| //===-- AMDGPU.td - AMDGPU Tablegen files --------*- tablegen -*-===// |
| // |
| // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. |
| // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception |
| // |
| //===------------------------------------------------------------===// |
| |
| include "llvm/TableGen/SearchableTable.td" |
| include "llvm/Target/Target.td" |
| include "AMDGPUFeatures.td" |
| |
| class BoolToList<bit Value> { |
| list<int> ret = !if(Value, [1]<int>, []<int>); |
| } |
| |
| //===------------------------------------------------------------===// |
| // Subtarget Features (device properties) |
| //===------------------------------------------------------------===// |
| |
| def FeatureFastFMAF32 : SubtargetFeature<"fast-fmaf", |
| "FastFMAF32", |
| "true", |
| "Assuming f32 fma is at least as fast as mul + add" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureMIMG_R128 : SubtargetFeature<"mimg-r128", |
| "MIMG_R128", |
| "true", |
| "Support 128-bit texture resources" |
| >; |
| |
| def HalfRate64Ops : SubtargetFeature<"half-rate-64-ops", |
| "HalfRate64Ops", |
| "true", |
| "Most fp64 instructions are half rate instead of quarter" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureFlatAddressSpace : SubtargetFeature<"flat-address-space", |
| "FlatAddressSpace", |
| "true", |
| "Support flat address space" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureFlatInstOffsets : SubtargetFeature<"flat-inst-offsets", |
| "FlatInstOffsets", |
| "true", |
| "Flat instructions have immediate offset addressing mode" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureFlatGlobalInsts : SubtargetFeature<"flat-global-insts", |
| "FlatGlobalInsts", |
| "true", |
| "Have global_* flat memory instructions" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureFlatScratchInsts : SubtargetFeature<"flat-scratch-insts", |
| "FlatScratchInsts", |
| "true", |
| "Have scratch_* flat memory instructions" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureScalarFlatScratchInsts : SubtargetFeature<"scalar-flat-scratch-insts", |
| "ScalarFlatScratchInsts", |
| "true", |
| "Have s_scratch_* flat memory instructions" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureAddNoCarryInsts : SubtargetFeature<"add-no-carry-insts", |
| "AddNoCarryInsts", |
| "true", |
| "Have VALU add/sub instructions without carry out" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureUnalignedBufferAccess : SubtargetFeature<"unaligned-buffer-access", |
| "UnalignedBufferAccess", |
| "true", |
| "Support unaligned global loads and stores" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureTrapHandler: SubtargetFeature<"trap-handler", |
| "TrapHandler", |
| "true", |
| "Trap handler support" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureUnalignedScratchAccess : SubtargetFeature<"unaligned-scratch-access", |
| "UnalignedScratchAccess", |
| "true", |
| "Support unaligned scratch loads and stores" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureApertureRegs : SubtargetFeature<"aperture-regs", |
| "HasApertureRegs", |
| "true", |
| "Has Memory Aperture Base and Size Registers" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureMadMixInsts : SubtargetFeature<"mad-mix-insts", |
| "HasMadMixInsts", |
| "true", |
| "Has v_mad_mix_f32, v_mad_mixlo_f16, v_mad_mixhi_f16 instructions" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureFmaMixInsts : SubtargetFeature<"fma-mix-insts", |
| "HasFmaMixInsts", |
| "true", |
| "Has v_fma_mix_f32, v_fma_mixlo_f16, v_fma_mixhi_f16 instructions" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureDoesNotSupportXNACK : SubtargetFeature<"no-xnack-support", |
| "DoesNotSupportXNACK", |
| "true", |
| "Hardware does not support XNACK" |
| >; |
| |
| // XNACK is disabled if SH_MEM_CONFIG.ADDRESS_MODE = GPUVM on chips that support |
| // XNACK. The current default kernel driver setting is: |
| // - graphics ring: XNACK disabled |
| // - compute ring: XNACK enabled |
| // |
| // If XNACK is enabled, the VMEM latency can be worse. |
| // If XNACK is disabled, the 2 SGPRs can be used for general purposes. |
| def FeatureXNACK : SubtargetFeature<"xnack", |
| "EnableXNACK", |
| "true", |
| "Enable XNACK support" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureCuMode : SubtargetFeature<"cumode", |
| "EnableCuMode", |
| "true", |
| "Enable CU wavefront execution mode" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureSGPRInitBug : SubtargetFeature<"sgpr-init-bug", |
| "SGPRInitBug", |
| "true", |
| "VI SGPR initialization bug requiring a fixed SGPR allocation size" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureLdsMisalignedBug : SubtargetFeature<"lds-misaligned-bug", |
| "LDSMisalignedBug", |
| "true", |
| "Some GFX10 bug with misaligned multi-dword LDS access in WGP mode" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureVcmpxPermlaneHazard : SubtargetFeature<"vcmpx-permlane-hazard", |
| "HasVcmpxPermlaneHazard", |
| "true", |
