This test still does something; namely check that no incorrect errors are emitted when
// documenting the re-export.
// @has outer/index.html
// @ has - '//a[@href=""]' "std::env"
// @ has - '//a[@href="fn.f.html"]' "g"
pub use f as g;
// FIXME: same as above
/// [std::env]
extern crate self as _;
// Make sure the documentation is actually correct by documenting an inlined re-export
/// [mod@std::env]
// @has outer/fn.f.html
// @has - '//a[@href=""]' "std::env"
pub use inner::f;