blob: 1e7b5f27642d3a5fa2dc4f2781ff4ae2ab7bf65b [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- DWARFDebugInfoEntry.h -----------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#ifndef SymbolFileDWARF_DWARFDebugInfoEntry_h_
#define SymbolFileDWARF_DWARFDebugInfoEntry_h_
#include "SymbolFileDWARF.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "DWARFAbbreviationDeclaration.h"
#include "DWARFDebugAbbrev.h"
#include "DWARFDebugRanges.h"
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
class DWARFDeclContext;
class DWARFDebugInfoEntry {
typedef std::vector<DWARFDebugInfoEntry> collection;
typedef collection::iterator iterator;
typedef collection::const_iterator const_iterator;
: m_offset(DW_INVALID_OFFSET), m_parent_idx(0), m_sibling_idx(0),
m_has_children(false), m_abbr_idx(0), m_tag(0) {}
explicit operator bool() const { return m_offset != DW_INVALID_OFFSET; }
bool operator==(const DWARFDebugInfoEntry &rhs) const;
bool operator!=(const DWARFDebugInfoEntry &rhs) const;
void BuildAddressRangeTable(const DWARFUnit *cu,
DWARFDebugAranges *debug_aranges) const;
void BuildFunctionAddressRangeTable(const DWARFUnit *cu,
DWARFDebugAranges *debug_aranges) const;
bool Extract(const lldb_private::DWARFDataExtractor &data,
const DWARFUnit *cu, lldb::offset_t *offset_ptr);
bool LookupAddress(const dw_addr_t address, const DWARFUnit *cu,
DWARFDebugInfoEntry **function_die,
DWARFDebugInfoEntry **block_die);
size_t GetAttributes(const DWARFUnit *cu,
DWARFAttributes &attrs,
uint32_t curr_depth = 0)
const; // "curr_depth" for internal use only, don't set this yourself!!!
GetAttributeValue(const DWARFUnit *cu, const dw_attr_t attr,
DWARFFormValue &formValue,
dw_offset_t *end_attr_offset_ptr = nullptr,
bool check_specification_or_abstract_origin = false) const;
const char *GetAttributeValueAsString(
const DWARFUnit *cu, const dw_attr_t attr, const char *fail_value,
bool check_specification_or_abstract_origin = false) const;
uint64_t GetAttributeValueAsUnsigned(
const DWARFUnit *cu, const dw_attr_t attr, uint64_t fail_value,
bool check_specification_or_abstract_origin = false) const;
DWARFDIE GetAttributeValueAsReference(
const DWARFUnit *cu, const dw_attr_t attr,
bool check_specification_or_abstract_origin = false) const;
uint64_t GetAttributeValueAsAddress(
const DWARFUnit *cu, const dw_attr_t attr, uint64_t fail_value,
bool check_specification_or_abstract_origin = false) const;
GetAttributeHighPC(const DWARFUnit *cu, dw_addr_t lo_pc, uint64_t fail_value,
bool check_specification_or_abstract_origin = false) const;
bool GetAttributeAddressRange(
const DWARFUnit *cu, dw_addr_t &lo_pc, dw_addr_t &hi_pc,
uint64_t fail_value,
bool check_specification_or_abstract_origin = false) const;
size_t GetAttributeAddressRanges(
const DWARFUnit *cu, DWARFRangeList &ranges, bool check_hi_lo_pc,
bool check_specification_or_abstract_origin = false) const;
const char *GetName(const DWARFUnit *cu) const;
const char *GetMangledName(const DWARFUnit *cu,
bool substitute_name_allowed = true) const;
const char *GetPubname(const DWARFUnit *cu) const;
const char *GetQualifiedName(DWARFUnit *cu, std::string &storage) const;
const char *GetQualifiedName(DWARFUnit *cu, const DWARFAttributes &attributes,
std::string &storage) const;
void Dump(const DWARFUnit *cu, lldb_private::Stream &s,
uint32_t recurse_depth) const;
static void
DumpAttribute(const DWARFUnit *cu,
const lldb_private::DWARFDataExtractor &data,
lldb::offset_t *offset_ptr, lldb_private::Stream &s,
dw_attr_t attr, DWARFFormValue &form_value);
bool GetDIENamesAndRanges(
const DWARFUnit *cu, const char *&name, const char *&mangled,
DWARFRangeList &rangeList, int &decl_file, int &decl_line,
int &decl_column, int &call_file, int &call_line, int &call_column,
lldb_private::DWARFExpression *frame_base = nullptr) const;
const DWARFAbbreviationDeclaration *
GetAbbreviationDeclarationPtr(const DWARFUnit *cu) const;
lldb::offset_t GetFirstAttributeOffset() const;
dw_tag_t Tag() const { return m_tag; }
bool IsNULL() const { return m_abbr_idx == 0; }
dw_offset_t GetOffset() const { return m_offset; }
bool HasChildren() const { return m_has_children; }
void SetHasChildren(bool b) { m_has_children = b; }
// We know we are kept in a vector of contiguous entries, so we know
// our parent will be some index behind "this".
DWARFDebugInfoEntry *GetParent() {
return m_parent_idx > 0 ? this - m_parent_idx : nullptr;
const DWARFDebugInfoEntry *GetParent() const {
return m_parent_idx > 0 ? this - m_parent_idx : nullptr;
// We know we are kept in a vector of contiguous entries, so we know
// our sibling will be some index after "this".
DWARFDebugInfoEntry *GetSibling() {
return m_sibling_idx > 0 ? this + m_sibling_idx : nullptr;
const DWARFDebugInfoEntry *GetSibling() const {
return m_sibling_idx > 0 ? this + m_sibling_idx : nullptr;
// We know we are kept in a vector of contiguous entries, so we know
// we don't need to store our child pointer, if we have a child it will
// be the next entry in the list...
DWARFDebugInfoEntry *GetFirstChild() {
return HasChildren() ? this + 1 : nullptr;
const DWARFDebugInfoEntry *GetFirstChild() const {
return HasChildren() ? this + 1 : nullptr;
void GetDWARFDeclContext(DWARFUnit *cu,
DWARFDeclContext &dwarf_decl_ctx) const;
DWARFDIE GetParentDeclContextDIE(DWARFUnit *cu) const;
DWARFDIE GetParentDeclContextDIE(DWARFUnit *cu,
const DWARFAttributes &attributes) const;
void SetSiblingIndex(uint32_t idx) { m_sibling_idx = idx; }
void SetParentIndex(uint32_t idx) { m_parent_idx = idx; }
dw_offset_t m_offset; // Offset within the .debug_info/.debug_types
uint32_t m_parent_idx; // How many to subtract from "this" to get the parent.
// If zero this die has no parent
uint32_t m_sibling_idx : 31, // How many to add to "this" to get the sibling.
// If it is zero, then the DIE doesn't have children, or the
// DWARF claimed it had children but the DIE only contained
// a single NULL terminating child.
m_has_children : 1;
uint16_t m_abbr_idx;
uint16_t m_tag; // A copy of the DW_TAG value so we don't have to go through
// the compile unit abbrev table
#endif // SymbolFileDWARF_DWARFDebugInfoEntry_h_