| "TODO: describe me" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureVMEMtoScalarWriteHazard : SubtargetFeature<"vmem-to-scalar-write-hazard", |
| "HasVMEMtoScalarWriteHazard", |
| "true", |
| "VMEM instruction followed by scalar writing to EXEC mask, M0 or SGPR leads to incorrect execution." |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureSMEMtoVectorWriteHazard : SubtargetFeature<"smem-to-vector-write-hazard", |
| "HasSMEMtoVectorWriteHazard", |
| "true", |
| "s_load_dword followed by v_cmp page faults" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureInstFwdPrefetchBug : SubtargetFeature<"inst-fwd-prefetch-bug", |
| "HasInstFwdPrefetchBug", |
| "true", |
| "S_INST_PREFETCH instruction causes shader to hang" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureVcmpxExecWARHazard : SubtargetFeature<"vcmpx-exec-war-hazard", |
| "HasVcmpxExecWARHazard", |
| "true", |
| "V_CMPX WAR hazard on EXEC (V_CMPX issue ONLY)" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureLdsBranchVmemWARHazard : SubtargetFeature<"lds-branch-vmem-war-hazard", |
| "HasLdsBranchVmemWARHazard", |
| "true", |
| "Switching between LDS and VMEM-tex not waiting VM_VSRC=0" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureNSAtoVMEMBug : SubtargetFeature<"nsa-to-vmem-bug", |
| "HasNSAtoVMEMBug", |
| "true", |
| "MIMG-NSA followed by VMEM fail if EXEC_LO or EXEC_HI equals zero" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureFlatSegmentOffsetBug : SubtargetFeature<"flat-segment-offset-bug", |
| "HasFlatSegmentOffsetBug", |
| "true", |
| "GFX10 bug, inst_offset ignored in flat segment" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureOffset3fBug : SubtargetFeature<"offset-3f-bug", |
| "HasOffset3fBug", |
| "true", |
| "Branch offset of 3f hardware bug" |
| >; |
| |
| class SubtargetFeatureLDSBankCount <int Value> : SubtargetFeature < |
| "ldsbankcount"#Value, |
| "LDSBankCount", |
| !cast<string>(Value), |
| "The number of LDS banks per compute unit." |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureLDSBankCount16 : SubtargetFeatureLDSBankCount<16>; |
| def FeatureLDSBankCount32 : SubtargetFeatureLDSBankCount<32>; |
| |
| def FeatureGCN3Encoding : SubtargetFeature<"gcn3-encoding", |
| "GCN3Encoding", |
| "true", |
| "Encoding format for VI" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureCIInsts : SubtargetFeature<"ci-insts", |
| "CIInsts", |
| "true", |
| "Additional instructions for CI+" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureGFX8Insts : SubtargetFeature<"gfx8-insts", |
| "GFX8Insts", |
| "true", |
| "Additional instructions for GFX8+" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureGFX9Insts : SubtargetFeature<"gfx9-insts", |
| "GFX9Insts", |
| "true", |
| "Additional instructions for GFX9+" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureGFX10Insts : SubtargetFeature<"gfx10-insts", |
| "GFX10Insts", |
| "true", |
| "Additional instructions for GFX10+" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureGFX7GFX8GFX9Insts : SubtargetFeature<"gfx7-gfx8-gfx9-insts", |
| "GFX7GFX8GFX9Insts", |
| "true", |
| "Instructions shared in GFX7, GFX8, GFX9" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureSMemRealTime : SubtargetFeature<"s-memrealtime", |
| "HasSMemRealTime", |
| "true", |
| "Has s_memrealtime instruction" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureInv2PiInlineImm : SubtargetFeature<"inv-2pi-inline-imm", |
| "HasInv2PiInlineImm", |
| "true", |
| "Has 1 / (2 * pi) as inline immediate" |
| >; |
| |
| def Feature16BitInsts : SubtargetFeature<"16-bit-insts", |
| "Has16BitInsts", |
| "true", |
| "Has i16/f16 instructions" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureVOP3P : SubtargetFeature<"vop3p", |
| "HasVOP3PInsts", |
| "true", |
| "Has VOP3P packed instructions" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureMovrel : SubtargetFeature<"movrel", |
| "HasMovrel", |
| "true", |
| "Has v_movrel*_b32 instructions" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureVGPRIndexMode : SubtargetFeature<"vgpr-index-mode", |
| "HasVGPRIndexMode", |
| "true", |
| "Has VGPR mode register indexing" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureScalarStores : SubtargetFeature<"scalar-stores", |
| "HasScalarStores", |
| "true", |
| "Has store scalar memory instructions" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureScalarAtomics : SubtargetFeature<"scalar-atomics", |
| "HasScalarAtomics", |
| "true", |
| "Has atomic scalar memory instructions" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureSDWA : SubtargetFeature<"sdwa", |
| "HasSDWA", |
| "true", |
| "Support SDWA (Sub-DWORD Addressing) extension" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureSDWAOmod : SubtargetFeature<"sdwa-omod", |
| "HasSDWAOmod", |
| "true", |
| "Support OMod with SDWA (Sub-DWORD Addressing) extension" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureSDWAScalar : SubtargetFeature<"sdwa-scalar", |
| "HasSDWAScalar", |
| "true", |
| "Support scalar register with SDWA (Sub-DWORD Addressing) extension" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureSDWASdst : SubtargetFeature<"sdwa-sdst", |
| "HasSDWASdst", |
| "true", |
| "Support scalar dst for VOPC with SDWA (Sub-DWORD Addressing) extension" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureSDWAMac : SubtargetFeature<"sdwa-mav", |
| "HasSDWAMac", |
| "true", |
| "Support v_mac_f32/f16 with SDWA (Sub-DWORD Addressing) extension" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureSDWAOutModsVOPC : SubtargetFeature<"sdwa-out-mods-vopc", |
| "HasSDWAOutModsVOPC", |
| "true", |
| "Support clamp for VOPC with SDWA (Sub-DWORD Addressing) extension" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureDPP : SubtargetFeature<"dpp", |
| "HasDPP", |
| "true", |
| "Support DPP (Data Parallel Primitives) extension" |
| >; |
| |
| // DPP8 allows arbitrary cross-lane swizzling withing groups of 8 lanes. |
| def FeatureDPP8 : SubtargetFeature<"dpp8", |
| "HasDPP8", |
| "true", |
| "Support DPP8 (Data Parallel Primitives) extension" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureR128A16 : SubtargetFeature<"r128-a16", |
| "HasR128A16", |
| "true", |
| "Support 16 bit coordindates/gradients/lod/clamp/mip types on gfx9" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureNSAEncoding : SubtargetFeature<"nsa-encoding", |
| "HasNSAEncoding", |
| "true", |
| "Support NSA encoding for image instructions" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureIntClamp : SubtargetFeature<"int-clamp-insts", |
| "HasIntClamp", |
| "true", |
| "Support clamp for integer destination" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureUnpackedD16VMem : SubtargetFeature<"unpacked-d16-vmem", |
| "HasUnpackedD16VMem", |
| "true", |
| "Has unpacked d16 vmem instructions" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureDLInsts : SubtargetFeature<"dl-insts", |
| "HasDLInsts", |
| "true", |
| "Has v_fmac_f32 and v_xnor_b32 instructions" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureDot1Insts : SubtargetFeature<"dot1-insts", |
| "HasDot1Insts", |
| "true", |
| "Has v_dot4_i32_i8 and v_dot8_i32_i4 instructions" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureDot2Insts : SubtargetFeature<"dot2-insts", |
| "HasDot2Insts", |
| "true", |
| "Has v_dot2_f32_f16, v_dot2_i32_i16, v_dot2_u32_u16, v_dot4_u32_u8, v_dot8_u32_u4 instructions" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureDot3Insts : SubtargetFeature<"dot3-insts", |
| "HasDot3Insts", |
| "true", |
| "Has v_dot8c_i32_i4 instruction" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureDot4Insts : SubtargetFeature<"dot4-insts", |
| "HasDot4Insts", |
| "true", |
| "Has v_dot2c_i32_i16 instruction" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureDot5Insts : SubtargetFeature<"dot5-insts", |
| "HasDot5Insts", |
| "true", |
| "Has v_dot2c_f32_f16 instruction" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureDot6Insts : SubtargetFeature<"dot6-insts", |
| "HasDot6Insts", |
| "true", |
| "Has v_dot4c_i32_i8 instruction" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureMAIInsts : SubtargetFeature<"mai-insts", |
| "HasMAIInsts", |
| "true", |
| "Has mAI instructions" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeaturePkFmacF16Inst : SubtargetFeature<"pk-fmac-f16-inst", |
| "HasPkFmacF16Inst", |
| "true", |
| "Has v_pk_fmac_f16 instruction" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureAtomicFaddInsts : SubtargetFeature<"atomic-fadd-insts", |
| "HasAtomicFaddInsts", |
| "true", |
| "Has buffer_atomic_add_f32, buffer_atomic_pk_add_f16, global_atomic_add_f32, " |
| "global_atomic_pk_add_f16 instructions" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureDoesNotSupportSRAMECC : SubtargetFeature<"no-sram-ecc-support", |
| "DoesNotSupportSRAMECC", |
| "true", |
| "Hardware does not support SRAM ECC" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureSRAMECC : SubtargetFeature<"sram-ecc", |
| "EnableSRAMECC", |
| "true", |
| "Enable SRAM ECC" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureNoSdstCMPX : SubtargetFeature<"no-sdst-cmpx", |
| "HasNoSdstCMPX", |
| "true", |
| "V_CMPX does not write VCC/SGPR in addition to EXEC" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureVscnt : SubtargetFeature<"vscnt", |
| "HasVscnt", |
| "true", |
| "Has separate store vscnt counter" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureRegisterBanking : SubtargetFeature<"register-banking", |
| "HasRegisterBanking", |
| "true", |
| "Has register banking" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureVOP3Literal : SubtargetFeature<"vop3-literal", |
| "HasVOP3Literal", |
| "true", |
| "Can use one literal in VOP3" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureNoDataDepHazard : SubtargetFeature<"no-data-dep-hazard", |
| "HasNoDataDepHazard", |
| "true", |
| "Does not need SW waitstates" |
| >; |
| |
| //===------------------------------------------------------------===// |
| // Subtarget Features (options and debugging) |
| //===------------------------------------------------------------===// |
| |
| // Denormal handling for fp64 and fp16 is controlled by the same |
| // config register when fp16 supported. |
| // TODO: Do we need a separate f16 setting when not legal? |
| def FeatureFP64FP16Denormals : SubtargetFeature<"fp64-fp16-denormals", |
| "FP64FP16Denormals", |
| "true", |
| "Enable double and half precision denormal handling", |
| [FeatureFP64] |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureFP64Denormals : SubtargetFeature<"fp64-denormals", |
| "FP64FP16Denormals", |
| "true", |
| "Enable double and half precision denormal handling", |
| [FeatureFP64, FeatureFP64FP16Denormals] |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureFP16Denormals : SubtargetFeature<"fp16-denormals", |
| "FP64FP16Denormals", |
| "true", |
| "Enable half precision denormal handling", |
| [FeatureFP64FP16Denormals] |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureFPExceptions : SubtargetFeature<"fp-exceptions", |
| "FPExceptions", |
| "true", |
| "Enable floating point exceptions" |
| >; |
| |
| class FeatureMaxPrivateElementSize<int size> : SubtargetFeature< |
| "max-private-element-size-"#size, |
| "MaxPrivateElementSize", |
| !cast<string>(size), |
| "Maximum private access size may be "#size |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureMaxPrivateElementSize4 : FeatureMaxPrivateElementSize<4>; |
| def FeatureMaxPrivateElementSize8 : FeatureMaxPrivateElementSize<8>; |
| def FeatureMaxPrivateElementSize16 : FeatureMaxPrivateElementSize<16>; |
| |
| def FeatureDumpCode : SubtargetFeature <"DumpCode", |
| "DumpCode", |
| "true", |
| "Dump MachineInstrs in the CodeEmitter" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureDumpCodeLower : SubtargetFeature <"dumpcode", |
| "DumpCode", |
| "true", |
| "Dump MachineInstrs in the CodeEmitter" |
| >; |
| |
| // XXX - This should probably be removed once enabled by default |
| def FeatureEnableLoadStoreOpt : SubtargetFeature <"load-store-opt", |
| "EnableLoadStoreOpt", |
| "true", |
| "Enable SI load/store optimizer pass" |
| >; |
| |
| // Performance debugging feature. Allow using DS instruction immediate |
| // offsets even if the base pointer can't be proven to be base. On SI, |
| // base pointer values that won't give the same result as a 16-bit add |
| // are not safe to fold, but this will override the conservative test |
| // for the base pointer. |
| def FeatureEnableUnsafeDSOffsetFolding : SubtargetFeature < |
| "unsafe-ds-offset-folding", |
| "EnableUnsafeDSOffsetFolding", |
| "true", |
| "Force using DS instruction immediate offsets on SI" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureEnableSIScheduler : SubtargetFeature<"si-scheduler", |
| "EnableSIScheduler", |
| "true", |
| "Enable SI Machine Scheduler" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureEnableDS128 : SubtargetFeature<"enable-ds128", |
| "EnableDS128", |
| "true", |
| "Use ds_{read|write}_b128" |
| >; |
| |
| // Sparse texture support requires that all result registers are zeroed when |
| // PRTStrictNull is set to true. This feature is turned on for all architectures |
| // but is enabled as a feature in case there are situations where PRTStrictNull |
| // is disabled by the driver. |
| def FeatureEnablePRTStrictNull : SubtargetFeature<"enable-prt-strict-null", |
| "EnablePRTStrictNull", |
| "true", |
| "Enable zeroing of result registers for sparse texture fetches" |
| >; |
| |
| // Unless +-flat-for-global is specified, turn on FlatForGlobal for |
| // all OS-es on VI and newer hardware to avoid assertion failures due |
| // to missing ADDR64 variants of MUBUF instructions. |
| // FIXME: moveToVALU should be able to handle converting addr64 MUBUF |
| // instructions. |
| |
| def FeatureFlatForGlobal : SubtargetFeature<"flat-for-global", |
| "FlatForGlobal", |
| "true", |
| "Force to generate flat instruction for global" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureAutoWaitcntBeforeBarrier : SubtargetFeature < |
| "auto-waitcnt-before-barrier", |
| "AutoWaitcntBeforeBarrier", |
| "true", |
| "Hardware automatically inserts waitcnt before barrier" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureCodeObjectV3 : SubtargetFeature < |
| "code-object-v3", |
| "CodeObjectV3", |
| "true", |
| "Generate code object version 3" |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureTrigReducedRange : SubtargetFeature<"trig-reduced-range", |
| "HasTrigReducedRange", |
| "true", |
| "Requires use of fract on arguments to trig instructions" |
| >; |
| |
| // Dummy feature used to disable assembler instructions. |
| def FeatureDisable : SubtargetFeature<"", |
| "FeatureDisable","true", |
| "Dummy feature to disable assembler instructions" |
| >; |
| |
| class GCNSubtargetFeatureGeneration <string Value, |
| string FeatureName, |
| list<SubtargetFeature> Implies> : |
| SubtargetFeatureGeneration <Value, FeatureName, "GCNSubtarget", Implies>; |
| |
| def FeatureSouthernIslands : GCNSubtargetFeatureGeneration<"SOUTHERN_ISLANDS", |
| "southern-islands", |
| [FeatureFP64, FeatureLocalMemorySize32768, FeatureMIMG_R128, |
| FeatureWavefrontSize64, |
| FeatureLDSBankCount32, FeatureMovrel, FeatureTrigReducedRange, |
| FeatureDoesNotSupportSRAMECC, FeatureDoesNotSupportXNACK] |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureSeaIslands : GCNSubtargetFeatureGeneration<"SEA_ISLANDS", |
| "sea-islands", |
| [FeatureFP64, FeatureLocalMemorySize65536, FeatureMIMG_R128, |
| FeatureWavefrontSize64, FeatureFlatAddressSpace, |
| FeatureCIInsts, FeatureMovrel, FeatureTrigReducedRange, |
| FeatureGFX7GFX8GFX9Insts, FeatureDoesNotSupportSRAMECC] |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureVolcanicIslands : GCNSubtargetFeatureGeneration<"VOLCANIC_ISLANDS", |
| "volcanic-islands", |
| [FeatureFP64, FeatureLocalMemorySize65536, FeatureMIMG_R128, |
| FeatureWavefrontSize64, FeatureFlatAddressSpace, |
| FeatureGCN3Encoding, FeatureCIInsts, Feature16BitInsts, |
| FeatureSMemRealTime, FeatureVGPRIndexMode, FeatureMovrel, |
| FeatureScalarStores, FeatureInv2PiInlineImm, |
| FeatureSDWA, FeatureSDWAOutModsVOPC, FeatureSDWAMac, FeatureDPP, |
| FeatureIntClamp, FeatureTrigReducedRange, FeatureDoesNotSupportSRAMECC, |
| FeatureGFX8Insts, FeatureGFX7GFX8GFX9Insts |
| ] |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureGFX9 : GCNSubtargetFeatureGeneration<"GFX9", |
| "gfx9", |
| [FeatureFP64, FeatureLocalMemorySize65536, |
| FeatureWavefrontSize64, FeatureFlatAddressSpace, |
| FeatureGCN3Encoding, FeatureCIInsts, Feature16BitInsts, |
| FeatureSMemRealTime, FeatureScalarStores, FeatureInv2PiInlineImm, |
| FeatureApertureRegs, FeatureGFX9Insts, FeatureVOP3P, FeatureVGPRIndexMode, |
| FeatureFastFMAF32, FeatureDPP, FeatureIntClamp, |
| FeatureSDWA, FeatureSDWAOmod, FeatureSDWAScalar, FeatureSDWASdst, |
| FeatureFlatInstOffsets, FeatureFlatGlobalInsts, FeatureFlatScratchInsts, |
| FeatureAddNoCarryInsts, FeatureGFX8Insts, FeatureGFX7GFX8GFX9Insts, |
| FeatureScalarFlatScratchInsts, FeatureScalarAtomics, FeatureR128A16 |
| ] |
| >; |
| |
| def FeatureGFX10 : GCNSubtargetFeatureGeneration<"GFX10", |
| "gfx10", |
| [FeatureFP64, FeatureLocalMemorySize65536, FeatureMIMG_R128, |
| FeatureFlatAddressSpace, |
| FeatureCIInsts, Feature16BitInsts, |
| FeatureSMemRealTime, FeatureInv2PiInlineImm, |
| FeatureApertureRegs, FeatureGFX9Insts, FeatureGFX10Insts, FeatureVOP3P, |
| FeatureMovrel, FeatureFastFMAF32, FeatureDPP, FeatureIntClamp, |
| FeatureSDWA, FeatureSDWAOmod, FeatureSDWAScalar, FeatureSDWASdst, |
| FeatureFlatInstOffsets, FeatureFlatGlobalInsts, FeatureFlatScratchInsts, |
| FeatureAddNoCarryInsts, FeatureFmaMixInsts, FeatureGFX8Insts, |
| FeatureNoSdstCMPX, FeatureVscnt, FeatureRegisterBanking, |
| FeatureVOP3Literal, FeatureDPP8, |
| FeatureNoDataDepHazard, FeaturePkFmacF16Inst, FeatureDoesNotSupportSRAMECC |
| ] |
| >; |
| |
| class FeatureSet<list<SubtargetFeature> Features_> { |
| list<SubtargetFeature> Features = Features_; |
| } |
| |
| def FeatureISAVersion6_0_0 : FeatureSet<[FeatureSouthernIslands, |
| FeatureFastFMAF32, |
| HalfRate64Ops, |
| FeatureLDSBankCount32, |
| FeatureDoesNotSupportXNACK, |
| FeatureCodeObjectV3]>; |
| |
| def FeatureISAVersion6_0_1 : FeatureSet< |
| [FeatureSouthernIslands, |
| FeatureLDSBankCount32, |
| FeatureDoesNotSupportXNACK, |
| FeatureCodeObjectV3]>; |
| |
| def FeatureISAVersion7_0_0 : FeatureSet< |
| [FeatureSeaIslands, |
| FeatureLDSBankCount32, |
| FeatureDoesNotSupportXNACK, |
| FeatureCodeObjectV3]>; |
| |
| def FeatureISAVersion7_0_1 : FeatureSet< |
| [FeatureSeaIslands, |
| HalfRate64Ops, |
| FeatureLDSBankCount32, |
| FeatureFastFMAF32, |
| FeatureDoesNotSupportXNACK, |
| FeatureCodeObjectV3]>; |
| |
| def FeatureISAVersion7_0_2 : FeatureSet< |
| [FeatureSeaIslands, |
| FeatureLDSBankCount16, |
| FeatureFastFMAF32, |
| FeatureDoesNotSupportXNACK, |
| FeatureCodeObjectV3]>; |
| |
| def FeatureISAVersion7_0_3 : FeatureSet< |
| [FeatureSeaIslands, |
| FeatureLDSBankCount16, |
| FeatureDoesNotSupportXNACK, |
| FeatureCodeObjectV3]>; |
| |
| def FeatureISAVersion7_0_4 : FeatureSet< |
| [FeatureSeaIslands, |
| FeatureLDSBankCount32, |
| FeatureDoesNotSupportXNACK, |
| FeatureCodeObjectV3]>; |
| |
| def FeatureISAVersion8_0_1 : FeatureSet< |
| [FeatureVolcanicIslands, |
| FeatureFastFMAF32, |
| HalfRate64Ops, |
| FeatureLDSBankCount32, |
| FeatureXNACK, |
| FeatureUnpackedD16VMem, |
| FeatureCodeObjectV3]>; |
| |
| def FeatureISAVersion8_0_2 : FeatureSet< |
| [FeatureVolcanicIslands, |
| FeatureLDSBankCount32, |
| FeatureSGPRInitBug, |
| FeatureUnpackedD16VMem, |
| FeatureDoesNotSupportXNACK, |
| FeatureCodeObjectV3]>; |
| |
| def FeatureISAVersion8_0_3 : FeatureSet< |
| [FeatureVolcanicIslands, |
| FeatureLDSBankCount32, |
| FeatureUnpackedD16VMem, |
| FeatureDoesNotSupportXNACK, |
| FeatureCodeObjectV3]>; |
| |
| def FeatureISAVersion8_1_0 : FeatureSet< |
| [FeatureVolcanicIslands, |
| FeatureLDSBankCount16, |
| FeatureXNACK, |
| FeatureCodeObjectV3]>; |
| |
| def FeatureISAVersion9_0_0 : FeatureSet< |
| [FeatureGFX9, |
| FeatureMadMixInsts, |
| FeatureLDSBankCount32, |
| FeatureCodeObjectV3, |
| FeatureDoesNotSupportXNACK, |
| FeatureDoesNotSupportSRAMECC]>; |
| |
| def FeatureISAVersion9_0_2 : FeatureSet< |
| [FeatureGFX9, |
| FeatureMadMixInsts, |
| FeatureLDSBankCount32, |
| FeatureXNACK, |
| FeatureDoesNotSupportSRAMECC, |
| FeatureCodeObjectV3]>; |
| |
| def FeatureISAVersion9_0_4 : FeatureSet< |
| [FeatureGFX9, |
| FeatureLDSBankCount32, |
| FeatureFmaMixInsts, |
| FeatureDoesNotSupportXNACK, |
| FeatureDoesNotSupportSRAMECC, |
| FeatureCodeObjectV3]>; |
| |
| def FeatureISAVersion9_0_6 : FeatureSet< |
| [FeatureGFX9, |
| HalfRate64Ops, |
| FeatureFmaMixInsts, |
| FeatureLDSBankCount32, |
| FeatureDLInsts, |
| FeatureDot1Insts, |
| FeatureDot2Insts, |
| FeatureDoesNotSupportXNACK, |
| FeatureCodeObjectV3]>; |
| |
| def FeatureISAVersion9_0_8 : FeatureSet< |
| [FeatureGFX9, |
| HalfRate64Ops, |
| FeatureFmaMixInsts, |
| FeatureLDSBankCount32, |
| FeatureDLInsts, |
| FeatureDot1Insts, |
| FeatureDot2Insts, |
| FeatureDot3Insts, |
| FeatureDot4Insts, |
| FeatureDot5Insts, |
| FeatureDot6Insts, |
| FeatureMAIInsts, |
| FeaturePkFmacF16Inst, |
| FeatureAtomicFaddInsts, |
| FeatureSRAMECC, |
| FeatureCodeObjectV3]>; |
| |
| def FeatureISAVersion9_0_9 : FeatureSet< |
| [FeatureGFX9, |
| FeatureMadMixInsts, |
| FeatureLDSBankCount32, |
| FeatureXNACK, |
| FeatureCodeObjectV3]>; |
| |
| // TODO: Organize more features into groups. |
| def FeatureGroup { |
| // Bugs present on gfx10.1. |
| list<SubtargetFeature> GFX10_1_Bugs = [ |
| FeatureVcmpxPermlaneHazard, |
| FeatureVMEMtoScalarWriteHazard, |
| FeatureSMEMtoVectorWriteHazard, |
| FeatureInstFwdPrefetchBug, |
| FeatureVcmpxExecWARHazard, |
| FeatureLdsBranchVmemWARHazard, |
| FeatureNSAtoVMEMBug, |
| FeatureOffset3fBug, |
| FeatureFlatSegmentOffsetBug |
| ]; |
| } |
| |
| def FeatureISAVersion10_1_0 : FeatureSet< |
| !listconcat(FeatureGroup.GFX10_1_Bugs, |
| [FeatureGFX10, |
| FeatureLDSBankCount32, |
| FeatureDLInsts, |
| FeatureNSAEncoding, |
| FeatureWavefrontSize32, |
| FeatureScalarStores, |
| FeatureScalarAtomics, |
| FeatureScalarFlatScratchInsts, |
| FeatureLdsMisalignedBug, |
| FeatureDoesNotSupportXNACK, |
| FeatureCodeObjectV3])>; |
| |
| def FeatureISAVersion10_1_1 : FeatureSet< |
| !listconcat(FeatureGroup.GFX10_1_Bugs, |
| [FeatureGFX10, |
| FeatureLDSBankCount32, |
| FeatureDLInsts, |
| FeatureDot1Insts, |
| FeatureDot2Insts, |
| FeatureDot5Insts, |
| FeatureDot6Insts, |
| FeatureNSAEncoding, |
| FeatureWavefrontSize32, |
| FeatureScalarStores, |
| FeatureScalarAtomics, |
| FeatureScalarFlatScratchInsts, |
| FeatureDoesNotSupportXNACK, |
| FeatureCodeObjectV3])>; |
| |
| def FeatureISAVersion10_1_2 : FeatureSet< |
| !listconcat(FeatureGroup.GFX10_1_Bugs, |
| [FeatureGFX10, |
| FeatureLDSBankCount32, |
| FeatureDLInsts, |
| FeatureDot1Insts, |
| FeatureDot2Insts, |
| FeatureDot5Insts, |
| FeatureDot6Insts, |
| FeatureNSAEncoding, |
| FeatureWavefrontSize32, |
| FeatureScalarStores, |
| FeatureScalarAtomics, |
| FeatureScalarFlatScratchInsts, |
| FeatureLdsMisalignedBug, |
| FeatureDoesNotSupportXNACK, |
| FeatureCodeObjectV3])>; |
| |
| //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// |
| |
| def AMDGPUInstrInfo : InstrInfo { |
| let guessInstructionProperties = 1; |
| let noNamedPositionallyEncodedOperands = 1; |
| } |
| |
| def AMDGPUAsmParser : AsmParser { |
| // Some of the R600 registers have the same name, so this crashes. |
| // For example T0_XYZW and T0_XY both have the asm name T0. |
| let ShouldEmitMatchRegisterName = 0; |
| } |
| |
| def AMDGPUAsmWriter : AsmWriter { |
| int PassSubtarget = 1; |
| } |
| |
| def AMDGPUAsmVariants { |
| string Default = "Default"; |
| int Default_ID = 0; |
| string VOP3 = "VOP3"; |
| int VOP3_ID = 1; |
| string SDWA = "SDWA"; |
| int SDWA_ID = 2; |
| string SDWA9 = "SDWA9"; |
| int SDWA9_ID = 3; |
| string DPP = "DPP"; |
| int DPP_ID = 4; |
| string Disable = "Disable"; |
| int Disable_ID = 5; |
| } |
| |
| def DefaultAMDGPUAsmParserVariant : AsmParserVariant { |
| let Variant = AMDGPUAsmVariants.Default_ID; |
| let Name = AMDGPUAsmVariants.Default; |
| } |
| |
| def VOP3AsmParserVariant : AsmParserVariant { |
| let Variant = AMDGPUAsmVariants.VOP3_ID; |
| let Name = AMDGPUAsmVariants.VOP3; |
| } |
| |
| def SDWAAsmParserVariant : AsmParserVariant { |
| let Variant = AMDGPUAsmVariants.SDWA_ID; |
| let Name = AMDGPUAsmVariants.SDWA; |
| } |
| |
| def SDWA9AsmParserVariant : AsmParserVariant { |
| let Variant = AMDGPUAsmVariants.SDWA9_ID; |
| let Name = AMDGPUAsmVariants.SDWA9; |
| } |
| |
| |
| def DPPAsmParserVariant : AsmParserVariant { |
| let Variant = AMDGPUAsmVariants.DPP_ID; |
| let Name = AMDGPUAsmVariants.DPP; |
| } |
| |
| def AMDGPU : Target { |
| // Pull in Instruction Info: |
| let InstructionSet = AMDGPUInstrInfo; |
| let AssemblyParsers = [AMDGPUAsmParser]; |
| let AssemblyParserVariants = [DefaultAMDGPUAsmParserVariant, |
| VOP3AsmParserVariant, |
| SDWAAsmParserVariant, |
| SDWA9AsmParserVariant, |
| DPPAsmParserVariant]; |
| let AssemblyWriters = [AMDGPUAsmWriter]; |
| let AllowRegisterRenaming = 1; |
| } |
| |
| // Dummy Instruction itineraries for pseudo instructions |
| def ALU_NULL : FuncUnit; |
| def NullALU : InstrItinClass; |
| |
| //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// |
| // Predicate helper class |
| //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// |
| |
| def isGFX6 : |
| Predicate<"Subtarget->getGeneration() == AMDGPUSubtarget::SOUTHERN_ISLANDS">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureSouthernIslands">; |
| |
| def isGFX6GFX7 : |
| Predicate<"Subtarget->getGeneration() == AMDGPUSubtarget::SOUTHERN_ISLANDS ||" |
| "Subtarget->getGeneration() == AMDGPUSubtarget::SEA_ISLANDS">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"!FeatureGCN3Encoding,!FeatureGFX10Insts">; |
| |
| def isGFX6GFX7GFX10 : |
| Predicate<"Subtarget->getGeneration() == AMDGPUSubtarget::SOUTHERN_ISLANDS ||" |
| "Subtarget->getGeneration() == AMDGPUSubtarget::SEA_ISLANDS ||" |
| "Subtarget->getGeneration() == AMDGPUSubtarget::GFX10">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"!FeatureGCN3Encoding">; |
| |
| def isGFX7Only : |
| Predicate<"Subtarget->getGeneration() == AMDGPUSubtarget::SEA_ISLANDS">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"!FeatureGCN3Encoding,FeatureCIInsts,!FeatureGFX10Insts">; |
| |
| def isGFX7GFX10 : |
| Predicate<"Subtarget->getGeneration() == AMDGPUSubtarget::SEA_ISLANDS ||" |
| "Subtarget->getGeneration() == AMDGPUSubtarget::GFX10">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"!FeatureGCN3Encoding,FeatureCIInsts">; |
| |
| def isGFX7GFX8GFX9 : |
| Predicate<"Subtarget->getGeneration() == AMDGPUSubtarget::SEA_ISLANDS ||" |
| "Subtarget->getGeneration() == AMDGPUSubtarget::VOLCANIC_ISLANDS ||" |
| "Subtarget->getGeneration() == AMDGPUSubtarget::GFX9">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureGFX7GFX8GFX9Insts">; |
| |
| def isGFX6GFX7GFX8GFX9 : |
| Predicate<"Subtarget->getGeneration() == AMDGPUSubtarget::SOUTHERN_ISLANDS ||" |
| "Subtarget->getGeneration() == AMDGPUSubtarget::SEA_ISLANDS ||" |
| "Subtarget->getGeneration() == AMDGPUSubtarget::VOLCANIC_ISLANDS ||" |
| "Subtarget->getGeneration() == AMDGPUSubtarget::GFX9">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"!FeatureGFX10Insts">; |
| |
| def isGFX7Plus : |
| Predicate<"Subtarget->getGeneration() >= AMDGPUSubtarget::SEA_ISLANDS">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureCIInsts">; |
| |
| def isGFX8Plus : |
| Predicate<"Subtarget->getGeneration() >= AMDGPUSubtarget::VOLCANIC_ISLANDS">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureGFX8Insts">; |
| |
| def isGFX8Only : Predicate<"Subtarget->getGeneration() ==" |
| AssemblerPredicate <"FeatureVolcanicIslands">; |
| |
| def isGFX9Plus : |
| Predicate<"Subtarget->getGeneration() >= AMDGPUSubtarget::GFX9">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureGFX9Insts">; |
| |
| def isGFX9Only : Predicate < |
| "Subtarget->getGeneration() == AMDGPUSubtarget::GFX9">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureGCN3Encoding,FeatureGFX9Insts">; |
| |
| def isGFX8GFX9 : |
| Predicate<"Subtarget->getGeneration() == AMDGPUSubtarget::VOLCANIC_ISLANDS ||" |
| "Subtarget->getGeneration() == AMDGPUSubtarget::GFX9">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureGFX8Insts,FeatureGCN3Encoding">; |
| |
| def isGFX10Plus : |
| Predicate<"Subtarget->getGeneration() >= AMDGPUSubtarget::GFX10">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureGFX10Insts">; |
| |
| def HasFlatAddressSpace : Predicate<"Subtarget->hasFlatAddressSpace()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureFlatAddressSpace">; |
| |
| def HasFlatGlobalInsts : Predicate<"Subtarget->hasFlatGlobalInsts()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureFlatGlobalInsts">; |
| def HasFlatScratchInsts : Predicate<"Subtarget->hasFlatScratchInsts()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureFlatScratchInsts">; |
| def HasScalarFlatScratchInsts : Predicate<"Subtarget->hasScalarFlatScratchInsts()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureScalarFlatScratchInsts">; |
| def HasD16LoadStore : Predicate<"Subtarget->hasD16LoadStore()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureGFX9Insts">; |
| |
| def HasUnpackedD16VMem : Predicate<"Subtarget->hasUnpackedD16VMem()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureUnpackedD16VMem">; |
| def HasPackedD16VMem : Predicate<"!Subtarget->hasUnpackedD16VMem()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"!FeatureUnpackedD16VMem">; |
| |
| def D16PreservesUnusedBits : |
| Predicate<"Subtarget->d16PreservesUnusedBits()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureGFX9Insts,!FeatureSRAMECC">; |
| |
| def LDSRequiresM0Init : Predicate<"Subtarget->ldsRequiresM0Init()">; |
| def NotLDSRequiresM0Init : Predicate<"!Subtarget->ldsRequiresM0Init()">; |
| |
| def HasDSAddTid : Predicate<"Subtarget->getGeneration() >= AMDGPUSubtarget::GFX9">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureGFX9Insts">; |
| |
| def HasAddNoCarryInsts : Predicate<"Subtarget->hasAddNoCarry()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureAddNoCarryInsts">; |
| |
| def NotHasAddNoCarryInsts : Predicate<"!Subtarget->hasAddNoCarry()">; |
| |
| def Has16BitInsts : Predicate<"Subtarget->has16BitInsts()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"Feature16BitInsts">; |
| def HasVOP3PInsts : Predicate<"Subtarget->hasVOP3PInsts()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureVOP3P">; |
| |
| def HasSDWA : Predicate<"Subtarget->hasSDWA()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureSDWA,FeatureVolcanicIslands">; |
| |
| def HasSDWA9 : |
| Predicate<"Subtarget->hasSDWA()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureGCN3Encoding,FeatureGFX9Insts,FeatureSDWA">; |
| |
| def HasSDWA10 : |
| Predicate<"Subtarget->hasSDWA()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"!FeatureGCN3Encoding,FeatureGFX10Insts,FeatureSDWA">; |
| |
| def HasDPP : Predicate<"Subtarget->hasDPP()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureGCN3Encoding,FeatureDPP">; |
| |
| def HasDPP8 : Predicate<"Subtarget->hasDPP8()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"!FeatureGCN3Encoding,FeatureGFX10Insts,FeatureDPP8">; |
| |
| def HasR128A16 : Predicate<"Subtarget->hasR128A16()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureR128A16">; |
| |
| def HasDPP16 : Predicate<"Subtarget->hasDPP()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"!FeatureGCN3Encoding,FeatureGFX10Insts,FeatureDPP">; |
| |
| def HasIntClamp : Predicate<"Subtarget->hasIntClamp()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureIntClamp">; |
| |
| def HasMadMixInsts : Predicate<"Subtarget->hasMadMixInsts()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureMadMixInsts">; |
| |
| def HasScalarStores : Predicate<"Subtarget->hasScalarStores()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureScalarStores">; |
| |
| def HasScalarAtomics : Predicate<"Subtarget->hasScalarAtomics()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureScalarAtomics">; |
| |
| def HasNoSdstCMPX : Predicate<"Subtarget->hasNoSdstCMPX()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureNoSdstCMPX">; |
| |
| def HasSdstCMPX : Predicate<"!Subtarget->hasNoSdstCMPX()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"!FeatureNoSdstCMPX">; |
| |
| def has16BankLDS : Predicate<"Subtarget->getLDSBankCount() == 16">; |
| def has32BankLDS : Predicate<"Subtarget->getLDSBankCount() == 32">; |
| def HasVGPRIndexMode : Predicate<"Subtarget->hasVGPRIndexMode()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureVGPRIndexMode">; |
| def HasMovrel : Predicate<"Subtarget->hasMovrel()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureMovrel">; |
| |
| def HasFmaMixInsts : Predicate<"Subtarget->hasFmaMixInsts()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureFmaMixInsts">; |
| |
| def HasDLInsts : Predicate<"Subtarget->hasDLInsts()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureDLInsts">; |
| |
| def HasDot1Insts : Predicate<"Subtarget->hasDot1Insts()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureDot1Insts">; |
| |
| def HasDot2Insts : Predicate<"Subtarget->hasDot2Insts()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureDot2Insts">; |
| |
| def HasDot3Insts : Predicate<"Subtarget->hasDot3Insts()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureDot3Insts">; |
| |
| def HasDot4Insts : Predicate<"Subtarget->hasDot4Insts()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureDot4Insts">; |
| |
| def HasDot5Insts : Predicate<"Subtarget->hasDot5Insts()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureDot5Insts">; |
| |
| def HasDot6Insts : Predicate<"Subtarget->hasDot6Insts()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureDot6Insts">; |
| |
| def HasMAIInsts : Predicate<"Subtarget->hasMAIInsts()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureMAIInsts">; |
| |
| def HasPkFmacF16Inst : Predicate<"Subtarget->hasPkFmacF16Inst()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeaturePkFmacF16Inst">; |
| |
| def HasAtomicFaddInsts : Predicate<"Subtarget->hasAtomicFaddInsts()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureAtomicFaddInsts">; |
| |
| def HasOffset3fBug : Predicate<"!Subtarget->hasOffset3fBug()">, |
| AssemblerPredicate<"FeatureOffset3fBug">; |
| |
| def EnableLateCFGStructurize : Predicate< |
| "EnableLateStructurizeCFG">; |
| |
| // Include AMDGPU TD files |
| include "SISchedule.td" |
| include "GCNProcessors.td" |
| include "AMDGPUInstrInfo.td" |
| include "AMDGPURegisterInfo.td" |
| include "AMDGPURegisterBanks.td" |
| include "AMDGPUInstructions.td" |
| include "SIInstrInfo.td" |
| include "AMDGPUCallingConv.td" |
| include "AMDGPUSearchableTables.td" |